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Elas city and Resistance of materials

Unit 2 Axial loading

1st Exercise

A compressive force of 100kN is applied to the composite part shown in the figure.
Determine stress in each material.
E1=100GPa E2=200 GPa A1=5cm2 A2=1.5 cm2

2nd Exercise
The structure in the figure consists of two truncated welded steel cones,
with modulus of elasticity E=208 GPa and Poisson's ratio ν=1/3. Cone
A, with a length of 600 mm and base diameters of 140 mm and 70 mm,
is subjected to a distributed compressive load of w= 2MN/m along a
circular length of 60 mm diameter applied
at the base of smaller radius. Cone B has
a length of 600mm and base diameters of
48mm and 24mm and is subjected to a
tensile point load P=10kN at the base of
smallest radius. Determine the change in
length of the structure.
Remove the weight from the structure.

Elas city and Resistance of materials
Unit 2 Axial loading

3rd Exercise

A R radius sphere made of linear elas c material whose elas city modulus is E and Poisson
modulus ν, got mechanized two parallel sides as you can see in the figure. Compute what is
the incremental length of the piece if it suffer a compression force W that is normal to each
plane side. Consider that the effect of each force is distributed uniformly along both sides.

4th Exercise

A rubber block R whose elas city modulus is E and its Poisson coefficient ν is confined
between the parallel walls of a block S which is made of rigid and without fric on steel.
There is a force F that is making a p pressure uniformly shared along the upper face of the
rubber block. Please compute:
 Lateral stress formula
 Rubber’s volume strain

5th Exercise

There is a square sec on prism whose side measures 1cm and its length 4cm. It is made with
a polymeric material of 0.4 GPa elas city modulus.
If you place this prism between rigid walls so there will be no transversal movement and you
compress it with 1kN at its longitudinal direc on, it will be measured a shortening of 0.3%.
Please compute the Poisson coefficient of this prism

Elas city and Resistance of materials
Unit 2 Axial loading

6th Exercise
A mercury tank with a cross-section of 5.65 m2 rests on a horizontal
floor supported by rubber blocks. The total support area is 385 cm2 .
How high must the undeformed blocks be so that the free surface of the
mercury is always at the same height above the ground, regardless of
the quantity of liquid contained in the tank? Relative density of the
mercury: 13,6
Rubber modulus of elasticity: 2MPa

7th Exercise

The rigid block in the figure is solidly united to the end of a steel cable of 1.5m length,50mm2 area,
200GPa elas c modulus, and to the upper face of a rubber plate of 21 mm thickness, 420 cm2 area 4
MPa transverse elas c modulus. Please, compute the stress that steel and rubber are suffering because
of the force of 25 kN that is represented in the figure bellow.

Elas city and Resistance of materials
Unit 2 Axial loading

8th Exercise
A foundation footing consists of two parallelipedic blocks embedded in
their base which are perfectly joined to each other on one of their lateral
faces. In addition, they are joined to a rigid plate which is placed on
their upper faces. Considering the horizontal load applied, determine the
stresses in each block.
Material 1: Transverse modulus of elasticity 2G, Cross section A
Material 2: Transverse modulus of elasticity G, Cross section 3A

9th Exercise
The sistem in the igure bellow is between two rigid walls and is form by two cylinders, a rigid
plate and two wires. Please, compute the stress that all pieces are suffering due to a temperature
increase ΔT at 1st cylinder.
 1st Cylinder: E1, α, A1, L1.
 2nd Cylinder E2, A2, L2.
 Wires: Ew, Aw.

Elas city and Resistance of materials
Unit 2 Axial loading

10th Exercise
There is a metalic rod of area A, length L, elastic modulus E and thermal coef icient α that is itted
between two rigid walls. One block is near an oven so temperature increases until a homogeneus
ield of temperatures is reached in some time. This ield of temperatures changes linearly from T1
(cold end) to T2 (Hot end). Compute the force that the rod is making to the walls.
Consider that before the oven was turned on, there was no axial load on the rod and its
temperature was T0.

11th Exercise
A thin strip of rubber with modulus of elasticity 1 MPa and Poisson's
coefficient 0.5 is subjected to a uniform tension σx as shown in the
figure. Determine the direction n of the xy plane for which the
longitudinal deformation cancels out. Calculate the normal and shear
stresses transmitted in the same direction.

Elas city and Resistance of materials
Unit 2 Axial loading

12th Exercise
A solid cylinder of linear elastic material has its lateral contour bounded
by a rigid solid. Determine the apparent modulus of elasticity of the
cylinder when compressed by applying a uniformly distributed stress at
its bases. Assume that there is no friction between the cylinder and the
rigid mass.
Indication: The apparent modulus of elasticity is the ratio of the applied
stress to the deformation in that same direction.
Data: The modulus of elasticity and Poisson's coefficient of the material
are E and ν, respectively.

13th Exercise
A steel pile of length L, cross-section A and modulus of elasticity E is
buried supporting a load P entirely by friction. Determine the shortening
of the pile assuming that the frictional force per unit length f is uniformly
distributed along the lateral surface

Elas city and Resistance of materials
Unit 2 Axial loading

14th Exercise
Two rods of linear elastic material are attached to two rigid plates as
shown in the figure. Determine the distance x at which a force F must
be placed on each plate so that they are separated by a distance
without rotating.

Datos: A1= 2A A2= A E1=E E2= 2E L1=L L2=3L

15th Exercise
Two linear, elastic, truncated cone-shaped blocks have the dimensions
and properties shown in the figure. With their small bases in contact,
they fit inside a rigid, smooth cavity whose width L is slightly smaller
than 2a. Once the blocks are fitted inside the cavity, determine:
 The stresses exerted by the cavity walls on the block bases.
 The length variation of each
block. E ν11 E ν22

Elas city and Resistance of materials
Unit 2 Axial loading

16th Exercise
There is a square sec on prism of side a=20 cm, length L=100cm, Elas c modulus Ep=28Gpa
and Poisson coefficient νp=0.1 that is fi ed between two rigid and smooth plates that are
joined by four steel wires of 1cm2 area, elas c modulus Ew=200GPa and Poisson coefficient
νw=0.3, as you can see in the figure bellow.
If there is a compression loading σ=-75MPa on two opposite walls of the prism. Please
 Wire stress
 Prism stress tensor
 Final volume of the prism

Elas city and Resistance of materials
Unit 2 Axial loading

17th Exercise
There is a R radius disc that is homogeneus and made of a linear elastic material and is perfectly
itted in an in inite block of another linear elastic material as you can see in the igure bellow.
Please, compute the changing that a 2R radius circunference will suffer if the sets suffer a
temperature increase. ΔT.
Block; E, ν,α.
Disc: 2E,ν, α
Tensor state of a thin disc or R radius that is suffering a compression pressure p along all its edge

Tensor state of an elas c block with a R radius hole that is suffering internal pressure p.

R and θ represent polar coordinates measured from the centre of the disc.

18th Exercise
A rod of square cross-section of side a and length
L (a<<L) is immersed vertically in a fluid.
1. The uniform tension σ0 that needs to be
applied to keep it completely submerged as
shown in the figure.
2. The stress state at any point on the rod
when it is submerged as shown in the
3. The change in length of the rod.
Rod: Density ρv ; Modulus of elasticity E;
Poisson's ratio ν
Fluid: Density ρf ; ρv <ρf

Elas city and Resistance of materials
Unit 2 Axial loading

19th Exercise
A thin bar has been constructed by perfectly joining two linear, elastic
materials. If the bar is suspended vertically from one
of its ends, and considering that the only stress acting
is the weight, determine the change in temperature
that would have to be imposed on the bar so that its
length does not vary.
Material 1: Modulus of elasticity 2E, cross-section A,
density 2ρ
Material 2: Modulus of elasticity E, cross-section A,
density ρ

20nd Exercise

There is a prisma c block of length L, width e and thickness b, that has been built perfectly
joining two blocks of different linear elas c materials with the dimensions and proper es
that can be seen in the figure bellow.
Using two rigid plates the block is requested in two different ways.
Please compute the apparent elas c modulus for both situa ons.
Apparent elas c modulus is the ra o between stress and strain in any direc on.

Elas city and Resistance of materials
Unit 2 Axial loading

21st Exercise
1. Value of p when the prism touches only one wall.
2. Value of p when it touches three walls.
3. Value of p when it touches all walls.
4. Value of p causing plasticisation

22nd Exercise
In the construction of dams, pre-stressed concrete elements are usually
used, formed by steel tendons which are tensioned before concreting.
Knowing that the pieces have a length L=4m and rectangular cross
section (width h=30 cm and depth b=12 cm) and are formed by 6
prestressed steel tendons.
 Determine the stress state in the concrete if each steel
tendon has a cross-section of 300 mm2 and is prestressed
with 150 MPa.
 Determine the stress state undergone by both materials when
the part is subjected to an axial load P=180 kN
Modulus of elasticity of concrete: 20 GPa
Modulus of elasticity of steel: 200 GPa

23rd Exercise
A turbine blade can be likened to a bar of uniform length L rotating in a plane around one
end with constant angular velocity ω. What elongation does it undergo because of the
rotation, if it is made of elastic material of density ρ and modulus of elasticity E?

Elas city and Resistance of materials
Unit 2 Axial loading

24th Exercise
In a device such as the one shown in the figure, two masses are
suspended from two wires. If the mass hanging from wire 2 has a value
of 1.5 times the mass hanging from wire 1, determine the temperature
variation that must be applied to the system so that its length does not
Consider that the length and diameter of wire 1 are three times and
twice respectively those of wire 2.
𝜶𝟏 =𝟐𝜶𝟐
E1 = E𝟐/2

25th Exercise
The structure in the figure consists of two cables joined at their lower end
by a rigid bar and embedded at their upper end. Determine the value that
the force F, applied at H/3, should have for the bar to form an angle α
with the horizontal after deformation. Disregard the effect of the weight
and consider small deformations.

Elas city and Resistance of materials
Unit 2 Axial loading

26th Exercise
A prismatic bar is fitted between two smooth, non-deformable walls in
such a way that it is prevented from elongating. In this situation, the
bar is simultaneously subjected to a pressure p on its contour and a
uniform temperature variation ΔT. Determine:
 The value of ΔT for which the walls cease to exert pressure on the
 The value of ΔT that generates a hydrostatic stress state in the

27th Exercise
The rod in the igure has a rectangular section (thikness has a constant value a) and it is made
with three different materials solidly joined. The set is itted between two rigid walls. If there
were a temperature decrease ΔT.
Please, compute the stres that material 1 is supporting in the surface that is in contact with the
wall and in the surface that is in contact with material 2.
 Material 1: E1, ν1, α1.
 Material 2: E2, ν2, α2
 Material 3: E3, ν3, α3

Elas city and Resistance of materials
Unit 2 Axial loading

28th Exercise
There is a plate 2a length and a thickness that is suffering the biaxial loading that can be seen in
the figure. Please compute the variation of the angle θ that the diagonal of the rectangle is doing
with the longer side.
 σ=20MPa
 E=2GPa
 ν=0.4
 a=100mm.

29th Exercise

The crane in the figure is made with two bars AB and

CD 15m long and 4000N weight.
AB bar is embedded into the floor at B, while CD is
ar culated in F to AB and li ed by a cable AD. There is
a counterweight of 3000N at C.
Please compute what should be the force at the cable
and reac ons into the embedment if the crane is
suppor ng 10000N as you can see in the figure.

30nd Exercise

Two micropillars of circular sec on (R=1mm) are embedded

in their base and joined at its superior end to a rigid plate. If
you know that each pillar is made from a different elas c
material, please compute what is the value of F that would
made that the plate remains horizontal if the set supports a
temperature decrease of 20ºC.

Material 1: E1=200 GPa, α1=11·10-6 ºC-1
 Material 2: E2=132 GPa, α2=16.7·10-6 ºC-1

Elas city and Resistance of materials
Unit 2 Axial loading

31st Exercise

The set that you can see in the figure is se led

between two rigid walls and it is formed by two
pillars of different materials.
 Please compute what is the maximum
increase of temperature that this set can
suffer with no mechanical stress.
 Once both pillars got in touch. Compute
what is the increase of temperature that
will be needed to the stress in the 1st pillar was two mes the stress of the 2nd pillar.
Consider the length of both pillars is the same.
32nd Exercise

There is a sensi ve-to-temperature device that is made with a steel tube (Dint=60mm and
Dext=70mm) surrounding a copper rod (D=50mm). At 20ºC both the tube and the rod have
the same length. If the set is suppor ng a
compression force of 100kN. Please compute:
 The stress that both materials would
support if temperature will increase un l
 The temperature in which cupper would
support all force.
Cupper: Ecu=104 GPa; αCu=18.5·10-6 ºC-1
Steel: Es=208GPa; αs=12·10-6 ºC-1


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