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1LkM ALk

kCLL NC840


llrsL of all Lhe Lerm 8lomeLrlcs should be more or less need ln order Lo have a common undersLandlng of
Lhe sub[ecL 8oLh Lerms "8lomeLrlcs" and "8lomeLry" have been used slnce early ln Lhe 20Lh cenLury Lo
refer Lo Lhe fleld of developmenL of sLaLlsLlcal and maLhemaLlcal meLhods appllcable Lo daLa analysls
problems ln Lhe blologlcal sclences 1he followlng are all examples whlch fall under Lhe umbrella of
"8lomeLrlcs" as Lhe Lerm has been hlsLorlcally used
SLaLlsLlcal meLhods for Lhe analysls of daLa from agrlculLural fleld experlmenLs Lo compare Lhe ylelds of
dlfferenL varleLles of wheaL
1he analysls of daLa from human cllnlcal Lrlals evaluaLlng Lhe relaLlve effecLlveness of compeLlng
Lheraples for dlsease
1he analysls of daLa from envlronmenLal sLudles on Lhe effecLs of alr or waLer polluLlon on Lhe
appearance of human dlsease ln a reglon or counLry 8ecenLly Lhe Lerm "8lomeLrlcs" has also been used
Lo refer Lo Lhe emerglng fleld of Lechnology devoLed Lo ldenLlflcaLlon of lndlvlduals on Lhe basls of Lhelr
blologlcal LralLs such as Lhose based on reLlnascans lrlspaLLerns flngerprlnLs or face recognlLlon 1he
recenL usage and meanlng of Lhe Lerm 8lomeLrlcs" wlll be Lhe prlmary focus of Lhls paper
ln Loday's world a wlde varleLy of appllcaLlons requlres rellable and secure auLhenLlcaLlon meLhods Lo
conflrm Lhe ldenLlLy of an lndlvldual requesLlng Lhelr servlce Some examples of such appllcaLlons would
lnclude secure access Lo bulldlngs compuLer sysLems lapLops cellular phones memory such as uS8
sLlcks and many more lurLhermore lL ls posslble Lo esLabllsh an ldenLlLy based on "who you are" raLher
Lhan by whaL you posses" (eg ldenLlflcaLlon cards) or "whaL you remember"(eg passwords)
A I|ngerpr|nt
Among all Lhe blomeLrlc Lechnlques flngerprlnLbased ldenLlflcaLlon ls Lhe oldesL meLhod whlch has
been successfully used ln numerous appllcaLlons 1he flngerprlnL lLself conslsLs of paLLerns found on Lhe
Llp of Lhe flnger Lhus maklng lL a physlcal blomeLrlc llngerprlnLs are known Lo be unlque and
lmmuLable for each person and Lhe baslc characLerlsLlcs of flngerprlnLs do noL change wlLh Llme 1he
unlqueness of a flngerprlnL can be deLermlned by Lhe paLLerns of rldges and furrows as well as Lhe
mlnuLlae polnLs on Lhe surface of Lhe flnger MlnuLlae polnLs are local rldge characLerlsLlcs LhaL occur aL
elLher a rldge blfurcaLlon or a rldge endlng llngerprlnLs are rouLlnely used ln forenslc laboraLorles and
ldenLlflcaLlon unlLs all over Lhe world and have been accepLed ln Lhe courL of law for nearly a cenLury
Slnce Lhe 1980s Lhe usage of flnger prlnLs ln clvll areas has become more relevanL because of lncreaslng
accuracy and decreaslng prlces of flngerprlnL devlces Some examples of Lhe use of flngerprlnL devlces ln
clvll areas are
llghL Lhe abuse of clvll servlces llke soclal securlLy
9ermlLLlng loglns based on flngerprlnLs
llghL agalnsL lllegal lmmlgraLlon
8 nand scan
1hls blomeLrlc approach uses Lhe geomeLrlc form of Lhe hand for conformlng an lndlvlduals ldenLlLy
Speclflc feaLures of a hand musL be comblned Lo assure dynamlc verlflcaLlon slnce human hands are noL
unlque CharacLerlsLlcs such as flnger curves Lhlckness and lengLh Lhe helghL and wldLh of Lhe back of
Lhe hand Lhe dlsLances beLween [olnLs and Lhe overall bone sLrucLure are usually exLracLed 1hose
characLerlsLlcs are preLLy much perslsLenL and mosLly do noL change ln a range of years
1he flrsL hand scanners were used more Lhan 20 years ago and Lherefore lL was one of Lhe flrsL
blomeLrlc recognlLlon sysLems lor scannlng Lhe hand a CCu (ChargeCoupled uevlce) camera ls
necessary 1he camera Lakes Lwo blnary phoLos one from above and one from beslde Lhe hand Cver 90
measuremenLs are comblned Lo form a LemplaLe A LemplaLe ls a blnary flle creaLed from dlsLlncLlve
lnformaLlon from a blomeLrlc sample 8eglsLraLlon of a new user depends on Lhe sysLem buL normally
lasLs less Lhan 1 mlnuLe 1he camera Lakes 3 Llmes 2 shoLs and Lhe sysLem calculaLes Lhe averages and
sLores Lhe user wlLh a speclal lu wlLh hls hand geomeLry code 1he verlflcaLlon process requlres Lhe user
Lo enLer an lu ln order Lo verlfy Lhe clalmed ldenLlLy AfLer Lhe user lu has been enLered and Lhe phoLos
have been capLured Lhe calculaLlon of Lhe feaLure seL represenLlng Lhe blomeLrlc LralL and Lhe
verlflcaLlon process lasLs no longer Lhan a second
Pand scan appllcaLlons have proven Lhelr pracLlcal use whlch ls shown by Lhe 3060 markeL share of
blomeLrlc ldenLlflcaLlon appllcaLlons 1he followlng llsLlng should glve some examples ln real world areas
where hand scan ldenLlflcaLlon ls or was used
9ersonal aL Lhe Clymplc games 1996 were ldenLlfled wlLh hand scans
ln a loL of cases access Lo mlllLary planLs ls granLed upon successful hand scan ldenLlflcaLlon
AlrporL personal aL Lhe San lranclsco AlrporL ls ldenLlfled by hand scans
1he ma[or dlfflculLy wlLh Lhls Lechnology ls Lo dlfferenLlaLe beLween Lhe conslsLenL parLs of a slgnaLure
Lhese are Lhe characLerlsLlcs of Lhe sLaLlc lmage and Lhe behavloral parLs of a slgnaLure whlch vary wlLh
each slgnlng Comparlng many slgnaLures made by one lndlvldual reveals Lhe facL LhaL an lndlvduals
slgnaLure ls never enLlrely Lhe same and can vary subsLanLlally over an lndlvlduals llfeLlme Allowlng
Lhese varlaLlons ln Lhe sysLem whlle provldlng Lhe besL proLecLlon agalnsL forgery ls a blg problem faced
by Lhls blomeLrlc Lechnology
1he flnanclal lndusLry someLlmes uses slgnaLure verlflcaLlon for money LransacLlons 1he ManhaLLan
8ank was Lhe flrsL bank Lo LesL such an approach by uslng a blomeLrlc slgnaLure appllcaLlon for Lhelr
money LransacLlon sysLem

C S|gnature
SlgnaLure verlflcaLlon ls Lhe process used Lo recognlze an lndlvlduals handwrlLLen slgnaLure uynamlc
slgnaLure verlflcaLlon uses behavloral blomeLrlcs of a hand wrlLLen slgnaLure Lo conform Lhe ldenLlLy of a
person 1hls can be achleved by analyzlng Lhe shape speed sLroke pen pressure and Llmlng lnformaLlon
durlng Lhe acL of slgnlng Cn Lhe oLher hand Lhere ls Lhe slmple slgnaLure comparlson whlch only Lakes
lnLo accounL whaL Lhe slgnaLure looks llke So wlLh dynamlc slgnaLure verlflcaLlon lL ls noL Lhe shape or
look of Lhe slgnaLure LhaL ls meanlngful lL ls Lhe changes ln speed pressure and Llmlng LhaL occur durlng
Lhe acL of slgnlng Lhus maklng lL vlrLually lmposslble Lo dupllcaLe Lhose feaLures uevlces whlch enable
dynamlc slgnaLure verlflcaLlon sLore Lhe behavloral facLors and Lhe capLured slgnaLure lmage lLself for
fuLure comparlson ln Lhelr daLabase 1hese devlces accounL changes ln ones slgnaLure over Llme by
recordlng Lhe Llme and Lhe dynamlc feaLures each Llme a person uses Lhe sysLem
D Ir|s
lrls scan blomeLrlcs employs Lhe unlque characLerlsLlcs and feaLures of Lhe human lrls whlch remalns
unchanged Lhrough ouL an lndlvlduals llfeLlme ln order Lo verlfy Lhe ldenLlLy of an lndlvldual 1he lrls ls
Lhe area of Lhe eye where Lhe plgmenLed or colored clrcle usually brown green grey or blue rlngs Lhe
dark pupll of Lhe eye 1he lrls ls well proLecLed cause of Lhe human anaLomy and Lherefore ln[urles are
1yplcally Lhe lrls scan process beglns wlLh a phoLograph whlch ls Laken wlLh a speclal camera close Lo Lhe
sub[ecL 1he user has Lo be ln beLween a maxlmum dlsLance of abouL 1 meLer Lo Lhe readlng devlce 1he
camera uses an lnfrared lmager Lo lllumlnaLe Lhe eye and capLure a very hlgh resoluLlon phoLograph
1he lnner edge of Lhe lrls ls locaLed by an lrlsscan algorlLhm whlch maps Lhe lrls dlsLlncL paLLerns and
SysLems uslng lrls blomeLrlcs even work wlLh glasses and Lhls Lechnology ls one of Lhe few blomeLrlc
Lechnologles LhaL can work well ln ldenLlflcaLlon mode lrls paLLerns are exLremely complex carrylng an
asLonlshlng amounL of lnformaLlon and have over 200 unlque spoLs unlque spoLs are caLegorlzed lnLo
Lhe Llssue whlch glves Lhe appearance of dlvldlng Lhe lrls ln a radlal fashlon rlngs furrows freckles and
Lhe corona 1he facL LhaL an lndlvlduals rlghL and lefL eyes are dlfferenL and LhaL paLLerns are easy Lo
capLure esLabllshes lrlsscan Lechnology as one of Lhe blomeLrlcs LhaL ls very reslsLanL Lo false maLchlng
and fraud

llg 1 Lxamples of some of Lhe blomeLrlc LralLs assoclaLed wlLh an lndlvldual
(a) flngerprlnL (b) face (c) hand geomeLry (d) slgnaLure (e) lrls and (f) reLlna

8esearch has proven LhaL Lhe paLLerns of blood vessels on Lhe back of Lhe human eye were unlque
from person Lo person lL has even been proven LhaL Lhese paLLerns even beLween ldenLlcal Lwlns
were lndeed unlque 1hls paLLern also doesnL change over Lhe course of a llfeLlme 8eLlnal scanners
requlre Lhe user Lo place Lhelr eye lnLo some sorL of devlce and Lhen ask Lhe user Lo look aL a
parLlcular spoL so LhaL Lhe reLlna can be clearly lmaged 1hls Lechnology lnvolves uslng a low
lnLenslLy lnfrared llghL source Lhrough an opLlcal coupler Lo scan Lhe unlque paLLerns of Lhe reLlna
1he reflecLlon of Lhe vascular lnformaLlon ls belng recorded 8eLlna scannlng works well ln boLh
modes ldenLlflcaLlon and verlflcaLlon AddlLlonal advanLages lnclude Lhe small LemplaLe slze and
good operaLlonal speed
l volce
Cf Lhe many Lypes of blomeLrlc Lechnologles avallable Loday volce ldenLlflcaLlon and auLhenLlcaLlon
soluLlons have a unlque edge over much of Lhe compeLlLlon because cusLomers Lyplcally donL need
Lo purchase new hardware Lo lmplemenL Lhe soluLlons MosL of Lhe volce blomeLrlc soluLlons can be
used Lhrough a Lyplcal Lelephone or mlcrophone hooked up Lo Lhe compuLer ln order Lo ldenLlfy or
auLhenLlcaLe users mosL volce blo meLrlc soluLlons creaLe a volce prlnL of Lhe user a LemplaLe of
Lhe persons unlque volce characLerlsLlcs creaLed when Lhe user enrolls wlLh Lhe sysLem uurlng
enrollmenL Lhe user has Lo selecL a passphrase or repeaL a sequence of numbers 1he passphrase
should be ln Lhe lengLh of 1 Lo 13 seconds 1he problem wlLh shorLer passphrases ls LhaL Lhey have
noL enough daLa for ldenLlflcaLlon Longer passphrases have Loo much lnformaLlon 1he user has Lo
repeaL Lhe passphrase or Lhe sequence of numbers several Llme 1hls makes Lhe enrollmenL process
lasLlng much longer Lhan wlLh oLher blomeLrlc Lechnologles All subsequenL aLLempLs Lo access Lhe
sysLem requlre Lhe user Lo speak so LhaL Lhelr llve volce sample may be compared agalnsL Lhe pre
recorded LemplaLe A volce blomeLrlc sample ls a numerlcal model of Lhe sound paLLern and rhyLhm
of an lndlvlduals volce A problem conslderlng Lhe volce ls LhaL peoples volces change over Llme
along growLh or when someone has goL a cold or an oLher desease 8ackground nolse can also be
an dlsLurblng facLor
G Iace
Puman face deLecLlon plays an lmporLanL role ln appllcaLlons such as vldeo survelllance human
compuLer lnLerface face recognlLlon and face lmage daLabases 8 1o enable Lhls blomeLrlc
Lechnology lL requlres Lo have aL leasL a vldeo camera 9C camera or a slnglelmage camera never
Lhe less Lhls blomeLrlc approach sLlll has Lo deal wlLh a loL of problems and can noL work wlLh
accepLable ldenLlflcaLlon raLes unless cerLaln resLrlcLlons are belng consldered llndlng a face ln a
plcLure where Lhe poslLlon Lhe orlenLaLlon Lhe background and Lhe slze of a face ls varlable ls a
very hard Lask and many algorlLhms have been worked on Lo solve Lhls problem CLher problems
wlLh face deLecLlon occur whenever faces are parLlally covered as wlLh beards glasses halr sLyle or
haLs because a loL of lnformaLlon [usL sLays hldden
lll 8lCML18lC Au1PLn1lCA1lCn S?S1LMS
Looklng aL blomeLrlc sysLems ln a more general way wlll reveal cerLaln Lhlngs all blomeLrlcbased
auLhenLlcaLlon sysLems have ln common ln general such sysLems work ln Lwo modes
LnrollmenL mode ln Lhls mode blomeLrlc user daLa ls acqulred 1hls ls mosLly done wlLh some Lype
of blomeLrlc reader AfLerwards Lhe gaLhered lnformaLlon ls sLored ln a daLabase where lL ls labeled
wlLh an user ldenLlLy(eg name ldenLlflcaLlon number) Lo faclllLaLe auLhenLlcaLlon
AuLhenLlcaLlon mode Agaln blomeLrlc user daLa ls acqulred flrsL and used by Lhe sysLem Lo elLher
verlfy Lhe users clalmed ldenLlLy or Lo ldenLlfy who Lhe user ls Whlle ldenLlflcaLlon lnvolves Lhe
process of comparlng Lhe users blomeLrlc daLa agalnsL all users ln Lhe daLabase Lhe process of
verlflcaLlon compares Lhe blomeLrlc daLa agalnsL only Lhose enLrles ln Lhe daLabase whlch are
correspondlng Lo Lhe users clalmed ldenLlLy ln general one can conslder Lhe verlflcaLlon of Lhe
ldenLlLy of a person a Lwoclass problem
elLher Lhe person ls who he/she clalms Lo be (cllenL)
or Lhe person falls Lo be Lhe one he/she clalms Lo be (lmposLor)
So we are baslcally deallng wlLh a blnarydeclslon scheme where we elLher accepL or re[ecL a person
Slmple blomeLrlc sysLems usually conslsL of Lhe followlng four componenLs
1) Sensor modules 1hls modules acqulres blomeLrlc user daLa Lxamples of sensor modules would
be an reLlna scanner or a flngerprlnL sensor
2) leaLure exLracLlon modules 1hls modules ls responslble for exLracLlng feaLure values of a
blomeLrlc LralL lf hand geomeLry would be used as a blomeLrlc LralL Lhen feaLure values would
lnclude wldLh of flngers aL varlous locaLlons wldLh of Lhe palm Lhlckness of Lhe palm lengLh of
flngers eLc
3) MaLchlng modules 1he maLchlng modules compares Lhe acqulred blomeLrlc feaLures agalnsL
Lhose sLored ln a daLabase
4) ueclslonmaklng modules 1he users ldenLlLy ls elLher esLabllshed or a clalmed ldenLlLy ls accepLed
or re[ecLed 1hls ls done based on Lhe resulLs of Lhe maLchlng modules Slnce we are deallng wlLh a
blnary declslon scheme lL ls obvlous LhaL Lhe declslonmaklng module can make Lwo klnds of errors
1he errors whlch can be made ln Lhe process of verlflcaLlon are called
lalse 8e[ecLlon (l8) when an acLual cllenL geLs ldenLlfled as an lmposLor
lalse AccepLance (lA) when an acLual lmposLor geLs ldenLlfled as a cllenL
1he performance of a blomeLrlc auLhenLlcaLlon sysLem can be measured as Lhe lalse AccepLance
8aLe lA8 LquaLlon
(2) or Lhe lalse 8e[ecLlon 8aLe l88 LquaLlon (1) whlch are
deflned as
l 88 number of f also re[ecLlons /number of cllenL accesses
(1)l A8 number of f also accepLances /number of cllenL accesses
(2)A perfecL blomeLrlc auLhenLlcaLlon sysLem would have a l 88 0 and a l A8 0 whlch ls a llLLle
blL unachlevable ln reallLy lL ls also lnLeresLlng LhaL any of Lhe Lwo values l88 and lA8 can be
reduced Lo an arblLrary small number wlLh Lhe drawback of lncreaslng Lhe oLher value AnoLher
lnLeresLlng value ls Lhe 1oLalLrror8aLe 1L8 LquaLlon (3) whlch ls deflned as
1 L8 number of l A + number of l 8 LoLal number of access
(3)AL Lhls polnL lL ls lmporLanL Lo emphaslse Lhe facL LhaL Lhese measures could be heavlly blased by
one or elLher Lype of errors (lA8 or l88) dependlng only on Lhe number of accesses whlch have
been used ln obLalnlng Lhese respecLlve errors 1hls means LhaL Lhe 1L8 wlll always be closer Lo LhaL
Lype of error whlch has been obLalned wlLh Lhe largesL number of accesses 1he overall performance
of a blomeLrlc auLhenLlcaLlon sysLem should noL be measured by Lhe 1L8 buL raLher by Lhe 8ecelver
CperaLlon CharacLerlsLlc 8CC whlch represenLs Lhe lA8 as a funcLlon of Lhe l88 So wherever Lhere
ls a Lradeoff of error Lypes a slngle performance number ls lnadequaLe Lo represenL Lhe capablllLles
of a sysLem Such a sysLem has many operaLlng polnLs and ls besL represenLed by a performance
curve 1he 8CC curve has been used for Lhls purpose Cenerally false alarm ls ploLLed on Lhe
horlzonLal axls whereas Lhe correcL deLecLlon raLe ls ploLLed on Lhe verLlcal axls

ln some appllcaLlons Lhough Lhe ueLecLlon Lrror 1radeoff uL1 curve has been found Lo be more
useful slnce boLh Lypes of errors are ploLLed on Lhe uL1 curve 1yplcally one can observe
approxlmaLely sLralghL llnes whlch do correspond Lo normal llkellhood dlsLrlbuLlons ln uL1 ploLs
1hls meLhod ls especlally useful ln speech appllcaLlons lor furLher lnformaLlon see 3 and llgure 3
Some hlgh securlLy appllcaLlons Lend Lo keep Lhe lA8 as small as posslble when Lhey operaLe aL Lhe
polnL on Lhe 8CC lorenslc sclence operaLes wlLh a very low l88 and a very hlgh lA8 slnce Lhey
deslre Lo caLch a crlmlnal even aL Lhe expense of examlnlng large numbers of false accepLs Clvll
appllcaLlons Lry Lo work aL a level where l88 and lA8 are boLh as low as posslble (see llgure 2)
v 98C8LLMS Wl1P 8lCML18lCS
ln Lheory collecLlng and verlfylng blomeLrlc daLa ls no problem buL ln Lodays demandlng realworld
appllcaLlons Lhere are a loL of problems wlLh blomeLrlc sysLems Cne of Lhose

problems ls LhaL blomeLrlc LralLs exLracLed from persons Lend Lo vary wlLh Llme for one and Lhe
same person and Lo make lL even worse Lhls varlaLlon ls lLself very varlable from one person Lo
anoLher MosL of Lhe oLher problems are caused by exLreme or consLanLly changlng surroundlngs
and Lhe naLure of cerLaln blomeLrlc measures
A No|se
nolsy blomeLrlc daLa llke a person havlng a cold(volce recognlLlon) a slmple cuL on ones
flnger(flngerprlnL scan) or dlfferenL llghLlng condlLlons(face deLecLlon) are some examples of nolsy
lnpuLs CLher examples are mlss conflgured or lmproperly malnLalned sensors or lnconvenlenL
amblenL condlLlons llke dlrL on a sensor for flngerprlnLs or volce recognlLlon wlLh loud background
nolse 1he problem wlLh nolsy blomeLrlc daLa ls LhaL auLhorlsed personnel may geL lncorrecLly
re[ecLed(l8) lf Lhe nolsy daLa affecLs Lhe exLracLed feaLures so much LhaL no maLch can be found ln
Lhe blomeLrlc daLabase 1he oLher exLreme slLuaLlon would occur lf nolse would change Lhe
exLracLed feaLures ln such a way LhaL Lhe resulL feaLure seL would maLch Lo anoLher person(lA)
8 D|st|nct|veness
Whlle a blomeLrlc LralL ls expecLed Lo vary slgnlflcanLly across lndlvlduals Lhere may be large
slmllarlLles ln Lhe feaLure seLs used Lo represenL Lheses LralLs 1hus every blomeLrlc LralL has a
LheoreLlcal upper bound ln Lerms of dlscrlmlnaLlon capablllLy

C Nonun|versa||ty
1he problem of nonunlversallLy arlses when lL ls noL posslble Lo acqulre cerLaln blomeLrlc LralLs
from all users 1haL means LhaL even Lhough a person has a flngerprlnL lL sLlll may be lmposslble Lo
acqulre LhaL LralL because of Lhe poor quallLy of Lhe rldges whlch make up Lhe flngerprlnL
MosL of Lhe problems and llmlLaLlons of blomeLrlcs are lmposed by unlmodal blomeLrlc sysLems
unlmodal blomeLrlc sysLems rely on Lhe evldence of only a slngle blomeLrlc LralL Some of Lhese
problems may be overcome by mulLl blomeLrlc sysLems and an efflclenL fuslon scheme Lo comblne
Lhe lnformaLlon presenLed ln mulLlple blomeLrlc LralLs lL ls evldenL LhaL problems llke nonunlversal
LralLs dlsLlncLlveness and securlLy problems are easler and beLLer Lo deal wlLh lf more blomeLrlc
LralLs are presenL So lf a persons flngerprlnL can noL be acqulred by a sensor oLher blomeLrlc
meLhods llke volce recognlLlon and reLlna scans are Laken lnLo accounL and Lhe resulLlng daLa ls
valldaLed agalnsL Lhe blomeLrlc daLabase Spooflng of blomeLrlc daLa also becomes harder slnce lL ls
far easler Lo spoof only one blomeLrlc LralL whereas wlLh mulLl blomeLrlc sysLems lL would be
necessary Lo spoof several LralLs slmulLaneously
A Ius|on of 8|ometr|c data
ln general Lhere are Lhree posslble levels of fuslon for comblnlng Lwo or more blomeLrlc sysLems Lo
a mulLl blomeLrlc sysLem
luslon aL Lhe feaLure exLracLlon level leaLure seLs are acqulred from each sensor where each
feaLure seL ls represenLed as a vecLor 1hen Lhe vecLors are concaLenaLed whlch resulLs ln a new
feaLure vecLor wlLh hlgher dlmenslonallLy represenLlng a persons ldenLlLy ln a dlfferenL hyperspace
luslon aL Lhe maLchlng score level Lach blomeLrlc sysLem provldes a maLchlng score whlch lndlcaLes
Lhe proxlmlLy of Lhe feaLure vecLor wlLh Lhe LemplaLe vecLor luslon aL Lhls level would mean
comblnlng Lhe maLchlng scores ln order Lo verlfy Lhe clalmed ldenLlLy ln order Lo comblne Lhe
maLchlng scores reporLed by Lhe sensors Lechnlques such as loglsLlc regresslon ls used 1he loglsLlc
regresslon model ls slmply a nonllnear LransformaLlon of Lhe llnear regresslon 1he loglsLlc
dlsLrlbuLlon ls an Sshaped dlsLrlbuLlon funcLlon slmllar Lo Lhe sLandard normal dlsLrlbuLlon buL lL ls
easler Lo work wlLh ln mosL appllcaLlons because Lhe probablllLles are easler Lo calculaLe 1hese
Lechnlques aLLempL Lo mlnlmlse Lhe l88 for a glven lA8 7
luslon aL Lhe declslon level 1he resulLlng feaLure vecLors from each sensor need Lo be classlfled lnLo
Lwo classes re[ecL or accepL AfLerwards a ma[orlLy voLe scheme can be used Lo make a flnal
declslon So ln Lhe conLexL of blomeLrlcs fuslon can Lake Lhe followlng forms
Slngle blomeLrlc mulLlple represenLaLlon 1hls approach lnvolves a Lype of fuslon whlch uses
mulLlple represenLaLlons on a slngle blomeLrlc lndlcaLor Lach represenLaLlon has lLs own classlfler
and Lhe slmllarlLy scores reporLed by Lhese classlflers are Lhen consolldaLed 2
Slngle blomeLrlc mulLlple maLchers AnoLher posslblllLy ls Lo comblne mulLlple maLchlng sLraLegles ln
Lhe maLchlng module of a blomeLrlc sysLem and comblne Lhe scores generaLed by Lhese sLraLegles
MulLlple blomeLrlc fuslon 1he comblnaLlon or fuslon of mulLlple blomeLrlc LralLs ls used ln order Lo
achleve an lmprovemenL of speed rellablllLy and accuracy of a blomeLrlc sysLem
1he blomeLrlcs lndusLry lncludes more Lhan 130 separaLe hardware and sofLware vendors each wlLh
Lhelr own proprleLary lnLerfaces algorlLhms and daLa sLrucLures SLandards are emerglng Lo provlde
a common sofLware lnLerface Lo allow sharlng of blomeLrlc LemplaLes and Lo permlL effecLlve
comparlson and evaluaLlon of dlfferenL blomeLrlc Lechnologles 1he 8loA9l consorLlum has released
an open sysLem sLandard called Lhe 8loA9l whlch deflnes a common meLhod for lnLerfaclng wlLh
blomeLrlc appllcaLlons 1oday Lhe 8loA9l has been accepLed as an AnSl sLandard AnSl/lnCl1S 338
20021he 8loA9l ls lmplemenLed ln Lhe C programmlng language and lL ls lnLended Lo provlde a hlgh
level generlc blomeLrlc auLhenLlcaLlon model sulLed for any form of blomeLrlc Lechnology lL covers
Lhe followlng baslc funcLlons
verlflcaLlon and ldenLlflcaLlon
a daLabase lnLerface ls also provlded ln order Lo manage Lhe ldenLlflcaLlon populaLlon for opLlmum
performance 1he 8loA9l also provldes prlmlLlves LhaL allow Lhe appllcaLlon Lo manage Lhe capLure
of samples on a cllenL and Lhe enrolmenL verlflcaLlon and ldenLlflcaLlon on a server 10
A 8lomeLrlcs appllcaLlons and plans ln Lhe unlLed klngdom 1he unlLed klngdom passporL servlce
(uk9S) sLarLed a slx monLh Lrlal ln 2004 Lo LesL Lhe recordlng and verlflcaLlon of faclal recognlLlon
lrls and flngerprlnL blomeLrlcs ApproxlmaLely 10000 parLlclpanLs wlll Lake parL ln Lhe Lrlal 8esulLs
from Lhe Lrlal wlll help Lo lnform Lhe governmenLs plans Lo lnLroduce blomeLrlcs Lo supporL
lmproved ldenLlLy auLhenLlcaLlon and help prevenL ldenLlLy fraud 1he parLlclpanLs wlll recelve a
card wlLh Lhelr phoLograph on Lhe fronL 1he chlp embedded ln Lhe card wlll conLaln an elecLronlc
phoLograph and Lhe persons blomeLrlcs 1he card ls lssued solely as a demonsLraLor and cannoL be
used for Lravel or ldenLlflcaLlon purposes All Lhe blomeLrlcs obLalned from Lhe parLlclpanLs wlll be
desLroyed aL Lhe end of Lhe Lrlal All process recordlngs and Lhe parLlclpanLs quesLlonnalres wlll be
anonymous and analysed by Lhe uk9S 1he maln ob[ecLlves are
1esL Lhe use of blomeLrlcs Lhrough a slmulaLlon of Lhe passporL process
lnclude excepLlon cases eg people who may have dlf
culLles ln enrolmenL
Measure Lhe process Llme and hence esLlmaLe cosLs
Assess cusLomer percepLlons and reacLlons
Assess pracLlcal aspecLs of lncorporaLlon of blomeLrlcs
lnLo a blomeLrlc daLabase
ldenLlfy lssues and rlsks and produce an ouLllne for an lmplemenLaLlon plan
ln Lhe mlddle of 2003 Lhe governmenL of Lhe unlLed klngdom plans Lo lnLroduce blomeLrlc
Lechnology especlally Lhe elecLronlcal scannlng of Lhe lrls aL Lhe PeaLhrow CaLwlck and SLan
sLead alrporL ln London and Lhe alrporLs ln ManchesLer and 8lrmlngham A fasLer enLry and exlL
procedure should be achleved wlLh Lhls lnnovaLlon AnoLher example of Lhe use of blomeLrlc
Lechnology ln Lhe unlLed klngdom ls Lhe London ClLy AlrporL lL has become Lhe rsL alrporL ln Lurope
Lo esLabllsh Lermlnal wlde blomeLrlc securlLy access for lLs 1600 employees llngerprlnL recognlLlon
and a phoLo lu card ls used Lo ldenLlfy a person 1he sysLem ls used across all areas aL Lhe alrporL
and even Lhough lLs usage was only planned for sLaff members lL ls posslble Lo exLend Lhe sysLem Lo
also handle enLry and exlL procedures of Lravelers

8 8lomeLrlc appllcaLlons and plans ln Lhe uS uSvlSl1 ls parL of a conLlnuum of securlLy measures
LhaL beglns overseas when a person applles for a vlsa Lo Lravel Lo Lhe unlLed SLaLes and conLlnues
on Lhrough enLry and exlL aL uS alr and seaporLs and evenLually aL land border crosslngs 1he uS
vlSl1 program should enhances Lhe securlLy of uS clLlzens and vlslLors by verlfylng Lhe ldenLlLy of
vlslLors wlLh vlsas
8lomeLrlc Lechnologles especlally Lhe scannlng of flnger prlnLs ln comblnaLlon wlLh Laklng a dlglLal
phoLograph are belng used durlng enLry and exlL procedures Lo verlfy Lhe ldenLlLy of a person 1hls
process ls applled Lo persons beLween Lhe age of 14 Lo 79 who are Lravelllng wlLh vlsas 1hls pro[ecL
sLarLed aL !anuary 3 2004 aL Lhe AlrporL ln ALlanLa uS and should be exLended Lo Lhe 113 greaLer
alrporLs and 14 seaporLs unLll Lhe end of 2004 AddlLlonally ln May 2004 Lhe unlLed SLaLes Lmbassy
ln 8uenos Alres began elecLronlcally scannlng Lhe flngerprlnLs of all vlsa appllcanLs 1oday more Lhan
a 100 uS vlsalssulng consular secLlons are scannlng flngerprlnLs 8y CcLober 2004 every uS
consular secLlon ln Lhe world should be able Lo elecLronlcally capLure Lhe flngerprlnLs of vlsa
appllcanLs ln 2003 Lhe unlLed SLaLes wlll also begln Lo lssue machlne readable passporLs wlLh
blomeLrlc ldenLlflers AL leasL flnger prlnLs wlll be lncluded Lo Lhe uS clLlzens passporLs CLher
"vlsawalver" counLrles llke Cermany lrance and !apan wlll also develop blomeLrlc passporLs wlLhln
Lhe nexL years buL Lhe governmenLs of Lhese counLrles were noL able Lo meeL a concreLe deadllne
for lssulng blomeLrlc passporLs for Lravellers
C Automated I|ngerpr|nt Ident|cat|on Systems
Many law enforcemenL agencles ofLen use fasL flngerprlnL ldenLlflcaLlon sysLems based on a huge
amounL of flngerprlnLs sLored ln a daLabase 1hese sysLems are called AllS (AuLo maLed llngerprlnL
ldenLlflcaLlon SysLems) 1he l8ls lnLegraLed AllS malnLalns Lhe largesL blomeLrlc daLabase ln Lhe
world conLalnlng Lhe flngerprlnLs and correspondlng hlsLory lnformaLlon for more Lhan 47 mllllon
sub[ecLs 1hls sysLem ls runnlng Lhe whole Llme As a resulL of an elecLronlcally submlLLed
flngerprlnL Lhe agencles recelve responses Lo a crlmlnal LenprlnL flngerprlnL submlsslon whlch
conLalns Lenrolled flngerprlnL lmpresslons and a correspondlng aL flngerprlnL lmpresslon wlLhln 2
hours and wlLhln 24 hours for a clvll flngerprlnL submlsslon 8uL Lhe lAllS supporLs boLh elecLronlc
and hard copy submlsslons of laLenL flngerprlnLs Speclal laboraLorles have been deployed ln order
Lo enhance Lhe search capablllLles uslng daLabases especlally deslgned for maLchlng laLenL
8lomeLrlc sysLems and especlally mulLl blomeLrlc sysLems have a huge poLenLlal of growLh 8y uslng
blomeLrlc Lechnologles access procedures should be made slmpler fasLer and more secure
Lspeclally governmenLs law enforcemenL agencles mlllLary and lndusLrlal companles already make
parLlal use of Lhls Lechnology ln Lhe fuLure blomeLrlc devlces wlll surely become more lnvolved ln
many clvll areas Maybe ln a couple of years access Lo ones prlvaLe home or car wlll be granLed upon
asuccessful lrls scan Lhus maklng Lhe LradlLlonal house or car keys obsoleLe Maybe money credlL
cards and cheques wlll become obsoleLed by leavlng ones flngerprlnL lnsLead of a cerLaln amounL of
moneLary value 8uL ln splLe of all Lhe advanLages comlng along wlLh Lhe broader usage of blomeLrlc
Lechnology ln our every day llves Lhls Lechnology also brlngs up a whole new range of dlfflculLles
and problems So lL wlll noL sufflce Lo sLudy facLors llke cosL versus performance Lradeoffs or
usablllLy and securlLy lssues before deploylng blomeLrlc sysLems very speclal care musL be Laken
whaL may be done wlLh Lhe acqulred blomeLrlc daLa and who may use lL for a cerLaln purpose

1 A k !aln A 8oss rMuLllblomeLrlc SysLemsr CommunlcaLlons of Lhe ACM vol 74 pp 3440
2 A k !aln A 8oss rlnformaLlon fuslon ln blomeLrlcsr 9aLLern 8ecognlLlon LeLLers vol 24 pp
21132123 2003
3 9 verllnde M Acheroy rA ConLrlbuLlon Lo MulLlModal ldenLlLy verlcaLlon uslng ueclslon
luslonr ueclslon luslon LnS19arls 9hu1hesls 1999
4 8L Psu M AbdelMoLLaleb and A k !aln rlace deLecLlon ln color lmagesr lLLL 1rans
9aLLern Analysls and Machlne lnLelllgence vol 24no 3 pp 696r706 May 2002
3 A MarLln 1 k C uoddlngLon M Crdowskl and M 9rzybockl r1he uL1 curve ln assessmenL of
deLecLlon Lask performancer ln 9roceedlngs of LuroSpeech 97 volume 4 pages 1893r1898 1997
6 M 8oach !u 8rand and !Su Mason rAcousLlc and laclal leaLures for Speaker 8ecognlLlonr
lC98 2000
7 Ak !aln S 9rabhakar S Chen rComblnlng mulLlple maLchers for a hlgh securlLy ngerprlnL
verlcaLlon sysLemr 9aLLern 8ecognlLlon LeLLers vol 20 pp 13711379 1999
8 8hlenLlen Psu Mohamed AbdelMoLLabel Anll k !aln rlace ueLecLlon ln Color lmagesr lLLL
1rans 9aLLern Analysls and Machlne lnLelllgence vol 24 no 3 pp 696r706 May 2002
9 S Llu M Sllverman rA 9racLlcal Culde Lo 8lomeLrlc SecurlLy 1echnologyr
wwwcompuLerorg/lLpro/homepage/!an leb/securlLy3hLm 2000
10 1he 8loA9l ConsorLlum r8loA9l SpeclflcaLlon 11r 1he 8loA9l ConsorLlum March 2001
11 1he unlLed klngdom 9assporL Servlce (uk9S) r1he uk9S blomeLrlcs enrolmenL Lrlalr
hLLp//wwwukpagovuk/docCallery/17pdf Aprll 2004
12 uS ueparLmenL of Pomeland SecurlLy ruS vlSl1r
hLLp//wwwdhsgov/dhspubllc/dlsplay?Lheme91 2004
13 uS CovernmenL r8lomeLrlc uS vlsasr
hLLp//usembassysLaLegov/posLs/ar1/wwwhblomeLrlclnfohLml May 2004
14 1he l8l rlAllS (lnLegraLed AuLomaLed llngerprlnL ldenLlcaLlon Sys
Lem)r hLLp//wwwfblgov/hq/c[lsd/lashLm uSA 2004
13 London lnLernaLlonal AlrporL rSecurlLy arrangemenLs aL Lhe AlrporLr
hLLp//wwwlcaccorg/operaLlons/#SecurlLy uk 2003

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