Edgar Allan Poe

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Allan Poe

author: František Štangl

- american romantic poet, novelist and literary

- he was born in 1809 and died in 1849

- he is the founder of the detective and horror

He was born to family of two actors. He spent time
with two siblings in Boston (Massachusetts).

His life

His father was alcoholic and

left his family in 1810. The mother
died soon after.

He became an orphan and stayed in Richmond. He

was taken in by the Allan family. They lived for some
time in Liverpool and then he spent time at a
boarding school in Scotland and soon in London.
In 1826 he studied at University of Virginia, where he began to have problems with alcohol
and debts.

When he had no money, he came into the West Point Military Academy. However, he was an
undisciplined soldier and was released.

His stepfather supported him, but eventually he began to argue with Edgar. So he went to his
aunt. He married a fourteen-year-old cousin, Virginia Clemm.
How did Poe get into literature?
Already in high school he was very interested in literature and history.

At first he wanted to become famous as a poet, later he wrote short stories.

After the death of his wife (Virginia - cousin), he wrote a poem about her (the
name of the poem - Annabel Lee).

He worked as a redactor and then

he started using horror elements.
The most famous literary works

The Raven The Murders The Fall of the

In The Rue House of Usher
The Raven

The man (narrator) remembers his dead girl Lenora. He

tries to bring her back from the realm of the dead. At
midnight he is startled by a mysterious raven who flies
into his room. The narrator asks the bird if he will ever see
his beloved Lenore again. The bird replies, "Nevermore."
The man is shouting and throwing the raven out.

Youtube video - The Raven (cartoon) -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLbe4JwE6-0

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