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Polarized Crystal Spectra of CoF2 and Co0.06Zn0.

Lois Jacobs Zimring and J. W. Stout

Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 51, 4197 (1969); doi: 10.1063/1.1671779
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Published by the American Institute of Physics

Polarized Crystal Spectra of CoF 2 and COO.06ZnO.94F2*

Department of Chemistry and James Franck Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637
(Received 16 August 1968)

Polarized spectra of oriented single-crystal CoF, and COO.06ZnO.94F, are presented in the range 5000-
25000 em-I at 298, 77, and 20.4°K. Molar extinction coefficients and oscillator strengths are calculated.
The spectra of CoF, and of dilute COH in ZnF, are very similar. The principal bands are identified as transi-
tions from the 4Tlq(4F) ground level to 4T,.(4F), 4A,.(4F) , and 4TI .(4P) levels. A value of Dq=715 cm-1
is obtained. A sharp electric dipole line, 10 crn-I wide, is seen at 22 768 cm-1 in CoF, at 20.4°K.

CoF2 is one of the transition-metal difiuorides of the MnF220.2I have appeared, but there is no quantitative
rutile structure1 which are simple examples of two information on molar extinction coefficients and only
sublattice antiferromagnets. Below the Neel tempera- rough estimates of oscillator strengths have been ob-
ture of 37.700 K,2 CoF2 is magnetically ordered with tained. In the present paper we report, for the range of
spins aligned parallel and antiparallel to the tetragonal 5000-25000 cm-I, polarized crystal spectra of CoF2 and
axis. Numerous investigations3-11 have been made of COO.06ZnO.94F2, at temperatures of 20.4, 77, and 298°K.
the magnetic properties of CoF2 • The positions of the The molar extinction coefficients are plotted as a func-
electronic levels of Co2+ in a CoF2 crystal may be deter- tion of wavenumber, and integrated oscillator strengths
mined from spectroscopic measurements, and with are tabulated.
sufficient understanding of the electronic states the
magnetic properties may be calculated. Since the work EXPERIMENTAL
described in this paper was begun, several reports
describing features of the near-infrared, visible, and Crystal Samples
ultraviolet spectrum of COF 212-19 and its solutions in Powdered ZnF2 and CoF 2, dried in an atmosphere of
HF at 800°C, were prepared as described previously.2.22
* Supported by the National Science Foundation and by the In order to avoid the Ni impurity commonly present in
U.S. Office of Naval Research. We have benefited from facilities commercial cobaltous salts, the CoF2 was made from
provided by the Advanced Research Project Agency for materials
research at the University of Chicago. sodium cobaltinitrite. Single crystals of COO.06ZnO.94F 2
t Present address: Department of Natural Science, Michigan and ZnF2 were grown in thin-walled graphite crucibles,
State University, East Lansing, Mich. in the apparatus used23 for MnF 2. The center of the
I J. W. Stout and S. A. Reed, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 76, 5279
(1954) . furnace was maintained at 950°C in growing ZnF2 and
'E. Catalano and J. W. Stout, J. Chern. Phys. 23,1803 (1955). at 960°C in growing COO.06ZnO.94F2. The crucible was
3 J. W. Stout and L. M. Matarrese, Rev. Mod. Phys. 25, 385 lowered at a rate of 0.3 cm h-I in a temperature gradient
(1953) .
4T. Nagamiya, K. Yosida, and R. Kubo, Phil. Mag. Supp!. 4, of 20 deg em-I. The charge in the crucible was heated
1 (1955). to the melting point in an atmosphere of HF. Before
5 M. Tinkham, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A236, 549 (1956).
6 H. M. Gladney, Phys. Rev. 143, 198 (1966).
the crucible was lowered to the position where crystal-
7 M. E. Lines, Phys. Rev. 137, A982 (1965). lization began, the HF supply was cut off and a slow
8 V. Jaccarino, R. G. Shulman, and J. W. Stout, Phys. Rev. stream of dry N2 was passed through the furnace. The
106,602 (1957).
9 P. L. Richards, J. App!. Phys. 35, 850 (1964). CoF2 crystal used in our measurements had been grown
10 D. N. Astrov, A. S. Borovik-Romanov, and M. P. Orlova, in a similar fashion by Matarrese24 in this laboratory.
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 33,812 (1957) [SOy. Phys.-JETP 6,626 Samples for spectroscopic measurements were cut from
(1958) ].
11 R. A. Cowley, P. Martel, and R. W. H. Stevenson, Phys. the boule with a silicon carbide wheel and oriented to
Rev. Letters 18, 162 (1967). within 0.5° with x rays. Parallel faces spaced at the de-
12 R. Pappalardo, Spectrochim. Acta 19, 2093 (1963).
13 A. Ludi and W. Feitknecht, Helv. Chim. Acta 46, 2226 sired thickness were ground with silicon carbide paper.
(1963) . The faces were polished with a water slurry of Linde
14 V. V. Eremenko and A. I. Zvyagin, Fiz. Tverd. Tela 6, 1013 B-5125 Al20 3 powder. To prepare the very thin crystals
(1964) [SOy. Phys.-Solid State 6, 782 (1964)].
15 V. V. Eremenko and A. I. Belyaeva, Fiz. Tverd. Tela 6,3646 of CoF2 a special brass jig was constructed which main-
(1964) [SOy. Phys.-SoJid State 6, 2918 (1965)].
16 A. I. Zvyagin and V. V. Eremenko, Ukr. Fiz. Zh. 10, 525
(1965). 20 A. I. Belyaeva, V. V. Eremenko, N. N. Mikhailov, and S. V.
17 P. G. Russell, D. S. McClure, and J. W. Stout, Phys. Rev. Petrov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 49, 47 (1965) [SOy. Phys.-JETP
Letters 16, 176 (1966). 22,33 (1966)].
18 D. S. McClure, R. Meltzer, S. A. Reed, P. Russell, and J. W. 'I R. F. Blunt, J. Chern. Phys. 44, 2317 (1966).
Stout, in Optical Properties of Ions in Crystals, H. M. Crosswhite 22 J. W. Stout and E. Catalano, J. Chern. Phys. 23, 2013 (1955).
and H. W. Moos, Eds. (Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, '3 M. Griffel and J. W. Stout, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 72, 4351
1967), p. 257. (1950).
19 J. P. van der Ziel and H. J. Guggenheim, Phys. Rev. 166,479 24 L. M. Matarrese, "The Magnetic Anisotropy of Iron Group
(1968). Fluorides," thesis, University of Chicago, 1954 (unpublished).

I I r I 1 1
listed in Table I. The spectra of COO.06ZnO.94F 2 were
measured with samples 6 and 7. Sample 8 was used for
I analysis, and sample 5, which had four polished surfaces,
was used to compare the 7r-rr and a absorbance per unit
thickness at 5300 A in order to determine the composi-

.'. tion of sample 6. The order of magnitude of trace im-
purities present was determined by spectrochemical
analysis, and the results are given in Table II.

Apparatus and Procedures

The sample whose spectrum was to be measured, to-

gether with the crystal of ZnF2, was mounted on a
1.0 •*
crystal holder having two matched circular apertures
of diameter 0.48 cm. The absorbance was taken as the
o logarithm (base 10) of the ratio of the intensity of
light transmitted through the ZnF2 crystal to that
o through the sample, thus obviating the need for correc-
A tion for surface reflections. The crystal holder was
* . x
mounted in a glass Dewar with optically flat Pyrex
windows, and was accurately aligned relative to the
light beam and the polarizers. Liquid N2 or liquid H2
was added to the Dewar for the low-temperature
measuremen ts.
Beckman DK-1 and Cary Model 14 spectrophotom-
eters were used to record the spectra in the 5000-16 000
cm-1 region and for check measurements in the 16 000-
25000 cm-1 region. Most of the measurements in the
last spectral region were made with a Wadsworth
FIG. 1. Absorbance (D) versus wavelength measured on stigmatic-mount grating spectrograph. 26 ,27 The spectra
different instruments with sample 6 at 300o K. The points indicated were recorded on photographic plates whose optical
by 0, e, and X are from three different spectrophotometer charts
measured with the Beckman DK-1, and those indicated by + density was measured with a densitometer. For spec-
are from densitometer readings of a photographic plate exposed troscopic plates, two different exposures of the ZnF2
on the Wadsworth mounting spectrograph.
blank permitted the slope of the optical density versus
log of the intensity curve for each plate to be deter-
mined. The two different blank intensities were ob-
tained parallelism of the two surfaces. The thickness of tained by using a rotating sector disk of a known
the crystals was measured with a micrometer, and (variable) aperture. The two blank intensities were
checked by measurements of the weight and cross sec- chosen such that the optical density of the sample
tional area. spectrum was intermediate between those of the two
The concentration of C02+ in the COO.06ZnO.94F2 crystal blanks and on the linear portion of the curve. All ex-
varied by a factor of l.13/mm along the axis of the posures on a given plate had the same exposure time.
boule and by a factor of 1.0l/mm perpendicular to the With the Wadsworth spectrograph, rr and 7r spectra
boule axis. This concentration gradient was measured were photographed simultaneously; the two beams of
by observing with a Cary spectrophotometer the varia- perpendicular polarization were separated by a Wolla-
tion in the room-temperature absorbance at 5300 A of ston prism and formed distinct images on the slit.
a flat crystal slab. The mean concentrations of the sam- With the recording spectrophotometers, polarizing
ples used were determined by comparing their absorb- prisms were rotated to obtain the two polarized spectra.
ance per unit thickness with that of sample 8, which Figure 1 illustrates the agreement between absorbances
was dissolved and analyzed for cobalt by the colori- of a sample measured in the 4000-6000 A region with
metric (NH4) 2Co(SCN) 4 complex method. 25 The the Beckman DK-1 spectrophotometer and with the
analytical method was checked with weighed mixtures grating spectrograph. Further details are given in the
of powdered ZnF2 and CoF2. The error in the composi- thesis of the first author.28
tion of samples is estimated as 5%.
The properties of the crystal samples studied are 26 J. w. Stout, J. Chern. Phys. 31, 709 (1959).
27 G. R. Harrison, R. C. Lord, and J. R. Loofbourow, Practical
Spectroscopy (Prentice-Hall, Inc., New York, 1948), p. 85.
2' E. B. Sandell, Colorimetric Determination of Traces of Metals 28 L. Zimring, "Crystal spectra of CoF2 and CoF2 in ZnF2,"
(Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, 1959), 3rd ed., p. 422. thesis, University of Chicago, 1964 (unpublished).

E liter em'. mole'


FIG. 2. Molar extinction coefficient. versus wavenumber measured with different instruments and samples. Curves marked (1)
were obtained with a Cary spectrophotometer and sample 3. Curves marked (2) were obtained with a Beckman DK-l spectrophoto-
meter and sample 2. Curve (3) is with a Cary spectrophotometer and sample 5, and curve (4) is with a Cary spectrophotometer and
sample 7. In this and succeeding figures, P stands for CoF2, D for COo.oeZno.94F2, R for T=300oK, N for T= 77°K, and H for T=20.4°K.
1r, fT, and a indicate different polarizations. The molar extinction coefficients read from the curves in Figs. 2-17 should be multiplied
by 0.96 for the CoF2 sample and by 0.98 for the Co o.o6 Zno. 94F2 sample to obtain best values (see text).

E I iter em'. mOle'



FIG. 3. Molar extinction coefficient. versus wavenumber. CoF2 at 300 K. See caption of Fig. 2 for code.


2.5 € liter criil.mole l



10000 15000 20000 25000

FIG. 4. Molar extinction coefficient e versus wavenumber. COo.o6Zno.94F2 at 300 K. See caption of Fig. 2. for code.

€ I iter cm-l. mole-l

CoF2 and CoF2 in ZnF2



8000 9000
FIG. S. Molar I!xtinction coefficient e versus wavenumber. 14000 A band. CoF2 and COo.o6Zno.94F2 at 300 K. See caption of Fig. 2
for code.
CRYSTAL SPECTRA OF CoF. AND Co O • 06 Z n O.94 F • 4201
16000 14000 12000 A

E liter em l• molel em l

FIG. 6. Molar extinction coefficient. versus wavenumber. 14000 Aband. COO.06ZnO.94F2 at 77 and 20.4°K. See caption of Fig. 2 for code.


FIG. 7. Molar extinction coefficient E versus wavenumber. 14000 A band. (J" spectrum of CoF2 at 77 and 20.4°K. See caption of Fig. 2
for code.

8000 7000 6500

E liter eml.mole l



14000 16000 em l
FIG. 8. Molar extinction coefficient E:versus:wavenumber. 7000~A ban(of~CoF2. See caption of Fig. 2 for code.

8000 7000 6500 A

E liter eml.mole l



1. DR7T

14000 15000 16000 cml

FIG.~9. Molar extinction coefficient E versus wavenumber. 7000 A band of Co o.o.Zno.••F2. See caption of Fig. 2 for code.

TABLE I. Properties of crystal samples studied.

Light propagation
direction Co2+
Sample relative to Thickness concentration
number Composition tetragonal axis em molelitec1

2 CoF2 .L (,..,u) 0.090 47.4

3 CoF2 .L(,..,u) 0.0139 47.4
4 CoF2 II (a) 0.0157 47.4
5 COo.048ZnO.952F2 .L(,..,u) 0.256 2.28
II (a) 0.352 2.28
6 COO.061ZnO.939F2 .L (,..,u) 0.209 2.90
7 COO.053ZnO.947F2 II (a) 0.142 2.55
8 COo.051ZnO.949F2 II (a) 0.103 2.46
9 ZnF2 .L 0.189

RESULTS with propagation direction parallel to the tetragonal

axis of the crystal; 7r and u are spectra with propagation
The molar extinction coefficients were calculated direction perpendicular to the tetragonal axis and with
from the expression
the electric vector of the light parallel and perpendicular
e= (l/et) IOglO(IO/I) (1) to the tetragonal axis, respectively. In Figs. 2-17 the
molar extinction coefficients read from the curves
where 10 is the light intensity with the ZnF2 crystal in should be multiplied by 0.96 for the CoF2 sample and
the beam, and I, that with the sample in the beam. by 0.98 for the COo.OSZnO.94F2 sample to obtain best
The concentration of the Co2+ in moles per liter, c, and
the crystal thickness in centimeters, t, are listed in
Table 1. Figure 2 indicates the agreement obtained be- 6 00 5000 ~ 4000
tween different samples and different spectrophotom-
E liter eml . molii l eml
eters in the 12000-16000 cm-1 region. The values of
molar extinction coefficient obtained with various sam-
ples and instruments were plotted versus wavenumber
and composite curves drawn. These are presented in 2.0
Figs. 3-16. The curves are identified by a three-letter
code. The first letter P stands for pure CoF2, and D, for
Coo.OSZnO.94F2. The second letter R stands for T=
300o K; N stands for T= 77°K; and H stands for T=
20.4°K. The third letter a indicates an axial spectrum 1.5

TABLE II. Spectrochemical analysis of trace impurities in

samples studied. No As, Au, Bi, Be, B, Cd, Cr, Ga, Ge, Hg,
In, Li, Mo, Pd, P, Pt, Pb, Sn, Sb, Te, Ta, TI, or Ti was found in
any sample. Cobalt was not found in sample 9 and Zn was not
found in samples 2, 3, and 4.

Weight percent in sample

Element 2,3,4 5,6,7 8 9

Al 0.001 0.01 0.005

Ag 0.001 0.001
Ca 0.001 0.001
Cu 0.001 0.001 0.001
Fe 0.001 0.01 0.1 0.01
Mg 0.0001 0.01 0.01
cm l25000
Si 0.001 0.001 FIG. 10. Molar extinction coefficient E versus wavenumber.
V 0.001 0.01 5000 1. band, ,.. spectrum, of COO.06ZnO.94F. at various tempera-
tures. See caption of Fig. 2 for code.
4204 L. J. ZrMRrNG AND J. W. STOUT

TABLE III. Observed wavenumbers of broad peaks in absorption spectra of CoF2 and COO.06ZnO.9.F2 and
wavenumbers from octahedral field calculation (see text). T = 20.4 oK.

10-3 (ii, em-I)

Assignment CoF2 COO.06Zno.94F2 Calculated
of excited Dq=715 cm-l
state 11" u a 11" u a B=971 cm- l

'T2g ('F) 7.30 7.23 7.35 6.145

'A 2g (4F) 14.2-14.5 14.45 14.37 13.295
'T1g (4P) 19.27 19.05 19.05 19.30 19.10 19.15 19.700
20.60 20.7 20.65 20.70

values. These corrections, which are less than the ex- The 7000 A band (12000-16500 em-I) of CoF 2 is
perimental uncertainties, arise from a numerical error shown in Fig. 8. The a, (1", and '/I' spectra were measured
discovered after the curves were drawn. Oscillator at 298°K, and the '/I' and (1" spectra at 77 and 20.4°K.
strengths listed below in Tables V and VI have been The small peak at 15 150 cm-I shown in the 298°K (1"
appropriately corrected. Figure 3 shows the 3000 K spectrum is possibly due to an impurity since it was
spectrum of CoF2 in the three polarizations over the not seen in all samples (Fig. 2). Figure 9 gives the
spectral region 5000-25000 em-I, and Fig. 4 presents spectra of Coo.osZno.94F2 in the 12000-16500 cm-I re-
the similar spectrum of Coo.osZno.94F2. The room-tem- gion. The only low-temperature spectra measured were
perature spectra of the 14000 A band (6000-9000 the (1" spectrum at 20.4°K.
em-I) are given in more detail in Fig. 5, and the low- The strongest absorption is the 5000 Aband (16500-
temperature '/I' and (1" spectra of Coo.osZno.94F2 are in 25000 em-I). The '/1', (1", and a spectra of Coo.osZno.94F2
Fig. 6. Figure 7 shows the (1" spectrum of CoF2 at low at various temperatures are shown in Figs. 10-12, re-
temperatures. The axial spectra of both samples and spectively, and the corresponding spectra of CoF2 ap-
the '/I' spectrum of CoF2 were measured only at room pear in Figs. 13-15. Figure 16 shows on a larger scale
temperature in the 6000-9000 cm- I region. the 20.4°K spectra of CoF2 and Coo.osZno.94F2 in the

6000 5000 A 4000 6000 5000 A 4000

E liter eml.moli l

2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

20000 em l 25000 20000 _I 25000

FIG. 11. Molar extinction coefficient E versus wavenumber. FIG. 12. Molar extinction coefficient E versus wavenumber.
5000 A band, u spectrum, of Coo.ooZnO.94F2 at various tem- 5000 A band, axial spectrum of Coo.OOZnO.94F2 at 300 and 20.4°K.
peratures. See caption of Fig. 2 for code. See caption of Fig. 2 for code.
6000 5000 A 4000 TABLE IV. Observed wavenumbers of narrow peaks in absorption
spectra of CoF2 and COo.06ZnO.94h. T=20.4°K.
E liter em'.moli' en;!
10-3 (v, em-I)

CoF2 COo.06Zno.94F2
1r q a 1r q a

20.05 20.05 20.05(?)

21.38 21.43 21.43 21.49 21.37 21.37
21.60 21.58 21.58
21.64 21.64 21.52 21.52
21.82 21.80 21.80 21.8 21. 79 21.79
21.97 22.02 22.02 22.00 22.00
22.768 22.768

21000-23000 cm-I region where considerable structure

was observed. Finally, we show in Fig. 17 the room-
temperature axial spectrum of COo.o6ZIl{).94F2 in the
range of 30000-45000 em-I. This region was not in-
vestigated in detail and the curve is presented primarily
to show the beginning of the fundamental absorption at
45000 em-I.
From examination of the curves, one sees that there
em' 25000 is a close correspondence between the spectra of CoF2
FIG. 13. Molar extinction coefficient E versus wavenumber. and COo.o6Zno.94F2, both in magnitude of the molar ex-
5000 A band, 1r spectrum of CoF2 at 300 and 20.4°K. See caption tinction coefficient and in frequency of the absorption
of Fig. 2 for code.
6000 5 00 4 00
6000 5000 4000
E liter eni'·moli l
E liter em l. mohil



25000 25000

FIG. 14. Molar extinction coefficient E versus wavenumber. FIG. 15. Molar extinction coefficient E versus wavenumber.
5000 A band, q spectrum for CoF2 at 300 and 20.4°K. See caption 5000 A band, axial spectrum for CoF2 at 300 and 20.4°K. See
of Fig. 2 for code. caption of Fig. 2 for code.

4700 4600 4500 4400

Co F2 and
CoF2 in ZnF2 E 1iter cn'il·moll!i


21000 21500 22000 23000

FIG. 16. Molar extinction coefficient E versus wavenumber. Structure in the 20AoK spectra of CoF2 and Coo.osZno .•,F2 between 21 000
and 23000 cm-I . See caption of Fig. 2 for code.

peaks. As a general rule, the two spectra agree within u and a spectra of CoF2 but is absent in the spectra of
the experimental uncertainties. There are, however, the dilute crystal.
differences in relatively sharp structures which are seen There are marked differences between the spectra in
in the 20.4°K spectra. Figure 16 shows that in the different polarizations. If the mechanism of the transi-
21000-23000 cm-l region the 20.4°K spectra of CoF2 tion involved only an electric dipole moment, the a
and COO.06ZnO.94F2 are significantly different in their and u spectra would be identical. This is nearly true for
detailed structure. The most striking difference is the the 5000 and 7000 Abands, but in the 14000 A band
sharp absorption at 22 768 cm-l which is present in the the u spectrum is significantly weaker than the a spec-
trum, indicating that some of the intensity in this band
arises from a mechanism involving the magnetic dipole
3500 3000 2500 moment.
1 I I r i
E liter cm'.mole' DISCUSSION

Assignment of Bands

In CoF2 each COH ion is surrounded by six F- ions,

distorted in angle from a regular octahedron. l The ob-
served spectra are consistent with the pattern calcu-
lated by many investigators29 .3o for COH in an octahe-
dral field of negatively charged ligands. The 4F and 4p
terms of the free COH ion are split in a ligand field of

~ 29 A. Abragam and M. H. L. Pryce, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London)

30000 40000 em'
AZ06, 173 (1951).
30 For references see (a) J. S. Griffith, The Theory of Transition
Metal Ions (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1961),
FIG. 17. Molar extinction coefficient E versus wavenumber. Axial Chap. 11. (b) C. J. Ballhausen, Introduction to Ligand Theory
spectra at 300oK, Coo.osZno.9,F2 in the ultraviolet. (McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1962), Chap. 10.

TABLE V. Oscillator strengthsj of CoF, and COO.06ZnO.94F, for various polarizations and temperatures. The range is in units of 103 em-I.

OK Sample a

5000 A band
298 CoF, jXlO' 23 37 37
Range 16.3-24.0 16.3-24.2 16.0-24.5
298 Cao.o6Zno.,.F2 jX10 6 22 40 37
Range 16.5-24.0 16.5-24.5 16.0-24.5
20.4 CoF2 jX10 6 15 19
Range 16.7-24.5 16.5-24.5
20.4 COO.06ZnO.94F2 jX106 13 18
Range 16.7-22.1 17.4-23.4
7000 A band
298 CoF, jX106 0.5 3.0 3.3
Range 12.9-16.0 12.0-16.0 11.4-16.4
298 jX106 1 2.5 3.0
Range 12.2-16.5 12.1-16.3 11. 5-16.4
20.4 CoF, jXIQ6 0.3 1.5
Range 12.9-16.1 12.9-16.5
20.4 fX10 6 1.4
'Range 13.1-16.5
14000 A band
298 CoF2 jX106 8.1 4.3 5.8
Range 5.7-9.7 5.2-9.5 5.5-9.5
298 COO.06ZnO.9.F2 jX10' 7.2 4.9 6.2
Range 5.4-9.1 5.4-9.4 5.5-9.5
77 CoF2 jXI06 2.3
Range 6.4-9.0
77 COO.06ZnO.9.F2 fX10 6 5.6 2.9
Range 6.3-9.3 6.4-9.0
20.4 CoF2 jXlO' 2.5
Range 6.3-9.2
20.4 COO.06ZnO.94F2 jX106 5.0 2.6
Range 6.3-8.9 6.2-9.1

octahedral symmetry into four levels: two 4TIg , a 4T2g , Dq, the lower energy 4TIg level, which is the ground
and a 4A2g, whose relative energies are given by level in the crystal, and the 4T2g and 4A 2g levels become
the 4F term of the free ion. The upper 4TIg level, which
E(4TIg) = -7.SB+SDq
is the highest quartet level in the CoF2 crystal, becomes
±[22SB2+ 180BDq+ 100(Dq)2Jl!2 the 4 P term of the free ion. We therefore assign the ab-
sorption in the 14000 A band to transitions from
E(4A2g) =20Dq, 4TIg(4F) to 4T2g(4F) , that in the 7000 A band to transi-
E(4T2o) = lODq. tions from 4TIg(4F) to 4A 2g (4F) , and the major absorp-
tion in the 5000 A band to transitions from the 4TIg(4F)
Here B is a Racah parameter and lODq is the one- to 4TIg (4P). This assignment is in agreement with
electron octahedral field splitting. In the limit of zero those of other investigatorsI2. and with that of
Ferguson, Wood, and Knox32 for KCoF3, the optical
spectrum of which is similar to that of CoF2.
TABLE VI. Oscillator strength j in the 21000-23000 cm-I In CoF2 the ground 4Tlg(4F) octahedral field level is
region from structure in excess of smooth curves drawn on the
high-wavenumber side of peaks at 20.7XI03 cm-I (0', a) and split2 ,33 by the combined effects of spin-orbit coupling
19.3XI03 cm-I (.".). T=20.4°K. and the orthorhombic crystal field into six Kramers
doublets, which are further split by the molecular field
Polarization in the antiferromagnetically ordered state. Electronic
21 000-23 000 cm-I
Sample .". 0' a transitions among levels arising from 4TIg(4F) are ob-

CoF2 0.6X1Q-6 1.1XIO-s 1.5XIQ-6 31 L. F. Johnson, R. E. Dietz, and H. J. Guggenheim, App!.

Cao.o,Zno.9.F2 0.3XlO-s 0.6XlO-6 0.8X1o-'
Narrow line at Phys. Letters 5,21 (1964).
32 J. Ferguson, D. L. Wood, and K. Knox, J. Chern. Phys. 39,
22 768 em-I, CoF2 2XIO-S 2X1O-S 881, (1963).
33 H. M. Gladney, Phys. Rev. 146,253 (1966).

served28 ,34--36 in the 700-1500 cm-l infrared spectra. The mixing with near-lying doublet states and with charge-
observed transitions at 20.4°K are from the ground transfer states of the crystal, the 4T1 g( 4 P) level is
level in the CoF2 crystal which will be about SOO cm-I lowered in energy. Ferguson, Wood, and Knox3 have
lower than the center of energy of the 4TIg(4F) group. calculated that in KCoF3 and KMg(Co)F3 this state
From the shape of the observed spectra and the close has of the order of 10% doublet character.
agreement between the spectra of CoF2 and The 2G, 2H, 2P, and 2D levels of free Co2+ ion lie low
COO.06ZnO.94F2, one can conclude that the observed enough in energy so that levels arising from them may
spectra include energy of vibrational excitation, both appear in the spectral range below 25 000 cm-I . The
the excitation of optically active lattice vibrations37 ,38 positions of these levels in an octahedral field have been
to provide the mechanism for electric dipole transitions, calculated by several investigators. 32 ,4o,41 In CoF2 there
and the Franck-Condon overlaps of the ground vibra- will be a large number of doublet levels between 16 000
tional states with vibrational states of the excited and 25000 cm-r, and the exact calculation of the posi-
electronic levels in the case of magnetic dipole transi- tions of these levels would require a more accurate
tions. The peaks of the observed spectra will include a knowledge of the crystal-field parameters, including the
vibrational energy of the order of 700 cm-l . We expect, effects of spin-orbit coupling and orthorhombic crystal
therefore, that the observed peak positions of the fields, than is now available. In Table IV we list the
spectra of CoF2 at 20.4°K will lie between 1000 and positions of observed peaks in the spectra of CoF2 and
1500 cm-l higher than those calculated for an octahe- COO.06ZnO.94F2, without attempting an assignment.
dral field without vibrational excitation with appropri- The sharp peak at 22 76S±1 cm-I which had a width
ate values of Dq and E. on the spectroscopic plate of 10 cm-r, appears only in
The best value of Dq is obtained from the difference the (J" and a spectra of CoF2 and is therefore an electric
of the observed peak values of the transitions to the dipole transition. Since this line does not appear in the
4T2(4F) and 4A2(4F) states since this difference does spectrum of COO.06ZnO.94F2, it must derive its intensity
not involve the Racah parameter E, and the effects of from a pair-interaction mechanism. 42 This line has been
the splitting of the ground 4TIg(4F) states and of vibra- observed by Eremenko and Belyaeva15 and by Van der
tional excitation should largely cancel. From the ob- Ziel and Guggenheim,19 who identified it as a magnon
served separation we calculate Dq= 715±20 cm-I • The sideband, in agreement with the earlier suggestion I7 ,18
observed peak frequencies of CoF2 and COO.06ZnO.94F2 at based on measurements of the Zeeman splitting.
20.4°K are given in Table III together with those cal- Although the positions of the peaks between 21000
culated from Dq= 715 cm-l and with the value E= and 23000 cm-I are different for CoF2 and
971 cm- I obtained from the separation39 of the 4 F and COO.06ZnO. 94F 2 (Fig. 16), both crystals show absorption
4p levels of the free ion. For the reasons discussed in this region. It is probable that the transitions in this
above, the wavenumbers of the peaks in the transitions region are to doublet levels which may contain about
from the ground level to the 4T2g(4F) and 4A2g(4F) 10% quartet admixture. 32 In such a case one expects an
levels lie about 1100 cm-I above those calculated for an electric dipole transition involving odd vibrations to be
octahedral crystal field without vibrational excitation. stronger than the pair-interaction mechanism and thus
The transitions to the 4T1g (4P) states are strongly comparable absorption in the pure and dilute crystals.
polarized with one prominent peak at 19.27X 103 em-I
in the 7r spectrum and two prominent peaks at 19.05 Oscillator Strengths
and 20.60X 103 cm-l in the (J" and a spectra of CoF2. Oscillator strengths were calculated from the curves
The spectra of COO.06ZnO.94F2 are very similar to those of molar extinction coefficient versus wavenumber with
of CoF2 in this region. The splitting into three peaks the expression f =4.32 X 10--9f E dli. No correction was
and the strong polarization presumably arise from the made for the index of refraction of the crystal. The
separation of the three orbital levels of the 4T1g (4P) by oscillator strengths for the various bands are listed in
the crystal field of D2h symmetry. The mean position of Table V. Within the experimental uncertainties the
the three peaks in the transitions to the 4T1g (4P) levels oscillator strengths for corresponding bands and polari-
is close to that calculated for an octahedral field, al- zations are the same in CoF2 and COO.06ZnO.94F2' This
though as discussed above, it is expected to be 1000- indicates that the transition mechanism is a single-ion
1500 cm-I higher. The reason is probably that because of one and does not involve pair interactions. In the
5000 and 7000 A bands, the 29SoK oscillator strengths
34 R. Newman and R. M. Chrenko, Phys. Rev. 115, 1147 for the (J" and a spectra agree within experimental error
(1959) . and are larger that the 7r oscillator strength, indicating
3Ii A. I. Zvyagin, V. V. Eremenko, and V. I. Kut'ko, Fiz. Tverd.
Tela 7,3102 (1965) [Sov. Phys.-Solid State 7,2505 (1966)]. that these transitions are principally electric dipole in
36 D. Simkin and J. W. Stout (private communication).
37 A. S. Barker, Jr. and J. A. Ditzenberger, Solid State Commun.
3,131 (1965). 40 Y. Tanabe and S. Sugano, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 9, 753, 766
38 M. Balkanski, P. Moch, and G. Parisot, J. Chern. Phys. 44, (1954).
940 (1966). 41 W. Low, Phys. Rev. 109, 256 (1958).
39 C. E. Moore, Nat!. Bur. Std. Circ. 467,2,85 (1952). 42 D. S. McClure, J. Chern. Phys. 39, 2850 (1963).
CRYSTAL SPECTRA OF CoF 2 AND Co o .o 6 Z n o.94 F • 4209

nature. The variation of oscillator strength of these magnetic dipole transition moment perpendicular to
bands between 298 and 20.4°K is consistent with that this axis (H J.). In units of oscillator strength, jX 106
calculated43 for an electric dipole transition involving these are for CoF2 6.6~EII~2.3 and 5.8~HJ.~1.5,
excitation of odd lattice vibrations with frequencies in and for COo.OSZnO.94F2 5.9:2:EII:2:1.0 and 6.2:2:HJ.~1.3.
the range of the infrared-active lattice vibrations37 ,38 of Upper limits to HII and EJ. are the oscillator strengths
CoF2. Since CoF2 excited electronic states are occupied for the 0' spectrum. The uncertainties in jX 106 are
at 298°K, a reliable estimate of the vibrational fre- estimated to be about 0.4.
quency cannot, however, be obtained from the tem- Oscillator strengths for the structure seen at 20.4°K
perature variation of oscillator strength. in the 21 OOQ--23 000 cm-1 region are listed in Table VI.
The oscillator strengths at 298°K for the 14000 A In obtaining these values, a background smooth curve
band of CoF 2 and COO.06ZnO.94F2 show clearly that there drawn on the high-wavenumber side of the broad peaks
is a contribution to the intensity from magnetic dipole at 20.4XI03 cm-1 (0', a) and 19.3XI03 cm-1 (11') has
transition moment. From the oscillator strengths in been subtracted. The oscillator strength of the narrow
Table V, one may set limits to the contributions in the line at 22 768 cm-l is also listed in Table VI.
14000 A band of the electric dipole transition moment
parallel to the tetragonal crystal axis (Ell) and the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
We thank Miss M. Batchelderfor the spectrochemical
43 Reference 30(b), p. 187. analyses.


On Symmetric Multicomponent Diffusion Coefficients


Department of ChemicaJ Engineering, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213

(Received 21 July 1969)

The symmetric set of isotropic multicomponent diffusion coefficients introduced by Curtiss in the context
of the kinetic theory of dilute gases are given a general definition and shown to possess general symmetry
properties by virtue of Onsager reciprocal relations. Their relationships to Onsager coefficients, Curtiss-
Hirschfelder diffusion coefficients, and Bearman-Kirkwood multicomponent friction coefficients are
established and employed in stability considerations to deduce results which include the vanishing of
Curtiss-Hirschfelder thermal diffusion coefficients in dilute solution as a consequence of the second law of

In a recent publication Curtiss1 has reconsidered the those of brace integrals in view of the fact that the
original Curtiss-Hirschfelder formulation2 of the theory kinetic theory of polyatomic gases readily admits to
of multicomponent molecular diffusion in isotropic molecular models (e.g., the rough sphere model3)
gases. In re-examining the Chapman and Enskog3 which retain the H theorem and Onsager-type reciprocal
normal solution of the multicomponent Boltzmann relations despite a conspicuous but innocuous absence
equation for dilute gases he has established that it is of general symmetry properties among the brace (or
possible and convenient to work, in the kinetic theory, bracket) integrals. 4 Moreover, in the kinetic-theory
with a set of redefined diffusion coefficients which are treatment5 of orientation specific transport mechanics,S
symmetric in the indices and diagonally positive, these the corresponding orientation specific brace integrals
properties being a direct consequence of the definiteness are unsymmetrical for the nonspherical molecular
and symmetry properties of the brace integrals. models (e.g., loaded spherocylinders) as a general rule.
It is natural to inquire as to the limits of applicability Whether or not one should then expect generalized
of this formulation for its practical advantages alone. Curtiss coefficients, or Curtiss tensors, to retain their
In addition, if possible, it is desirable to divorce the properties and concomitant advantages in more
symmetry properties of the diffusion coefficients from general circumstances is answered best by examining the

1 C. F. Curtiss, J. Chern. Phys. 49,2917 (1968). 4 D. W. Condiff, W. K. Lu, and J. S. Dahler, J. Chern. Phys.
2 C. F. Curtiss and J. O. Hirschfelder, J. Chern. Phys. 17, 550 42,3445 (1965).
(1949) . 6 W. D. Henline and D. W. Condiff, "Transport Mechanics in
3 S. Chapman and T. G. Cowling, The Mathematical Theory of Systems of Orientable Particles. II. Kinetic Theory of Orientation
Non Uniform Gases (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Specific Transport for Hard Core Metals" (unpublished).
England, 1939). 6 D. W. Condiff and H. Brenner, Phys. Fluids. 12,539 (1969).

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