Emergency Services Tasko Kolonnade

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129124, 745.0 (c0120240122,e APPENDIX 3 ~ APPLICATION FOR INFORMATION FORM ~ FS/QAP 7.6.1-23 - FORM 3 Emergency Services Department = ae toodquarre Jol Governnent Avenue and Beckl Steet | ead | 0083 ° I 'Po'cts0| ren anos Toor 30 216 | Fax 0F2 SB 2308 es a faeabook cami of Tenwand aa APPLIGRTION:- srrene suse ze wee "7 CRS ae R TSHWANE _ INFORMATIONICERTIFICATE/PERMIT ERM iGinliod_ Oe More _ ior LANA -76287_apply for documentation towards the folowing. chackrlevantasstcaion. «= [1] res ARIF Fire Safety Compliance Later xl ars “Tadng Lisnee oo Rave Fire Report (House, Flats & Oubuldings) Oo Ro76 Fireworks Display ol et Five Water Rotation Test per Hyrant [rot Anoanterryano Test ROP 1200 Evacuation Dills & Evacuation Plans oO Fie investigations (Others) o TOTAL ‘rading Name/Building NameiPhysieal address ‘ave Liion eds Ta 012-358-9510 ra sarying@shwone.so¥-9 y__12029 Bate of Appication = =a tis icoarer an be aided wnnotor cial aneuene For Ofte - Doparternent Noodlonats > Lefapia a tat tsa TabonyeieS tanaye = Uintiyange weetzo eaboKo goro ya Ditto wa TAhogsny nacowuto yh Vonohaxet bya tamglrmnangh » Uinsango Wosemictbons!Ephut ‘Brargenoy Servese Departent hitos:/imail aooale.com/malit/0/2tab=im&oabl¥inbox/WhetkKZPKZOLWexancrGKZXtmTHrSHSWNIDZZcGaDKsPKOBEFKIGnaboPNeWaGms.. Vt

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