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Sebagai salah satu keterampilan berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris, bercerita tentang pengalaman
melatih kemampuan tenses Bahasa Inggris, khususnya Present Perfect Tense yang merujuk
1. Aktivitas atau kejadian yang terjadi (dialami sebelumnya) pada waktu tertentu yang
tidak spesifik di masa lampau
2. Aktivitas atau kejadian yang telah dilakukan beberapa kali (diulangi) atau sering terjadi
di masa lampau, dan mungkin masih berlangsung hingga kini
Melalui kegiatan ini, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu mengasah kemampuan bercerita tentang
pengalamannya dan mampu mengaplikasikan dalam konteks percakapan Bahasa Inggris

Kegiatan Belajar

1. Reading and Vocabulary

My Sister, Linda

This is about my younger sister, Linda. She is a High School student. She has always
imagined herself as a musician. She has told me about her dream many times. It’s been her
dream since elementary school.

50 Chapter VI – Talking about Experience

Who has inspired her to be a musician? A great singer named Whitney Houston has
been her favorite singer. Linda has always listened to Whitney’s songs many times in a day.
She loves the song entitled “I have nothing” by Whitney Houston.
Linda has also learned how to play a guitar for a year. She has made one YouTube
channel since 2017. She has covered many songs and uploaded in her channel. Many
viewers have written positive comments about her covers.
Sometimes Linda has music performances with her friends. Linda and her friends have
just done a music performance this month. They are also great players. They have won five
music competitions this year. They all want to be great musicians.
Taken from:

Find the use of Present Perfect Tense from the text above as many as you can and fill in
the box below:

Who has inspired her to be a musician?

2. Language Features
The present perfect tense refers to an action or states that:
• Occurred (experienced) at an indefinite time in the past
Example: I have told you before about this.
• Began in the past and continued to the present time
Example: I have worked in this company since 2008.
To form this tense, use the formula:
• Positive sentence: Subject + have/has + past participle form
• Negative sentence: Subject + have/has not + past participle form
• Interrogative sentence: Have/has + subject + past participle form + ?

Note 1: The use of have/has depends on subject. See the example of the verb “walked”:

Chapter VI – Talking about Experience 51

Positive sentence Negative sentence Interrogative sentence
I have walked I haven't walked Have I walked?
You have walked You haven't walked. Have you walked?
He, she, it has walked He, she, hasn't walked Has he, she, it walked?
We have walked We haven't walked Have we walked?
You have walked You haven't walked Have you walked?
They have walked They haven't walked Have they walked?

Note 2: Pay attention to irregular verbs for past participles (verb 3). Not all verbs ended
with -ed. See the example:

Verb Past (verb 2) Past Participle (verb 3)

Come Came Come
Begin Began Begun
Bite Bit Bitten
Break Broke Broken
Bring Brought Brought

3. Speaking
Dialog 1
Aliya : Let’s go to the cinema. I’ve bought two tickets for us.
Ryan : What is the movie?
Aliya : The Boss Baby. That’s a comedy. You’ll love it.
Ryan : How do you know that I will like the movie?
Aliya : Because I have watched it twice.
Ryan : What? You’ve watched a comedy movie two times?
Aliya : Yes, I have.
Ryan : So, why do you want to watch it again?
Aliya : Yes! I want to watch it with you. We haven’t gone to the cinema for ages.
Ryan : Well then, of course I’d love to!
Aliya : Nice!
Ryan : Thanks for the free ticket!

52 Chapter VI – Talking about Experience

a. Work in pairs. Practice the dialogue with your classmate.
b. Try to make your own dialogue based on your own experience.

4. Writing
Have you…? (Yes, I have/No, I haven’t)
Answer the Present Perfect Tense questions based on your own experience!
1. Have you travelled by plane?
2. Have you ever practiced to play musical instrument?
3. Have you ever been to Bali?
4. Have you cleaned your own bedroom this week?
5. Have you got vaccinated?
6. Have you done your assignment or homework this week?
7. Have you watched a soccer game at the stadium?
8. Have you eaten healthy food today?

Video Pembelajaran

Chapter VI – Talking about Experience 53


A. Vocabulary
Complete these jumbled words
1. __ O __ __ __B__ : The most popular online video platforms on the Internet
2. __ __ I __ __ R : A six-strings musical instrument.
3. __ I __ __ __ M__ : The place to watch movies.
4. __ U __ I __ __ __ __ : A person who play and make music professionally.
5. __ __C __ __ __ : We must buy this to enter a place, travel by public
transport, or participate in an event

B. Change the verb into the past participle forms!

1. She has … some novels. (write)
2. We have never … it. (hear)
3. I have … my dinner. (have)
4. Has your sister … the flowers? (receive)
5. Have we … before? (meet)
6. She has … to the market. (go)
7. They haven’t … the door. (lock)
8. My uncle hasn’t … back yet. (come)
9. Have you ... it there? (put)
10. He hasn’t ... a job yet. (find)

C. Reading comprehension
Go back to the text entitled " My Sister, Linda" to answer these questions!
1. Who has inspired Linda to be a musician?
2. Has Linda made a YouTube channel? Since when?
3. What songs has Linda always listened?
4. Has Linda learned how to play a guitar?
5. How many music competitions has Linda won?

54 Chapter VI – Talking about Experience


Remember, we use Present Perfect Tense to express:

• Occurred (experienced) at an indefinite time in the past
Example: I have finished my homework last night.
• Began in the past and continued to the present time
Example: I have studied in this campus for 2 years.
• The use of have/has depends on subject
• Pay attention to irregular verbs for past participles (verb 3)

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Chapter VI – Talking about Experience 55

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