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Hi everybody. It's an honor to be the speaker 3 of negative team.

First of all, I want to say some thing about the performance of speaker from the affirmative team

Speaker 1 He said….

Speaker 2 he said was…

Speaker 3 he said that

Although I try very hard to understand, I'm sorry I can't. Your agument is so bad It’s only about how
good is Moocs. The motion is moocs mark an end to the traditional university and you agree with it but I
don’t see how moocs destroy.

your evidence is also very weak. it is mostly just personal opinion, it's not convince, that's why the
audience doesn't understand you.

You say mooks gives us convenience, flexibility. I am so curious about how effective it is. Follow my
speaker 2. completion rate of moocs is very low. And motivation is one of the main reson. That’s why I
am here today
my opinion: moocs is unmotivated environment for learners.

Evidence 1: According to PSG Institute of Management it is top 22

Bussiness school, in 2018, they make a survey on 375 people who learn
in Moocs, the result show that completion rates is 7-11% and they say
main reasons is motivation.
Evidence 2: According to survey of American University of Phnom Penh (this uni is
partner of Arizona of University )
They do a Survey on about 254 students found that 69.6% (179 students) say
they have dropped or never completed MOOC, and you know what? the main
reason is motivation again.
So I wonder why the moocs is so bad at motivate the learner. after many hour researching I question
myself why not looking at here where we study now. LUK global. Is it an Course of traditional university?
yah. In LUK, I gain so much motivation. You, audience, you give me motivation to do this speech, you
coach you also give me motivation to learn, you guy always try the best to make us become the better
version, if I not try harder, I will not deserve it. In Luk we clap hand, we discuss about motion, we cheer
people up. We are giving each other the motivation to learn. And in moocs when you only looking at the
screen learn by yourself you will lose these amazing thing.

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