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(Please write y a Time: Note: Attempt Ue Q. Q3. Qa. Semester (B. Tech.) Paper Code: ETPH-104 Rott Nob 1 Roll No, immediately) Mid Term Exan February, 2018 Applied Physics-II Max. Marks: 30 230 he. 12 Question No.1 whieh is compulsory ny three Questions ine! 2 2 (aDetine divergence of a vector field and give its physical significance, DeShow that force F = (Alt £ = 37 +47 +k, calculate the electric flux through surface area 1004 units lying in X-Y plane. he (dyShow that BE and FD statisties reduces to MB statistics at high temperature, 2 (exDistinguish between displacement current and conduction current. i 4+ xzj + xyk is conservative _SpAiate Gauss’ lay oF electric field, Express iti its stegral form. 2 2 ( is contained in Maxwell's (byShow that equation of continuity div equations 2 SgPWrite Maxwell's equations in integral form and state physical significance of each - equation. 4 (QA charge of 1500 uC is distributed over a very large sheet having surface area of 400 m’, Calculate the electric field at a distance of 25 my ae ate and prove Poynting theorem. Explain the terin Poynting vector. = __ 4 iscuss the propagation of electromagnetic weve in free space and find the ~ ‘velocity of electromagnetic waves a (c)ff the earth receives 2 cal min ‘em solar energy. what would be the amplitudes of 2 electric and magnetic fields radiations? (a) Compare the salient features of Maxwell-Boltzn:ann (MB), Bose-Einstein (BE) 4 and Fermi-Dirac (FD) statistics. eigh-Jeans’ law from Planck’s radiation formula. 4 (b) Derive Wien’s law and Ray! {€) Calculate the skin depth for 2 MHz electromagnetic wave through copper. (Given: 6 =5.8x107S/m and p= 42x10" nvA). 2 -JUNE-2018 Subject: Applied Physics. Time: 8 Hours RATCH 2013 0} ONWARDS) s (2) coat current density and displacement Gans (C) Find the skin de s pth at a frequency of 105 Hz for silver. Given =2x107 and w=4x107 H/m, eae “(a sees tRE normalization condition of a wavefunction Why is it Aecessary for a wave function to be normalized? (3) (€) Why is the wave nature of matter not more apparent in our daily observation? (9) What is energy quantization? How (e) Based (2) on Fermi-Dirac statistics, is it possible for particle in a rigid box? (3) , State the nature of Fermi distribution function. How does it vary with temperature? (2) (h) What is ultraviolet catastrophe? (2) Sodium crystallies in bee structure. If the radius of the sodium atom is 1-55nm, compute the spacing between the (111) planes. (2) Which type of the cubic crystal struc tures has closest packing of atoms? atom in this type of crystal have? (2) UNIT-1 GS (a) A conducting sphere of radius 5 cm has an unknown charge. If the electric field 10 cm from the centre of the sphere is 1.5 x 10° 'N/C and points inwards, what is the charge on the sphere? (2.5) JgPShow that Ampere’s law is inconsistent in time varying fields, ° (3) (pWWrite down the significance of Poynting vector. Derive an expression for Poynting theorem and give interpretation of each term, P (2+5=7) Q3 (a) Deduce the equation for the propagation of electromagnetic wave in free Space and obtain an expression for the velocity. Show that electric and magnetic field vectors are normal to cach other and to the direction of propagation of waves. (8) (b) If the earth receives 4 cal/min/cm? solar energy, what are the amplitudes of electric and magnetic fields of radiation? (4.5) UNIT-IT (a) State and explain Rayleigh-Jeans law. Show how its drawbacks can be overcome using Planck’s radiation law. (3.5) (b) Distinguish between Maxwell-Boltzmann (MB), Bose-Einstein(BE) and Fermi-Dirac(FD) statistics on the basic of their distribution function and show that the BE and FD distributions at ve 4 ery high temperature goes to MB distribution. (5) (c) Distinguish between Bosons and Fermions. Give one example each. 4) QS AghtDerive Schrodinger’s time independent wave equation. (5) t is a wave packet? Show that the phase velocity of de-Broglie wave it greater than the velocity of light. (143) PTO. ETen-i8 Y, In- 6 a 8 '24 () A particle is confined to an one-dimensional infinite potential well of width 0.2 x 10%m. It is found that when the energy of the particle is 230eV, its eignefunction has 5 antiodes, Find the mass of the particle and show that it can never have energy equal to IkeV. (3.5) UNIT-t Be Establish the relation between the lattice constant of a cubic crystal and the density of the crystal material (2.5) copper has fcc structure and its atomic radius is 0.1278nm. If the atomic weight of Copper is 63.5, calculate its density (2.5) (gWhat are the different types of point defects in crystal lattice? Show that the number of Schottky defects at a given temperature is proportional to N, the number of atoms present in the crystal (2+5.5=7.5) (a) Draw (010), (110) and (222) planes in a cubic crystal (4.5) (b) A certain crystal has lattice constant of 4.244 104A and 3.664 on the %y,2 axis respectively. Determine the Miller indices of the plane of this crystal having 4.24.4, 54 and 1.83 Aas its xy and z intercepts respectively.(3) (c) Describe Brage’s spectrometer and explain with the help of an example ho it is used to study the crystal structure? (5) uNrT-Iv {a) Derive an expression for the density of holes in an intrinsic semiconductor.(6) (b) Show that the Fermi energy level in an intrinsic semiconductor lies approximately half way between the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band. (4) (c) Hall voltage of 0.001mV is found to be developed when a sample carrying 2 current of 100mA is placed in a transverse magnetic filed of 2 T. Calculate the charge carrier concentration of the sample, given the thickness of the sample along the direction of magnetic filed is 0.05mm. (2.5) (a) What is the effect of periodic potential of the energy of electrons in a metal? Explain it on the basis of Kronig-Penney model and also explain the formation of energy bands. (8.5) (b) Show that the Hall coefficient is independent of the applied magnetic filed and is inversely proportional to the current density and electronic charge. (4) ETP Pop ek

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