Shoshana Singh 11 MB2 MATHS SBA

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Cover Page

Name of Candidate’s: -Shoshana Singh

-Mitchel Park

-Kareena Devi Sukhu

-Nickeita Boodhoo

Candidate Number:

Candidate’s Grade: 11MB2

Centre Name: Corentyne Comprehensive High School

Centre Number: 090018

Subject: Mathematics SBA

Sir: Algu Mahendra

Year: 2024

Content Page

Cover Page………………………………………………………………………………………...1

Content Page………………………………………………………………………………………2

Project Title………………………………………………………………………………………..3



Method of Data Collection………………………………………………………………………...6

Presentation of Data……………………………………………………………………………….9

Analysis of Data………………………………………………………………………………….12

Discussion of Findings…………………………………………………………………………...14



Marking Scheme…………………………………………………………………………………17

Project Title

An investigation into the yields of two varieties of rice seedlings to determine which is more
profitable and cost effective.


This project is to investigate the yields of two rice seedlings which is 15 & 16. The researchers

choose this topic to determine which of the two rice seedlings is more profitable and less costly.

To go about the investigation the researchers will interview some of the rice formers of

‘Mibikuri Block North Bush Polder’, to investigate which varieties of rice seedlings is more



The researchers overheard a conversation between a groups of rice formers as they were chatting

about the different types of rice seedlings. So the researchers go about and started to investigate

the different types of rice seedlings. As the researchers investigated they found three different

types of rice seedlings namely 15, 16 and 100 days. After that they decided to do an interview

with the three rice formers and also to other rice formers in ‘Mibikuri North Black Bush Polder.

In this way it will not hold up time and it will be faster. The three rice formers namely (Persuade,

Narine and Brown. Each of them have experience of five years in rice forming. The reason for

this interview is to compare and help other formers to know which rice seedlings is more

profitable and less costly. The formers (Persuade, Narine and brown) started to say the price,

amount & types of fertilizer, amount of weedicide use and how many times they spray and all

those important things they need for the yield.

Method of Data Collection

The method of collecting data for this school base assessment is collecting data from the rice

farmers in Mibikuri North Black Bush Polder. The researchers collected the data with an

interview sheet. An interview sheet is a piece of paper that is used by an interviewer to gather the

information you need. The researchers choose an interview because an interview allows the

researchers to gather more in depth and specific information. The researchers found this method

an ‘interview’ more effective to gather more in depth information. So the method of collecting

data for this SBA is the interview sheet will contain 11 questions that are based on the objective

and the topic choosen. 15 interview sheets will be printed and distributed to the three formers

(Persuade, Narine and Brown) and also 12 more random formers of Mibikuri North Black Bush

Polder, each formers were given a time limit which is 2 days to finish the interview sheet and the

researchers expect to receive all 15 interview sheet back within the next two days when the time

limit is finish.

Sample of the Interview sheet

We would value your input and would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to fill out
this interview. An investigation into the yields of two rice seedlings to determine which is more
profitable and cost effective. Thank you for time and effort in helping to filling out this
Researcher Name:

1. How many years of experience do you have with this type of farming?


2. What type of rice do you plant?


3. How many dose of fertilizer do you add to your rice?


4. If you have experience with more than one type of rice, which one do you think is more profitable and
less costly?


5. What are the things you need, so that you will have healthy growth?


6. Before on go on to this kind of farming, give an average of how much money you have to get?


7. What are the types of diseases have you experienced with rice?


8. What are the name of the fertilizer do you throw on your rice?


9. What are some of the preparations do you make before you sowing?


10. How many times do you spray chemicals on your rice?


11. State some of the reasons for you answer in question 10?


Presentation of Data

According to the results gathered from the interview sheets, it was found that most farmers have
significant experience in farming, ranging from 10 to 20 years. The most commonly used type of
rice by these farmers is the 15 and 16 type, as it is believed to be the most profitable and cost-
efficient. However, there are a few farmers who use other types of rice, such as 100 days,
medium grain rice, 196 and donkey man.

It was also observed that most farmers use around 3 dozens of fertilizers in their farming
processes, with only a few using 4 to 5 dozens. Fertilizers are believed to be the most efficient
way to grow healthy crops, as claimed by most of the farmers interviewed. Starting a farming
venture costs approximately 1 million to 1.3 million, according to the estimates provided by the

Blast, a disease that affects rice crops, was identified as the most common disease that farmers
face, while only a few farmers reported encountering other diseases. Urea and triple were the
most commonly used fertilizers among the farmers, while other fertilizers like TSP and NPK
were not widely used.

In preparing their land for planting, farmers generally plough, chip, and pump water to loosen up
the soil, which is an essential step to grow a healthy crop. It was also observed that farmers spray
their crops at least 3 to 8 times, mainly due to the presence of diseases like blast, gandy, and

Overall, the findings suggest that farmers employ various strategies and methods to grow healthy
and profitable crops. Despite facing various challenges such as diseases and the need for
fertilizers, successful farming ventures can be initiated with significant experience, investment,
and careful planning.

Table showing information collected from rice farmers in Mibicuri North Black Bush Polder.

Types of rice Seedlings Majority of the rice farmers

indicated this information
15& 16 x
100 Days
Medium Grain Rice
Donkey man

Amount of Fertilizers used

3 dozens x
4 dozens
5 dozens

Cost of Starting a rice farming venture

1 million to 1.3 million x

Types of Diseases/ Insects farmers faced

Rice Blast x
Brown spot
Sting bug & Rice bug

Types of Fertilizers farmers used

Urea & Triple x


How many times farmers spray their crop

3 to 8 times per day x

How farmers prepared their land

1. Plough, chip, and pump water to loosen up soil x
which is an essential step to grow healthy crops.

Figure 1: A bar graph showing types of rice seedlings farmers in Mibicuri North Black Bush
Polder uses.

Types of rice seedlings farmers uses

15& 16



1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15

Figure 2: A pie chart showing types of diseases and insects that affects rice farming in Mibicuri
North Black Bush Polder.

Types of disease and insects that affects rice forming


Analysis of Data

Rice Blast Gandy Worms Sting bug and rice bug

In figure 1 is bar graph showing the types of rice farmers used in Mibicuri North Black Polder
after analyzing the data presented it can be seen that majority of the rice farmers uses the 15&16
type rice seedlings.

In Figure 2 is a pie chart showing the types of disease and insects that affect rice forming in
Mibicuri North Black Bush Polder after analyzing the data being presented it can visually seen
that rice blast is the most common diseases that affects rice farming in Mibucuru North Black
Bush Polder claim by the rice farmers.

Based on the farming practices survey conducted, most farmers have extensive experience in
farming, ranging from 10 to 20 years. The 15 and 16 types of rice were identified as the most
commonly used types by farmers. Fertilizers were commonly used in farming, with about 70% of
farmers using around 3 dozens. The estimated cost of starting a farming venture was around 1
million to 1.3 million. Blast was the most common disease encountered by farmers, while Urea
and triple were identified as the most commonly used fertilizers. Farmers used various
techniques in land preparation including ploughing, chipping, and pumping water. Crops were
typically sprayed with pesticides 3 to 8 times due to the presence of diseases like blast, gandy,
and worms. Overall, successful farming ventures require extensive knowledge, investment, and
careful planning.

The analysis of the data collected from the farmer interviews suggests that farmers have
significant experience in farming, with most having between 10 to 20 years of experience. The

most popular type of rice grown by these farmers is the 15 and 16 type due to its profitability and
cost-effectiveness. However, there are a few farmers who use other types of rice, such as 100
days, medium grain rice, 196 and donkey man.

The data also shows that farmers use fertilizers in their farming process, with most using around
3 dozens of fertilizers and only a few using 4 to 5 dozens. Fertilizers, particularly urea and triple,
are believed to be efficient ways to grow healthy crops, as claimed by most of the farmers
interviewed. Farmers report that starting a farming venture costs between 1 million to 1.3

The study shows that rice blast disease is the most commonly reported disease affecting the
crops of farmers, with only a few farmers mentioning other diseases. Urea and triple were the
most commonly used fertilizers among the farmers, while other fertilizers like TSP and NPK
were not widely used.

In preparing the land for cultivation, farmers commonly use ploughing, chipping, and pumping
water to loosen up the soil. The analysis also shows that farmers spray their crops at least 3 to 8
times, mainly due to the presence of diseases like blast, gandy, and worms.

The overall analysis suggests that farmers employ various strategies and methods to grow
healthy and profitable crops, including the use of fertilizers, managing crop diseases, and careful
planning. Despite the challenges faced by farmers, such as diseases and the need for fertilizers,
successful farming ventures can be initiated with significant experience, investment, and careful

Discussion of Findings

The findings of the study showed that farmers in Mibicuri North Black Polder have significant
experience in farming and that the most popular type of rice grown is the 15 and 16 type due to
its profitability and cost-effectiveness. This suggests that farmers are aware of the economic
factors involved in rice farming and are making decisions based on these factors.

The data also indicated that farmers use fertilizers in their farming process to grow healthy crops.
The data shows that fertilizers like urea and triple are commonly used. It is important to note,
however, that the excessive use of fertilizers can lead to environmental and health problems.
Therefore, it is important to educate farmers about the safe use of fertilizers.

The study also showed that rice blast disease is the most commonly reported disease affecting
the crops of farmers, which is consistent with previous studies. This suggests the need for
farmers to be educated and trained on how to manage and prevent crop diseases to ensure
successful farming ventures.

Overall, the findings of this study highlight the importance of experience, investment and careful
planning for successful farming ventures. The data shows that farmers in the research area are
aware of the economic factors involved in rice farming, utilize fertilizers, manage crop diseases,
and prepare their land carefully for planting. These are all important factors in ensuring a

successful farming venture. The findings of this study may be helpful in informing policies
aimed at supporting farmers in the area and improving their livelihoods.


In conclusion, the data collected from interviews with farmers in Mibicuri North Black Polder
has shown that most farmers have significant experience in rice farming and that the most
commonly grown type of rice is the 15 and 16 type. Data also indicated that farmers use
fertilizers in their farming process to grow healthy crops, with most using around 3 dozens of
fertilizers. Rice blast disease was the most commonly reported disease affecting the crops of
farmers. The 15 and 16 type of rice seedling is more affordable and less costly.

It is clear from the data that farming in Mibicuri North Black Bush Polder requires significant
investment and careful planning. Successful farming ventures require experience, knowledge of
economic factors involved, and good land preparation. It is also important that farmers are
educated on how to manage and prevent crop diseases in order to ensure a successful venture.

These findings underscore the importance of supporting farmers in Mibicuri North Black Bush
Polder, providing them with the resources and information necessary for success. Policies aimed
at supporting farmers should focus on improving access to education and training on good crop
management practices, how to safely use fertilizers, and how to manage crop diseases.

Overall, the findings of the study offered valuable insight into the practices and challenges of
farmers in the Mibicuri North Black Bush Polder. The data collected may be used to inform
policies aimed at improving the livelihoods of farmers and promoting sustainable farming
practices in the region and for farmers to know which is the best type of rice, the significant
investment, land preparation, best type of fertilizer, how to prevent insects, types of diseases and
which type of rice seedling is more profitable and less costly.


1. "Crop Management Strategies for Rice Blast Disease Control" Carlos Alberto Labadie (08
January 2019)
2. " How to invest in agriculture” (is it a good investment?) BY Unbiased Team. (11 December
3. "Chemical Fertilizers and Their Impact on Soil Heal" Lone Raffia. (26 December 2022)
4. “The Role of educational planning in agricultural development” Wilson Fergus. (10 March

5. “RICE DISEASES & INSECTS” Tat sushi TSUBOI. Technical Advisor Promotion of Rice
Development (n.d.). (02 January 2012).

Marking Scheme


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