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Our Classroom Constitution

We the 7th Grade Social Studies Students of Odyssey Charter School come together to
make our classroom better for all who enter. We promise to treat everyone fairly, to try our best to get
along with our peers, and to help make school a positive experience. We write down our rules and
promise to follow them in order to establish a better learning environment.

Article 1:Non-Negotiable School Rules

We promise to be safe, be responsible, and be respectful in school. We promise not to participate in
bullying behavior and to report any bullying we see to a trusted adult. We will use only appropriate
language. We will not fight or vandalize school property. We agree to never go behind the teacher’s
desk or touch their things without asking. I will attend class every day; and above all else, abide by
the Code of Conduct.

Article 2: Rules
We promise to follow the Golden Rule by treating others the way we want to be treated. In class, we
promise to listen when our teacher is talking and do our work so that we
do not distract those around us. We will get to class on time, and if for any reason we need to leave
the room, we will ask the teacher permission. I will raise my hand and wait to be called upon when I
know an answer or need to ask a question. When participating in group, I will keep my voice at an
appropriate level so I do not disturb my classmates or other classes. Additionally, I am aware of the
cell phone policy and will abide by it.

Article 3: Responsibilities
We understand that we are expected to be a friend if we see someone who needs a friend. We are
responsible for completing our homework when it is assigned. We are expected to come prepared to
class with our agenda, pencils, binder, and homework. I will stay awake and participate in class. I
will stay organized, do my homework and classwork, and study for tests and quizzes. I will keep the
classroom clean and acknowledge that I am responsible for my own actions.

Article 4: Rights
If we are committed to following school and classroom rules and are responsible students, there are
certain rights that we may earn. We have the right to get a tissue without asking. The right to go to the
bathroom or nurse when needed. We have the right to learn, ask questions, and express ideas.

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