Ican-Iq: 1. COME ROUND-means

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1. COME ROUND- means

1. save life

2. fall ill

3. circle

4. passed exam

5. recover


1. injustice

2. complaint

3. futile

4. sin

5. discord






4. Rearrange: CSOKHILR and relate

1. Baby food

2. Games & Sports

3. Plants

4. Architects

5. Literature

5. If 3-6, 4-12, 6-30, 8-56 then 7=__?

1. 64

2. 49

3. 24

4. 42

5. 56

6. 1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 9, 7, 16, 11,7

1. 25, 16

2. 66, 59

3. 26, 16

4. 25, 39

5. 16, 25

7. Which one of the five is least like the other four_?

1. Shark

2. Deer

3. Cow

4. Dog

5. Lion

6. Mouse

8. A, 8, C, 27 E, 64, G, 125, I,_,_?

1. 221, G

2. 216, K

3. 612, O

4. 216, S

5. 125, K

9. Which one of the five makes the best comparison: "Tree is to shade as
chimney is to:?"

1. smoke

2. fire place

3. brick

4. sky

5. garage

10. Find next: R, 4, T, 9, V, 16, X,_,_?

1. 25, Z
2. 36, W

3. 25, T

4. 35, Z

5. 36, J

11. Call to mind- means

1. Remember

2. understand

3. difficult

4. cruelty

5. request

12. Find next: 1, 7, 8, 15, 23, 38, 61, __?

1. 100, 160

2. 99, 170

3. 99, 160

4. 97, 165

5. 97, 164

13. Rearrange: FATKRUJICF and find similarity:

1. Fruit

2. Animals

3. Poet

4. King
5. Country

14. Find next: 13, 18, 22, 27, 33, 38, 46, 51, 61, 66,_,_?

1. 78, 88

2. 80, 83

3. 78, 83

4. King

5. Country

15. Doctors gave 5 pills and told to take one every after half an hour.
Minimum how much time is required to take all pills?

1. 2 Hours

2. 60 Min

3. 150 Min

4. 3 Hours

5. 4 Hours

16. Find next: 28, 10, 65, 30, 126, 68, 217, 130, 344, 222,_,_?

1. 513, 350

2. 315, 350

3. 513, 250

4. 510, 350

5. 150, 250

17. If you rearrange the letters "NOPHYT", you would find:

1. Animal

2. Ocean

3. Country

4. State

5. City

18. HAPPINESS is to SENIPAH as 517768399 is to__:

1. 9386715

2. 93876715



5. No one

19. Find next: 97, 106, 102, 99, 109, 90, 118, 79_?

1. 165, 66

2. 129, 66

3. 250, 25

4. 65, 250

5. 129, 64

20. Judy had number of raisins. After eating one, she gave half the
remainder to her sister. After eating another raisin, she gave a third of what
was left to her brother. Judy now had only six raisins left. How many raisins
did she start with?

1. 35
2. 42

3. 39

4. 45

5. 51

21. Z, 51, Y, 60, X, 52, W, 59, V, 53, U, ?

1. 101, A

2. 101, A

3. 69, T

4. 58, T

5. 58, G

22. . At a store, they cut the price 40% for a particular item. By what percent
must the item be increased if you wanted to sell it at the original price?

1. 66. 70%

2. 30. 00%

3. 40. 00%

4. 45.00%

5. 50.00%

23. 5.5, 7, 150, 9, 26, 130, 12.5, 63, 110, 16, 124, 90, 19.5, 215, 70, 23,
342, 50,_,_,_?

1. 27.5, 515, 39

2. 27.5, 515, 39

3. 25.5, 513, 41
4. 28.5, 512, 42

5. 29.5, 514, 43

24. KILO is to THOUSAND as HECTO is to

1. million

2. ten

3. tenth

4. hundred

5. thousand

25. Find next: 9, 7, 6, 8, 15, 15, 21, 23, 36, 38,_,_?

1. 68, 24

2. 57, 61

3. 57, 68

4. 69, 61

5. 25, 36

26. Which one of the five choices makes the best comparison? Loaf is to
Faol as Fun is to

1. Nuf

2. Fantasy

3. Feline

4. Canine

5. Infinity
27. Imagine the numbers 1 through 30, written in a row. If you added
together any two numbers that are next to each other, you'd always get
an odd number

1. False

2. True

3. Neither

4. All

5. None

28. Which one of the five makes the best comparison? FWAWWFA is to
9323392 as AFFWWAF is to

1. 2993392

2. 2933229

3. 2993329

4. 2993323

5. 2993393

29. 23, 53, 21, 57, 18, 60,

1. 16, 32

2. 25, 50

3. 14, 68

4. 25, 62

5. 14, 62

30. Find next: 1, A, 9, Z, 29, C, 67, X, 129, E,_,_?

1. 256, V

2. 221, V

3. 122, F

4. 580, D

5. 120, V

31. Which conclusion follows from the statements with absolute certainty?
None of the stamp collectors is an architect. All the drones are stamp

1. all stamp collectors are architects

2. architects are not drones

3. no stamp collectors are drones

4. some drones are architects

5. False

32. 7,2,8, 8, 15, 10, 23, 18, 38, 28,_,_?

1. 50, 100

2. 25, 50

3. 25, 46

4. 61, 46

5. 61, 85

33. The entire following sentence makes sense if the word "Klgk" is
understood to mean the same as the word "Pedestrian": I pressed the
brake as soon as I saw the Kigk and stopped the car. And I saw the Klgk
in front of my car."
1. False

2. True

3. Neither

4. All

5. None

34. If 3x4-1220, 6x8-4272 then 5x7=?

1. horse

2. deer

3. 4576

4. 2535

5. 3056

35. If 4×5=2165,3×6=3096 than 2×7=_____?

1. 0449

2. 4035

3. 2070

4. 27414

5. 4049

36. VIXEN is to FOX as HIND is to?

1. horse

2. deer
3. otter

4. zebra

5. rabbit

37. 37. Some boys are sitting in 03 rows all facing north such that A is in
the middle of Row. P is just to the right of A but in the same row. Q is just
behind of P while R is in the north of A. In which direction of R is Q?

1. South

2. South West

3. North East

4. South East

5. North West

38. 56, 2, 55, 9, 53, 28, 50, 65,_,_?

1. 50, 150

2. 46, 126

3. 44, 150

4. 40, 250

5. 47, 126

39. There are number of birds sitting on a branch of a tree. A hunter fired
with his gun, only two birds fell down. How many were left on the tree?

1. 10

2. 21

3. 18
4. 0

5. 5

40. Y, A, W, D, T, G, P, J,?

1. J, K

2. K, L

3. S, F

4. K, M

5. K, O

41. 5, 8, 14, 17, 23, _,_?

1. 26, 32

2. 25, 32

3. 26, 40

4. 40, 32

5. 44, 52


1. hardness

2. weight

3. strength

4. rainfall

5. height

43. 741258368, 125836874, 583687412, _____?

1. 123987645

2. 35698741

3. 3866472185

4. 386741285

5. 368741258

44. If ACFK is to BDGL then CABLE is to _?






45. 12389746, 23897461, 38974612,_?

1. 62391478

2. 258647

3. 89746123

4. 89764123

5. 87914623

46. 2+3-10,6+5=66, 7+2=63, 8+4-96 then 9+7=?

1. 122

2. 99
3. 121

4. 144

5. 269

47. 5436842 , 2543648, 4254368,______?

1. 8425436

2. 8425346

3. 3465284

4. 586482

5. 254487464

48. If EUCATION is coded as MUCISIAN then TECUAON is coded by __?






49. 652431, 763542, 874653, _?

1. 985764

2. 958764

3. 97854

4. 9858764

5. 8896457
50. If an egg takes 5 minutes to boil. How much time will it take to boil 25
eggs together?

1. 15 Minutes

2. 18 Minutes

3. 5 Minutes

4. 6 Minutes

5. 10 Minutes

51. 51. Multiply 98.7 and 6.54

1. 675.418

2. 695.478

3. 645.498

4. 685.418

5. 675.498

52. CASTLE is to DEFENCE as THEATRE is to___?

1. audience

2. performance

3. arena

4. actor

5. entertainment

53. Which answer expresses the meaning opposite of that of the specified
word best?

1. cowardly
2. starch

3. tender

4. strong

5. masculine

54. EVENING is to NIGHT as SPRING is to _?

1. Spring

2. Season

3. Day

4. Summer

5. Autumn

55. Choose the number that is 1/4 of 1/2 of 1/5 of 200

1. 2

2. 5

3. 10

4. 25

5. 50

56. 1, C, 3, E, 5, G, 7,_,_?

1. L, 19

2. I, 15

3. K, I

4. I, 9
5. J, 9

57. PIAZZA is to ITALY as PLAZA is to _?

1. France

2. Latin

3. America

4. South

5. Spain

58. 6, 90.5, 27, 7.5, 82, 37, 9, 74.5, 47, 10.5, 68, 57,_,_,_?

1. 10.75, 60.5, 67

2. 12, 61.5, 65

3. 11, 64.5, 69

4. 14, 63.25, 68

5. 12, 62.5, 67

59. Rearrange and find: "LNGEDNA":

1. Animal

2. Country

3. State

4. City

5. Ocean

60. Find most dissimilar word:

1. Poem

2. Novel

3. Painting

4. Statue

5. Flower

61. What is next: 2, 6, 14, 30, 62, 126, 254,_,_?

1. 150, 2201

2. 510, 1022

3. 510, 1210

4. 150, 1022

5. 250, 2500

62. The entire following sentence makes sense if the word toog is under-
stood to mean the same as the word start. I tooged the car and turned on
the radio just in time to hear the announcer say, "The marathon is over as
the first runner crosses the toog line"

1. False

2. True

3. Neither

4. All

5. None

63. Find the next: 77, 80. 5, 84, 87. 5, 91, __?

1. 77, 99. 5
2. 94. 5, 98

3. 95. 5, 25

4. 95, 98

5. 94. 5, 90

64. What is the minimum number of toothpicks necessary to spell the word
"HAT". You are not allowed to break or bend any toothpicks.

1. five

2. six

3. seven

4. eight

5. nine

65. Find the next: 2, 56, 6, 72, 12, 90, 20, 110,_,_

1. 50, 500

2. 30, 250

3. 40, 123

4. 50, 132

5. 30, 123

66. Find the next: 2, 56, 6, 72, 12, 90, 20, 110,_,_?

1. 50, 500

2. 30, 250

3. 40, 123
4. 50, 132

5. 30, 123

67. In 15 years' time the combined age of my four brothers will be 107.
What will it be in six years' time?

1. 65

2. 71

3. 90

4. 85

5. 97

68. BINAURAL is to EARS as BINOCULAR is to?

1. vision

2. eyes

3. magnify

4. focus

5. twin

69. 100, 97.5, 95, 92. 5.85 ,_,_?

1. 90, 87. 5

2. 90, 90. 5

3. 88, 92. 5

4. 92. 5, 85

5. 58, 85.5
70. SKULL is to HEAD as TALUS is to _?

1. heel

2. wrist

3. ankle

4. elbow

5. hip

71. Fill the gap:, 66, 70. 5, 74, 76. 5, 78. ,_,_?

1. 54, 60. 5

2. 54, 65. 5

3. 50, 60. 5

4. 63, 65. 5

5. 65. 5, 54

72. The greatest number of five digits beginning with 5 and ending with 7
is ?

1. 53397

2. 57897

3. 58987

4. 59997

5. 54789

73. Fill the gap: Calculate: 99 +44 +3.3+ 11 =_?

1. 155.4
2. 154.25

3. 156.25

4. 165.5

5. 157.3

74. Rearrange: SLAHIH which is related with?

1. Place

2. Poet

3. Fish

4. Flower

5. Person

75. Divide double of 597 by 3 and add 59. What is the answer?

1. 218

2. 398

3. 457

4. 538

5. None

76. After 5 years, Kamal will be 10 years older than Alam. What is the
difference between their ages at present?

1. 10 years

2. 15 years

3. 20 years
4. 25 years

5. 30 years

77. Fill the gap: 91, 87. 5, 83, 77. 5.,_,_?

1. 94, 88.5

2. 95, 93.5

3. 95, 96.5

4. 90, 93.5

5. 88.5, 94

78. Rearrange: RETAW IYLL (botany) is related with.

1. Place

2. Poet

3. Shore

4. Flower

5. Person

79. Jumble word: AIJRNPDU (place) which is related with.

1. Place

2. Poet

3. Shore

4. Flower

5. Person

80. Rearrange: JUDANSIDIM (Poet) and find the first letter

1. S

2. N

3. D

4. J

5. U

81. Rearrange: KAIOLAHN (district) and find the first letter

1. O

2. I

3. D

4. J

5. U

82. If PICTURE is to 9358271 then REPIT is to?

1. 83254

2. 71938

3. 73918

4. 71398

5. 65842

83. If FOOD=JSSH, then SLEEP=__?











85. Honesty is the best policy, but sometimes we can not understand it."
Difference between the quantities of vowel and consonant is.

1. 33

2. 16

3. 5

4. 17

5. 19

86. If 2514-BEAD, 8945-HIDE, Then, 4514_?





87. What fraction is 50 Paisa of Tk 100?

1. Tk 1/100

2. Tk 1/200

3. Tk 100

4. Tk 200.

88. Rearrange: KAAPHLITAU.

1. District

2. Ocean

3. Plant

4. Continent

5. Obstacle

89. Fill up the gap: Bushel is to corns as is to cattle.

1. Flock

2. Herd

3. Pack

4. Group

5. Fold

90. Rearrange: RUGBIDRMAEB

1. Obstacle
2. District

3. Botany

4. Fruit

5. Continent

91. Rearrange: NATHOKGAUR

1. Animal

2. District

3. Obstacle

4. Fruit

5. Flower

92. The day before Yesterday was four days after Sunday. Today is day?

1. Mon

2. Tue

3. Wed

4. Fri

5. Thu

93. Rearrange: TILATANC

1. Continent

2. Ocean

3. Animal

4. District
5. Plant

94. DAG-PMS, GDJ= ?

1. SIV

2. VPS

3. SPV

4. ASP

5. SWP

95. To certain a number 8 is added, the sum is multiplied by 3. Then the

product is divided by 2 and 7 is subtracted from the quotient, the remainder
left is 50, the number is _?

1. 30

2. 40

3. 50

4. 60

5. 70

96. What's next: 1, 5, 13, 29, _?

1. 35

2. 75

3. 54

4. 58

5. 61
97. How many minutes is it before 12 noon if 40 minutes ago it was four
times as many minutes past 10 am?

1. 14

2. 12

3. 16

4. 20

5. 30

98. Tony and Cherie share a certain sum of money in the ratio 2: 5. If Cherie
has TK.195.00, how much money (Tk.) is shared?

1. 255

2. 350

3. 273

4. 320

5. 315

99. What's next: 1, 10, 2.75, 8.25, 4.5, 6.5, 6.25,_,_?

1. 5.25, 4.75

2. 9.75, 5.25

3. 6, 8.25

4. 5.15, 7.5

5. 4.75, 8

100. Fill up the gap: 17, 34, 51, 68, 102,_?

1. 78
2. 85

3. 98

4. 84

5. 92

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