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Max. Marks: 70

Time: 3 Hrs

Section – A (5x4= 20M)

Answer any FIVE questions.

1. What is "policy"?
2. How many policy types exist?
3. Who is a policy scholar?
4. What is policy education's aim?
5. What are government types?
6. Give an example of a presidential system.
7. How does education policy impact society?
8. What shapes public opinion?

Section – B (5 x 10=50M)

Answer the following questions.

9.a) Define public policy and discuss its scope in modern governance

b) Explain different approaches to studying policy sciences and their

10.a) Evaluate the contributions of Harold Lasswell to the field of

policy sciences.

b) Discuss the importance of policy education in fostering informed
citizenship and governance.
11.a) Compare and contrast unitary, federal, parliamentary, and
presidential forms of government in terms of policy-making efficiency.

b) Evaluate the impact of policy-making structures on democratic
governance and public welfare.

12.a) Discuss the role of political parties in shaping public policies and

b) Evaluate the role of NGOs and citizens in influencing public
policies and promoting social change.

13.a) Analyze the objectives and key components of a national health


b) Discuss the principles of environmental policy and their role in
promoting sustainable development.

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