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TIME :3 Hrs

SECTION-A (5X4=20)

Answer any FIVE questions

1. What does Ulysses hope to achieve before ‘death closes it all’?

2.Write the story “The Best Investment I Ever Made” in brief , showing the values it upholds?

3.Who did the author see on the Deoli platform?

4. What drove the scorpion inside the house?

5. Write an essay on the encounter between the astrologer and the stranger.

6. Who did the author see on the deoli platform?

7. How was Florence different from most children of her fames?

8. Note making

SECTION-B (5X10=50)

Answer the following question.

9. a) i) what are the preferences of Ulysses ?what are the travel experience?

ii) How does Ulysses inspire his friends and fellows?


b) Pick the correct from of the word.

1) Sometimes his ______puts his into trouble. (Honest, honesty, honestly)

2) Why do you always look ________? (Anger, angry, angrily)

3) Everybody likes his _______. (Natural, nature, naturally)

4) Some of the students ‘answers were not______(clearly, clear, clarity)

5) He was scolded very ______ for not getting good grades. (Bad, badly, worse)

10. a) i) How did the three witnesses help the young man ? Why did they do so ?

ii) What was the reason for lots of deaths in the army hospitals?


b) Discuss about skimming

11. a) i) how was the station at deoli?

ii) Describe the season and they beauty as described by the poet


b) How to improve reading comprehension

12. a)Narrate all the activities presented in the poem.


b) why did the peasants find out the scorpion.

13. a) Prepare a cv for the Post of Accountant in a reputed firm.


b) Write an email to the Principal of your college seeking permission to the participate in an
International Seminar in which your paper is selected for presentation.

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