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Start (pre-A1) AT THE ZOO Look at the picture and read. Choose the best answer for questions 1-8. pa = pe. wy “pe ac AK, ~ ivi u a y \ What an amazing ° he i — Ah Yes, | love the zoo! = oa Pe 1. The children are ..... a A) at the zoo B) at home ©) at the cinema D) at school 2. In the picture there are many . A) trees B) people ©) animals D) toys 3. Look at the picture! It is A) rainy B) sunny ©) stormy D) windy 4. The girl is wearing a green .. A) oe B) ° & > D) \ dress, tshirt scart 5. There are ... A) two 6. The elephants are. .. Zebras in the picture. B) five © three ae) "| OL | Le red ‘grey blue. yellow, 7. An elephant is playing with ..... . A) Th, B) © S D J -) ) () » A \ ») aball a ballon akite 8. Which animal is eating from a tree? A) B)| « QO D) [the elephant| the zebra 1¢ lion the giraffe Ce Look at the picture and read. Choose the best answer for questions 9-16. Pll get a lemonade and then we'll go there. I love lemonade! a Pe 9. The boy has got ...... By ww B) 3) a D) | akite a robot yo-yo a ball 10. Look at the picture! The bird is ..... . A) singing B) sleeping © eating D) flying 11. There’s ..... behind the bench. A) . B) 2° D) abird 12. The girl is eating ...... A) an apple B)anice-cream ©) ahot dog D) acake 13. There are ..... in the picture. a de BZ) | oO >) Ae [“) 2 A) two snakes three birds | Four balloons] three dolls 14. Look at the tree! The snake is ..... A) yellow B) green ©) blue D) red 15. There’s under the bench. A) B)| ¢\ ca ( / om a robot a balloon acar D) 16. The boy wants to drink .. A we B) i ° of D) fi tea water Iemonade milk COO Look at the picture and read. Choose the best answer for questions 17-24. 17. There are..... on the lake. 4 Be Hos A), ee rabbits ducks 18. The ballis . A) red and black B) black and white C) red and white D) pink and brown 19. The boy on the bike has got a green ...... » Bl FA of gy |] >] A | i | bed — | skirt t-shirt top 20. There’s ..... under the tree. A) @o, B) oO & D) V@ Gl "et | |" a frog acat aduck a rabbit 21. The girl on the bench is ..... x A) reading B) writing ©) sleeping D) eating 22. A boy is playing with a cat. He is wearing blue ... 4a Bl 1 of Fi D| Ane sos \ | 6 J [gloves _] arousers (weks—J}[Lshors_] 23. The orange cat is ..... . A) playing B) sleeping ©) eating D) running 24, There isn’t ..... in the picture. AD GA | B) (& © D) : é La cat a duck a rabbit KANGAROO UNGUISTIC CONTEST - ENGUSH oa The Emperor’s New Clothes Adapted after Hans Christian Andersen The day begins like any other day. The Emperor gets out of bed, shouting: “| have nothing to wear!” The Emperor loves nothing better than wearing fancy new clothes. He changes his clothes ten times a day. His closet is his home. What do you think L i Your Majesty! about my new suit? = ~ You look gorgeous today! Many emperors spend their days hunting, going fo the theatre or talking to their ministers. But not this one! He is too busy walking through the city and showing off his newest clothes. 1. The Emperor always wants to have something new .. A) to build B) to wear ©) to drive D) to make 2. What does the Emperor like? A) Waking up in the moming. B) Wearing the same clothes every day. C) Talking to his advisers. D) Showing off his new clothes 3. Where does the Emperor spend most of his time? A) In his bedroom. B) In his closet. ©) In the council room. D) In his garden. 4. The Emperor has got ..... of fancy clothes. A) lots B)a few © many D) some 5. Look at the picture and find the odd one out! A) windows B) picture © curtains D) mirror a Pe One day two strangers arrive in the city. They know about the Emperor's love for clothes. They decide to rick him so they make some money. This is brilliant. Make me one of your magic suits then. Right now! Your Imperial Majesty, we are the best tailors in the world. We can make the most wonderful, magic 5 suit the world has 7 Only clever /({ people can see . it. Fools can’t! ols ca {the tailors tell the Emperor that their clothes are not cheap, but he doesn’t care. | 6. Two strangers arrive in the city. One is short and fat, the other is A) tall and fat B)short and bald —_C) tall and slim D) tall and bald 7. What does to trick mean? A) to fool B) to design © to make D) to sell 8. Who are the strangers in fact? A) They are cooks. B) They are dishonest tailors C) They are ministers. D) They are honest tailors. 9. The strangers say that the clothes they make are invisible to A) stupid people B)happy people —_C) lazy people D) clever people 10. The magic clothes A) cost little money B) are expensive —_C) cost nothing D) are cheap om o CO Sor The Emperor gives them two bags of gold and a room where they set up their huge wooden looms. The two men lock the door and ... start to work. But they actually do not work. They keep their looms moving with no silk or thread. For wo nights and two days the Emperor comes and listens from behind the door: “Good, they're enjoying their work.” 11. Every night and day the tailors .. A) work hard B)make clothes) cut and sew D) pretend to work 12. When the Emperor comes and listens at the men’s door, does he seem happy with their work? A) Yes, he is B)Yes,he does. —C) Yes, he can. D) No, he doesn’t 13. Look at the picture! There are two A) candles B) tables ©) bags of gold D) women 14, Look at the picture! One man is ..... ona stool A) sitting B) staying ©) standing D) lying Two days later, the Emperor sends his minister to see his new clothes. | He knocks on the door. 5 What beautiful clothes, what brilliant colours! I will tell the Emperor that I like them very much. | Come and see the magic | clothes. | think you will BD hss very surpticedd. Arent they great? 7 Shad The minister is surprised indeed, because he sees nothing. He puts on his glasses, but still nothing. “Oh no,” he says to himself. “I think I'm a fool. No one must know. | will pretend that | can see the clothes.” 15. Why does the Emperor send his minister to the room where the tailors are working? A) He wants the minister to pay the tailors. B) He believes his minister is a fool man. C) He wants the minister to check on the clothes. _D) He doesn’t trust the tailors 16. When the minister looks at the “clothes”, he is ... A) shocked B) relaxed © happy D) comfortable 17. What's the opposite of polite? A) lazy B) selfish ©) mde D) gentle 18. Who says “Oh, no! I think I'm a fool”? A) The Emperor. B) The minister. © One of the tailors. D) One of the servants. KANGAROO UNGULSIC CONTEST — ENGUSH o The next day the Emperor decides to see the clothes for himself. He looks | at the looms, but he sees nothing. He gets as white as a sheet. The clothes are invisible. This is terrible! | Why can’t | see / them? Am | fool? | Ze. | The clothes are so beautiful \ Oh, Your ||) and light! Fm sure theywill | Maiesty, we're] ||. fit Your Majesty! | s0 excited to show you A FA your new suit! The Emperor says he loves the clothes because he doesn’t want other people to think he is a fool. 19. When the Emperor goes to see the clothes, he can’t actually see A) they B)it ©) them D) their 20. The Emperor gets as white as a sheet. What does this mean? A) He is embarrassed, B) He is shocked. C) He gets angry. D) He is super excited. 21. Why does the Emperor say he can see the clothes? A) He likes the clothes very much B) He wants his people to think he is a fool C) He can actually see them. D) He doesn’t want people to think he is stupid. 22. Look at the picture! The Emperor is wearing ..... on his head. A) a hat B)acap Oascarf D)acrown o The Emperor cannot see his clothes, but he pretends to put them on. Wow, they are great! Iwill wear Here’s the jacket, Your them for the parade tomorrow. [px Maiesty! Let me help you! Your Majesty, you look 1 ee It fits you so welll And the colours look 7 | The Emperor looks at his naked body in the mirror. He is so confused! 23. Choose the correct match! 1 Oy a. the minister b. the tailors ¢. the Emperor 4. the servants A) lal 2d/3e/ 4 B) le/2d/3a/4b CC) le/2b/3a/4d_ DD) Ad 2c/ 30/ 4a 24, Who helps the Emperor put his new clothes on? A) The servants B) The tailors. © The ministers. __D) Nobody does 25. _.... can see the clothes. Butstill everyone pretends they can. A) All B) Everybody © Nobody D) Everyone CO oo 2 Story The Emperor gets up early in the morning. People are already in the street | to admire the new clothes. The two Icilors come and help him get dressed. Then he puts on his invisible shirt and coat and places the crown on his head. Finally, the tailors tie up the laces on his shoes. a eS So, how do the clothes fe ? i Very light. It almost feels like I'm not wearing anything at all. ar] 26. When the Emperor puts the new “clothes” on he. A) pretends to see them as well. B) begins to doubt his servants. C) is nervous about the parade D) is terrified that the tailors are not honest. 27. Look at the picture! Who's wearing a green jacket? A) The Emperor. B) One of the tailors. C) One of the servants. D) The minister. 28. Find the false sentence A) The tailors help the Emperor get dressed. B) The Emperor gets up early in the morning C) The tailors laugh at the Emperor. D) The Emperor can see the clothes Bo Pe The parade starts. Everyone has heard about the magic clothes that only the | wise could see. Finally the Emperor appears and the people become completely silent when they see him. Oh my! They must be right! What can | do? He’s not I must keep wearing walking his famous clothes! 7 4 oe He's only wearing his |e JSS ~ underpants! Ha hal ~ le i Qs Se > x REEDPee aiccet nee eee nen oie en coer walking more proudly than ever, as his noblemen hold high the train which does not exist at all. 29. What happens at the end of the story? A) The Emperor impresses the crowds with the beauty of his clothes. B) The Emperor is ashamed so he stops the parade. C) The crowd admires the Emperor’s beautiful clothes. D) The Emperor is embarassed but he keeps walking 30. What's the moral of the story? A) It’s best to be honest. B) Always help people in need ©) Silence is golden. D) You get more beautiful every day. TI ro7 L Joey (A1-A2) Rezolva, la alegere, maximum 40 de itemi! For each question (1-5), read and choose the correct answer. 'FOR SALE " Bicycle for children " Only two months old ' Half price this week only Library is closed Monday to : Thursday this week. Students ‘can return their books at ‘the reception. Copies of $ textbooks can be taken from + the Principals office. Hey Jim, I might be a bit late for the game night at your house this Wednesday. Mom has asked me to help her with the preparations fora surprise party for Granny’s 80th birthday. ll ask my mum to drive me when we are done. Are you going to be there still around 7 p.m.? Love, Ted ‘New Aquapark Opens on Friday + more than 30 different rides « special weekend offer: 30% off for family tickets « student tickets: £5 each for groups larger than 4 + £7 for singles ‘This garden is open to all people living in the neighbourhood. Picnics and ball games not allowed. ‘What does the notice say? A) You pay more for the bike because it is almost new. B) You can buy the bike at a good price for a limited time. ©) Only children can buy the bike ‘What can’t students do this week? A) Retum their books B) Visit the library on Friday. © Bosow books from the library on Monday. ‘What does the email say? A) Ted's grandma is going to be 80 on Wednesday. B) Ted will see Jim later than planned. ©) Teé will walk to Jim’s house. ‘What does the notice say? A) Families pay less at all times. B) Groups pay £5 in total. ©) Itis cheaper if you go with a group of 5 people. ‘What can’t people do in the garden? A) Talk with neighbours. B) Play football. ©) Eat ice cream, Coe IL. Read the first sentence. For the second sentence, choose the best answer for each gap (6-10) so that the meaning stays the same. 6. Tim and Tom sleep in this room. This is ..... bedroom. A) Tim and Tom B) Tim and Tom's ©) Tim and Toms’ Lam 9 and my sister is 10. My sister is one year..... me. A) older than B) older then ©) more than 8. They don’t allow children younger than 12 to go on that ride. Ifyou are 11, you are not old ..... to go on that ride. A) enough B) also ©) too 9. 1am not going out tonight because I am tired I..... tonight because I am tired. A) am staying in B) stay in ©) stayed in ry 10. It is a good idea to bring an umbrella with you tonight. You ..... bring an umbrella with you tonight. A) better B) can't ©) should IIL. Read the following descriptions of books for young people. For each question (11-15) choose the book that would be suitable for each teenager. Wandering A most popular book recently turned into movie. While reading it, you will be made to feel like an explorer in space, trying to find your way back to Earth in a broken ship. The plot is not that easy to follow so you will need to read everything carefully The Big Break A most captivating novel about high school soccer players who have big dreams about becoming professional players one day. All characters are realistically portrayed by the writer, who seems to know exactly what goes on in the mind of young people. The book is extremely fast-paced! If Walls Could Talk Apresent-day adventure book —set in a bunch of amazing locations. It will make you laugh, too. If ‘you are into fast moving stories, then this one may not be the one for you. The plot develops slowly, but, on a positive note, it is what will keep you guessing right to the very end, eT o Dreamland Anovel about two bizarre, yet remarkably talented kids. The story is set in a world of magic, where inhabitants fight sea monsters and flying, fire spitting dragons. The action is anything but slow and it teaches you great life lessons. The Big Apple This amazing novel is set in New York City, in the early 1900s. It will reveal exactly what life was like back then for someone who was poor. In actual fact, the story is based on a real person’s life, a tennis player. You will never guess how the story ends. Monica loves stories filled with excitement and set in present day places. She really has no problem with taking a lot of time to make sense of what is going on in the story as long as she can have a good laugh. Monica would like to read A) Wandering B) The Big Break ©) lf Walls Could Talk D) Dreamland E) The Big Apple 12. Joan loves stories set in imaginary places. She also loves stories which develop really fast and have strange creatures. Joan would like to read A) Wandering B) The Big Break ©) IE Walls Could Talk D) Dreamland E) The Big Apple 13. Bob is really into challenging reads. He is particularly fond of books that are also films so he can spot differences and similarities. He just loves stories about space travel. Bob would like to read A) Wandering B) The Big Break ©) IE Walls Could Talk D) Dreamland E) The Big Apple 14. Magda wants to read a book set in the past, whose main characters would te leading difficult lives. She loves a good surprise. Magda would like to read A) Wandering B) The Big Break ©) If Walls Could Talk D) Dreamland E) The Big Apple 15. Joe loves fast-moving stories, set in the modern world, with compelling characters. He just loves team sports and loves reading books about people who like them too. Joe would like to read A) Wandering B) The Big Break ©) If Walls Could Talk D) Dreamland E) The Big Apple IV. Read the sentences. For each space (16-25), choose the correct answer. 16. Our teachers expect us to ..... in homework on time A) put B) write © hand 17. Tom was about his karate lessons and only talked about that. A) excited B) joyful ©) exciting Q - Write back ..... and tell me all about your holiday! A) quick B) soon ©) fast 19. My family and like to ..... time outside A) take B) live ©) spend 20. Owls are night birds and usually ..... for food after the sunset. A) find B) look O)see 21. They are famous for the hot drinks they A) do B) prepare © build 22. The new sport quickly ..... very popular. A) became B) fell ©) reached 23. Extracting oil was a very time-consuming process until machines ..... along and took over. A) came B) made Oran v7 24, Students will have to ..... on a topic and write an essay. A) choose B) discuss ©) decide 25. The concert will take place in the ..... square of the town. A) head B) main © key V. Read the text. For each question (26-30), choose the correct answer. The First Fast Food Shop Two thousand years ago a volcano erupted near Pompeii, in Italy, killing everyone in the city. Ash from the volcano covered the city and Pompeii stayed exactly like it was. Scientists have been fascinated by the ancient site and made many amazing discoveries there. In 2019, at one end of the city, people found a fast food shop. Even jars with food were found on site, including bits of pork, fish, duck, goat and snail. Researchers discovered paintings of animals — including a rooster and ducks — kind of like a menu. The snack bar was beautifully decorated with a strange picture of a fantastical sea creature and even an advertisement for the restaurant itself Ifyou want to visit it, you should know that Pompeii is quite big and it can take a whole day to visit it, but most people stay for only a few hours. It opens at 9am. and the last visitors go in at 5:30 pam. Once inside you won't find ice-cream stands or other shops — this is not Disneyland! But you will find plenty of fun facts. The most surprising thing in Pompeii is that they had graffiti on ‘the walls. There you can read messages from students complaining about their teachers, the oldest notice saying “Be carefull Bad dog inside!" or even bad jokes. In the middle of the site, you can find only one restaurant and a restroom, so it is better to bring a bottle of water and some sandwiches Because this is an open-air site with very little shade, pack some sunscreen and wear a hat! cao o 26. Because of the volcano eruption A) you cannot see much of Pompeii B) you can see the city as it was once ©) it is dangerous to visit Pompeii 27. The fast food shop has paintings of A) dolphins B) the focd you could eat there © wild animals 28. If you read the old notices, you will find out that two thousand years ago A) people didn’t like dogs _B) people did not like telling jokes ©) not everyone liked school 29. Everyone who visits Pompeii A) spends a day there B) visits in the afternoon © has to get there before 5:30 pm 30. At Pompeii it can be very A) windy B) hot ©) lonely VI. For questions (31-50), read and choose the best answer. 31. Who wrote The BFG, James and the Giant Peach and The Witches? A) Jeff Kinney B) Roald Dahl OCS. Lewis D) Louis Sachar E) HC. Andersen 32. I waited for him for an hour but he didn’t A) make up B) put up ©) look up D) show up E) come up 33. The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the Worlds located on Liberty Island in ..... City. A) Dallas B) Los Angeles © Boston D) New York E) Texas 34. On average, a chameleon’s tongue is twice the ...... of its body. A) long B) longest © kength D) longer E) lengthy 35. What is a courgette? A)atree B)afish C)avegetable —-D)a fruit E) an insect 36. What is the nickname for the USA? A) Uncle Fred BB) UncleGeorge C)UncleAbe —-D) Uncle Sam —_E) Uncle Joe 37. Right now I .... my new T-shist A) wear B)amwearing —_C) wearing D) wears E) was wearing 38. Harry Potter and the Order of the ..... is the title of a novel written by JK. Rowling. A) Dragon B) Phoenix © Wizards D)DarkArts —_E) Owls o oe 39. Which is the flag of the United Kingdom? SS ES aa Tl i E) "ZS ed 40. She is visiting her family ..... Christmas day, and then she’s leaving with her friends to go on a ski trip, A) on B) for Oa Dyin E) with In which county is Sherwood Forest located? A) Staffordshire B) Somerset ©) Lancashire D) Hampshire E) Nottinghamshire @2. Which of these sports is played with a bat? A) Squash B) Cricket ©) Volleyball D) Hockey E) Badminton 43. Do you know where my book .....? A) is there B)is it Ois Djitis E)it's v7 44. Which chart-topping musician is known as the King of Pop? A) Elvis Presley B) Michael Jackson C)Ed Sheeran —D) Justin Bieber E) Jay-Z 45. Noah: Orange juice? Olivia: Yes, I'd like A) this B) any ©) much D) some E) not 46. In the southern hemisphere, when does the winter solstice occur? A) In September. B) In January. ©) In June. D) In December. E) In March. AT. This poem is ..... long to learn by heart! A) such B) enough ©) much D) too E) that Have you seen Peter and Jill? .....!..... over....., under the tree, with ..... dog! A) Theit/ Look/ there! they're B) Look’ They're/ there/ their C) Look’ There/ they/ their D) They/ Look’ there/ their E) They’re/ There/ look’ their 49. Which lake in Scotland is said to be inhabited by an aquatic monster known as Nessie? A) Loch Ness B) Inverness ©) West Loch D) Dark Loch E) Loch Torridon 50. We either buy this book or this CD for his birthday. What do you think? A) may B) could ©) don'thaveto D) shouldn't ~—-E) must om a Wallaby (42-81) Rezolva, la alegere, maximum 40 de itemi! I. For each question (1-5), read and choose the correct answer. Club Party Snacks, dancing and music. { Tickets $7. Profits go towards ' buying new trees and flowers for ' the club garden. Hi, Sam. T'm going to be a little late from work today. Please put the pie in the oven when you get home. I will be back before it's cooked. Dad Please clean your table when you're done and empty the plate in the bin. Keep valuable possessions in your locker or leave them with your teacher at the start of the dass. Karate lessons for 12 to 14 year-olds. ‘The first Monday every month in the gym. All abilities. Call: 211 22 34 A) Trees and flowers will be for sale at the party. B) Come to the party to help us buy new trees and flowers. ©) The party will take place in the garden. A) Dad wants Sam to start preparing dinner. B) Dad will not be home for dinner. © Dad will have dinner at work. A) Place your plate by the bin! B) Don’t leave the table dirty! ©) Take out the bin! A) Do not give valuable items to your teacher. B) Do not bring valuable items to school. © You should place valuable items in a locker. We offer karate classes A) once a month. B) every week. ©) for advanced children. Cs II. Read the first sentence. For the second sentence, choose the best answer for each gap (6-10) so that the meaning stays the same. 6. This shop is owned by my best friend. My best friend ..... this shop. A) owned B) owns ©) is owning 7. Sam Smith lived here before. Sam Smith ..... here. A) used to live B) was living ©) stays &. This coffee is very bitter. I cannot drink it. This coffee is ..... for me to drink A) bitter enough B) too bitter ©) enough bitter 9. Itold her not to worry Isaid to her: “....!" A) Please worry B) Don't wony ©) Do worry 10. [fhe doesn’t let me ride the bike, I'll be sad. Til be sad unless ..... me ride the bike A) he will let B) he doesn't let he lets IIL. Read the text. For each question (11-15), choose the correct answer. Formula | has undoubtedly been one of the most entertaining and dynamic sports of the past few decades. Ever since its inception in the 1950s, it has been constantly evolving, with cars becoming more powerful and faster than ever before Every generation has had its fair share of iconic drivers, with the likes of Alain Prost, Niki Lauda and Ayrtron Senna amongst them, to name but a few. For the younger audience there is no name more synonymous with the sport than that of Michael Schumacher. The German is easily the most recognizable figure in the whole world of motorsport. More recently, however, ‘the Red Baron’, as, he was once dubbed by the fans, has been dethroned and most of his records broken. The culprit? Lewis Hamilton. ‘The British driver has taken the world by storm ever since his debut in 2007 when he was on the brink of winning the championship, but ultimately lost to Kimi Raikkénen by just one point. The following year the odds turned in his favor and while driving for McLaren he managed to grab his firstever title. Considered by many the ‘next big thing’ in Formula 1, Hamilton began to dominate the $ sport like no other pilot had done before him. From 2014 to 2020 he won the drivers’ championship every single year (except for 2016, when the honor went to his partner, Nico Rosberg), managing to beat the record for most Grand Prix wins of 91, previously held by Schumacher. Mercedes, the constructor for which Hamilton is driving, has also established a dominance like no one had done before, becoming one of the most successful teams of all time With such a great panoply of achievements during his spectacular career, it doesn’t seem like he is willing to stop any time soon. As the 2021 season is about to begin, every driver will be looking at the opportunity of knocking down the reigning champion from his pedestal. However, it's starting fo seem less and less likely, as Hamilton looks in a better shape than ever before and has a clear mission: to become the first Formula 1 pilot to win eight championships. Coo Lewis Hamilton — The True British Prince om a mC €or ey 11. According to the text, Michael Schumacher A) is also known as the Red Baron B) has never achieved the popularity he deserves ©) has never had any of his records broken 12. Lewis Hamilton A) made his debut by winning the 2007 championship B) came close to winning the 2007 championship ©) was able to reach the finishing line before Kimi Raikkonen in 2007 13. The 2008 championship was won by A) Lewis Hamilton B) Alain Prost C) Michael Schumacher 14. The record of most Grand Prix wins A) is still held by Schumacher B) is now held by Hamilton C) has not been beaten since 2007 115. According to the text the odds are that A) Lewis will aim to break a new record in 2021 B) Lewis will not take active part in the 2021 Formula One season ©) all 2021 Formula One events will be cancelled IV. Read the sentences. For each space (16-20), choose the correct answer. 16. The ..... in the band has a great keyboard technique. A) guitarist B) cellist ©) pianist 17. don't feel like watching a ...... I would like to watch something performed by real people. A) cartoon B) comedy ©) romance 18. Look at that beautiful ..... left of the ancient castle, A) gallery B) church © min 19. I'd much rather walk to school in the morning because the trains are so A) crowded B) quiet ©) thrilled 20. This book is so light. It .... only 3 kilos. A) lasts B) weighs ©) measures V. Read the text. For each space (21-30), choose the best answer. Zagreus — Son of Hades 2020 was quite a great year for the world of video games. It marked the year in which the next-generation consoles made their debut, as Sony launched the ‘Playstation 5° and Microsoft the “Xbox Series X". but it also... (21) the way for some great titles which have quickly gained lots of popularity. One ..... (22) game is the roguelike action role- playing video game developed by “Supergiant Games’ and goes by the name of “Hades a Cee The player is .... (23) the task of playing as Zagreus, Hades’ son, and the number one trouble maker in all of Underworld. He acts as your typical teenager: he is moody, wants to spend time alone, has a bunch of friends, loves his pet dog more than anything and is ..... (24) trying to find ways to disobey his father. Throughout the game, the player needs to fight various foesin ...(25)to climb out of Hades’ kingdom and ..... (26) Mount Olympus. In his quest, he is aided by different gods, such ..... (27) Zeus, Poseidon, Ares, Athena and others, but also by characters like Eurydice and Sisyphus, who provide the player... (28) various upgrades and powers to help along the way. The video game was met with very good reviews and proved to be one of the fan favourites, eaming nine nominations and .... (29) two awards at “The Game Awards 2020", the most prestigious award show when it .... (30) to video games. So in case you are a fan of Greek mythology or you simply want to play anew indie classic then ‘Hades’ is the game for you! 21. A) put B) paved © cobbled D) threw 22. A) such B) so ©) this D) of 23. A) given B) giving ©) putting D) put 24 A) usually B) never ©) seldom D) constantly 25. A) view B) order © therefore D) spite 26. — A)arrive B) go ©) reach D) get 27. Ada B) like Oot D) with 28. Ada B)of Oby D) with 29. A)win B) winning © won D) will win 30. A) goes B) gets ©) comes D) reaches VI. For questions 31-50, read and choose the best answer. 3.1. Which of these is a card game? A) Bridge B) Scrabble ©) Monopoly D) Backgammon E) Draughts 32. What is the capital of Wales? A) Cardiff B) Glasgow © Newport D)Edinburgh —-E) Belfast 33. What do the red and white stripes on the American flag symbolise? A) The day on which the flag was adopted B) The first 13 colonies that declared their independence from Great Britain. C) The first 13 American Presidents. D) The 13 largest cities in the USA. E) Amendment 13 to the US Constitution coo mC €or 34. ... you see her, tell her the five o’clock class has been cancelled. A)Do B) Would ©) Should D) Could E) Will 35. When was the London Underground built? A) In 1863 B) In 1953 ©) In 1883 D) In 1903 E) In 1803 36. Which monarch holds the record for the longest reign in British history? A) Queen Elisabeth I B) Queen Mary ©) Queen Elisabeth IT D) Queen Victoria E) King George II ‘37, In which of these sports do the teams have an even number of players on each side? A) Baseball B) Volleyball ©) Rugby D) Basketball —_E) Water polo 38. If you rearrange the letters below, you get the name of a capital city. Whose capital city is it? a Fos} 5 s | A) Belgium B) Switzerland C) Finland D) Iceland E) Denmark 39. Except the human body, what else has a mouth? A) the house B) the road ©) the sea D) the shirt E) the river 40. Who is next in line to be the King of the United Kingdom? A) Prince Harry B) Prince Andrew © Prince William D) Prince Charles E) Prince George 41. ..... area famous English rock band. ayu2 B) The Rolling Stones © Aerosmith D) Metallica E) Red Hot Chili Peppers 42. A fishy story is about A) something adventurous B) how to catch fish ©) how to cook fish D) something not completely legal E)a fishing competition 43. When we were kids, we ..... play outside for hours. A) used B) should ©) was D) would E) liked 44, Which chemical element has the symbol He in the periodic table of elements? © A) Helium B) Hydrogen © Lithium D) Phosphorus. ~—-E) Mercury 45. Maize was brought to Europe by _.... after the discovery of the New World in 1492 A) Christopher Columbus B) Francis Drake © Vasco da Gama D) Marco Polo E) Fernando Magellan a Py 46. We were supposed to meet after classes but she A) showed me up B) stood me up D) kept me up E) told me up 47. What do Americans celebrate on 4 July? A) George Washington's birthday. B) The signing of the Constitution, ©) The Declaration of Independence. D) The end of the Civil War. E) The Moon Landing. 48. In which American state is Yosemite National Park located? A) Nevada B) Virginia ©) California 49. Which countries occupy the island of Great Britain? A) England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland B) Eire, Scotland and Wales. ©) Wales, England and Eire D) England, Scotland and Wales E) England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. 50. What a lovely sunny day! It's .... warm for winter clothes. A) well B) too Oto ©) looked me up D) Florida D) enough eee, oust E) Alaska E) two Conc e Grey Kangaroo (81-82) Rezolva, la alegere, maximum 40 de itemi! I. Read the text. For each question (1-5), choose the correct answer. Ian McKellen — Age is Just a Number Sir Ian McKellen is easily one of the most beloved actors of this generation. The ageing thespian has had a remarkable career that has spun over five decades and still seems to be going strong. Some may know him for this stage work, but to most he is either the powerful mutant villain Magneto in the “X-Men’ franchise or Gandalf from “The Lord of the Rings’ trilogy. Come to think of it, it is quite amusing how such a gifted actor's work has been overshadowed by his portrayal of an old man with mystical powers that fights orcs and creatures alike. Especially when McKellen has always shown great interest and a tremendous love for the theatre stage. So much so that in 2021 the Oscar-nominated actor is making a comeback The 81-year-old Ian McKellen will be portraying the one and only Hamlet, prince of Denmark, in the famous play by William Shakespeare. Everybody was quite shocked to hear the news and it left a few people wondering: how is this going to work? After all, Hamlet is supposed to be in his 20s if we consider the fact that he is still a student. So how is somebody who is four times his age going to appear credible? Well, all those questions will be answered once the premiere has taken place later on this summer at the Theatre Royal Windsor. McKellen himself admitted that the whole experience proved quite a challenge for him, but it was something he ‘felt he should do’. Taking up the title role of arguably one of the most famous plays of all time is, however, something the British actor is not a stranger to. More than 30 years ago McKellen portrayed the prince for the first time in his career at the Prospect Theatre, after he had previously played Richard II and Edward I. Humbly, he said: ‘I reckon I wasn't any good. Maybe this time round it will be different 1. Sir Jan McKellen has had a successful career A) in theatre only B) both in theatre and in cinema ©) in cinema only 2. 2021 is the year when Sir Ian McKellen A) says goodbye to his acting career B) makes his first appearance on stage ©) accepts another theatrical challenge ‘3. The news that McKellen will be portraying Shakespeare's Hamlet in 2021 A)has come as no surprise to theatre goers B) has been anticipated for years now ©) has left everyone in awe a Pe 4, A most challenging part of taking up the role of Hamlet is A) the main character's age in the play B) the fact that McKellen has never acted in a Shakespeare production before © McKellen’ lack of experience on stage 5. McKellen believes A) it will be impossible to deliver a better performance than when he portrayed Edward II B) there was room for improvement in his previous Shakespearean performances ©) Shakespeare's plays are almost impossible to stage under current conditions II. Read the first sentence. For the second sentence, choose the best answer for each gap (6-10) so that the meaning stays the same. 6. You know you shouldn't use your cell phone in class You know A) you are not supposed to use B) you are expected to use ©) you are not forbidden to use your cell phone in class. 7. Someone is going to fix our heater next week We ..... next week. A) will get our heater fixed B) are going to have our heater fixed ©) are getting our heater delivered 8. Ijust can't stand your attitude anymore, Ijust can't ..... your attitude anymore. A) get on with B)putonwith —_C) put up with 9. Iregret not learning to cook when I was younger. Vonly ..... when I was younger. A) Thad leamed to cook B) Ileamed to cook ©) I would have learned to cook 10. Mike, could you show me how to fix this issue? Mike, .... how to fix this issue? A) would you mind to show me B) would you mind showing me ©) would you mind to tell me rrr crrrrry IIL. For each question (11-15), read and choose the best answer. 11. The roses are on sale today A) Great. I'll take a dozen. B) Oh, no. So sad they have run out. ©) Oh, well ... maybe tomorrow 12. What does a mango taste like? A) Ithas a big nut in it. B) [i's a bit citrusy. ©) Ina few days it will develop a soft feel. a Conc e 13. What class are you trying to take? A) That one, please. What do I owe you? B) Psychology. ©) The geography of the place is intricate 14, Is Mrs. Smith a tough professor? A) Well, rumour has it she is kind of difficult. B) Yup. It is impossible to fail her class. ©) She sure is. Ask grade 10 students ... they always manage to cheat in her tests. 115. Hi, Susan. I'm afraid I need to call in sick today. A) Ok. I will text you her number. B) So sorry to hear that. What's wrong? ©) What time do you need to do it? IV. Read the text. For each space (16-25), choose the best answer. 7 Jean-Michel Basquiat — Chaotic Brilliance When you think of the American painting scene, names such as Andy Warhol or Mark Rothko come to mind. And ..... (16) so. Some of their works have been sold at auction for a combined price of over 300 million dollars, making the Pop Art icon and the post-war expressionist two of the highest-selling American artists on the market of all time. However. by 2017. the tables had ..... (17), and Wathol’s 1963 ‘Silver Car Crash (Double Disaster)’ work was dethroned from the top spot of most expensive American paintings ever sold at auction with a brand-new name ..... (18) from the shadows: Jean-Michel Basquiat. Born into a half Haitian-half Puerto Rican family, the mysterious Basquiat had a troublesome childhood, moving numerous times and having issues with his family until, aged 17, he decided to drop out of high school and leave home. Trying to support ..... (19) by selling t-shirts and homemade postcards, the artist started to ..... (20) to fame in the second half of the 1970s by spraying graffiti in the form of epigrams, calling out the predominantly ‘corporate’ art world of that time. The tuming point of his life was in 1980, when he met Andy Warhol himseli who was fascinated by the young man, ..... 21) work he found beyond mesmerizing. Slowly, Basquiat started to make a name for himself and soon had gallery events in various countries. He relocated and began painting in Venice, California. His girlfiend at the time was a rather unknown singer who now ..... (22) by the name of..."Madonna’ Basquiat’s work was often considered to be part of the neo-expressionism movement, which was quickly becoming more and more popular. It ..... (23) characterized mostly by the rough handling of materials and portraying recognizable objects in a subjective manner. Arguably only ..... (24) the beginning of a promising career, Basquiat tragically passed .....(25) in 1988 at the age of 28 due to a drug related problem. His legacy still lives on today and keeps infivencing various artists of the world. a Pe 16. A) wrongly 17. A) twisted, 18. A) eloping 19. A) himself 20. Ajrise 21. A)who's 22. A) goes 23. A)has 24. Ajat 25. A)by B) rightly B) turned B) escaping B) him B) raise B) whom B) gets B)is B)on B) over O)really © thrown ©) exiting ©) everyone ©) rose ©) whose © gives ©) been Oin ©) away D) badly D) tilted D) emerging D) them D) ram D) which D) grants D) being D) from D) out V. For each sentence (26-30), choose the correctly-spelled word to complete each gap. 26. Llove this new A) apartament 27. I've had enough of your A) stubborness 28. Ihave just signed up for a class for young A) antrepreneurs 29. Ihis such a lovely book. I cannot A) recomand B) stubbornness B)entrepreneurs _C) entreprenors it enough B) reccomend © recommand 30. How can one not love this wonderful A) solliloquy B) soliloquy Let's throw a housewarming party B) apartment ©) appartment VI. For questions 31-50, read and choose the best answer. 311. Find the odd one out! A) Paris 32. Match the two columns 1. the lip of 2. the teeth of 3. the eye of 4, the head of 5. the brow of A) 1b/ 2c/ 3d/ 4a/ Se D) 1d/ 2e/ 3b/ 4a/ Se 33. Who built Hadrian's Wall? B) The Celts. A) The Romans. B) Rome B) le/ 2c/ 3a! 4d © stubomess D) apartament D) stubornness D) antreprenors D) recommend ©) solilloquy D) sollilloquy 8 & 5 2 © Barcelona D) London E) Berlin Kj FS FE a.aneedle & b. asaw c. ahill d.acup e.apin E) 1d! 2b/ 3a’ 4e/ Se ©) The Gauls. 34, What are the white cliffs of Dover made of? A) coal CIs B) mud om © granite D) The Saxons. D) chalk ©) le/ 2d! 3e/ 4a Sb E) The Greeks E) sandstone B Conc e 35. Which is the largest of the world’s deserts? A) The Gobi Desert. B) The Arabian Desert. C) The Antarctic Polar Desert D) The Sahara Desert. E) The Great Victoria Desert. 36. Which American urban center is known as the “Windy City"? A)LosAngeles —_B) Chicago ©) St. Louis D) San Francisco E) Seattle 37. Which colonial power ruled India prior to its independence in 1947? A) The Netherlands B) Spain © Portugal D) Britain E) France 38. What animal makes its home ina drey? A) The fox. B) The brown bear. C) The squirrel. _D) The bat. E) The otter. 39. Which of these noble ranks is the highest? A) Baron B) Duke © Earl D) Marquess _E) Viscount 40. The rose is England’s national flower, the daffodil is Wales’, the ..... is Scotland’s and the ..... is Northem Ireland's A) lily/ shamrock B) thistle’ poppy ©) shamrock’ thistle D) thistle/ shamrock E) poppy! lily 41. IwishI those words. But now it’s too late. A) not having said B) had never said ©) have never said D) never said E) wouldn't have said 42. Richard I of England was nicknamed Richard A) the Lionheart. B) the Conqueror C) the Confessor D) the Unready _E) the Great 43. Which monarch took the British throne after Edward VIII's abdication? A)Edward VIB) George V ©) Elisabeth ITD) George VI_—_E) Charles IIT 44, Claudius is the murderous uncle of which Shakespearean character? A) Titus Andronicus B) Macbeth © Falstatf D) Hamlet E) Caesar (45. What is the best-selling book of all time, worldwide? A) The Da Vinci Code. B) The Little Prince © Lord of the Rings. D) The Bible. E) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 46. Which movie was written by its young stars, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck? A) The Way Back B) Good Will Hunting © Argo D) Rounders E) Saving Private Ryan 47. Which royal houses fought in the Wars of the Roses? A) York and Lancaster B) Windsor and Aragon © Cambridge and Aragon D) Spencer and York E) Tudor and Hanover 48. Sir Winston Churchill was awarded the Nobel prize for A) Politics B) Physics ©) Economic Sciences D)Peace —_E) Literature 49. Which is not a Beatles song, just a John Lennon solo hit? A) Imagine B) Let it be © Hey Jude D) Yellow Submarine E) Don't Let Me Down, 50. Queen Elizabeth II served as (a). during World War II. A) second subaliem —_B) private ©) sergeant D) lieutenant E) colonel a Pes Red Kangaroo (82-c1) RezolvaG, la alegere, maximum 40 de itemi! I. Read the first sentence. For the second sentence, choose the best answer for each gap (1-5) so that the meaning stays the same. 1. She was fortunate to have friends she could ask for help in times of need. She was fortunate to have friends to ..... for help in times of need A) tum over B) tum in © tumto 2. Why don’t you call the admissions office to see if you qualify for a fee waiver? ‘Why don’t you call the admissions office to see if you are .....a fee waiver? A) applicable for B) eligible for © entitled in 3. Bill gave us a loan and so we were able to buy the car. the loan we got from Bill, we wouldn't have been able to buy the car. A) If it were not for B) Were it not for © But for 4, At the time there were multiple reports saying that he was hiding in the woods near the village At the time he was reported ..... in the woods near the village A) to be hiding B) to have been hiding © to have hidden 5. [think it is likely that she will win the match tonight. I think she has ..... of winning the match tonight. A) an outside chance B) a fair chance ©) aslim chance IL. For each sentence (6-10), choose the right answer to define the phrase in italics. 6. Ithink too much discipline can be counterproductive. A) does more harm than good —_B) works wonders C) is highly beneficial 7. He did time for being a conscientious objector. A) threw a party B) was rewarded C) spent years in prison &. I'm just sick ané tired of doing the do A) being responsible for all the hard work B) being told what to do ©) handling all bureaucratic issues 2y work around here Dorr ry 9. Can't you see we are just trying to buy time here? A) purchase a magazine B) delay things © offera prize 10. Who knows if the treatment is good? Only time will tel. A) We will only know that in the future B) It will most likely be good ©) It will probably not work. KANGAROO UNGUISTIC CONTEST ENGLISH a IIL Read the text. For each question (11-15), choose the correct answer. Mind Hunters Nothing beats cozying up on your couch and getting ready to spend the next day with a major Netflix-hangover after watching a slow burn cerebral murder mystery that promises the delicious satisfaction of picking apart the mind of a serial killer. We all buy into the delusion that other people’s minds, contorted though they might be, can, with enough patience and educated guesswork, become open books. This pulls at the chords of one of our most deep-seated fears — that we are ultimately barred from plumbing the depths of the human psyche — and promises to relieve us from it When Mindhunter was released on Netflix, audiences were in for an immensely gratifying experience. Inspired by the true story of how the FBI's Behavioral Science Unit was set up to study psychopaths and serial killers in the 1970s, Mindhunter does a superb job of painting the likeness of convicts like Charles Manson and Ed Kemper. While the first season draws from real-life FBI investigation files and interviews and stays close to fact-based storylines, Season 2 expands upon the backstories and personal lives of the federal agents involved in the Behavioral Science Unit and, critics say, takes a few liberties too many. Both seasons manage to walk the fine line between providing believable portraits and steering clear of whitewashing veinous criminals and pose enough compelling questions to ensure their audiences feel they are treated to a high- quality psychological thriller. Well-deserved praise has been lavished on the director for the carefully polished visual aesthetic of the film, which charms viewers with a carefully chosen color palette, evocative of the 1970s, and elegantly framed scenes that abide by the golden rule of “Show, don’t tell”. This is, after all, the new standard in the industry and audiences are becoming educated enough to be able to look beneath the surface. Though it faces stark competition in the psychological thriller niche, the series brings its own degree of nuance to the pethaps overplayed theme of nature versus nurture and psychopathy and treads carefully in the murky terrain of moral ambiguity. It is this that places Mindhunter in a class of its own. Actual modem forensic investigators are less than impressed. According to Jeremy Filch a consultant with various high-security psychiatric hospitals, understanding the dark recesses of a criminal mind is not all that revealing, let alone possible in most cases. Ascertaining the unglamorous details of a criminal’s actions, habits, and whereabouts is often what gets a case to. be watertight in court, which is why pathologists try to keep profilers away from the scene of the crime and are happy to let them indulge in speculation as long as it does not get in the way of their work ee eed According to the text, people love watching series about serial killers because A) they test their powers of intuition B) they satisfy their basic need to understand human nature ©) they like to miss out on sleep D) they like to be unnerved Q Pe 12. The two seasons of Mindhunter differ in their A) portrayal of serial killers B) mass appeal © attention to detail D) adherence to truth 13. According to the writer, the topic of psychopathy is A) overly embellished in the series B) dealt with ambiguously in the series ©) one that has been explored slightly excessively D) not a worthy subject for a series 14, The cinematic techniques used in Mindhunter A) reveal character motivations without being too obvious B) have become too common ©) are the same used by directors in the 1970s, D) give the series its unique character 15. According to Jeremy Filch, profiling A) is fascinating B) is scientifically sound ©) is not what itused to be _D) does not provide credible enough evidence IV. For each group of sentences (16-20), choose the word which can be used in all three gaps. 16. ¢ Iwas wondering ~ can I buy a... of first class stamps here? # We should try to do everything by the © You should definitely ..... now if you want to stay in that popular hotel. A) book B) law © place D) set 17. « Of course she can afford it. She has money coming out of her Go ahead! I'mall «His pleas fell on deaf A) neck B) ears Oeyes D) mouth 18. ¢ The jury didn’t ..... a unanimous decision. « Should you nced any help, please ..... out to me. « Keep dangerous substances out of ..... ! A) order B) come ©) band D) reach 19. « On its hind legs it can ..... two metres high. # What do those initials ..... for? «I'm afraid he just doesn’t ..... a chance A) get B) climb ©) stand D) mean Dorr ry 20. ¢ He was always sucha ..... child. « Head for the ..... lights of the city «I'm convinced she will have a really ..... future with that company. A) smart B) gifted Otig D) bright o ee eed V. Read the text. For each space (21-30), choose the best answer. Sixto Rodriguez It was the 1970s and the world was buzzing with political and social discontent. Musicians like Bob Dylan were ..... (21) out album after album speaking to a generation that had just about had enough of war and social injustice. Sixto Rodriguez, a singer of Mexican descent living in the United States, released his (22) album, Cold Facts, in 1970, and his second album. Coming from Reality, in 1971, both monumental flops. No wonder then that Rodriguez called it ..... (23) and decided on living a quiet life as a construction worker in Detroit, keeping his civic involvement to small actions with the local community. ..... (24) did he know, however, that a girl from the U.S. went on a trip to South Africa in 1970 bringing with her his two albums. There his music (25) like wildfire and he became a national celebrity. South African society was in the grips of civil war and Rodriguez's lyrics spoke to young politically conscious people like no other. As his (26) was growing, Rodriguez was completely ignorant of his stardom and would remain so for decades before his eldest daughter came ..... (27) a website dedicated to his music. It came to light that he was ..... (28) to have committed suicide on stage, which is why his fans had given up any hope of tracking him down. After setting the record straight, Rodriguez went on his first South African tour, performing to thousands of fans and basking in the afterglow of a successful career he had known nothing about. This unbelievable story became known to world audiences with the release of a documentary in 2012. Searching for Sugar Man won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature, but Rodriguez, true to his values, (29) to attend the ceremony as he did not want to overshadow the filmmakers. He thus chose to remain a(n) ..... (30) of quiet fame. 21, A) putting B) publishing ©) taking D) pushing 22, A) debut B) premiere ©) entrance D) beginning 23, A)end B) quits ©) over D) stop 24, A)Less B) Little © Not D) Nothing 25. A) developed B) emerged ©) extended D) spread 26, A) support B) backing © following D) clique 27. A)across B) against ©) into D) up with 28. A) suspected B)told ©) accused Dj alleged 29. A)rejected B) declined © dejected D) denied 30. A) likeness B) portrait ©) icon D) memento 2 Pe VI. For questions 31-50, read and choose the best answer. 31. Which sea borders the United Kingdom to the east? A) The Red Sea. B) The Irish Sea. ©) The North Sea. D) The Celtic Sea E) The Barents Sea. 32. Which country has the largest area of rainforest? A) Brazil B) Thailand ©) Indonesia D) Australia E) Chile 33. Which English monarch signed the Magna Carta? A) King Richard I B) King William I ©) Alfred the Great D) King John E) Queen Mary II 34, What does probity mean? A) intensity B) integrity ©) individuality D) immensity _E) immorality 35. Russell Crowe was a master of math in which inspiring true story? A)Proof of Life B) A Beautiful Mind OA Good Year D)The Insider EE) Poker Face 36. Odd one out! A) uncanny B) weary ©) unearthly D) unparalleled E) eery 37. A sardonic commentary is not A) cynical B) mocking ©) sarcastic D) scomful E) flattering 38. “You cannot step into the same river twice”, the Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, meaning: A) Once you know the river, it will lose its attraction. B) You are changing and the river is changing. ©) The water might feel too cold, the second time. D) People prefer to visit new places. E) There might be a danger of drowning. 39. Ameme is A) a contagious virus which generates a pandemic B) a mathematical concept that defines algorithms ©) a unit for carrying cultural ideas by means of imitation D) a successful way of performing a role E) an exciting sci-fi novel 40. Match the colour to the song title! Dorr ry 1. Back to ..... (Amy Winehouse) a. White 2. ..... Rain Prince) b. Blue 3. ..... Submarine (The Beatles) c. Purple 4. ..... Suede Shoes Elvis Presley) d. Yellow 5. Nights in .... Satin (Moody Blues) e. Black A) 1d 2c/ 3e/ da! 5b B) le/ 2c/ 3d! 4b/ Sa ©) le! 2a/ 3b/ 4d/ Se D) la/ 2b/ 3c/ 4d/ Se E) Id! 2e/ 3a 4e/ 5b KANGAROO UNGUISTIC CONTEST ENGLISH o ee eed 1. The number x (pi) has ..... (of) decimal digits A) three B) six ©) twenty-seven D) ninety-four E) an infinite number 42. Somebody who suffers from agoraphobia is affaid of A) insects B) thunderstorms C) open spaces.) viruses E) heights 43. A caryatid is connected to A) dentistry B) gymnastics C) music D)architecture E) aviation 4A, What sort of tissue is the diaphragm? A ..... tissue. A) bone B) blood ©) muscle D) nervous E) epithelial 45. Edward Elgar is a British ..._. of international reputation. A) actor B) scientist ©) composer D)rock singer _E) explorer 46. The first expedition which circumnavigated the world was planned and led by A) Amerigo Vespucci B) James Cook © Vasco da Gama D) Fernando Magellan E) Cristopher Columbus AT. “My mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.” This is a quote from which film? A) Titanic B) The Godfather C) Forrest Gump _D) Dead Poets Society E) The Hours 48. Quantum mechanics describes an experiment known as Schrédinger’s A) frog B) dog Oat D) rat E) guinea pig 49. Stonehenge is a rock-built monument in England where people from all over the world come to celebrate A) the Summer Solstice B) Easter ©) the Queen's Birthday D) the Spring Equinox E) Christmas 50. What are “The Needles” on the Isle of Wight? A) lowland hills B) freshwater lakes © mountain peaks D) coastal path E) a row of chalk stacks , a Pos

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