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Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps V0.

92 – 1/23/2021
Custom campaign: Aliens The Real Sequel
Part2: The Scientist

The scenario follows the events between Aliens 2 und Alien 3. Telling a new story with Ripley, Hicks, Bishop and Newt, which we
"all" actually wanted. And perhaps the uncertain fate of an old friend will be cleared up...

We begin at the end of Aliens: Ripley, Newt, Hicks and the critically-damaged Bishop enter hypersleep for their return trip to earth.
A short time later, the Hypersleep Chamber are already opening again. There is a emergency call message, with unknown
coordinates, on the on-board computer signed as "William L. Hudson".

"He was dragged through a floor grating by the Aliens and disappears. Did he survive? No one gets left behind!" The four board
the UD-4 Dropship and leave the Sulaco in the direction to the unknown planet.

“Again, Weyland Yutani. Where is this Andre H.? What have they done to Hudson and is he really alive?”

The group continues to look around the complex. Here too there are lots of doors, computers, an elevator and alien eggs. “Where
are they come from?”

And in this outdoor area? Different vehicles: a crane, a small lorry and a crashed APC. “We have to go deeper into the building…”

Coregame, GAFHYB Expansion

• Custom campaign scenario with 4 Heroes/3 Players
• Audiolog, keycard, sentry gun, powerloader, different computers, facehuggers, APC, alien eggs
• Different characters are required (only Bishop can pass through steam, only newt can crawl through a hole etc.)
• Refers to the movie (heal hicks, repair bishop)
• Part 2 from a long upcoming campaign (depending on feedback)
• Custom tiles

This is a testing phase and not the final version (V0.9)
Please report positive and negative feedback, bugs, improvements and especially playthrough balancing problems.

Game Design © Gale Force Nine 2020. Aliens™ & © 2020 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.
All rights reserved. Gale Force Nine is a Battlefront Group Company.

Micha LNH HSV (Fabian L.), contact:, free community mission, no further publication without consultation.
Current publication: boardgamegeek,

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