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Crafting a dissertation on Cross Cultural Management is a formidable task, one that demands not

only extensive research but also a deep understanding of various cultural dynamics and their
implications on management practices. It entails delving into diverse academic literature, analyzing
case studies, conducting surveys or interviews, and synthesizing findings into a coherent and
insightful narrative.

Navigating through the complexities of cross-cultural management requires meticulous attention to

detail, critical thinking, and analytical skills. It involves exploring how cultural differences influence
communication styles, leadership approaches, decision-making processes, conflict resolution
strategies, and organizational structures.

Furthermore, writing a dissertation in this field often entails grappling with the challenges of
accessing reliable data from different cultural contexts, overcoming language barriers, and
interpreting findings in a culturally sensitive manner.

Given the demanding nature of this academic endeavor, many students find themselves overwhelmed
and in need of expert assistance. That's where ⇒ ⇔ comes in. With a team of
experienced writers who specialize in Cross Cultural Management, ⇒ ⇔ offers
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Doing business with them is result-orientated and although Americans pay a high value on self-
reliance they prefer to see themselves as group-orientated. Role of effective communication in cross-
cultural management. A U.S company with a business venture within North America may. A detailed
study to evaluate the financial impact of demanding made in usa pr. Organizations need cross-
culturally competent experts to solve the following tasks: expanding the company to new markets,
investing in company premises or facilities in cross-border locations, planning international marketing
strategies, merging or integrating with other companies across borders, conducting major
international negotiations and many others. The term organization of culture refers to the social
structure and the integration of traits, complexes, and patterns. Again, this leads to a confusion of
clashing cultures, where one culture might have a certain reaction to a specific situation, whereas the
other culture reacts differently to the same situation (Mead, 1990:14-15). To create a friendly
environment among the vast cultural differences requires a set of rules and regulations following
cultural differences in mind. Before going international, any organization should consider several.
Countries those are having a high Long term orientation score, bringing on social responsibilities and
side stepping “loss of face” are count very significant. Elashmawi emphasized this rather misleading
greeting in a situation between an American and a South American. The main task of the discipline is
to solve the issues in communication and team management that result from crosscultural interactions
in organizations. Therefore, we will try to understand the connections between management and
culture. Therefore, American respondents listed the following values by priority. Each party tries to
make an impression on the other side and influence their. The employees that execute the service,
chiefly concerning the manner and skill in which they do so. This individualistic and collective
thinking has a great effect. Uncertainty Uncertainty avoidance Uncertainty tolerance. Differences on
this dimension may be tied to the role of women in the culture. If the team members understand the
organisation’s work ethics and respect each other’s working style, achieving the desired results
becomes more comfortable. 4. Influences: Tensions can arise if two or three people in the same team
with the same ideologies work in the same team. The cognitive content matches to a distribution of
information through discussions and other non-participatory resources. When not tolerating their
personal space, Americans can feel intimidated in their privacy. However, when it comes to
marketing communication perceptions, the results can be used as guidelines by other industries then
tourism. In the ethnocentric approach, the cultural values and business practices of the. To succeed
with an American partner, it is important to keep it simple and direct (Elashmawi, 2001:42-44).
Touch is the most effective means to communicate feelings and. Public relations is where the
communication is not directly. Keywords Culture, Individualist, Collectivist, Individualism,
Collectivism. Therefore, managers’ competences in cross-cultural management are critical for an
organization’s success. However Japan has always been a meritocracy society.
Furthermore, Americans segment their business partners into different categories. When a firm
adopts polycentric approach to overseas markets, it attempts to organize its international marketing.
Although employee diversity can lead to greater creativity and better problem solving; it can also
lead to open. A product can be marketed abroad only with the help of a communication strategy,
which is what conveys. All of the methods of communication that a marketer may use to provide
information to different parties about. Geert Hofstede. Dutch social anthropologist Obtained attitude
data from IBM worldwide in late 1970s Factor analysed and looked for factors which differentiated
nationalities. Importance of Cross-Cultural Management A progressive organization to understand
the need of the employees and the environment is working in diversity beliefs. Each paragraph in the
body of the essay should contain. There are various reasons explaining the need to manage diversity.
They are. Germany, the Netherlands, and the United States, there is a smaller power distance—which
means there is. Adept handling of diversity can multiply motivation and enhance productivity due to
the satisfaction employees. As a result, corporate culture may not be similar to national culture,
rather; corporate culture can modify even alter employees beliefs and values associated with their
national culture. Power is the key that opens many doors in business but also in society. One of the
main tasks of management is solving of problems that are may appear at. American approach to
business can seem like second nature, but if you're doing business abroad, you'll quickly. The various
dimensions of culture. Behaviour. Observable, Manifest E.g. Looking at your watch, banging on the
table. The ways in which people use the resources available to them may vary considerably from
culture to. In that case, a good leader should try to understand that place’s work culture before
forming an opinion. 5. Structure of rules: It is vital to have a structured set of rules for team members
to perform best to their ability. They rather follow a strict agenda, to avoid any mortifications or
circumstances that have not been taken into consideration. In contrast, people in places such as Hong
Kong, the United States, and. It will benefit you to steer the group better, but tapping a resource
beneficial for the whole group is possible. 1. Adopt flexibility: Two major areas in this sector are
scheduling and decision making. Cross-Cultural management 800 words in English Introduction
Cross-cultural management is the study in which people with different backgrounds and cultures
work in the same firm. To succeed, corporations must develop global strategies. Again, this leads to
a confusion of clashing cultures, where one culture might have a certain reaction to a specific
situation, whereas the other culture reacts differently to the same situation (Mead, 1990:14-15).
Therefore, managers’ competences in cross-cultural management are critical for an organization’s
success. It includes the study of the influence of societal culture on managers and management
practice as well as the study of the cultural orientations of individual managers and organization
members. According to Hoebel, trait is a reputedly irreducible unit of learned. For example between
the West and China (Branine, 2005). To create a friendly environment among the vast cultural
differences requires a set of rules and regulations following cultural differences in mind. The main
improvement in this model is the adding of extra critical process earlier cultural contact takes place,
both of which are antecedents to the acculturation process. (Zakaria, 2000).
Mead noted that Anglo countries such as the USA, the United Kingdom (UK), Australia or New
Zealand were able to depend on internal markets but in times of globalization, the necessity grows to
gain competitive advantages by learning more languages besides English (Mead, 1990:213-221). It
should be apparent for foreigners, to gain information of their Swiss partner’s background. The new
friend might call the German by his first name in private. Others are ruled by dictators and despots
who use their power to require. Cross cultural negotiation is one of many specialized areas within the
wider field of cross. Hampden-Turner and Trompenaars went further into the material and drafted
the question why Americans strikingly favor individualistic values. And while frustration comes and
goes, it’s a natural. Would you mind attaching the entire dissertation to this post so that I can read?
Thanks. Being loyal is absolutely necessary for Italians for a healthy business communication. Slim-
Fast adapts both product and advertising to comply with varying government regulations for weight-
loss. Neelankavil, Mathur and Zhang (2012) study shows that in four countries for management
development and motivational aspects in both different training found diverse management values,
value dimensions and relative administration. Country Enterprises: United Nations Industrial
Development. Some examples of what the different etiquettes mean in different cultures are as
follows. It can increase the firm’s cultural knowledge about the different markets and. An American,
believing that wisdom does not solely come with age and experience but also with personal
development and education, clashes with the value held by the majority of Japanese people who
believe that the elders gain respect due to their wisdom that has come with age and experience.
However this issue is sometimes being neglected even by big international corporations, master thesis
cross cultural management. In my opinion, development in international business and global trade
importance of cross cultural communication has increased. It also involves the sealing of the
agreement in which both parties. Cultures and their values, beliefs or attitudes cannot be changed
easily. Democracy can be a country’s first maxim, whereas in another country it may come second as
values vary from country to country. Indonesia tend to have more “business energy” and to be more
flexible. The South American tried to express his friendliness and openness by slapping the American
once in a while on the back and keeping the personal space very close. This study has been done
based on reviewing literatures (both from subjective and objective view) of cultural studies related to
international business. European values rely on a based structure of freedom, in an economical and
sociological sense. Different languages, different buying habits, and consumption styles of consumers
from different cultures influence the marketing decisions and business decision of organizations.
Once again, time is money and American values rely heavily on quick decisions and fast agreements.
Chernova As the globalization process is gaining its influence and novel technologies are rapidly
developing, the very nature of modern organizations is becoming more dynamic, innovative and
eager to cooperate on the international level. Privacy of space Temporal orientation Which is more
important: past, present or future. For better efficiency, the training should be given when the
trainees are most motivated to learn (Selmer, 2009) For example, if a person is unable to concern
learning about another culture may not benefit from pre-departure training. Knowledge is
compartmentalized which means that a marketing specialist does not necessarily know anything
about finance.
Increased cultural integration has emerged the issues of workforce diversity in employees and
cultural effect on advertising and negotiation processes. Data was collected by conducting secondary
and primary research, both having quantitative nature. A more autocratic approach to managing is
more common in most other. Material status symbols represent power, what they have accomplished
and what role in society they embody (Elashmawi, 2001:193). This supports expatriates to act very
effectively and reduce stressful practices while facing the insecurity in overseas nations. Cross-
cultural competence is a functional ability to understand the views and opinions of representatives of
other cultures, to adjust one's behavior with those views, to overcome conflicts in the communication
process. Consumers all around the world are becoming more experienced and demanding due to
emerge and accessibility of the Information and Communication Technologies ICT. The polycentric
policy approach to staffing assigns home country workers to top positions in the central offices. Due
to shift in financial circumstances changed the way of organisations looking at the value efficiency of
expatriates (Harris and Kumra, 2000). Besides Americans’ time consciousness, Hofstede emphasized
that Americans are overly flexible due to their need of freedom and individual development.
Differences in many other facets of culture could be discussed. The dimension of uncertainty
avoidance refers to the preference of people in a country for structured rather than. In a culturally
diversified group, it becomes furthermore essential to have uniformity of norms to achieve success.
Mostly a clear understanding and developing a straightforward way of communication is only
needed to attain the common goals of progress. The motivational desires of the expatriates and
executives differ from culture to culture. Indonesia tend to have more “business energy” and to be
more flexible. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on.
Volvo Construction Equipment successfully integrated the culturally different organizations by
introducing new human resource management policies. In keeping up with the increased emphasis of
cultural competences in the international business management, the major question is, what kind of
cross cultural competencies would make firm managers better to respond to the whole range of
challenges that globalization offers. This is a process that involves the evaluation of the existing
strategies. Management challenges and opportunities of HR diversity. Cultures and their values,
beliefs or attitudes cannot be changed easily. In countries such as China or Japan, being late would
be taken. The two influence each other, and often times the culture will help to dictate the behaviour,
and the behavior will. One of the main tasks of management is solving of problems that are may
appear at. This dimension is frequently viewed as taboo in highly masculine. Dr Joan Harvey. Geert
Hofstede. Dutch social anthropologist Obtained attitude data from IBM worldwide in late 1970s
Factor analysed and looked for factors which differentiated nationalities Data on 50 countries, but
only sufficient N for 40 in first book. To avoid any circumstances, whether they have good or bad
effects on the negotiation, the Swiss are sometimes considered to be rigid. It is vital to diversify the
stream of employees in the firm to achieve success. 2. Meet the competition: Diversity in the firm
helps to meet the competition as the competitive market increases daily to cover higher skies and
complete the match. In the case of business terms, it should not be forgotten that globalization is not
merely an increase of imports and exports.
Strong emphasis on equality in the work place and orientation to the. When we face a high power
distance culture, be prepared for hierarchical. People from different cultures also have different
ideas. The length of each phase is also different for each. Problems most frequently occur in
convergence situations when the organization. With the one partner, the American might talk about a
certain subject (e.g. sports) with the partner from Germany he might solely talk about cars but not
about other issues such as sports or current affairs. Furthermore, it also shows that in the pre
departure Cross Cultural Training, the training may help expatriates to create accurate outlooks with
respect to living and working in the host country. (Black and Mendenhall, 1990; Black et al., 1991).
Some ways to help in cross-cultural management among team members Try to understand each
member individually understand each member’s potential; it is essential to understand their skills and
strengths individually before working with them. Websites must just be utilized after they represent
a current source and just for details and figures. Adjustment pattern of western expatriate business
managers. Anna Gnyria. The Importance of cross-cultural differences in the marketing
communications: Investigated in Central and Eastern Europe. Thoughts on Governance in the Global
Economy Thoughts on Governance in the Global Economy Solution manual for International
Management Culture, Strategy, and Behavior. The listener receives an encoded message, which he
attempts to decode. Their findings correspond with those of Elashmawi who found that Americans
crucially emphasized the desire on freedom. This communication refers to a communication in which
a person faces. However Japan has always been a meritocracy society. For better efficiency, the
training should be given when the trainees are most motivated to learn (Selmer, 2009) For example,
if a person is unable to concern learning about another culture may not benefit from pre-departure
training. However, the cooperation advantageous for the partners. Underlining high quality, hard
facts and professionalism is inevitable. Doing business with the American counterpart can be a
challenging task. The behavior found within a successful organization will in part be due to, and
continually nourished by, a healthy. Implications of culture on organizations, management and
leadership 31.10.2002 Stina Immonen. Content. Advancements of cross-cultural management studies
from the viewpoint of OB Impact of cross-cultural issues on organizations, teams and individuals.
During their stay abroad the workers may get into various life and work situations. Cultural lag refers
to the phenomenon that occurs when changes in material culture occur before or at a faster rate. A
good deal indicates a good relationship that can be developed and nurtured in future (Elashmawi,
2001:202-204). Such decision of theirs is usually connected with one or more of the following. It
effects how a culture values time and believes they can control it. Chronemics has become an area of
study primarily for. Respect of a foreign culture means most of all accepting their differences
Gradually after 60 years HP became the world class leader in printing devices. This is a process that
involves the evaluation of the existing strategies. Secondary data was collected through statistical
offices and official on-line sources. To browse Academia. edu master thesis cross cultural
management the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your
browser. A set of common understandings around which action is organized,... finding. Cultural
traits are things that allow for a part of one culture to be transmitted to another. This means that
businesses in these places have direct. The length of each phase is also different for each. Cultures
and their beliefs, attitudes and values are different in each western country. It becomes difficult for
them to market new products, services or idea if a society. The article suggests that some aspects that
HR must follow to deal with cross-cultural businesses. Puzo wrote about unspoken values, a family
code and how important alliances are to compete in a criminal underworld that is signified by the
power of the Italian mafia (Puzo, 1969). Countries those are having a high Long term orientation
score, bringing on social responsibilities and side stepping “loss of face” are count very significant.
Translation, instrumentation and da ta collection, cultural obligation and peer pressure are so me of
the crucial factors discussed. Countries are putting more efforts on minimization or reduction of.
Particularistic is the belief in placing emphasis on friendships and looking at the tuition to determine
what is right or ethically acceptable; deals are made based upon friendships. Cultural Differences In
International Business Group 5 Final Presentation(Bus. At the individual level, individuals' values as
well as their understanding of and reactions to their cultural context and experience figure
prominently. The crisis faced by a firm in implementing cross-cultural management are: 1.
Differences in business cultures can interfere with communication, can cause confusion,
misunderstanding, psychological distress, tension between partners. Generally, a value is held by a
group, organization or hierarchical classes, such as that the older Japanese generations should be
respected by younger ones. When we face a high power distance culture, be prepared for
hierarchical. Emerging trends such as internationalism, downsizing, acquisitions, mergers. A mutually
intertwined process of internationalization and globalization has been. In Industrial Engineering in a
world without borders. 2eme Congres International Franco-Quebecois. As a consequence, Levi’s
produces both global brand positioning ads and localized ads that appeal to specific. However,
whether firms can realize significant profits in developing nations. However, to develop and
implement effective human resource management strategies in their expansion into Asian markets, it
is imperative for Macs to understand Asian cultural values. One of the main tasks of management is
solving of problems that are may appear at. The manager’s attitude towards people’s civilization can
determine a.
Following are some obstacles to effective cross cultural. However, certain pitfalls can be overseen, if
not knowing American cultural background. Differences in many other facets of culture could be
discussed. Black et al. (1991) discussed in their recommended model for international managers
modification, difference in three types of modification is as follows. Students are encouraged to
utilize valid and peer-reviewed references to help the task they’re doing. Reasons behind the
successful integration of cultural strategies at post acquisition level in Volvo Construction Equipment
helps in ensuring the success of acquisitions. Within one country usually more than one subculture is
present due to the country’s heritage or religion. It includes one to one discussion and imitation of
the situations of other culture to understand the culture of host country. It is used when the relevant
product is a service, not merely a physical good. Employees from various cultural backgrounds can
assist organizations in. These training sessions would help in enhancing the managerial proficiency
and operational effectiveness of organizations. Team and group dynamics harmony is a must for
progress. 5. Motivation factors: As the firm has taken a step towards diversification. A general
awareness program should be organised, including general greetings, business etiquettes and dining
custom. Americans are used to a fast-paced business climate where deadlines are set in stone.
International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, Lituania. These activities inevitably
lead to a range of cross-cultural issues due to differences in behavior, mindset and values of those
coming from different cultural backgrounds. Elashmawi conducted questionnaires with business
people. An attitude implies the normative behavior in society. The growing importance of world
business has created a demand for managers. Definition of cross cultural training hence is wide to
include differences in areas like linguistic skills, corporate manners, views and principles, social
system, negotiating styles etc. Companies must be aware that customers differ across countries and
so do their perceptions of promotion activities. Culture is an explicit social product arising from
social interaction either as an. It can increase the firm’s cultural knowledge about the different
markets and. Typically western, Germans prefer to be called by their titles which express their
degree of education and social status. As time is money, Americans see unpunctuality as
disrespectful. To cope with this effectively and efficiently, HRM must have diverse knowledge about
the factors at home and across the border. Long-term values include thrift and persistence, while.
However, in many other nations, the legal and political systems are turbulent. Mishandling of cultural
issue and cultural insensitivity would lead to deadlock in negotiation process. Organizational
profitability is evaluated by its communication strategies.

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