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The Constitution of Mississippi is the primary organizing law for the U.S.

state of Mississippi delineating the duties, powers, structures, and functions

of the state government. Mississippi's original constitution was adopted at a
constitutional convention held at Washington, Mississippi in advance of the
western portion of the territory's admission to the Union in 1817. The current
state constitution was adopted in 1890 following the reconstruction period. It
has been amended and updated 100 times in since its adoption in 1890, with
some sections being changed or repealed altogether. The most recent
modi cation to the constitution occurred in November 2020, when Section
140 was amended, and Sections 141-143 were repealed.[clari cation needed]
Since becoming a state, Mississippi has had four constitutions. The rst one
was used until 1832, when the second constitution was created and adopted.
It ended property ownership as a prerequisite for voting, which was limited to
free white males at the time. The third constitution, adopted in 1868 and
rati ed the following year, was the only constitution to be approved and
rati ed by the people of Mississippi at large and bestowed state citizenship to
all of Mississippi's residents, for the rst time including newly-freed slaves.
The fourth constitution was adopted on November 1, 1890, and was created
by a convention consisting mostly of Democrats in order to prevent the state's
African-American citizens from voting. The provisions preventing them from
voting were repealed in 1975, after the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1960s had
ruled them to have violated the tenets of the Constitution of the United States.
While the state constitution adopted in 1890 is still in effect today, many of its
original tenets and sections have since been modi ed or repealed; most of
these were in response to U.S. Supreme Court rulings such as Harper v.
Virginia, that declared most of these sections to have violated the United
States Constitution. In the decades since its adoption, several Mississippi
governors have advocated replacing the constitution, however, despite
heated debates in the legislature in the 1930s and 1950s, such attempts to
replace the constitution have so far proved unsuccessful.[1]

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