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1Mary takes the dog for a walk in the evenings. 2.

Peter buys a morning

newspaper every day. 3. I come to every lesson. 4. We go to the seaside every
summer. 5. You go shopping on Saturday mornings. 6. Peter plays the piano very
well. 7. The sun rises in the east. 8. My big brother knows everything. 9. Dogs
don’t like cats. 10. All children like chocolate. 11. It rains very often in autumn.

1. Ann watches TV. (How often?)…

2.I write emails to my parents. (How often?)…
3. They have dinner in the evening. (What
time/usually?) …
4. Tom works. (Where?) …
5. Mark and his sister go to the cinema. (How often?)…
6. People do stupid things. (Why?) …
7. The car breaks down. (How often?) …

1. The Greens live in Tomsk. (Who)

2. She lives in Green Street. (Where)
3. Grace usually has supper at nine o’clock. (When)
4. Tim reads many books. (Does)
5. Sally speaks Spanish. (Does)
6. We have English lessons on Tuesdays and Fridays. (Do … or…)
7. They work on a farm. (Where)
8. I make my bed in the morning. (Do)
9. The children play in the park, not in the square. (Do … or…)
10. They do their homework after school. (When)
11. I have a glass of milk for supper. (What)
12. We like watching TV in the evening. (Do)

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