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simply because it is not in their nature to do evil.

11- P- I have made a Saint and I have the warriors. However, I still
experience “spiritual attacks.” Why is that?
A- You are asking me how effective spiritual protection is.
As I explained above, spiritual protection has different types and levels.
What you are referring to is having a relationship with some divine being.
To understand well what I am going to explain to you we have to
remember that we are beings with free will and through this we have
great power over our lives. We ourselves are responsible for most of the
things that happen to us through the decisions we make and the things
we do.
For example; If a person has warriors and saints made, these beings
through the ritual made a commitment of protection with you, and in the
ritual of mutual commitment they give you some warnings. If you, using
your free will, ignore the warnings, you yourself are
canceling that spiritual protection. In the same way, if the person using
their free will decides to abuse drugs, or abuse children, or rob a bank,
they will have to face the consequences of their actions. Many famous
artists, and other non-famous people, have believed themselves invincible
after a spiritual ceremony of commitment to beings, and have succumbed
to their bad decisions. Commitment to spiritual beings is mutual. You
continue to have spiritual attacks because you yourself, using your free
will, carry out actions that make you vulnerable to these attacks.

Final words

Obviously this book is not intended to answer all the questions.

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