Antibiotic Ssi

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Journal of Hospital Infection (2008) 70(S2) 15–20

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Antibiotic resistance in common pathogens

reinforces the need to minimise surgical site
P.M. Dohmen*

Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Charité Hospital, Medical University Berlin, Berlin, Germany

KEYWORDS Summary Surgical site infections (SSIs) remain an important cause

Skin bacteria; of postoperative morbidity and mortality and generate considerable
Wound additional healthcare and societal costs. Most SSIs are caused by skin-
contamination; derived bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative
Antibiotic staphylococci. Antimicrobial resistance among these and other clinically
important pathogens is an increasing problem. Thus, while the overall
risk of SSI is influenced by numerous patient- and procedure-specific
Microbial sealant characteristics, effective antibiotic prophylaxis and skin preparation are
important components of the polymodal approach to SSI prevention.
Published guidelines recommend that selection of antimicrobial agents for
prophylactic use should take into account the expected flora, the ability of
the agent to reach the target tissue at appropriate concentrations, bacterial
resistance patterns and drug pharmacokinetics. Consistent with proper
antimicrobial stewardship, antibiotic prophylaxis should use an appropriate
drug and optimise the dose and duration of treatment to minimise toxicity
and conditions for selection of resistant bacterial strains. Because the risk
of developing SSI depends in part on the extent of wound contamination
with virulent bacteria, efficient preoperative patient skin preparation is
essential to decrease the number of potential wound contaminants. A recent
development to reduce the risk of surgical site contamination by skin flora
is a cyanoacrylate-based microbial sealant that is applied before surgery
and dries to immobilise skin bacteria under a breathable film. This novel
mechanism of action is not compromised by, and does not promote, bacterial
resistance and, with minimal potential to cause skin reactions, the microbial
sealant is an innovative addition to available options for SSI prophylaxis.
© 2008 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights

* P.M. Dohmen MD PhD, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Charité Hospital, Medical University Berlin, Chariteplatz 1,
D-10117 Berlin. Tel.: +49 30 450 522092; fax: +49 30 450 522921. E-mail: (P.M. Dohmen)

0195-6701/$ - see front matter © 2008 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
16 P.M. Dohmen

Introduction Antibiotic prophylaxis

Despite improvements in prophylaxis and infection The introduction of routine prophylactic antibiotic
control measures, surgical site infections (SSIs) use has reduced postoperative infection rates
remain an important cause of nosocomial morbidity dramatically. Antibiotic prophylaxis increases the
and mortality. With approximately 15% of elective threshold for bacterial infection and reduces but
surgery patients and 30% of patients undergoing does not eliminate the risk arising from bacterial
contaminated or dirty surgery estimated to develop contamination of the surgical wound (Figure 1).
post-operative wound infections, SSIs are the Selection of antimicrobial agents for prophylactic
most commonly encountered form of nosocomial use should be based on knowledge of expected
infection in surgical patients. 1,2 flora, ability of the antimicrobial to reach the
Patients with SSIs require a longer time in hospi- target tissue at appropriate concentrations, bacte-
tal, more nursing care, additional dressings and, in rial resistance patterns and drug pharmacokinetics.
some cases, readmission to the hospital and further Guidelines addressing these issues have been
surgery. Treating SSIs has substantial demand on published. 24 26 Failure of antimicrobial therapy to
healthcare resources and the associated cost may prevent or treat infection in the surgical patient
be extremely high; retrospective data estimate may result from poor antimicrobial selection,
that SSIs contribute 1.47 19.1 billion Euros to the inappropriate dosage or frequency, poor timing
economic costs of surgical procedures in Europe. 3 of administration or inappropriate duration of
Studies reporting the costs generated by SSIs have therapy.
generally focused on the impact of additional 0.80
healthcare costs resulting from prolonged hospital
stays. SSIs have direct and indirect consequences,
0.60 Prophylaxis not given
however, and comprehensive assessment of the
costs to society and to the individual patient 0.50
attributable to SSIs indicates that the total 0.40
healthcare costs represent only a tenth of the
overall cost burden. 4
The risk of SSI developing is influenced by a 0.20 Prophylaxis given
large number of patient- and procedure-specific 0.10
characteristics. Patients aged over 65 years, who 0.00
smoke or abuse alcohol, or with concurrent 1 2 3 4 5 6
disorders including cardiogenic shock, chronic Total bacterial count (log10 scale)
obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart
Figure 1. In patients undergoing abdominal hysterectomy,
failure, diabetes mellitus, poor cardiac output the risk of developing postoperative infection was related
(ejection fraction <40%), hypertension, hyper- to the degree of bacterial contamination of the surgical
cholesterolaemia, obesity, peripheral or cerebral wound by the end of surgery. Antibiotic prophylaxis reduces
vascular disease, or renal impairment, or who the infection risk by increasing the theshold for infection
are receiving immunosuppressive therapy are at following contamination [Figure reproduced from Houang
and Ahmet (1991) 27 with permission].
higher risk of SSI, while emergency surgery or
reoperations are also associated with higher risk Prophylactic antibiotics are indicated for most
of SSI. 5 21 clean-contaminated procedures, but for fewer and
The trend for increasing use of minimally more selected clean operations. This generally
invasive surgical techniques, such as endoscopic includes those involving foreign body implanta-
vessel harvesting for CABG, has several benefits tions, such as prosthetic cardiac valves, prosthetic
and often leads to shorter ambulation and recovery vascular grafts, and orthopaedic devices. Patients
times, shorter hospital stays and significantly with high-risk host factors, such as abdominal
lower postoperative infection rates. 22,23 Such incision, anticipated procedural length of more
improvements in healthcare have had to contend than 2 hours, or 3 or more comorbidities, should
with increasing numbers of elderly, debilitated, also be considered for antibiotic prophylaxis
chronically ill, or immunocompromised patients for clean surgery. Some authors have advocated
in the surgical population, who are typically at routine prophylaxis for clean procedures, such as
increased risk of SSI. This brief review focuses breast surgery, which do not involve implantation
on two methods that remain mainstays of the of foreign bodies, but this is more difficult to justify
polymodal approach to SSI prevention, antibiotic unless patients are at high risk of infection because
prophylaxis and skin preparation. of host factors.
Antibiotic resistance in common pathogens reinforces the need to minimise surgical site infections 17

Sources of organisms causing SSI cefazolin or cefoxitin, should be re-dosed every

3 to 4 hours during surgery if the operation is
The microbiology of SSI depends on the type of
prolonged or there is major blood loss. 28 Despite
operation being performed, with inoculation of the
the existence of published guidelines, timely
surgical site occurring either inward from the skin
antibiotic administration relative to surgery is poor,
or outward from the internal organ being operated
occurring in just over half of cases according to one
on. Most SSIs are caused by skin-derived Gram-
report. 30
positive cocci including Staphylococcus aureus,
In contrast, recommendations for the duration
coagulase-negative staphylococci (usually S. epi-
of antibiotic prophylaxis are less clear. In cardiac
dermidis), streptococci and Enterococcus species.
surgery, for example, the US Society of Thoracic
With gastrointestinal surgery or surgery of the head
Surgeons conclude that antibiotic prophylaxis of
and neck, in which pharyngoesophageal tissues are
48 hours duration is effective, but note that
incised, there is an increased likelihood of infection single-dose prophylaxis or 24-hour prophylaxis
due to enteric aerobic (e.g. Escherichia coli) may be as effective as 48-hour prophylaxis. 25
and anaerobic (e.g. Bacteroides fragilis) Gram- The consensus of the National Surgical Infection
negative bacilli. 28 Prevention Project is that prophylaxis should be
discontinued within 24h after the end of surgery. 31
Choice of agent Anecdotally, however, while recognising that the
likelihood that resistant organisms will emerge
Reflecting the microbiology of SSI, a first- or appears to be related directly to the duration
second-generation cephalosporin with high anti- of prophylaxis, some surgeons feel that a 48-
staphylococcal activity, such as cefazolin, is the hour prophylaxis is justified for gastrointestinal
most often used drug for antibiotic prophylaxis surgery. 32
for clean surgery and high-risk clean-contaminated
elective surgery. Clindamycin and vancomycin are
preferred alternatives for patients with b-lactam Antibiotic resistance
allergy. Vancomycin or teichoplanin are appro- In the hospital environment, particularly in ICUs,
priate first choice agents for prophylaxis where antibiotic use is extensive, resulting in selec-
the risk of meticillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) tive pressure for antibiotic-resistant pathogens.
infection is high, although what threshold should Mobile genetic elements have facilitated the
be used to define a high incidence has not been rapid spread of antibiotic resistance within and
set. 26 Guidelines for specific prophylaxis for MRSA among species. 33 Antimicrobial resistance among
are not clear, and newer agents such as linezolid, bacteria is an increasing threat. Clinically im-
daptomycin or quinupristin/dalfopristin have also portant drug-resistant bacteria that commonly
been recommended. 29 Widespread or prolonged cause healthcare-associated infections include
use of antibiotics fosters the development of MRSA and meticillin-resistant coagulase-negative
resistant bacteria; it is therefore important that staphylococci, vancomycin-resistant enterococci,
overuse of later generation cephalosporins and and multidrug-resistant Gram-negative rods, in-
glycopeptides, the latter important therapeutic cluding strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and
options for established post-sternotomy infections, E. coli. Antimicrobial resistance among nosocomial
should be restricted. 26 pathogens often results in prolonged periods of
antimicrobial therapy and increased treatment
Timing and duration of prophylactic treatment costs, prolonged hospital stays and higher mortal-
ity. 34
It seems rational that parenteral antibiotics
should be administered so that a bactericidal
Antibiotic stewardship
concentration of antibiotic is established in serum
and tissues by the time the skin is incised. With bacterial resistance appearing to grow
Thus, cephalosporin prophylaxis should be infused inexorably, in terms of both the rates of resistance
within 1 hour before incision, while infusion of among prevalent pathogens and the number of
vancomycin should be started within 2 hours antibiotics encountering resistance, prescribing
before the incision is made. Antibiotics given habits have been forced to change. In the
sooner (except possibly for longer half-life agents past decade, an integrated process designed
such as metronidazole) are not effective, nor are to slow the emergence of resistance among
agents that are given after the incision is closed. microorganisms has developed. Often referred to
Antibiotics with short half-lives (<2 h), such as as antimicrobial stewardship, this process involves
18 P.M. Dohmen

selecting an appropriate drug and optimising its follow, with high risk of subsequent infection.
dose and duration to cure an infection while The use of adhesive plastic incision drapes is a
minimising toxicity and conditions for selection particular risk in patients with skin atrophy, such
of resistant bacterial strains. This may involve as the elderly, malnourished patients, and in those
restriction and rotation of antibiotics in individual receiving long-term steroid therapy. In others with
centres. Awareness of the antibiotic susceptibility skin sensitivity to iodine-containing preparations,
pattern of pathogens isolated in their clinical impregnated drapes are contraindicated. In such
centre is clearly important for surgeons, and cases, it may be possible to use a ‘skin-friendly’
close liaison with the microbiology department is microbial sealant without incision drapes, thereby
essential. minimising potential skin damage, as well as
creating substantial cost-saving by reducing or
Preoperative skin preparation avoiding the use of iodine-impregnated drapes.

With the predominant role of skin flora in

SSI, effective and efficient preoperative patient Growing numbers of high-risk patients
skin preparation is an essential perioperative In many countries, populations are becoming older,
intervention that decreases the number of wound and increasing numbers of elderly patients are be-
contaminants and reduces the risks for postopera- ing referred for surgery. Many have a wide variety
tive SSI. Nevertheless, complete sterilisation of the of chronic concurrent, often subclinical, diseases
skin is not possible. that decrease immune defences and contribute to
In some procedures, removal of body hair is increased risks of SSI, postoperative morbidity and
unnecessary. Where hair removal is required, mortality. 20 Several perioperative interventions
clipping is preferable to shaving and chemical have been shown to reduce the risk of SSI infection,
depilation more effective than either of these including maintaining normothermia, 42 provision
methods in reducing the risk of SSI. 32 of supplemental perioperative oxygen, 43 and tight
Careful preparation of the skin with an appro- glucose control (regardless of whether or not
priate antiseptic is essential. Some studies have
patients have diabetes mellitus). 44 Prevention is
shown that chlorhexidine alcohol was more effec-
clearly preferable to treatment of SSI, particularly
tive than povidone iodine 35,36 while others have
given the increasing prevalence of antibiotic
shown no important difference. 32 Chlorhexidine-
resistance among common nosocomial pathogens.
based antiseptics may also be preferable, espe-
Effective reduction of skin bacteria and wound
cially in reduction of residual skin flora microbes,
contamination, appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis
because occasional patients show an adverse
and improving host defences are all important
skin reaction to iodine preparations. Preoperative
strategies that together will help achieve this
showering or bathing with chlorhexidine does not
overall objective.
appear to provide any benefit over other wash
products in reducing SSI. 37
Funding: None
Similarly, some studies have shown less surgical
Conflict of Interest statement: The author has
wound contamination by skin bacteria and a lower
no conflicts of interest to declare.
risk of SSI by the use of iodine-impregnated adhe-
sive plastic drapes 38,39 but the overall data for this
tradition of surgery is not convincing. 28 In addition, References
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