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State estimation

State feedback control

State estimation – Open loop
State estimation – Closed loop
State estimation – Closed loop
State estimation gain
Exp Vehicle steering
Exp Vehicle steering
Exp Vehicle steering
Exp Vehicle steering
Exp Vehicle steering
Control using estimated states
Control using estimated states
HMW 8.a
QCM1 What is the main reason for using an estimator in feedback
1. There are process disturbances in the model
2. We are measuring the wrong quantities
3. It is too expensive or impractical to measure each state variable

QCM2 Under what condition can the estimator gain be selected so

that the roots to the estimation error characteristic polynomial can
be placed arbitrarily?
1. The characteristic polynomial for the estimator error has real roots
2. The system is observable
3. The system is stable
HMW 8.b

What will be the size of matrix K and matrix L (estimator gain) ?

HMW 8.c

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