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Ex3 Suspension system modeling

Derive a mathematical model for the

suspension system, using the 3 phases

Phase I: Structuring

Quarter car model

Phase II: Basic equations

Supp Zc > Zw > Zr

Supp Zc = Zw = 0 at steady state
Phase III: Form state space model
HMW 4-a: Passive Suspension
Given the model that we obtained for the passive suspension and the
following parameters:

The positions of the wheels and the chassis are important quantities to keep track of when
studying chassis dynamics properties like vehicle handling or ride comfort. Unfortunately, it's
difficult to measure these quantities directly. Therefore, the relative distance between the
wheel and chassis and the acceleration of the chassis can be measured instead.
HMW 4-a: Passive Suspension
• In this problem, your task is to modify the model in such a way that:
1) the relative distance between the wheel and chassis
2) the acceleration of the chassis
become the new output signals of the suspension system model.
• Only the matrix will change in this case, derive the new matrix C.
• Initialize the values of A, B, C and D. You will be given a Matlab file
‘roaddist’, representing a bump in the road. Represent the model with
this bump as the input. Then run the Simulink model. What is
the maximum displacement (m) (absolute value) the suspension is
subjected to, when running over the 5 cm speed bump?
• What is maximum acceleration (m/s^2) of the chassis
• Counting from when the bump occurs (at 2.5 s), after how many
seconds has the suspension returned to its steady-state value (±1mm)?
• Is the suspension model stable (determine the system’s eigenvalues)?
HMW 4-b: Active Suspension
The previous model was a passive
suspension model. Let’s try now to
model an active suspension system
(For example Mercedes’s ABC system).

Now the road surface will be viewed as

a disturbance.
And u is the input signal to the
actuator to control Fs
HMW 4-b: Active Suspension
HMW 4-b: Active Suspension
Determine the
new matrices ?

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