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A- Many people think that spirits reside in empty and abandoned houses. This
could be true if those people lived and died there or if some kind of tragedy happened. In
the case of new houses or apartments with no history, none is very unlikely. If you move to
a new house or apartment and begin to feel spiritual presences, it could be because the
place is not new, but rebuilt and there were already spirits residing there. Or that the spirits
came with you to that place. Spirits can be found in many locations but usually there has to
be a reason for it.

3. P –I am a good person. I always help those I can help. I believe in God and attend
church regularly. Can I be a victim of some spiritual infection?

A- Unfortunately, your good behavior of helping others does not prevent you from being
spiritually affected. Earthly entities can affect you by accident, such as if you were in the
hospital for some type of intervention. At that moment the weakness of his body and
therefore his aura would make him vulnerable. In the case of dark entities, it is precisely
because you are a good person that they want to infect you, and the “bad guys” are affected.
They want to undermine his faith and make him a vehicle of darkness and not light. What I
say is not to scare you or make you paranoid. This is how we have found that

these things happen.

4. Q- How can I protect myself from spiritual attacks?

A- The body's immune system, when it is working well, protects us from diseases. The
human aura works in the same way, it protects us from spiritual “attacks.” Therefore, the key
is to strengthen the aura, and keep it healthy. We achieve this first, by keeping the physical
body healthy, second, by avoiding thoughts

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