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Original Article

Role of Motor Competence and Executive Functioning in Weight

Loss: A Study in Children with Obesity
Mireille J. C. M. Augustijn, MSc,*† Eva D’Hondt, PhD,‡ Lore Van Acker, MSc,§ Ann De
Guchtenaere, PhD,§ Matthieu Lenoir, PhD,* Karen Caeyenberghs, PhD,\
Frederik J. A. Deconinck, PhD*

ABSTRACT: Objective: This study aimed to compare motor competence and executive functioning (EF) be-
tween children with obesity and peers with healthy weight. Additionally, the predictive value of motor
competence and EF in weight loss after a 5-month multidisciplinary residential treatment program was ex-
amined. Methods: Thirty-two children with obesity (7–11 years, 14 boys) and 32 age-matched controls (18
boys) performed 8 motor skill tasks and 4 tasks of EF (only at baseline). In the group of children with obesity,
anthropometric measurements were performed at baseline and 5 months after the start of their treatment
program. Also in control children, there was a time span of 5 months in between anthropometric meas-
urements. Results: Lower levels of motor competence and reduced updating abilities, inhibition control, and
planning skills were observed in children with obesity compared with healthy-weight controls. Within the
total group, better general motor competence and balance skills were significantly associated with better
updating, inhibition control, and planning. Finally, hierarchical regression analyses revealed that ball skills,
balance skills, and inhibition/updating at baseline predicted 14% to 17% of the variance in weight loss after
a 5-month treatment program in children with obesity. Conclusion: These results suggest that motor com-
petence and EF are both relevant factors associated with childhood obesity. Moreover, these factors seem to
be significant predictors of weight loss. Future (intervention) studies are needed to understand the impact of
the difficulties in motor and EF on obesity-related behaviors as well as on short-term and, especially, long-
term weight loss and maintenance.
(J Dev Behav Pediatr 0:1–10, 2018) Index terms: obesity, children, motor competence, executive functioning, multidisciplinary treatment program.

C hildhood obesity is an important global health

problem and has a negative impact on children’s physi-
insights into the determinants of obesity, however, in-
dicate that other behavioral factors have to be consid-
cal health and social well-being.1 In Belgium, 20% of the ered, too. For example, based on evidence that childhood
school-aged children are currently overweight or obese.2 obesity is associated with gross and fine motor difficulties,
Considering the major impact of childhood obesity on it is recommended that practitioners pay attention to
health care and society, the development of specific motor skill development6–8 especially because a certain
treatment programs for this target population has be- level of motor competence is required to enjoy and
come increasingly important. Although current obesity maintain long-term physical activity.9 In this respect, it is
treatment programs have shown success in terms of important to note that the movement difficulties extend to
weight reduction and behavioral change,3,4 many chil- fine motor tasks, which indicates that the problems can-
dren drop out or regain weight at follow-up.5 Those not be solely attributed to the mechanical constraints re-
programs primarily focus on reducing the amount of lated to moving and stabilizing excess mass against gravity.
food intake and increasing physical activity.3 Recent Instead, it is suggested that children with obesity experi-
ence difficulties with the cognitive processes needed to
From the *Department of Movement and Sports Sciences, Ghent University, plan and control motor actions.6,7
Gent, Belgium; †Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), Brussels, Belgium; Previous studies have found a negative association
‡Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, Department of Movement between obesity and executive functioning (EF), which is
and Sports Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium;
§Zeepreventorium VZW, De Haan, Belgium; \School of Psychology, Australian an umbrella term for complex, higher-order cognitive
Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia. functions that controls and regulates lower-level cognitive
Received January 2018; accepted April 2018. processes during goal-directed behavior (see Reference
The study was funded by the PhD fellowship of the Research Foundation Flan- 10 for a review). Specifically, children and adolescents
ders (FWO) awarded to M. J. C. M. Augustijn [3F000714]. with obesity have more difficulties with inhibition con-
Disclosure: The authors declare no conflict of interest. trol,11,12 updating abilities,13 and planning14,15 compared
Address for reprints: Mireille J. C. M. Augustijn, MSc, Faculty of Medicine and with healthy-weight controls, whereas mixed results
Health Sciences, Department of Movement and Sports Sciences, Ghent Univer-
sity, Watersportlaan 2, B-9000 Gent, Belgium; e-mail: were found for attention shifting.14 There are evidence
and consensus that motor performance and EF are in-
Copyright Ó 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
terrelated. A recent review by Van der Fels et al.16

Vol. 0, No. 0, Month 2018 | 1

Copyright Ó 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
showed that in typically developing children, excellent group of children (obesity and healthy weight) and in
motor skills are associated with better EF, whereas poor each group separately. Finally, given that higher levels of
motor performance is associated with inattention, lower motor competence are associated with more physical
response inhibition, and reduced working memory.17 It activity and better EF enables individuals to regulate their
is also known that EF and motor competence share behavior, emotions, and thoughts, it was hypothesized
a number of behavioral characteristics. For example, to that children with obesity who have lower levels of
learn new motor skills, one has to suppress a previously motor competence and reduced EF would be less suc-
learned skill, concentrate on the current motor task, cessful in terms of weight reduction compared with their
and use forward planning to improve the skill.16 This peers with better skills.
overlap is perhaps not surprising given that execu-
tive functions engage regions involved in motor co-
ordination and learning (cerebellum) and brain regions
related to cognitive control (prefrontal cortex).18 It Participants
remains to be verified, however, to what extent the Sixty-four children (33 boys, 9.6 6 1.2 years, range 5
motor problems and deficits in EF are associated in 7.6–11.6 years) aged between 7 and 11 years completed
children with obesity, which may have an impact on assessments of motor competence and executive func-
the way obesity is treated. tioning (EF). Half of the sample (N 5 32, 14 boys, 9.6 6
Weight loss and maintenance require adequate levels 1.1 years, range 5 7.6–11.3 years) were children with
of motor competence and EF. Children with higher lev- obesity who were recruited via the Zeepreventorium
els of motor competence are found to be more active, (De Haan, Belgium), a multidisciplinary residential treat-
which, in turn, promotes weight loss and maintenance ment center for children with obesity. The treatment
(see Reference 9 for a review). Additionally, appropriate program allows a maximum of 20 children within this
EF can help individuals with obesity better control, particular age group (7–11 years) per year and provides
change, and maintain their eating behavior.19,20 To bet- easy access to children with (severe) obesity. All of these
ter understand why some children with obesity are more children with obesity were referred to the program by
successful in weight loss programs than others, it is im- their family physician but had no underlying endocrine
portant to examine which factors may predict the diseases or obesity-related genetic disorders such as Prader-
amount of weight loss. van Egmond-Froehlich et al.,21 for Willi syndrome. In addition, children with mental re-
example, showed that inattention is associated with re- tardation (intelligence quotient , 70) were excluded. All
duced long-term weight loss in children and adolescents children of the cohorts that started treatment in August
with obesity after a weight loss program (duration 2014, 2015, and 2016 (N 5 60) were informed about the
varying between 5–22 months). In addition, Kulendran study during the intake interview and were invited to
et al.22 found evidence of a predictive role of change in participate. Only children whose parents signed the in-
inhibition control on reduction in the body mass index formed consent forms and approved participation in this
after an 8-week multidimensional weight loss in- study were included. This resulted in a total sample of 32
tervention in adolescents with obesity. D’Hondt et al.,23 children (53%). Based on the internationally accepted cut-
then, indicated that baseline levels of gross motor com- off points relative to sex and age,24 all participants could be
petence could predict weight changes over time (i.e., 2 identified as obese. The other participants (N 5 32, 18
years) in children aged 5 to 13 years old regardless of boys, 9.6 6 1.2 years, range 5 7.8–11.6 years) were clas-
obesity. However, multidimensional research that fo- sified as healthy weight based on the internationally ac-
cuses on the combined, predictive effect of motor cepted cutoff points for the body mass index (BMI).24 This
competence and EF on weight loss after a treatment healthy-weight control group was selected from a large
program in children with obesity is currently lacking. database of primary school children (N 5 959) from the
Therefore, the aims of this study were to assess motor region of Ghent (Belgium) with attention to age to accu-
competence and EF in children with obesity, to explore rately match the children with obesity. The study protocol
their relationship, and to compare this with healthy- was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University
weight peers. In addition to this, we investigated to what Hospital Ghent (Belgium), and written informed consent
extent motor competence and/or EF may act as a pre- was obtained before data collection from each child’s
dictor of weight loss after a 5-month multidisciplinary parent(s) and the school or rehabilitation center staff.
residential treatment program for children with obesity.
To gain a comprehensive picture of EF in children with Treatment Program
obesity, we examined 4 domains of EF (i.e., inhibition, The group with obesity resided in the rehabilitation
planning, attentional shifting, and updating). Based on center Zeepreventorium (De Haan, Belgium), where they
previous studies that showed reduced motor compe- followed a multidisciplinary treatment program with
tence and EF in separate cohorts, it was hypothesized a duration varying from 6 to 10 months. On weekdays, the
that children with obesity would have lower levels of rehabilitation center provided primary school education,
motor competence and EF. In addition, we expected and at the weekend, children went home to spend time
a positive association between these factors in the total with their families. Because the content of the treatment

2 Motor and Executive Functioning in Obesity Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics

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program is adjusted to the specific individual needs of motor problems. When it falls between Pc 6 and Pc 16,
each child, there is no detailed description of the pro- there is a risk for developing motor problems.
gram. Nevertheless, every individual program focused on Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated
3 major factors: (1) diet, which consists of 3 main meals Battery
and 2 healthy snacks daily and information sessions on The Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated
how to make healthy food choices; (2) cognitive behav- Battery (CANTAB [Cognitive assessment software],
ioral therapy, during which children are taught how to use Cambridge Cognition [2017], all rights reserved, www.
solution-based thinking to improve behavioral modifica- was used to evaluate children’s EF. The
tion; and (3) regular physical activity, which is provided in CANTAB was shown to be a valid and reliable instrument
3 physiotherapy sessions and in guided exercises (mini- to measure cognitive functioning in subjects aged 4 to 90
mum 3 hr/wk) with a focus on aerobic activities such as years old with and without neurocognitive disorders.27
walking, swimming, soccer, and dancing. Additionally, Three tasks of the CANTAB were performed.
every child had the opportunity to participate in super- The intra-extra dimensional shift (IED) was included
vised team sports (e.g., soccer and basketball) and group to examine attention shifting, which is the ability to
games (e.g., obstacle swim and relay race) for approxi- change focus from 1 stimulus to another. For each trial, 2
mately 1 hour a day (5 hr/wk). figures were displayed consisting of 1 (stage 1–2) or 2
(stage 3–9) dimensions: color-filled shapes and white
Measurements lines. The participant was instructed to touch the correct
All children underwent anthropometric measure- pattern, which could be determined by learning a rule
ments, evaluations of EF, and motor assessments at using feedback provided by the computer. After 6 cor-
baseline. In the children with obesity, the measurements rect responses, the rule and/or figure were changed
were taken before or at the start of their treatment within a stimulus dimension (intradimensional shift,
program so that the program would not influence the stages 1–7) or to a previously irrelevant stimulus di-
results. After 5 months (146 6 9 days, 123–166 days), the mension (extradimensional [ED] shift, stages 8–9). Four
anthropometric measurements were repeated to de- outcome measures were selected, including total errors
termine the change in weight among the children with (adjusted by adding 50 errors for each stage that was not
obesity. Two children with obesity (2 boys, 8 and 11 completed), the number of completed stages, pre-ED
years old) dropped out of the treatment program. Also in shifting errors (sum of the errors made in stage 1–7),
control children, there was a time span of 5 months and total trials (adjusted by adding 50 trials for each stage
(154 6 13 days, 131–179 days) in between anthropo- that was not completed).
metric measurements. Seven children with healthy Rapid visual information processing (RVP) was per-
weight (7 girls, 10.1 6 1.4 years old) completed the formed to assess updating abilities and inhibition control.
measurements only at baseline. Updating is the ability to hold information in mind and
Anthropometrics mentally work with it. Inhibition, then, measures the
Height was measured barefoot to the nearest 0.1 cm ability to suppress an inappropriate prepotent and/or
using a calibrated stadiometer (Harpenden; Holtain Ltd, impulsive response. During the RVP, a seemingly ran-
Crymych, United Kingdom). In addition, body mass and dom sequence of numbers1–9 was displayed at a high
fat percentage were obtained in minimal clothing to the frequency (100 digits per minute). Participants were
nearest 0.1 kg and 0.1% using a digital balance scale with asked to press the response button every time they ob-
bioelectrical impedance (Tanita, BC420SMA; Weda BV, served the sequence “3-5-7.” Three blocks of practice
Naarden, Holland). Based on height and body mass, the trials were followed by the actual test (4 blocks, in-
BMI (kg/m2) was calculated and used to classify the cluding 1 practice block), all containing a sequence of
subjects according to the age- and sex-specific BMI cutoff 100 numbers. Two outcome measures were calculated:
points for children.24 (1) total hits, which is a measure of updating and rep-
Movement Assessment Battery for Children: resents the number of corrected responses to the target
Second Edition sequence (i.e., “3-5-7”); and (2) total false alarms, which
The Movement Assessment Battery for Children, Sec- is a measure of inhibition control and represents the
ond Edition (MABC-2) was used to assess children’s gross number of times the participant did press the button
and fine motor competence. This norm-referenced test when the target sequence was not represented.
battery has shown good validity and reliability as Finally, the Stockings of Cambridge (SOC) was in-
a method for detection of motor problems in children cluded to examine planning and decision making, which
between 3 and 16 years old.25,26 The MABC-2 consists of is the ability to organize activities or steps necessary to
8 test items, which were divided into 3 types of skills, reach a goal. During the SOC, the upper panel of the
i.e., manual dexterity (3 items), ball skills (2 items), and screen displayed colored discs “stacked” in a certain
static and dynamic balance skills (3 items). Raw scores manner in 3 stockings. In the “problem-solving condi-
are converted into 1 scaled score per skill and a general tion,” participants were asked to copy the configuration
motor competence score. A general motor competence in the lower panel using as few movements as possible.
score below the fifth percentile (Pc 5) indicates severe Before starting to move the discs, participants were

Vol. 0, No. 0, Month 2018 Copyright Ó 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 3

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instructed to first plan and decide on the sequence of separately, controlling for age and sex. Finally, 2 hierar-
movements. The difficulty of the task increased with the chical regression analyses were conducted to examine
number of balls that had to be moved (i.e., ranging from whether baseline levels of motor competence and/or EF
1 [practice trials] to 5 moves). In the “follow” condition, can predict the success of the treatment program in the
an exact replication of their earlier planning movements percentage of BMI reduction BMIpost2BMIpre
BMIpre 3 100% and
was displayed on the screen. The participants were change in BMI z-score (post 2 pre) in the sample of
instructed to follow the ball movements as quickly as children with obesity. Change in the BMI was used to
possible to provide reaction and movement times. Four adjust for height. In the first step, age and sex were in-
outcome measures were included: (1) the number of cluded as control variables, followed by the 3 components
problems solved in minimum moves, (2) mean moves, of motor competence and the 3 composite scores of EF
(3) initial thinking time (which is the time between ap- (step 2). False discovery rate corrections were made to
pearance of the problem displayed and the first move- control for multiple comparisons. The significance
ment), and (4) subsequent thinking time (which is the threshold was set at p , 0.05 (trend: p , 0.10).
time between the first movement and completion of
the task).
During the administration of the 3 tasks, all children
were seated on a chair in a comfortable position with Descriptive Statistics
both feet on the ground and the elbows flexed at ap- Descriptive statistics are shown in Table 1. There
proximately 1008. All 3 tasks were displayed on a tablet were significant interaction effects between time and
PC (Gigabyte tablet S1080) with a 10.1-inch touch- group for height (pFDR 5 0.008), body weight (pFDR #
sensitive screen, which was placed 30 cm in front of 0.001), percentage of body fat (pFDR # 0.001), and body
the participant. The RVP required the use of a press-pad, mass index (BMI, pFDR # 0.001). Post hoc tests indicated
which was placed in the middle (at 15 cm) between the a significant decrease for each of the weight-related
participant and the tablet PC. The 3 tasks were admin- measures (p # 0.001) in the group of children with
istered in a random order to avoid potential order effects. obesity over time, whereas there was no significant
To reduce the number of multiple comparisons in the change in the body fat percentage (p 5 0.993) and BMI
partial correlation analyses and hierarchical regression (p 5 0.678), and only a small increase in body weight
analyses, a composite score was derived for each of the 3 (p 5 0.003) was observed in the group of children with
CANTAB tasks by computing z-scores for each de- healthy weight. Height (p # 0.001) significantly in-
pendent variable and averaging across the dependent creased over time in both groups. After the 5-month
variables of that specific task. This resulted in 3 com- treatment program, children with obesity lost on aver-
posite scores: IED, RVP, and SOC. age 15.4 6 3.6% of their initial body weight, and
according to their BMI, 9 of 30 children (30%) could now
Statistics be identified as overweight. All the control children
Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 22.0. were still classified as healthy weight at the moment of
First, the data were inspected for outliers within each retesting.
group separately (i.e., mean 6 3 SD). Three outliers
(2 obesity and 1 healthy weight) were observed for the Motor Competence
IED (all outcome measures), 3 outliers (2 obesity and 1 Nineteen children with obesity (59.3%) and 3 children
healthy weight) for RVP total false alarms, 2 outliers (1 from the healthy-weight group (9.4%) demonstrated im-
obesity and 1 healthy weight) for the SOC initial thinking paired motor competence (percentile [Pc] , 5 on the
time, and 4 outliers (2 obesity and 2 healthy weight) for Movement Assessment Battery for Children, Second
the SOC subsequent thinking time. All outliers were ex- Edition). The 2 (group) 3 2 (sex) multivariate analysis of
cluded from further analyses. A 2 (group) 3 2 (time) covariance (MANCOVA) indicated that age was a signifi-
repeated-measures analysis of variance was performed to cant covariate. Sex, however, was excluded from the
compare anthropometric measurements of the children analysis because there was no significant main effect and
with obesity (N 5 30) and children with healthy weight no interaction effect with the BMI group (p . 0.05). The
before the treatment program (time 1) and after 5 2 (group) MANCOVA showed a significant main effect of
months (time 2). Significant interaction effects were group (p # 0.001; Table 2 (A)). Further analysis revealed
further evaluated using post hoc tests. To examine group that children with obesity had significantly lower levels
differences in (1) motor competence, (2) attention of general motor competence and reduced manual dex-
shifting (IED), (3) updating/inhibition control (RVP), and terity and static and dynamic balance skills compared
(4) planning (SOC), 4 separate 2 (group) 3 2 (sex) with healthy-weight peers, but no differences were
multivariate analyses of covariance were performed con- found for ball skills between both groups (Table 2).
trolling for age. Significant effects were further analyzed
using univariate statistics. To investigate the association Executive Functioning
between EF and motor competence, partial correlations As shown in Table 2 (B–D), the MANCOVA indicated
were performed for the total group and for each group that age was a significant covariate for intra-extra

4 Motor and Executive Functioning in Obesity Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics

Copyright Ó 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
dimensional shift (IED) and rapid visual information

158.484 £0.001 £0.001 296.674 £0.001 £0.001
102.949 £0.001 £0.001 103.227 £0.001 £0.001
360.236 £0.001 £0.001 384.003 £0.001 £0.001
99.296 £0.001 £0.001
processing (RVP) but not for the Stockings of Cambridge

Group 3 Time
(SOC). Because there was no significant main effect of

sex and no interaction effect with the BMI group, sex
p was excluded from further analyses. For attention shift-
ing (IED), the variable “number of completed stages”

was removed from the MANCOVA because the distribu-

tion of the data indicated that it should be considered

a categorical variable. An additional x2 test showed no
Repeated-Measures ANOVA

0.780 6438.033 £0.001 £0.001

345.399 £0.001 £0.001

134.430 £0.001 £0.001

significant group differences in the number of completed

stages (x2 5 1.211; p 5 0.546). Sixty percent of the chil-

dren with obesity and 61.3% of the children with healthy
weight were able to complete all 9 stages. Furthermore,

the 2 (group) MANCOVA analyses did not show significant

group differences in attention shifting for the other IED
outcome measures (p . 0.05). For updating and inhibition

control (RVP), significant group differences were observed

(p 5 0.002). Fewer hits and more errors during the RVP
task indicated reduced updating abilities (pFDR 5 0.006)
87.408 £0.001 £0.001
147.853 £0.001 £0.001
187.411 £0.001 £0.001
378.082 £0.001 £0.001

and inhibition control (pFDR 5 0.002) in the group of

children with obesity compared with healthy-weight
peers. Twelve children with obesity (40%) and 3 chil-

dren with healthy weight (9.4%) scored lower than Pc 10

for total false alarms. For total hits, 8 children with obesity

(26.7%) and 2 children with healthy weight (6.3%) per-


formed lower than Pc 10. Finally, significant group differ-

ences were found for planning skills and decision making
Significant results (p , 0.05, FDR corrected) are represented in bold. ANOVA, analysis of variance; BMI, body mass index.

(SOC). Children with obesity solved fewer problems (pFDR

Healthy Weight

(20.6 to 1.1)
16.98 6 1.19

5 0.004) and needed more moves (pFDR 5 0.004) to solve

Mean 6 SD

142.6 6 9.1
34.8 6 5.9
17.9 6 4.3
(N 5 25)

9.9 6 1.2

0.1 6 0.5

the different SOC trials. Additionally, children with obesity


needed less time to plan the movement (shorter initial

thinking time; pFDR 5 0.017) but more time to move
(longer subsequent thinking time; pFDR 5 0.017) com-
Time 2

pared with children with healthy weight. The results of

Obesity (N 5 30)

the IED (p . 0.05) and RVP (pFDR 5 0.006) remained

(1.3 to 2.9)
25.35 6 3.62
Mean 6 SD

145.8 6 8.3
54.3 6 11.5
32.3 6 9.1
9.9 6 1.2

2.0 6 0.4

significant when outliers were included in the analyses.


For the SOC, children with obesity needed more moves to

solve the different SOC trials (pFDR 5 0.002) and solved
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics (Mean 6 SD) According to BMI Groups

fewer problems (pFDR 5 0.002) compared with healthy-

weight controls, but no significant differences in the initial
Healthy Weight

(pFDR 5 0.064) and subsequent (pFDR 5 0.224) thinking

(21.1 to 1.1)
138.75 6 9.04
32.73 6 5.49
18.22 6 4.01
16.87 6 1.08
Mean 6 SD
(N 5 32)

9.6 6 1.2

0.1 6 0.5

times were observed after the inclusion of the outliers.


Relationship Between Motor Competence and

Executive Functioning
Time 1

Table 3 represents the partial correlations, controlling

Obesity (N 5 32)

(1.98 to 3.41)

for age and sex, between motor competence and execu-

143.44 6 7.94
63.73 6 13.36
43.71 6 6.56
30.69 6 4.24
Mean 6 SD

9.6 6 1.1

2.7 6 0.3

tive functioning (EF) for the total group and for both

groups separately. Within the total group, significant

positive correlations were observed between inhibition/
updating (RVP) and general motor competence (pFDR #
0.001), manual dexterity (pFDR # 0.001), and balance
skills (pFDR # 0.001). Children with better updating skills
Body weight (kg)
Sex (boys/girls)

and inhibition control had better levels of motor compe-

BMI (z-score)
BMI (kg/m2)
Body fat (%)
Height (cm)

tence and vice versa. Additionally, a significant positive

Age (yr)

association was found between planning/decision making

(SOC) and general motor competence (pFDR 5 0.045),
which indicates that children with better planning and

Vol. 0, No. 0, Month 2018 Copyright Ó 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 5

Copyright Ó 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 2. Means (6SD) for Motor Performance and 3 Domains of Executive Functioning According to the BMI Group
Healthy Group Age (Covariate)
Obesity Weight
Effect Effect
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) F(p) pFDR Size F(p) pFDR Size
A. Motor competence N 5 32 N 5 32 20.561 (#0.001) — 0.511 2.930 (0.041) — 0.130
General motor 55.9 (17.8) 76.9 (10.0) 37.830 (£0.001) £0.001 0.383 7.622 (0.008) 0.018 0.111
Manual dexterity 21.8 (8.9) 28.2 (5.5) 12.561 (0.001) 0.001 0.171 3.241 (0.077) 0.103 0.050
Ball skills 16.1 (5.9) 18.1 (5.6) 2.114 (0.151) 0.151 0.033 7.269 (0.009) 0.018 0.106
Balance skills 17.9 (8.5) 30.6 (3.8) 61.629 (£0.001) £0.001 0.503 2.456 (0.122) 0.122 0.039
B. Attention shifting N 5 30 N 5 31 1.013 (0.394) — 0.051 3.702 (0.017) — 0.165
IED total errors 36.8 (19.7) 34.1 (21.5) — — 0.005 5.091 (0.028) 0.042 0.081
IED pre-ED errors 9.3 (4.9) 7.7 (4.1) — — 0.031 1.280 (0.263) 0.263 0.022
IED total trials 121.2 (33.2) 114.1 (33.0) — — 0.012 6.028 (0.017) 0.042 0.094
C. Updating/inhibition N 5 30 N 5 31 6.755 (0.002) — 0.192 6.755 (0.002) — 0.192
RVP total hits 16.5 (4.5) 19.2 (3.7) 8.041 (0.006) 0.006 0.122 11.168 (0.001) 0.002 0.161
RVP total false alarms 2.8 (3.1) 0.8 (0.9) 12.032 (0.001) 0.002 0.172 0.129 (0.720) 0.720 0.002
D. Planning/decision N 5 29 N 5 29 4.865 (0.002) — 0.272 0.873 (0.487) — 0.063
SOC problems solved 6.1 (1.7) 7.4 (1.3) 11.161 (0.002) 0.004 0.169 — — —
in minimum moves
SOC mean moves 5.0 (0.6) 4.5 (0.4) 10.405 (0.002) 0.004 0.159 — — —
SOC mean initial 2309.7 3043.1 (1327.4) 6.088 (0.017) 0.017 0.100 — — —
thinking time (ms) (857.2)
SOC mean subsequent 725.8 (418.0) 480.9 (287.5) 6.669 (0.013) 0.017 0.108 — — —
thinking time (ms)
Measurement outcomes of the 1-way MAN(C)OVA are shown in the gray rows and are represented in italics. Post hoc analysis of (co)variances of significant multivariate
effects are shown in the white rows (F, p, and partial eta squared effect size for the BMI group). Significant results (p , 0.05, FDR corrected) are represented in bold. BMI,
body mass index; ED, extradimensional; FDR, false discovery rate; IED, intra-extra dimensional shift; MANCOVA, multivariate analysis of covariance; RVP, rapid visual
information processing; SOC, Stockings of Cambridge.

decision-making abilities had better levels of motor com- petence and EF contributed significantly to the model
petence and vice versa. No significant correlations were and explained 38.9% of the variance in percentage BMI
found for attention shifting (IED). Examining associations reduction (F 5 5.734; p 5 0.001) and 32.3% of the vari-
in each group separately revealed no significant correla- ance in the change in the BMI z-score (F 5 4.735; p 5
tions after corrections for multiple comparisons were 0.003). Specifically, ball skills contributed significantly to
made (p . 0.05, false discovery rate [FDR] corrected). both models, explaining 14.3% of the variation in per-
After inclusion of the outliers, correlations within the total centage BMI reduction and 16.3% of the variance in the
group remained significant between inhibition/updating BMI z-score. Additionally, balance skills explained 14.3%
(RVP) and general motor competence (pFDR 5 0.006), of the variation in percentage BMI reduction, with chil-
manual dexterity (pFDR 5 0.016), and balance skills (pFDR dren with poor balance skills being more successful in
5 0.006) but not between planning/decision making losing weight than were children with better skills. This
(SOC) and general motor competence (pFDR 5 0.173). finding was not observed for prediction in the change in
the BMI z-score. Manual dexterity, attention shifting, in-
Prediction of Amount of Weight Loss by Motor hibition, updating, and planning were not significant
Competence and/or Executive Function in Children predictors of weight loss (p . 0.05).
with Obesity After inclusion of the outliers, ball skills remained
Hierarchical regression analyses examined whether a (marginally) significant predictor of percentage BMI
baseline levels of motor competence and/or EF predicted reduction (pFDR 5 0.036) and change in the BMI z-score
weight loss after a 5-month treatment program for the (pFDR 5 0.084). Moreover, scores on the RVP signifi-
children with obesity. Results are shown in Table 4. After cantly explained 16.4% of the variance in the percentage
controlling for age and sex in the first step, motor com- of BMI reduction, with children with better updating

6 Motor and Executive Functioning in Obesity Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics

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Table 3. Partial Correlations Between Motor Competence and Executive Functioning (Composite Scores for the 3 Tasks) Within the Total Group and for
Each Group Separately
Total Group Children with Obesity Children with Healthy Weight
General motor competence
r 0.249 0.493 0.307 0.425 0.323 0.176 20.097 0.176 0.199
p 0.057 £0.001 0.015 0.024 0.081 0.351 0.616 0.352 0.291
pFDR 0.076 £0.001 0.045 0.176 0.216 0.437 0.821 0.603 0.603
Manual dexterity
r 0.264 0.409 0.243 0.397 0.315 0.099 0.006 0.038 0.231
p 0.043 £0.001 0.057 0.037 0.090 0.601 0.974 0.841 0.218
pFDR 0.076 £0.001 0.076 0.176 0.216 0.656 0.974 0.918 0.603
Ball skills
r 0.148 0.244 0.151 0.383 0.202 0.055 20.247 0.196 0.274
p 0.263 0.056 0.240 0.044 0.285 0.774 0.197 0.298 0.143
pFDR 0.263 0.076 0.262 0.176 0.437 0.774 0.603 0.603 0.603
Balance skills
r 0.161 0.443 0.285 0.178 0.182 0.213 0.076 0.146 20.182
p 0.224 £0.001 0.025 0.364 0.335 0.258 0.694 0.442 0.337
pFDR 0.262 £0.001 0.060 0.437 0.437 0.437 0.833 0.663 0.603
Age and sex were included as covariate. Significant correlations (p , 0.05, FDR corrected) are represented in bold. FDR, false discovery rate; IED, intra-extra dimensional
shift; RVP, rapid visual information processing; SOC, Stockings of Cambridge.

skills and inhibition control being more successful in with separate factors of EF, this is the first study showing
losing weight compared with healthy-weight controls. those difficulties in the same group of study participants.
This finding, however, was not observed for prediction Clearly, these results show that EF plays an important
in the change in the BMI z-score. role in childhood obesity. In daily life, a good level of EF
is required to manage obesity-related behaviors such as
meal planning, portion control, planning of physical ac-
DISCUSSION tivities, and activity-related decision making.10 Thus, our
A good understanding of the motor deficits and exec- results support that there is a deficit in motor compe-
utive functioning (EF) problems associated with obesity is tence and EF in children with obesity that needs to be
required to better understand the determinants related to addressed.
this multifactorial health problem. Therefore, this study These findings, then, raise the question of whether
was set up to assess and compare motor competence and the difficulties in motor competence and EF are linked to
EF in children with obesity versus healthy-weight con- each other. Consistent with previous research, a corre-
trols, their mutual relationship, and the extent to which lation was found between motor competence and EF for
motor competence and/or EF were able to predict the the entire sample (obesity and healthy weight)16,17;
success of an intensive 5-month multidisciplinary resi- however, the results did not show any associations be-
dential treatment program among children with obesity. tween the constructs within the group with obesity. In
Consistent with the previous literature, it was found other words, children with obesity and better motor
that children with obesity had lower levels of general skills do not necessarily score better on EF. Although we
motor competence than children with healthy weight.6–8 should be aware that a reduction of the sample size
It is important to note that the motor problems are affects the power of the model, these findings tend to
displayed in both weight-bearing (e.g., balance) and non– suggest that the motor problems observed in children
weight-bearing tasks (e.g., manual dexterity), which with obesity cannot be attributed to deficits in EF and
indicates that they are not solely because of the excess vice versa. The implication is that multidisciplinary resi-
mass and suggest difficulties in the way children with dential treatments would need to consider both motor
obesity plan and control their movements.7 Furthermore, competence and EF in children with obesity. It has al-
children with obesity demonstrated difficulties with in- ready been shown that cognitive training seems to be an
hibition control, updating, planning, and decision important addition to obesity programs and strengthens
making but not with attention shifting, which is consis- children’s EF. For example, Verbeken et al.28 demon-
tent with previous literature.10,11,13–15 Although previous strated that EF training leads to better working memory
studies in children with obesity observed difficulties and better maintenance of weight status 8 weeks after

Vol. 0, No. 0, Month 2018 Copyright Ó 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 7

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Table 4. Statistics of the Hierarchical Regression Analysis for Variables Predicting the Percentage of Reduction in BMI (%; Model 1) and Change in BMI
z-Score (Model 2) in Children with Obesity After a 5-Month Multidisciplinary Treatment Program
Model 1
% BMI Reduction F p R 2
DR 2
B SE B b t p pFDR sr2
Step 1 5.841 0.008 0.318
Age 0.991 0.506 0.324 1.957 0.062 0.062 0.104
Sex 2.920 1.105 0.438 2.643 0.014 0.028 0.190
Step 2 5.734 0.001 0.707 0.389
Age 0.878 0.473 0.287 1.856 0.030 0.060 0.085
Sex 2.100 0.895 0.315 2.347 0.079 0.090 0.053
Manual dexterity 20.109 0.055 20.300 21.971 0.063 0.084 0.060
Ball skills 20.267 0.086 20.481 23.085 0.006 0.028 0.147
Balance skills 0.204 0.067 0.492 3.041 0.007 0.028 0.143
Attention shifting (IED)a 0.878 0.642 0.214 1.369 0.187 0.187 0.029
Updating/Inhibition (RVP)a 21.024 0.485 20.304 22.111 0.048 0.077 0.069
Planning (SOC)a 21.618 0.669 20.350 22.417 0.026 0.060 0.090

Model 2
s BMI z-Score F p R 2
DR 2
B SE B b t p pFDR sr2
Step 1 6.528 0.005 0.343
Age 0.102 0.028 0.587 3.611 0.001 0.002 0.342
Sex 20.026 0.062 20.068 20.417 0.680 0.680 0.007
Step 2 4.735 0.003 0.666 0.525
Age 0.084 0.029 0.483 2.922 0.009 0.036 0.150
Sex 20.066 0.054 20.174 21.216 0.239 0.478 0.026
Manual dexterity 20.001 0.003 20.030 20.185 0.855 0.982 0.001
Ball skills 20.016 0.005 20.508 23.048 0.007 0.036 0.163
Balance skills 20.001 0.004 20.026 20.149 0.883 0.982 0.000
Attention shifting (IED)a 20.001 0.039 20.004 20.023 0.982 0.982 0.000
Updating/Inhibition (RVP)a 0.027 0.029 0.140 0.909 0.375 0.600 0.015
Planning (SOC)a 20.084 0.041 20.319 22.063 0.053 0.141 0.075
Significant results (p , 0.1, FDR corrected) are highlighted in bold font. aComposite scores of each domain of executive functioning. B 5 linear regression coefficient;
BMI, body mass index; FDR, false discovery rate; IED, intra-extra dimensional shift; RVP, rapid visual information processing; SE B 5 standard error of B; SOC, Stockings
of Cambridge; sr2 5 squared semipartial coefficient.

the intervention in children aged 8 to 14 years. However, It may have been that ball sports took a larger share of
intervention studies that specifically target motor com- the multidisciplinary program so that children with
petence in these children are, to our knowledge, cur- obesity with good ball skills had a greater chance of
rently lacking. participating in these team sports. This would have led
The importance of motor competence is further to a greater amount of weight loss compared with chil-
highlighted by the findings of the hierarchical regression dren with poor ball skills; however, future research in-
analysis performed in the subsample of children with cluding objective measures of physical activity is
obesity. The results showed that ball skill was a signifi- required to address this issue. In addition to ball skills,
cant predictor of weight loss after an intensive 5-month balance explained 14.3% of the variance in percentage
multidisciplinary residential treatment program. Ball body mass index (BMI) reduction, but no relation be-
skills explained 14.7% of the variance, and results tween balance and the BMI z-score was observed. In-
showed that children with better ball skills at baseline terestingly, the effect seemed to be negative, i.e., lower
were more successful in losing weight. The explanation balance skills were associated with a greater amount of
for this may lie in the fact that adequate motor compe- weight loss after 5 months. A tentative explanation for
tence, especially ball skills, is a prerequisite for the en- this finding may be that poor balance control led to
gagement in physical activities, because children with closer supervision or attention to the individual during
good skills will experience more joy when participating the movement activities, but the true cause of this un-
in those activities (i.e., positive spiral) and vice versa.9,29 expected result remains unclear.

8 Motor and Executive Functioning in Obesity Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics

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For EF, inhibition/updating significantly explained This study provides a better insight into motor com-
16.4% of the variance in percentage BMI reduction when petence and EF and their role in weight loss in children
outliers were included, with better scores being associ- with obesity. Although the sample size is limited and fu-
ated with greater weight loss. This tentative finding may ture longitudinal studies are recommended to replicate
suggest that children with better inhibition control (i.e., the current findings both in the short and long terms, it
suppressing an inappropriate or impulsive response) and seems fair to state that motor competence and EF are 2
updating capacity (i.e., retaining and monitoring mental relevant factors in the study and treatment of childhood
information) would benefit more from an intensive res- obesity. Additionally, our findings show that an intensive
idential treatment program compared with peers with 5-month multidisciplinary residential treatment program,
poorer EF. This finding is consistent with previous as offered in the Zeepreventorium (De Haan, Belgium), is
studies that found evidence for a separate contribution effective in terms of weight loss, especially in children
of EF (e.g., inhibition control) in weight loss and main- with good ball skills, inhibition control, updating abilities,
tenance.12,22,30 However, after removal of the outliers, and/or poorer balance at baseline. Accordingly, these
no significant contribution of EF was found in the pre- results provide preliminary evidence for the clinical im-
diction of weight loss. The absence of a significant portance of motor competence and EF in prevention and
contribution of EF in the prediction of weight loss may intervention programs for children with obesity.
be explained by the age of the participants (e.g., children
vs adolescents). Pauli-Pott et al.,12 for example, showed ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
The authors are grateful to all participants and their parents, the
that only in adolescents, not in younger children, high staff from the rehabilitation center “Zeepreventorium” (De Haan,
impulsivity predicted success in a 1-year weight re- Belgium), and the board of the participating schools. Finally, the
duction program. It seems that EF may not yet be an authors thank Kris Bakeland, Nele Bassier, Marieke Paredis, Hanne
important predictor of weight loss during childhood; Lyskawa, and Teresa Gobert for their assistance in collecting the data.
however, further research is needed to test this hy-
pothesis. Furthermore, in this study, weight loss was REFERENCES
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10 Motor and Executive Functioning in Obesity Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics

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