Marine Insurance and Carriage of Goods

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Marine Insurance and Carriage of Goods

Admiralty Court = πρωτοδικείο

mediation = διαμεσολάβηση, a mediator is usually neutral
conciliation = συμβιβασμός
clause = ρήτρα

Charter Party Contracts:

- NEWBUILDCON - Standard Newbuilding Contract - PART II , clause 41 states that the
parties shall be subject to English law ( about the governing law) and clause 42
mentiones that for any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract
shall be referred to arbitration in London ( this is part c of clause 42).
- NYPE 2015 time charter party, clause 54 includes New York/London/Singapore as
alternatives for the parties to agree upon mutually
- ROPAXTIME clause 51 BIMCO standard dispute resolution clause 2015 says that the
charter party shall be governed by the English law and that any disputes arisen shall
be reffered in London in accordance with the Arbitration Act of 1996. The party may
at any time refer to mediation.

the arbitration act allows you to go to court.

tramps = demand driven.

There are different types of contracts. Some are pros shipowners, and other pros

Find a contract charter party: meat, wood.


(not suitable for chilled, cooled or fresh meat)
The Black Sea Timber Charter Party was developed for shipment of timber from
USSR and Romanian Black Sea and Danube ports. Copyright in this document is held
by Shipchartering Co-ordinating Bureau, Moscow. The latest edition of this contract
is BLACKSEAWOOD, issued in 1973.

To be at the forefront of global developments in shipping, providing expert
knowledge and practical advice to safeguard and add value to our members’
To promote and develop fair and equitable international shipping policy

Bill of Lading: it’s a receipt for the goods received. it’s a document for the carriage of
individual parcels of cargo, mainly in the liner trade.
ICS introduction of shipping. ideal for a newcomer.


Lecture 2

The Owner must deliver the ship to the Charterer in a perfect condition of
seaworthiness. To the Charterer it is not enough that the ship is seaworthy at her
delivery but that she remains seaworthy during the whole chartering period.

BALTIME (Clause 3, Owners’ Obligations): “…. and maintain her in a thoroughly efficient
state in hull and machinery during service”.

GENTIME (Clause 11, Owners’ Obligations): “…… and shall exercise due diligence to
maintain the Vessel in such Class and in every way fit for the service throughout the
period of the Charter Party”.

NYPE 93 (Clause 6, Owners to Provide): “…. Shall maintain the Vessel’s class and keep
her in a thoroughly efficient state in hull, machinery and equipment for and during the
service, …..”.

Seaworthiness of the ship is at very high standards according to common Law.

Laytime Clause
LNGVOY - GIIGNL : Clause 14 (Commencement of Laytime)
This Clause sets out when laytime starts at the loading and discharging ports. Laytime
will start at the earliest event of either the expiration of the six hours’ notice time after
the tendering of NOR or just after mooring with or without tendering NOR.
However, due to the importance in the LNG trade that ships adhere to their strict time
schedules, NOR can only be tendered and laytime only start after certain points in time.


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impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. A blockchain is essentially a digital
ledger of transactions that is duplicated and distributed across the entire network of
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