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Alice has worked hard all year at developing her skills in both 2D and 3D media and has achieved good
grades in both visual and written analytical work. She has met deadlines and produced work that reflects her
ability, her finished pieces are always of a high standard. She is able to direct her work in a personal way -
exploring new avenues and seeking out artists to influence the direction of her work. She is gaining confidence
in discussing her work and is able to justify decisions that she has made in a visual context. Alice is a quiet but
hard worker, she takes on board comments about how her work could be developed and works exceptionally
well independently. She will seek out advice when she feels she needs it. Her effort has been consistently
good over the year and she is able to organise herself well to meet deadlines. Alice is a very likeable student,
with a calm and mature manner that allows her to interact well with others.

Jared is a very talented artist, working in a particularly graphical way and he uses ICT creatively to enhance
and develop his ideas. He handles media with skill, manipulating it to achieve the effects that he desires. He
really moved up the gears between March and May, producing a good amount of very creative work that
secured him his grade. Jared is able to evaluate his progress and write in an insightful way about the work of
others. He is now contributing more to class discussions but is much more articulate on a one to one basis
when discussing his work. He proved that he can work independently by revisiting his sketchbook work and
ensuring that he had successfully responded to the briefs set by the clients. He has learnt a lesson this year
regarding pace of learning and completion of tasks, a mistake which I don’t think he will repeat at A2. Jared is
a pleasant and friendly student, liked by his peers, and he has a good sense of humour.

Hibo has worked incredibly hard this year. She has become much more confident in class and is often the
student who is able to volunteer precise linguistic terminology because she has gone away and learnt it
thoroughly. Although she has found the subject challenging, she has continued to push herself to engage in
class and to develop skills and knowledge, with the result that she has made fantastic progress over the year.
Hibo is a very reliable student, always punctual to lessons and prompt to meet deadlines. She often carries out
extra tasks or reworks ones that she has already attempted in order to deepen understanding or improve her
grade. She works well independently, identifying which areas she needs to focus on and ways in which to
approach furthering her understanding. She works well in small groups with people with whom she feels
Her creative writing has developed over the year as has her understanding of how the English Language
works. Although she has found analysis of the more subtle features of the language difficult (because English
is a second language), the effort and commitment that she has shown this year mean that her progress has
been excellent and she will be able to enter A2 in a firm position.

Felicity has an excellent grasp of the grammar and vocabulary required for AS French. She always makes an
effort to speak out in lessons and makes excellent contributions. Felicity is able to understand new structures
and language well and works quickly, accurately and efficiently. Felicity always challenges herself to attempt
extension tasks both in class and in homelearning. Felicity has submitted all work in time for details throughout
the year and acts on suggestions given for improvement and development. Felicity has an organised folder
which she brings to lessons with her and is usually able to find reference materials quickly. Felicity’s written
French is developing well and she uses the materials and techniques taught to produce language of AS
standard. Felicity works well both independently and with a group and has been extremely supportive of less
able students in the group.

Rosie has developed an understanding of many of the issues surrounding Psychology in everyday life this
year. She has gained skills in structuring essays, describing and evaluating research and has acquired
knowledge of specialist psychological terms in areas such as Cognitive Psychology. She has also learnt to
apply the different psychological approaches to stimulus material including mental disorders; In particular,
looking at eating disorders in order to analyse possible causes of the problems in her Abnormal Psychology
Rosie has shown that she is able to analyse contrasting pieces of research, putting together a commentary to
investigate areas such as conformity and obedience. She has shown that she can work independently and
also meet deadlines.
Rosie has contributed to class discussions has shown empathy with differing subject matter. She is an amiable
member of her Psychology class.

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