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1. List three reasons or advantages of having a lesson plan.

a. It helps the teacher to understand to objectives properly.
b. It helps the teacher in evaluating his teaching.
c. It helps in creating the interest of students towards the lesson.
a. Mrs. Perez will be conducting a painting activity for her class. However, their school is located in
an area where paint and supplies are scarce. After assessing the student situation, she realizes that
not all student will be able to buy their own paint. The school also cannot provide painting
materials and only has armchairs available. The learning competency is to sketch and use
complementary colors in painting la landscape (A5PL-IId). What are her options? How can she
meet the required learning competency if the required materials are not available? Explain your

Mrs. Perez options is to provide through buying materials on her own money to the department
store in order for Mrs. Perez to meet her learning competency and if the required materials are not
available in the school. She really needs to make way and be resourceful teacher for her to meet
her required learning objectives.

b. If you were Mrs. Perez, what would you do? How would you plan for this activity? Thing of
solutions then write a paragraph detailing your plan with considerations to the curriculum and
resources available.

As a teacher, in order to meet the learning competency, Mrs. Perez should be resourceful of
materials that will be going to use by the pupils. Thus, the learning competency will be meet if
Mrs. Perez will buy paint materials and in fact Mrs. Perez must provide because she is an art

1. Using the Venn Diagram, compare and contrast the following: Learner-Centered Approach and
Teacher centered Approach.

Learner-Centered Teacher-centered
Approach Approach

teacher- Students work alone.
Students work in pairs, in groups, or alone centered and
depending on the purpose of the activity. centered
Classroom is quiet.
Classroom is often noisy and busy. aim to Focus is on instructor.
Focus is on both students and instructor. students' Students do not express their
Some students couldApproach
Learner-Centered miss out on g of the
learning in ways of their choice.
Knowledge is construct ial.
important facts.

2. As a would-be art teacher, write your own philosophy on the approach you want to pursue in your
art program. Explain your reasons in detail.

My philosophy as an art teacher is that all children are unique and have talent must have a
stimulating educational environment where they can grow mentally, emotionally, and socially. It
is also my desire to create this type of atmosphere where students can meet their full potential.


"All things are created twice. There's a mental or first creation, and a physical or second creation to all
things." by: Stephen R. Covey

This quotation emphasizes that both educators and students must consider developing a plan when
making an artwork. These plans, which include the first invention, allow students to think sensibly about
how to develop and build. Second, it features a second invention that allows people to be creative when
creating a certain artwork.

 Importance of Instructional Planning

a. It helps teachers stay on track with the lesson and achieve learning objectives.
b. It determines the clear objectives for each session.
c. helps teachers prepare materials, conduct procedures safely, and assess appropriately.
d. It helps the teachers to see the whole pictures and set the flow of the lesson.
e. It helps manage and save time.

 Process of Creating a Lesson Plan

Teacher in Elementary Education should consider the following instructional planning in
teaching visual arts:
a. Curriculum (goal and content) and Actual Condition of Schools and Students.
b. Creating an Instructional Plan
c. Creating a Learning Plan
d. Class Implementation

 Classroom Management and School Situations

Art can be challenging because it involves a lot of materials and hands-on activities. Among
young children, the most popular are painting and clay but most teachers opt to compromise the
activity to make it more manageable, practical, and fast. Art teachers teach all grade levels from
1st grade to high school. Sometimes, it gets exhausting and frustrating for the teacher to prepare
for all classes. But that is reality if you are teaching Art in the schools. It is a tiring but also can
be a fun, especially when you see the students enjoy and express themselves through arts.

 Things to Consider in Preparing an Instructional Plan

a. Cleaning, proper storage, and filing should also be planned ahead
b. Assessing your student’s present level of knowledge, skill, interests, and work habits.
c. Setting up tools and preparing the needed materials.
d. Consider that art is a more experiential learning activity with messier and time-consuming
hands-on tasks.

 Some Guidelines in Planning your Art Class

a. Know your students. Know their strengths, weaknesses, threats, and what makes them
b. Plan for students’ safety
c. Select your materials carefully and consider the availability of resources.
d. Proper care for the materials
e. Maximize workspace, venue, and water supply
f. Manage TIME wisely. Be prepared. Set a routine.
g. Begin with the end in mind. After works: Postproduction


This instructional plan is essential in all teaching professions because it allows educators to convey

knowledge into the learner's mind so that it may be became successfully. It has the appeal of how teachers

can express the objectives and material of a specific curriculum through using of the perfect plan.

Teachers can teach without a plan, but it will not be as effective. So, for the teacher's lessons to be

successful, planning is necessary. In this regard, teachers should be familiar with all the planning
guidelines for art classes. On the other hand, as I reflect on this as a future teacher, I only realized

something after teaching this lesson. I may not be able to provide significant learning value to students if I

do not set learning plans and the flow of what I teach may not be smooth in the specific lessons of what I

teach. In addition, it helps me to implement the correct teaching method and to make sure that the

students follow what I teach. As explained in this lesson, it is said that educators should consider knowing

classroom management and school situations before entering the field of teaching to create many

strategies regarding knowledge acquisition of the student. As a future teacher, it is highly recommendable

for us to recognize the student's strengths and weaknesses, environment, and their interest to ensure that

our teaching can be effective and flexible in learning strategies. Our teaching will be strengthened if we

are always aware of these factors that may hinder students in the lower grades and give us advantages to

provide precise prevention if our strategies do not work for them. In general, it is very important for the

teacher to know the clear objectives for each session and help the students to have a broad knowledge

about what we are teaching them.


“The important thing is to arouse in children a real feeling for life; and color and form have the power to
lead into life, these details are essential to the vitality of the work.”

Rudolf Steiner, 1992


a. Teacher-Centered Approach
 This approach, the teacher is the one who sets the objectives of the activity, materials,
techniques, theme, etc., and follows the curriculum goals intended for that grade level.

b. Discipline-Based Approach
 Is ideal for students in the higher grades where they are more ready and open to learning
facts and history which are not familiar to them.

c. Learner-Centered Approach
 The teacher acts as facilitator and involves a more spontaneous teaching or open-ended
activity that gives more opportunities for student-lead exploration, self-expression and
decision making.

d. Teaching for Artistic Behavior

 Also known as TAB, this approach has 3 sentence curriculum such as the child is the
artist, what do the artist do, and the art room is the art studio.

e. Reggio Emilia
 This approach uses a constructivist self-guided curriculum that applies self-directed,
hands-on experiences in relationship-driven environments that focus mainly on early
childhood education Moss, 2019).

f. Rudolf Steiner
 It is also known as Waldolf education, this place the greatest importance on giving
children what is appropriate for their age, "with artistic love and loving art (Steiner,


We all know that setting goals helps our future educators better teach their students. Having a setting of

objectives is a teacher's goal to focus on what he teaches and this goal will actually guide us to align our

focus and promote a sense of self-control. Ultimately, we can't manage what we don't measure and we

can't improve something we can't manage well without considering the goals that students can achieve. I

reflect this lesson in my teaching ideal that being a teacher should have the recognition of meaningful

goals for us to impart our knowledge to the youth. Having objectives is important for the teacher to be

able to properly apply what he teaches to the students.

In relation to this, setting objectives in the teaching of the visual arts entails not just setting goals but also

achieving them and reflecting on the process to identify areas of success and failure that can be applied or

avoided in the pursuit of new objectives. Thus, if we proceeded in a cyclical manner, defining goals could
be a useful method to think through our crucial teaching choices for students in the intermediate grades.

My professional education is to achieve my goals. In fact, I plan to finish my studies and with this course

Bachelor of Elementary Education and get a good job so that I can apply my knowledge so that I can

provide their ne eds in their education. I want to start my passion for teaching by gradually doing good

things. I know for sure there are times that I might have some hurdles in handling them since I'm still a

beginner so that will serve as an appeal for me to improve myself. The simplest way to start personalizing

learning is by creating targets because this strategy is something we do every day in all areas of our

desired goals, including teaching. Therefore, before starting anything, we should think about it carefully

and establish a strategy to ensure that we will be successful in the future.

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