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A story is a narrative that conveys a sequence of events, often involving

characters and a plot. It serves as a means of communication,
entertainment, or education, encompassing a beginning, middle, and
end. Stories can be fictional or based on real-life experiences, designed
to evoke emotions, impart lessons, or provide insight into the human
condition. They employ elements like setting, conflict, resolution, and
character development to engage and connect with audiences.
Whether in written, oral, visual, or digital form, stories are powerful
tools for sharing ideas, preserving culture, and enabling individuals to
explore different perspectives and aspects of the human imagination.
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There are many different kinds of characters, but most stories include
these two common types:
The protagonist is typically the ‘good guy’ in a story — the one the
reader is rooting for. This main character is super important and central
to a plot. They are often trying to overcome the conflict while finding
themselves at odds with the antagonist.
The antagonist of a story doesn’t have to be a single person. It can be
any character, group, or force that is at odds with the protagonist. This
doesn’t mean they have to be ‘evil’ or the ‘bad guy’, but the antagonist
is often pushing the conflict onto the protagonist.
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001177 event that starts
to Literature the main conflict of the story 12
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As well as these, every story also has three
additional elements, which are considered
more advanced:

•Point of view
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Elements of A Story

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Elements of A Story

The term point of view, or POV for shorthand, refers to who
is telling a story, or who is narrating it. The narration of a
story or novel can be told in three main ways: first person,
second person, and third person.

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Elements of A Story


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"As the sun dipped behind the horizon, painting the sky in shades of
orange and pink, Maria strolled along the beach, feeling the sand
between her toes. The gentle waves whispered soothing secrets, and
the cool breeze brought a sense of calm. She watched seagulls glide
gracefully in the sky and felt a deep sense of peace and contentment.“

What could be the tone of this short story?

A. Serene
B. Melancholic
C. Joyful
D. Anxious
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Elements of A Story


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The author’s style has to do with the his or her vocabulary, use
of imagery, tone, or the feeling of the story. Style refers to the
way the author chooses to tell the story.

• Is the author’s language full of figurative language?

• What images are used?
• Does the author use a lot of symbolism? Metaphors
(comparisons that do not use “as” or “like”) or similes
(comparisons that use “as” or “like”)?
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"The sun rose majestically, casting its golden glow over the serene
meadow. The soft rustle of leaves harmonized with the distant
melody of a babbling brook. Nature seemed to breathe and exhale
life, painting a perfect picture of tranquility. The warm embrace of
the sun, the gentle breeze—every element felt like a verse in a
symphony of serenity."

What is the Author's Style:

A. Descriptive
B. Romantic
C. Poetic
D. Scientific
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What is allusion?
Allusion is a reference to a well-known person, character, place,
or event that a writer makes to deepen the reader’s
understanding of their work.

What are some synonyms for allusion?

Reference is the most accurate synonym for allusion. Other
words that have similar meanings, but slightly different
connotations, include:
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A flashback is a literary or cinematic device that
interrupts the chronological sequence of events to
provide background information or past events, allowing
the audience to understand the current situation better.

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Examples of Flashback

Anton Ego Tastes - Ratatouille

One taste of the dish takes us to a flashback of his childhood. His

mother's cooking comforts him after he comes home in tears.
This immediately fleshes out a previously unlikeable and
impenetrable character. This is all done with a flashback
8/28/2023 containing notodialogue.
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A flashforward is the opposite of a flashback, depicting a
scene or event that is expected to occur in the future. It
provides a glimpse of what will happen later in the story,
creating anticipation or curiosity.

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Blake meets Sarah at a bookstore.
Story with Flash-forward:
Blake meets Sarah at a bookstore. What he does not know is
that one day she will become his girlfriend.
Story with Flashback:
Blake meets Sarah at a bookstore. Upon seeing her, he is
launched into a childhood memory of a similar girl, a childhood
crush, with brunette hair and blue eyes.

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Foreshadowing: Foreshadowing is a literary device in which
an author hints at what is to come later in the story. It creates
anticipation and prepares the reader for future events,
building tension or suspense.

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Foreshadowing is not a spoiler
Foreshadowing is meant to
inflate suspense, not stamp it
out. Foreshadowing hints at
what will happen in the future,
but a spoiler tells the reader
explicitly what happens. With a
spoiler, the reader has no
surprises to look forward to.

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Foreshadowing is not
a flash-forward
Both flash forward and
foreshadowing are literary devices
that indicate what is going to happen
in a story. However, flash forward
directly takes the readers or viewers
to an action that happens in the
future while foreshadowing includes
subtle clues about what’s going to
happen in the story.
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Examples of Foreshadowing
A professionally dressed woman hurriedly leaves the house, slamming
the front door. She frantically searches for her keys in the bottom of a
giant purse while balancing a briefcase under her other arm. She finds
her keys, gets in the car and begins backing out of the driveway, and
then slams on the brakes. “I feel like I’m forgetting something,” she
says. She shrugs and drives away.

→ the woman has forgotten something important at home,

and she probably won’t realize it until she needs it, perhaps
at a meeting. Her clothing, behavior, and dialogue are all
clues that work together to foreshadow what will happen in
her future.
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Interpolated narrative, also known as a framed or
embedded tale, is a literary device involving the insertion
of an additional story or narrative within the main story.

This additional story often adds context, detail, or a

different perspective to the main narrative.

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