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Enron: Movie Essay

Business Law 1 203

Professor Elizabeth Pitts

Enron: Movie Essay

Aura Guzman

Enron: Movie Essay

Enron Corporation was an American energy company founded in 1985 by Kenneth Lay in Houston,

Texas. Enron focused on the distribution of natural gas, but over time, it expanded its operations into

various sectors, including energy trading, telecommunications, and even water distribution. The company

quickly rose to prominence and was hailed as one of the most innovative and successful companies in the

1990s. What I understand is Enron was and became one of the infamous for one of the most spectacular

corporate fraud in the US history.

One of the primary issue where financial manipulation, inflating profits, pressure on auditing firms. On

the manipulation, Enron used accounting and special entities to hide billions of dollars in debt from

several failed deals and projects. In the inflating profits, he used the “MARK-TO MARKET”-method it

caused his income to increase tremendously. Enron created an illusion of financial health and

profitability. The company itself employed aggressive accounting that allowed overstating profits and

underestimating debt. I believe Enron misrepresented financial health in several ways. The crash of the

company had a devastating Impact on its employees and many employees lost their jobs, majority of their

savings and retirement money due to Enron filing for bankruptcy. The 28,500 workers were impacted in

this scandal. In addition to other related corporate failures underscores the scale of tragedy. Enron's story

serves as a stark reminder of how a once-thriving company can crumble due to a toxic combination of

unethical behavior, financial manipulation, and disregard for the well-being of employees and

Enron: Movie Essay


Wikipedia- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enron:_The_Smartest_Guys_in_the_Room

Director Alex Gibney https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1016268/


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