3rd YEAR - Final Exam 2024

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3rd Year Score:

Final Exam – February 2024 A: %

Name and surname: ____________________________________________________ B: %


A. 1. Listen to four speakers talking about the Boomerang generation. Match three D: %
questions with each speaker. Write Richard (R), Gordon (G), Alice (A) or Carla (C).
There is an example (0). E: %

Who …? ________

0. says their child can live at home for a long time. _C_ Gl: %

1. seems worried about their child. ____

2. isn’t working at the moment. ____

3. plans to do something to thank their parents. ____

4. wants to make a change to their house. ____

5. likes living with their parents. ____

6. is happy they are not alone. ____

7. isn’t happy with the house rules. ____

8. finished university 2 years ago. ____

9. doesn’t tolerate somebody’s music. ____

10. studied in another country. ____

11. enjoys the other’s company. ____

A.2. Listen to the radio programme “Music Matters” and choose the correct answer (a, b or c). There is
an example (0).
0. Who is Suzy Harrison?
a. The radio host b. A professor c. A musician
1. When we are older, the music from our childhood makes us feel…
a. old b. sad c. happy
2. Our first big music influence is generally…
a. our younger siblings b. our older siblings c. our school friends
3. Music brings people together because we can share…
a. music files and records b. our opinions of the music c. the mood it creates
4. We sometimes choose a particular type of music to…
a. set the mood for an activity b. give us a break from an activity c. help us forget about an activity
5. Compared with the past, people today generally like…
a. fewer kinds of music b. more kinds of music c. the same variety of music
6. Our taste in music is influenced by all 3 factors…
a. equally b. to different degrees c. in the same degree

AACI Santa Fe 1 3rd Year February Final Exam 2024


B.1 Read the article.

B.1.1 Read the article again. Match the underlined words in the text to their definitions. There is an
example (0).

qualifications - playscheme - disabilities - mosaic - workshops - accommodation

0. a room, group of rooms where you can stay ___accomodation___

1. A lesson where you learn to make pictures with stones, glass, etc. _________________
2. Physical or mental conditions that limit a person. _________________
3. A certificate someone gets when they finish a course or training. _________________
4. A place providing recreational activities for children. _________________

5. Meetings where people discuss and do activities on a particular subject. _________________

B.1.2 Read the text again and decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE. There is an example
0. There is good public transport to the university campus. __TRUE__
1. The school opens every year. _________
2. If you are 17 years old, you can go to Glamorgan’s Summer School. _________
3. At the end of every course, you get a qualification. _________
4. There are a lot of things to do in Cardiff. _________
5. There is no accommodation on campus. _________

AACI Santa Fe 2 3rd Year February Final Exam 2024

B.2 Read the text.

We are always reading or hearing about a super food that is very nutritious and can help us look better, stay slim, live
longer or just feel great. But is there any truth to these claims? We spoke to Dr Karani, a leading health specialist, who
told us some very interesting things about these foods.
0. What are superfoods and why are they so good for us?
Well, some are very rich in vitamins. For example the fruit from a tree found in tropical areas, called the baobab tree,
is said to have three times as much vitamin C as an orange, and 50% more calcium than spinach! As we know, vitamins
C and E are strong antioxidants - substances that slow down damage to our bodies. Some kinds of food that we eat
regularly such as dark chocolate, olive oil and fresh fruit and vegetables are also very rich in antioxidants. As of course
is tea, and even coffee!
1. _______________________________
These foods can help you stay healthier because antioxidants are good at fighting disease. But they can also help you
stay younger and look better. The more antioxidants we eat, the healthier we'll be, and the better our skin will look -
that's why celebrities are always on diets that contain a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables.
2. _______________________________
Yes, they are. Chillies can help you control your body weight, and they're helpful for people with diabetes. You see,
they help control the level of sugar in the blood. High blood sugar is not only bad for people with diabetes, but it is
believed to make you overweight! Of course, I'm not suggesting adding chillies to everything you eat, but eating more
of them isn't a bad idea.
3. _______________________________
Well, aloe vera is good for healing the skin (for example, if it is applied to burns). If it is added to food or drink, it can
help strengthen your bones and lower blood pressure. Ginseng does something different - it gives you energy.
4. _______________________________
No, not if we eat a balanced diet that contains plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. However, in the West, too many
people tend to eat a lot of food that is high in sugar, salt and fat-foods such as pizza, milk chocolate, chips and burgers.
Junk food makes people unhealthy and overweight. If you want to live longer, then my advice is to eat more fresh food
and stay away from junk food. If this isn't always possible, then add a super food to your diet.
5. _______________________________
Yes, of course. Apart from the obvious health problems, eating large amounts of junk food can cause skin and weight
problems in children. It has also been observed that children who eat a lot of junk food can't concentrate for long
periods in class. As a result, they misbehave, and are not learning what they could be.

B.2.1 Read the text again and complete the blank spaces with the correct question. There is an
example (0).
a) What about aloe vera and ginseng? Health food stores sell food that often contains them. ___
b) What are superfoods and why are they so good for us? _0_
c) Is junk food as bad for children and teenagers as it is for adults? ___
d) But what does that mean? How does that help us? ___
e) Do we really need all of these superfoods in our diet to stay healthy and live longer? ___
f) I recently heard that chillies are also good for you. Is that true? ___

AACI Santa Fe 3 3rd Year February Final Exam 2024

B.2.2 Read the text again and decide which is the correct answer (a, b or c). There is an example (0).


C.1. Choose the correct answer (a, b or c). There is an example (0)

0. The children __b__ helping their parents with the chores. They are happy.

a. don’t like b. don’t mind c. don’t want

1. There _______ a fire in our neighbour’s house last night.

a. were b. is c. was

2. My grandma ______ in a tiny house in the country.

a. grew up b. raised up c. brought up

3. Imagine you can drink a _______ of cola and then eat the bottle just like any other item of food.

a. cup b. mug c. glass

4. I was walking in the park with my friends, when a stranger _______ me some flowers.

a. gave b. give c. was giving

5. Vancouver is a two-million city in Canada and a very _______ tourist destination. There are a lot of tourists.

a. unpopular b. popular c. boring

AACI Santa Fe 4 3rd Year February Final Exam 2024

C.2. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word given
and write no more than three words. There is an example (0).

0. t’s necessary that we pay for our tickets. (NEED)

We need to pay for our tickets.

1. Bill didn’t work with children when he was young. (USE)

Bill ______ ________ ______ work with children.

2. Take your phone so I can call you if I need. (CASE)

Take your phone _ _ _ _______ need to call you.

3. Waiter: “Are you ready to order?” Peter: “Yes, a sandwich please” (ORDER)

Peter ________ _________ _______ sandwich.

4. Only people who work very hard will succeed. (NEVER)

You will _______ you work hard.

5. Mom: “Have you tidied your room?” Ana: “No, I haven’t” (YET)

Ana hasn’t tidied _____ _______ ______.

6. I tried, but I couldn’t fix my computer. (TRIED)

I __ _______ my computer, but I couldn’t.

C.3. Read the article and write one word for each gap. There is an example (0).


Over thirty-three percent of the world’s population is 0. __on___ the internet

and this means the way we communicate now is 1. _______ different from
the past. 2. ______ people use social media networks like Instagram and
Twitter. These sites are all about sharing with other people. They can tell
us news 3. ______ our friends and others. But this also means that we
often 4. ______ photos of people eating their dinner and taking photos of
themselves. Maybe some people share 5. ______ much, and it 6. ______
better to keep some things to ourselves.

The internet is also very international. We can share our lives with people all around the world. But what 7.
________ this mean for communication? Well, we can find 8. _____ about places we want to visit and what
other cultures are like. This can make us think about different ways of living. It also makes the world feel smaller.

AACI Santa Fe 5 3rd Year February Final Exam 2024


D.1. Read Greg’s email and answer him in about 50 words.

From: Greg

To: Students


It’s National Unplugged Day on Friday. I’m going to try and give something up. I can’t decide between my
mobile and my games console. What do you think I should do? What are you going to give up? Do you think
it’ll be easy or difficult?


D.2. Read the following advert and write an answer for it in about 70 words.


AACI Santa Fe 6 3rd Year February Final Exam 2024

3rd Year – Final Exam February 2024
Answer sheet
Name: ..................................................................................................................

A.1. Write R, G, A or C.
1._____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____ 6. _____ 7. _____ 8. _____ 9. _____
10. _____ 11. _____

A.2. Write a, b or c.
1._____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____ 6. _____

B.1.1 Write the correct word.

1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

5. _______________

B.1.2 Write TRUE or FALSE.

1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____

B.2.1 Write 1-5.

a. _____ c. _____ d. _____ e. _____ f. _____

B.2.2 Write a, b or c.

1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____

C.1. Write the correct answer (a, b or c).
1) _____ 2) _____ 3) _____ 4) _____ 5) _____

C.2. Write the words to complete the sentences.

1. __________ ____________ ___________ 4. __________ ____________ ___________
2. __________ ____________ ___________ 5. __________ ____________ ___________
3. __________ ____________ ___________ 6. __________ ____________ ___________
C.3. Complete with the correct word.

1. ______________________ 5. ______________________
2. ______________________ 6. ______________________
3. ______________________ 7. ______________________
4. ______________________ 8. ______________________

AACI Santa Fe 7 3rd Year February Final Exam 2024

D.1. Write your email.








D.2. Write your article.









AACI Santa Fe 8 3rd Year February Final Exam 2024

3rd Year – Final Exam February 2024
Mark Scheme, Key and Sources
Units to be tested: Units 1 to 6 (Insight Pre-Intermediate)


A. 1. Write R, G, A or C.

1) G 5) A 9) G
2) R 6) C 10) A
3) A 7) R 11) C
4) G 8) R

Source: Language Hub B1 Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book - UNIT 2 (Page 14). Macmillan Education.

A.2. Write a, b or c.

1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. B

Source: Language Hub B1 Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book - UNIT 8 (Page 72). Macmillan Education.

B.1.1 Write the correct word.

1) Mosaic
2) Disabilities
3) Qualifications
4) Playscheme
5) Workshops

B.1.2 Write TRUE or FALSE.


Source: English Unlimited B1 PreIntermediate Self-Study Pack - UNIT 1 (Page 7). Cambridge Editorial.

B.2.1 Write 1-5.

a) 3 c) 5 d) 1 e) 4 f) 2

B.2.2 Write a, b or c.

1) C 4) B
2) A 5) A
3) C

Source: Code Blue B1 Student’s Book - UNIT 12 (Page 126). Macmillan Education.

C. USE OF ENGLISH (19 m = 20%)

C.1. Choose the correct answer. (a, b or c). (5 m)

1) C 2) A 3) C 4) A 5) B

AACI Santa Fe 9 3rd Year February Final Exam 2024

C.2. Complete the sentence using no more than three words. (6 m)

1. Unless you leave 2. In case I 3. If I were 4. Never succeed unless 5. If I want 6. Tried to fix

C.3. Read the article and write one word for each gap. (8 m)

1. very 2. Many 3. About 4. See 5. Too 6. Is 7. Does 8. out

D.WRITING (20 m= 20%)

D.1. Email. Student’s own answer. (10m)

D.2. Article. Student’s own answer. (10m)

AACI Santa Fe 10 3rd Year February Final Exam 2024

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