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3rd Year
Practical work unit 4

A. 1. Listen to the radio programme. Circle the correct answers.

1 Children growing up between 1930 and 1970

a had more responsibility than children have today.
b didn’t do as many chores as children do today.
c did a lot of chores, but didn’t do any cooking.
2 The reporter says that in the past, children often
a looked after their brothers and sisters.
b looked after their parents.
c looked after their grandparents.
3 The reporter believes that modern-day teenagers
a do too many household chores.
b don't do a lot of household chores.
c do the right amount of household chores.
4 According to recent research, a lot of modern-day children
a do chores after they finish their homework.
b are free after doing their homework.
c do chores only at weekends.
5 Mary is responsible for
a washing her family’s clothes.
b washing her clothes and cleaning her room.
c cooking and doing the dishes.
6 Mary thinks that doing household chores
a is a problem.
b is useful for the future.
c is unfair.

B.1. Read the text. Circle the correct answers (a–d).

Strange buildings
The Shoe House
Along the Lincoln Highway, near a small town in the state of Pennsylvania, you can see
one of the strangest, funniest, most unusual buildings in the US. It’s the Shoe House. It
looks exactly like a gigantic shoe, but, at almost eight metres high, it’s a lot bigger than
any ordinary shoe or boot! These days, it’s a museum and ice-cream shop but,
unbelievably, it was once someone’s home.
Unsurprisingly, perhaps, a boot and shoe manufacturer built the house in 1948 because
he wanted a home that was also an advertisement for his business. He gave one of his
boots to a local architect and said, ‘Build me a house like this!’ Fortunately, the architect
knew exactly what to do, and designed a five-storey, three-bedroomed house. At first,
the owner decided to make a home in his wonderful new building, but then he moved
into another house - it wasn’t comfortable or luxurious enough for a successful
After he left, he invited old people to stay in the house for luxury weekends. The people
had a maid, a cook, and a driver to look after them! And everyone got a free pair of
shoes when they left!
1 Where is the Shoe House?
a It’s in the state of Pennsylvania.
b It’s in the centre of a small town.
c It’s not far from the city of Lincoln.
d It’s just off the highway near a large town.
2 What do we find out about the boot manufacturer who first owned the Shoe House?
a He made and sold shoes and boots in the house.
b He didn’t live in the house for very long.
c He built the house by himself.
d He loved living in his wonderful house.
3 What did the owner do after he left the Shoe House?
a He sold the Shoe House.
b He invited people to come and stay at the Shoe House.
c He made it into a museum and shop.
d He left the house empty.
C.1. Complete the missing adjectives and adverbs.
Adjectives Adverbs

1 happy ________________
2 ________________ unfortunately
3 helpful ________________
4 ________________ easily
5 lucky ________________
6 Surprising ________________

C.1.1. Complete the sentences with the words in exercise C.1.

1 The children don’t mind helping their parents with the chores. They are very
_______________ .
2 We were really looking forward to our holiday, but ________________ it rained all
3 Not ________________ , most teenagers don’t like sharing a room with their
4 Lyn Hymers would ________________ go back to the 1940s because she really
enjoyed her life then, even though it wasn’t always ________________ .
5 There was a fire in our neighbour’s house last night, but ________________
everyone is fine.

C.2. Replace the phrases in brackets with phrasal verbs in the correct form.

looks after - grew up - brought about - show off - find out - show off
1. The people in this neighbourhood have big houses and expensive cars. They like to
________________ (impress other people).
2. My mum ________________ (cares for) her garden – she’s very proud of it!
3. Before my parents bought our new house, they tried to ________________ (learn)
everything about the area.
4. My grandma ________________ (became an adult) in a tiny house in the country.
5. My family’s move to Australia ________________ (caused) many problems.
C.3. Complete the text with the comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives in
_____________________ (important) room in our house is the living room. Here is
where our family spends most of our time together. It’s 2_____________________ (big)
room, and also 3_____________________ (quiet), because it backs out on to the
garden. It faces north, so it’s a bit 4_____________________ (dark) than the other
rooms in the house, but that makes it 5_____________________ (good) in the summer,
because it doesn’t get too hot. It’s also 6_____________________ (clean) room of all of
them. But my favourite room is my bedroom. It’s much 7_____________________
(small) than the living room, but it’s also 8_____________________ (bright).
C.4. Circle the correct answers.
The thinnest house in the world?
Imagine 1to live / living in a house that’s only 122cm wide. That’s not even wide
enough for a double bed! But that didn’t worry Polish architect Jerzy Szczesny who
recently managed 2to build / building, what he claims to be, the narrowest house in the
world. Szczesny decided 3to design / designing the two-story house as part of an art
project headed by Etgar Keret, a famous writer and filmmaker.
The ground floor has a toilet, a kitchen with a table and chairs, and a sofa. Upstairs,
there’s a small bed and another table. And if you’d like 4to take / taking a shower, you
can also do that.
The house is already on the tourist map and many people coming to Warsaw want 5to
visit / visiting it. But they first need 6to get / getting through a small hole to enter the
building. So, if you don’t mind 7to be / being in narrow spaces, I hope 8to see / seeing
you there next time you’re in Warsaw.


D.1. Write an email with a description of the room in your house that is most used
by you and your family to Decorate now!, an online magazine. Use the plan to help

Paragraph 1: Start your description in an interesting way.

Paragraph 2: Describe the best things about the room first.
Paragraph 3: Describe other things in the room and say what you use them for.
Paragraph 4: Sum up your description.

3rd YEAR
Practical work unit 4 - ANSWER SHEET.

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________ 6.________

1.________ 2.________ 3.________

1._____________ 2._____________ 3._____________ 4._____________
5._____________ 6._____________

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________

1._____________ 2._____________ 3._____________ 4._____________

1._____________ 2._____________ 3._____________ 4._____________
5._____________ 6._____________ 7. ________________ 8. ____________

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.____________ 8. __________

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