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 On which day did Beppo arrive at the Old Man’s home?

On a Sunday

 How did Beppo come to live with the ‘Old Man’? Beppo, a young boy coming from a
poor background, is informally adopted by "Old Man" Tate, whose level of wealth is
enough to give him a comfortable living.

 In no more than 3 sentences describe the first meal Beppo had at the Old Man’s
home and its significance. A neatly-piled plate of yellow steaming pegs of roast
breadfruit and a bowl of steaming ackee and codfish.

 Who is Teppy? Teppy is the old man good friend.

 What is the Old Man’s real name? Tate

 Mrs. Belmont’s nickname was Mrs. Beltshazzar.

 Explain the conflict between Mrs. Belmont and the Old man? Before Mr.Belmont
died,he wanted to sell the buggy but Mrs.Belmont refused. After he died the old man
bought the buggy but didn’t know that Mrs.Belmont didn’t wanted it to be sold. So
Mrs.Belmont jump to a conclusion saying that the old man take advantage of her.

 What was the name of the animal that drew the buggy with Beppo and the Old Man
to Church? Boysie

 Do you think Teppy really liked Beppo? Give evidence to support your answer.
No because he blackmailed Beppo in chapter 3 saying that he will tell the old man that
beppo was snooping around his enemy’s daughter.

 What denomination was Beppo? Christianity

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