Reviewer For First Quarter P.E

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 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY involves any bodily movement caused by muscular contractions

that result in the expenditure of energy.
 EXERCISE It is a planned program of physical activities usually designed to improve
physical fitness.
 AEROBIC CAPACITY it is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to supply
oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles efficiently in order to sustain prolonged
rhythmical exercises.
 MUSCULAR STRENGHTH it is the ability of the muscle to generate the greatest force.
 MUSCULAR ENDURANCE it is the ability of the muscle to resist fatigue when
performing multiple repetitions of a submaximal load.
 FLEXIBILITY it is the ability to move joint without pain over its entire range of motion.
 AEROBIC EXERCISE it involve large muscle group that perform rhythmic and
continuous movement for a prolonged period of time in order to improve aerobic
 RESISTANCE TRAINING it requires the muscle to contract against an external load in
order to improve muscular strength, muscular endurance, and bone strength.
 STRETCHING EXERCISE it increases the elasticity of muscle and tendons surrounding
the joint in order to improve flexibility.
 SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE occurs when an individual lacks the recommended level of
regular physical activity or if he/she is physically inactive.
 PRINCIPLE OF OVERLOAD The body must work harder than what it is used to in order
for it to adapt.
 PRINCIPLE OF PROGRESSION The body should experience a gradual increase in
 PRINCIPLE OF SPECIFICITY It states that the body will adapt specifically to the
workload it experienced.
 PRINCIPLE OF INDIVIDUALITY It states that no two persons are the same and their
rate of adaptations to the same workload differs.
 PRINCIPLE OF REVERSIBILITY The adaptations that take place as a result of training
are all reversible.
 FREQUENCY is an exercise depends on the current fitness level and the type of activity
 INTENSITY Difficulty level of the exercise or work demand.
 TIME Duration or distance covered in an exercise session.
 TYPE . Mode of exercise or activity.
 APICAL PULSE SITE is taken at the apex of the heart and can sometimes be felt every
clearly by placing the heel of the hand over the left side of the chest.
 CAROTID PULSE SITE is taken from the carotid artery just beside the larynx using light
pressure from the tips of the pointer and middle fingers.
 RADIAL PULSE SITE is taken from radial artery at the wrist, in line with the thumb,
using the tips of the pointer and middle fingers.
 TEMPORAL PULSE SITE can sometimes be obtained from the left or right temple with
light pressure from the tips of the pointer and middle fingers.
 MAINSTREAM SMOKE the smoke from lit cigarette that is both inhaled and exhaled.
 SECOND-HAND SMOKE very dangerous smoke when taken in
 THIRD-HAND SMOKE refers to cigarette offshoots which is attached to the smokers’
hair and clothing.

 Cardiovascular disease is a disease of a heart and blood vessels and is the leading
cause of death in the Philippines.
 Diabetes is a disease wherein the body is not able to produce or effectively use insulin.
 Chronic Respiratory Disease is commonly called chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease occurs in the air paths and other parts of the lungs
 Cancer is a disease where cells divide in an uncontrolled pace
 MACRONUTRIENTS such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and water are required by
the body in large amounts.
 MICRONUTRIENTS are the Vitamins and minerals only needed in very little amounts.
 POOR DIETARY HABITS It can lead to malnutrition, resulting to stress, tiredness, sleep
deprivation, weak brain functions, indigestion, and heart problems.
 DIETARY SUPPLEMENT the substance that contributes to health maintenance and
overall diet
 STRESS is a reaction of the body and mind to unkind or challenging life incidents such
as tense feelings, worry, and discomfort.

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