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Name: DHIBIN VIKASH K P Roll no: 21f3001664


Link to my Test result: :

Personality Role Strategy

Logician (INTP-T) Analyst Constant Improvement

Mind Energy Nature Tactics Identity

79% Introverted 56% Intuitive 66% Thinking 57% Prospecting 61% Turbulent

Introverted (79%)

My introverted nature significantly influences my approach to tasks and social interactions. I

prefer deep focus and excel when working independently. I'm a good listener and strive to
empathize with others without judgment, which helps me form meaningful connections. This
introverted quality allows me to concentrate on self-discovery and pursue my hobbies. I value
a close-knit circle of friends over extensive social interactions. Although this helps me to be
in. the right frame of mind, I’ve faced a bit of difficulty while trying to interact with people
during my summer projects. But, based on the inputs from my colleagues and other
teammates I recognized the importance of interacting with a wider group to achieve the right
objectives while working in a team.

Intuitive (56%)

My intuitive nature means I possess a practical mindset and am attuned to the world around
me. I can focus on specific tasks while considering the bigger picture when problem-solving.
My adaptability and ability to respond effectively to changing situations are valuable assets in
my personal and professional life. I like to be an intuitive thinker and have taken decisions
based on my intuition, many of those resulted in quite positive outcomes as well.

Thinking (66%)

My thinking trait leads me to approach decisions and challenges with a logical and rational
mindset. I prioritize reason over emotions, enabling me to critically assess situations and seek
practical solutions to problems. This approach contributes to a balanced and measured
approach in both my personal and professional life.

Prospecting (57%)

I am receptive to new opportunities and ideas, often preferring to explore various possibilities
as they arise rather than strictly adhering to plans. This flexibility allows me to be creative
and responsive to changing circumstances, making me well-suited to dynamic and changing
environments both personally and professionally. It particularly benefits me in my profession,
where tasks are dynamic.
Turbulent (61%)

With a turbulent nature, I tend to be sensitive to stress and uncertainty. However, I'm always
prepared for unexpected events and often seek ways to mitigate risks. This quality can be
advantageous in situations requiring careful planning and adaptability.

Strengths and Weaknesses:


• Optimism and Energy: I approach life with optimism and energy, which can be
infectious and motivating to those around me.
• Creativity and Practicality: My creative thinking is balanced with a practical
approach, making me effective at solving complex problems.
• Spontaneity and Rationality: I can be spontaneous while maintaining a rational
perspective, which helps in adapting to changing situations.
• Know-How in Prioritization: My ability to prioritize tasks ensures I focus on what's
most important.
• Great in a Crisis and Being Relaxed: I can stay calm under pressure and maintain a
relaxed demeanour, which is valuable in high-stress situations.
• Independence and Resourcefulness: I'm comfortable working independently and can
find creative solutions to challenges.
• Active Listener: My listening skills enable me to understand others better and build
meaningful relationships.


• Stubbornness: I may struggle with stubbornness, particularly when faced with

intricate tasks.
• Insensitivity: My rational nature can sometimes lead to insensitivity to emotional
aspects of situations.
• Private and Reserved Nature: Being introverted may challenge effective teamwork in
highly social environments.
• Easily Bored Nature: I might become easily bored, especially when tasks lack variety
or novelty.
• Dislike of Commitment: Commitment may be a challenge, as I tend to be more open
to new experiences and possibilities.
• Risky Behaviour: My prospecting trait might lead to impulsive decisions, which can
pose risks.
• Sensitivity to Stress: My turbulent nature makes me sensitive to stress, which can
impact my ability to cope with uncertain situations.


In conclusion, my personality traits, as a predominantly introverted, intuitive, thinking,

prospecting, and turbulent individual, provide me with a unique blend of strengths and
weaknesses that influence my approach to life and work. I bring practical problem-solving
skills, adaptability, and resourcefulness to my role, contributing effectively to dynamic work
environments. However, I am aware of areas where patience, structure, and emotional
considerations require further attention and development.

Understanding these facets of my personality empowers me to continually grow, adapt, and

excel in my chosen career. It also helps me build meaningful connections and make a positive
impact in both my personal and professional life.

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