Ekbolm Nhaucati 2008

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J Paleolimnol (2008) 40:1127–1141

DOI 10.1007/s10933-008-9218-2


Paleohydrology of Lake Nhaucati (southern Mozambique),

*400 AD to present
Anneli Ekblom Æ Bjørg Stabell

Received: 8 June 2007 / Accepted: 24 April 2008 / Published online: 21 May 2008
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2008

Abstract This paper investigates the correlations levels are suggested after 1800 AD, though written
between lake level change, rainfall variability and sources suggest droughts in the beginning of the
general atmospheric forcing in southern Africa. The twentieth century. The analysis shows a good corre-
analysis of fossil diatom assemblages in a sediment lation with palaeoclimate data from the summer
sequence from the small, rain-fed Lake Nhaucati, rainfall region and confirms the presence of an anti-
southern Mozambique, is presented and discussed in phase relationship between the summer rainfall
relation to regional palaeoclimate data. The accumu- region of southern Africa and the bi-modal rainfall
lation of organic sediments in Lake Nhaucati began region of east tropical Africa. It also supports the
1,600 years ago when the lake level was rising. general hypothesis that variation in the intensity of
Lithology and pollen suggest a low stand at 800 AD, the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone is the main
which correlates with other climate proxies from the agent modulating rainfall over southern and eastern
summer rainfall region of southern Africa. The Africa on centennial timescales.
diatom assemblage suggests that lake levels were
high between 900 and 1300 AD, with shorter low Keywords Diatom analysis  Lake level change 
stands at c.1100 and 1200 AD. The period after Climate change  Rainfall variability 
1400 AD was marked by a slow rate of accumulation Climatic forcing
and consequently a low temporal resolution. The
correlation with other climate proxies in the summer
rainfall region, written sources, and pollen data Introduction
suggests repeated droughts corresponding to the
Little Ice Age, though the driest periods may have Climate in southern Africa is marked by high
caused complete desiccation of the lake. Higher lake temporal and interregional variability, and the last
2,000 years have seen considerable variation in
temperatures and rainfall regimes in southern Africa.
A. Ekblom (&)
Understanding of these changes is limited, due to the
Long Term Ecology Laboratory, Oxford University
Centre for the Environment, Dyson Perrins, Building, lack of palaeoclimate records from the region,
5 South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QY, UK particularly for the late Holocene. While lake level
e-mail: anneli.ekblom@eci.ox.ac.uk studies in equatorial Africa (Verschuren et al. 2000)
and d18O data from a speleothem in northern South
B. Stabell
Department of Geoscience, University of Oslo, Africa (Holmgren et al. 1999) have provided high-
P.O. Box 1047, Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway resolution palaeoclimate records and clues to the

1128 J Paleolimnol (2008) 40:1127–1141

understanding of the teleconnections between these but below average rainfall in the winter rainfall areas
areas (Tyson et al. 2001; Stager et al. 2005), there are reliant on the circumpolar westerlies. It would also
few data points in between these regions that confirm result in synchronous shifts in the positions of the
the persistence of such teleconnections and the South Atlantic and the Indian Ocean Anticyclones, the
inferred atmospheric forcing behind them. latter of which causes dry conditions over the summer
This paper provides a history of rainfall variability rainfall region of southern Africa during winters
from the coastal lowlands of southern Mozambique, (Tyson 1999; Tyson and Preston Whyte 2000).
spanning the last 1,600 years. The diatom assemblage The correlation in east tropical Africa between
of a sediment core from Lake Nhaucati, situated in warmer temperatures and less rainfall, and between
the Vilankulos region, is analysed and compared to colder temperatures and more rainfall is supported by
the pollen assemblages from the same core, with the various lake level studies, e.g. Lake Victoria (Stager
aim of constructing a local lake level history that can et al. 2005) and Lake Naivasha (Verschuren et al.
be tested against regional palaeoclimate data. 2000, see also reviews in Verschuren 2001 and
Mozambique, located in the summer rainfall region, Russel et al. 2007).
is an important region for understanding the influence There are few palaeoclimate proxies available
of the ITCZ during the late Holocene, and this study from the summer rainfall region of southern Africa
provides the first palaeoclimate data point for the that cover the last 2,000 years (Tyson and Lindesay
whole of Mozambique.

Rainfall variability in Southern and Eastern

Africa during the Late Holocene—a review

During the twentieth century the pattern of rainfall

between the summer rainfall region of southern Africa
and the bi-modal rainfall region of eastern Africa,
situated south and north of the latitude 15°S, respec-
tively, has been opposite (Tyson 1999; Nicholson
2000) (Fig. 1). (Summer here refers to the southern
hemisphere high phase). This is largely connected
with the latitudinal displacements of the ITCZ (Inter
Tropical Convergence Zone) over the continent and
the associated atmospheric forcing (see discussion in
Nicholson 2000; Bryson and Bryson 1997). Based on
this relationship, it is hypothesised that during periods
of anomalously warmer global temperatures, the
ITCZ would be strengthened in southern and northern
Africa, resulting in more rainfall in the summer
rainfall region, and less rainfall in the bi-modal
rainfall region of eastern Africa. During periods of
anomalously colder temperatures, such as the LIA
(Little Ice Age), the ITCZ would contract towards the
equator bringing more rainfall to the bi-modal rainfall
region, with a corresponding decrease in rainfall in the
summer rainfall region (Tyson 1999; Stager et al.
2005). Changes in the westerlies in both southern and
northern Africa are synchronous with the movements
of the ITCZ. Accordingly, in the case of southern
Africa, a strengthening of the ITCZ would result in Fig. 1 Location of Lake Nhaucati and other localities referred
above average rainfall in the summer rainfall region, to in the paper

J Paleolimnol (2008) 40:1127–1141 1129

1992; Partridge et al. 1990; Tyson 1999). The d18O where shifts in the position of the ITCZ are expected
and d13C isotopic sequence of the Cold Air Cave to have caused anomalies in rainfall patterns, there
speleothem, Mapakansgat Valley, Transvaal provided are few palaeoclimate proxies available. Neither the
the first high-resolution climate proxy for the late sequence from the strategically located Lake Chilwa
Holocene from the region (Holmgren et al. 1999). (Crossley et al. 1984), nor that from Lake Massoko
High values of d18O are associated with tropical, low- (Barker et al. 2000) have sufficiently high temporal
latitude, summer rainfall, emanating from ITCZ resolution over the last millennia to enable this issue
disturbances. Lower values of d18O are ascribed to to be addressed. The lake Nhaucati sequence, there-
a higher influence of convective rains from the d18O- fore, is an important clue in understanding rainfall
depleted upper troposphere, associated with the variability over the last two millennia, and provides a
circumpolar westerlies. Increased influence of the comparison to the available palaeoclimate data in the
circumpolar westerlies, in turn, is associated with region.
colder conditions and below average annual rainfall.
The d13C signal, which is linked primarily to Lake Nhaucati and its surroundings
vegetation, concurs with the d18O, with higher values
linked to good grass cover and optimal summer Lake Nhaucati, situated in the Chibuene area 5 km
rainfall, and lower values associated with less grass south of the town Vilankulos, receives the majority of
cover and drier conditions (Holmgren et al. 2003). its rainfall during summers (i.e. December–February)
The d18O and d13C sequence of Mapakansgat Valley as the result of the seasonal southward movement of
suggests warmer and wetter conditions prevailed the ITCZ. During the rest of the year, the semi-
900–1300 AD, while depleted isotopic values suggest stationary South Indian Anticyclone usually causes
cold and dry conditions occurred 1300–1800 AD. dry conditions in southern Mozambique (Tyson and
These results are in accordance with other data from Preston-Whyte 2000).
the summer rainfall region, and with the anti-phase The whole Vilankulos region is marked by the
responses in the winter rainfall region of southern presence of numerous lakes, all with a characteristic
Africa, thus confirming the hypothesis of the general circular or semicircular shape. The origin of the lakes
model of circulation (Holmgren et al. 1999; Tyson in the Vilankulos region is revealed by their charac-
1999; Tyson et al. 2000, 2001). teristic shapes. The dunal morphology is preserved in
Comparisons between lake level changes of Lake the lake bathymetry with a characteristic steep north-
Naivasha (Verschuren et al. 2000) and the Maka- west side, corresponding to the leeward side of a
pansgat data (Holmgren et al. 1999) also confirm the dune, and a gentle slope in the south-east side,
existence of an anti-phase rainfall relationship representing the windward side of a dune. The dunal
between east tropical Africa and the summer rainfall system of the Vilankulos district forms an indepen-
region of southern Africa throughout the last millen- dent aquifer that is fed mainly by rainfall (Coetsee
nia (Tyson et al. 2001, 2002). However, records from and Hartley 2001). As these lakes have no surface
lakes in western Uganda (Russel and Johnson 2005, outlets, lake levels are directly associated with
2007), Lake Tanganyika (Alin and Cohen 2003), changes in groundwater levels; hence they provide
Lake Malawi, (Johnson et al. 2001; Brown and good records of rainfall variability via lake level
Johnson 2005) and Empakai crater (Ryner 2007) change. Response times are relatively quick and
show generally drier conditions during most of the estimations from other areas with similar conditions
LIA. This is not in accordance with the hypothesis of suggest that annual rainfall accounts for 13–33% of
a contraction of the ITCZ during this period, and the recharge of groundwater (Coetsee and Hartley
suggests strong influences from other atmospheric 2001). During the time of coring, September 2000,
systems during the LIA, particularly in the western lake levels were at least one meter above usual levels
part of East Africa (Russel et al. 2007). due to extremely high summer rainfall, and villagers
The understanding of the forcing mechanisms reported that many of the lakes currently present had
behind this interregional variability is restricted due dried out in the 1970s.
to the general lack of long time series data with high Lake Nhaucati is small, with a maximum diameter
resolution. Between latitude 22° and 10°S, an area of 750 m, and is located 1.5 km from the sea, and

1130 J Paleolimnol (2008) 40:1127–1141

about 30 m above sea level (Fig. 2). The bathymetry schematic construction of the bathymetry (Fig. 3).
of this shallow lake is characteristic of the region. Sediment cores were obtained using a Russian corer
The lake is divided into two deeper basins, with a (Aaby and Digerfeldt 1986). The analysed core Nhau
maximum depth of 9 m. During extreme low stands Bp IV was retrieved from the deepest part of Lake
this lake may thus have been divided into two small Nhaucati. The lithology of the Nhaucati core is
lake basins (Fig. 3). The characteristic shape of the relatively homogenous and dominated by a dark grey
basin would also have affected the distribution of gyttja, interrupted at 204 cm depth by a 6-cm layer of
vegetation. During phases with moderate and high compacted rootlets. Though the mineral magnetic
lake levels, the flat lowlands on the southern and properties were analysed, the mineral magnetic
eastern sides of the lake would have been inundated, proportion of the sediment was too small to elucidate
creating favourable conditions for wet grasslands and different phases of sediment accumulation (Fig. 7).
marshy areas where sedges and Phragmites are
favoured. The occurrence of such wet grasslands Chronology
and marshy areas can be observed to the south and
east of the lake today. The chronology is based on an age/depth model
Vegetation in the near vicinities of Lake Nhaucati (Fig. 4) constructed using the PozCal programme
is dominated by Julbernardia globiflora together with (Goslar et al. 2005). The model is based on the
Strychnos spinosa. No representatives of forest or probability distributions of individual 14C AMS dates
riverine gallery vegetation can be seen in the area calibrated using the southern hemisphere calibration
today. The herbaceous vegetation is represented curve (McCormack et al. 2004). The age/depth model
mainly by Eragrostis ciliaris, Panicum maximum, is represented by a curve passing through/close to the
Cyperus spp., Cenchrus incertus and Digitaria spp. probability maxima.
The lake is surrounded by cultivated fields and is The majority of dates were obtained from bulk
frequently used by residents of the Chibuene village sediments. In the base of the core both bulk sediments
as a source of freshwater. and macrofossil charcoal were dated. The two
samples gave very similar calibrated ages (charcoal,
430–660 and bulk sediment 430–650 (cal. 2 sigma)).
Methods The absence of reservoir effects in the gyttja from the
base of the core was assumed for the whole sequence.
Coring and lithology This is supported by similar dates for charcoal and
bulk sediment samples in a core from Lake Xiroche,
Coring took place in the year 2000 with the help of situated 1 km southeast of Lake Nhaucati (Fig. 2).
divers operating the coring and augering equipment The whole sequence is marked by an irregular rate of
from the bottom of the lake. Augerings were made accumulation. Very rapid accumulation is shown
into surface sediments in north-south and east-west between 1000 and 1200 AD. Rapid accumulation of
transects, 20–50 m apart. This allowed for the sediments at this time is also found at Lake Xiroche.

Fig. 2 Detail of the

Chibuene area and Lake

J Paleolimnol (2008) 40:1127–1141 1131

Fig. 3 Schematic
representation of the
East-West stratigraphy and
bathymetry of Lake
Nhaucati, with the location
of core Nhau BP IV. Note
that the length axis is
relative to against the depth
axis. Grey vertical lines
mark additional core

Analysis was carried out at 10009 magnification.

Between 200 and 500 diatom valves were identified
in each sample. The floras produced by Krammer and
Lange-Bertalot (1986, 1988, 1991a, b), Hustedt
(1930) and Cleve-Euler (1951, 1952, 1953a, b,
1955) were used for identification. The discussion
on the ecology of the diatoms is based on these
references together with de Wolf (1982) and Chol-
noky (1968).
In the diagram (Fig. 5) species within the genera
Cymbella, Eunotia, Gomphonema, Navicula, Nitzs-
chia and Pinnularia, have been grouped together as
the individual species had very low percentages. The
distribution of planktonic and benthic species is
interpreted as being primarily related to changes in
lake level. During phases of increased water volume
it is expected that benthic/epiphytic species are less
Fig. 4 Age–depth curve for BP Nhau IV, Lake Nhaucati, with
the probability distributions of the individual dates (68%
favoured (Bøe and Stabell 2001). At low lake levels,
confidence marked by white bars and 95% confidence marked however, the increase in shallow water habitat and
by black bars). The age–depth model is shown by a thick macrophyte growth should result in a greater amount
smooth line of benthic and epiphytic species (Wolin and Duthie
1999). Salinity is expected to increase when lake
levels are low. However, most of the identified
This is probably the result of the high organic
species and genera, with the possible exception of
production in the lake. The upper 40 cm of the core
Cyclotella meneghiniana, require fresh or fresh-
has a very low temporal resolution, as is the case in
brackish waters, and the salinity is not very helpful
the Lake Xiroche sequence. We argue that this
in this case.
apparent slow accumulation after 1200 AD is due to
gaps in the sequence as a consequence of low lake
stands (see below).

Diatom analysis The diatom assemblage is discussed on the basis of

seven identified zones (Fig. 6). Zones are based on
Diatom analysis was carried out at 10-cm intervals. the total distribution of diatom taxa, using CONISS
Diatom samples were oxidized in 30% H2O2, washed, (Grimm 1987), and the results are presented in
centrifuged and mounted in Naphrax, as specified in diagrams constructed using TILIA (Grimm 1993) and
Bøe and Stabell (2001). TGView 2.0.2 (Grimm 2004).

1132 J Paleolimnol (2008) 40:1127–1141

Fig. 5 Diatom zones in the Nhaucati core

Fig. 6 Summary diagram of diatoms, aquatic and limnic pollen assemblages, Poaceae and Cyperaceae, and pollen of terrestrial taxa
and algae

Zone 1 (400–1000 AD) shows values below 5% in the beginning of the zone
c. 400 AD, but increases to values above 20% around
This zone is characterised by a more than 95% c. 600 AD. Cyclotella meneghiniana also occurs in
dominance of benthic/epiphytic species such as very low numbers ([5%).
Eunotia spp., Staurosira elliptica, Navicula spp.,
Pinnularia spp. and Gomphonema spp. Nitzschia spp. Zone 2 (1000–1050 AD)
similarly show a high representation, and though
these genera may include planktonic species, the vast This zone, which only contains two samples, is similar
majority are benthic, which is why they are grouped to Zone 1, but Staurosira elliptica reaches values of
as such here. The planktonic Aulacoseira granulata 60% in this level at the cost of the other benthic/

J Paleolimnol (2008) 40:1127–1141 1133

epiphytic species. Aulacoseira italica makes its first spp. Nitzschia spp. and Eunotia spp. also occur in this
appearance in this zone. The planktonic Aulacoseira zone, but with low numbers. The benthic Brachysira
granulata is still represented in low numbers (20%) brachysira/brebissonii occurs with values of 10–12%,
while Cyclotella meneghiniana practically disappears. while it occurs at less than 3% below. Meanwhile,
Aulacoseira granulata decreases dramatically and
Zone 3 (1050–1200 AD) reaches its lowest values in the core at 70 cm depth.

The rate of accumulation in this zone is extremely Zone 5 (1400–1450 AD)

high. The zone is marked by high percentages of
Aulacoseira granulata and concurrent low levels of This zone, which contains only two levels, shows a
benthic/epiphytic species. Aulacoseira granulata is decrease in the benthic species of Zone 4 and an
represented by very high numbers (60%) in the increase of Aulacoseira granulata to 60% at 50 cm
bottom of the zone. Staurosira elliptica, however, depth. The benthic Staurosira elliptica still occurs in
remains common in the zone until the uppermost part high numbers and there is also an increase of Synedra
of the zone. In the upper half of the zone at 120 cm cf. rumpens.
depth, Synedra cf. rumpens increases dramatically,
while there is a corresponding decrease of Aulacose- Zone 6 (1450–1600 AD)
ira granulata to below 20%. The uppermost part of
the zone displays an increase in Aulacoseira granu- The zone shows an increase in the benthic Navicula
lata to 80%. spp., Pinnularia spp. and Eunotia spp. Brachysira
brachysira/brebissonii is represented with high num-
Zone 4 (1200–1400 AD) bers while Stauroseira elliptica and Synedra cf.
rumpens are rare. Aulacoseira granulata occurs
This zone is dominated by benthic species such as moderately in the beginning of the zone, with a
Staurosira elliptica, Pinnularia spp. and Navicula slightly variable representation of 25–40%. There is a

Fig. 7 Lake Nhaucati lake

levels and correlations with
lake level changes and dry/
wet events suggested from
the different proxies in the
region of eastern and
southern Africa. Tree ring
data from Karkloof (Tyson
and Lindesay 1992),
Makapansgat speleothem
d18O record (Holmgren
et al. 1999), Lake Chilwa
(Crossley et al. 1984), Lake
Malawi (Johnson et al.
2001; Brown and Johnson
2005), Lake Massoko
(Barker et al. 2000), Lake
Tanganyika (Alin and
Cohen 2003), Lake Victoria
(Stager et al. 2005), Lake
Edward (Russel and
Johnson 2005), Lake
Naivasha (Verschuren et al.

1134 J Paleolimnol (2008) 40:1127–1141

gradual increase of Aulacoseira granulata towards of Synedra cf. rumpens. This type has not been
the uppermost part of the zone. The upper date of this positively identified to species. The genus as a whole
zone is problematic as the calibrated date has a wide has been listed as both benthic and planktonic.
range (Fig. 7). It is inferred, though, that the upper Synedra rumpens itself, however, is not among the
boundary of this zone dates to around 1600 AD, as planktonic species reported by Cholnoky (1968) and
sedimentation rates would otherwise be extremely Synedra cf. rumpens is, therefore, treated here as
slow in this period. benthic. The increase in Synedra cf. rumpens may,
therefore, indicate a short phase of low lake levels.
Zone 7 (1600 AD–present) However, before 1150 AD, the diatom assemblage is
again dominated by Aulacoseira granulata, showing
The resolution in the upper part of the core is low due a return to high lake levels.
to a probable hiatus, related to the extreme period of After 1200 AD (Zone 4) Aulacoseira granulata
drought around 1700 AD. The calibrated date at decreases, while the values for benthic species are
10 cm has a very wide range and is most probably a high, suggesting low lake levels. This period was
twentieth century date. Aulacoseira granulata dom- interrupted by a period of higher lake levels, as
inate the zone with 40–60%, while the various suggested by the increase of planktonic species at
benthic species occur in low numbers. Only Navicula 50 cm depth (Zone 5), dated c. 1400 AD.
spp. reaches similar numbers as in other zones and The diatom assemblage of the upper part of the
Eunotia spp., Pinnularia spp. and Brachysira bra- core (Zone 6, 1450–1600 AD) is dominated by the
chysira/brebissonii is represented with values 3–6%. benthic/epiphytic taxa (70–80%). However, the val-
ues of Aulacoseira granulata remain high. In the
Interpretation of diatom analysis uppermost part of the core (Zone 7, 1600 AD–
present), Aulacoseira granulata increases further,
The changing concentration of planktonic and ben- suggesting high lake levels.
thic/epiphytic diatoms in the Lake Nhaucati core
indicates considerable variation in lake level over the
last 1,600 years. Zone 1 shows a dominance of Lake level change and the limnic and aquatic
benthic species at c. 400 AD, suggesting low lake pollen assemblages of Lake Nhaucati
levels as the accumulation of organic sediments
started. At the same time the presence of Cyclotella Pollen analysis
meneghiniana may suggest slightly saline waters.
Around 600 AD, however, the decrease in benthic A detailed description of the methods and general
species suggests that lake levels were rising. The results of pollen analysis are available in Ekblom
layer of compacted rootlets at 204–198 cm depth, (2004). Pollen samples were prepared using the
might indicate a dry phase occurred around 800 AD. method described in Moore et al. (1991: 43–44).
This phase may have been an event of short duration This paper focuses on the correlation of limnic and
as it is not reflected in the diatom assemblage. The aquatic taxa to lake level changes. Pollen counts were
diatom assemblage does not suggest that the lake made until the sum of terrestrial pollen taxa (trees,
dried out completely, as there is no suggestion of shrubs and herbs) amounted to at least 250 grains.
reworking in the diatom assemblage or a decrease in Aquatics and eroded pollen grains were excluded
diatom production. Continued dominance of benthic from the terrestrial pollen sum together with sedges
species suggests persistent low lake levels between c. (Cyperaceae) and grasses (Poaceae). The sedges and
1000 and 1050 AD. grasses dominated the assemblage together with
After 1050 AD, the dominance of planktonic taxa, Nymphaea. The grass group includes the limnic
with an increase in Aulacoseira granulata, suggests Phragmites as well as grasses associated with dry and
that lake levels were generally high. This resulted in damp grasslands. Terrestrial trees, shrubs and herbs
very high organic productivity in the lake, and a generally represented less than 5% of the assemblage,
correspondingly high rate of sediment accumulation and between 4000–9000 pollen grains were counted
until 1400 AD. Around 1100 AD, there is an increase in total. The results are presented in Fig. 6. Values of

J Paleolimnol (2008) 40:1127–1141 1135

grasses, sedges and limnic aquatic taxa are based on short phase of low lake level at 120 cm depth. These
the relative distribution of these groups in relation to events are not reflected in the pollen assemblage,
the total amount of counted pollen grains. The though Nymphaea show a progressive decrease in
representation of the algae Pediastrum and Botryo- Zone 4.
coccus was quantified in relation to a count of 300
pollen grains. Though not the main focus of this Zone 4 (1200–1400 AD)
paper, the main ecological groupings of the terrestrial
taxa are also presented in the summary diagram with From 1200 AD, the low rate of sediment accumula-
percentages based on the terrestrial pollen sum. tion corresponds to a general lowering of lake levels
relative to before. Nymphaea declines progressively
Zone 1 (400–1000 AD) from 12% to less than 7% in the uppermost part of the
zone. Cyperaceae continues to be well represented at
The diatom-inferred low lake levels correspond to a the same time as there is a small increase of Pocaeae
peak in the distribution of Nymphaea pollen that to above 20%. The alga Botryococcus shows an
occurs with values around 50% in the beginning of increase in the uppermost part of the zone.
the zone. Poaceae occurs with low values (10%)
together with low values of Cyperaceae (9–20%). At Zone 5 (1400–1450 AD)
200 cm depth, dated around 800 AD, Typha that is
otherwise not well represented in the core, peaks with At 1400 AD the diatom assemblage shows that lake
20%. Nymphaea decreases at the same level and levels were high. At 50 cm depth Nymphaea disap-
continues to decrease to 190 cm depth. Meanwhile pears completely. The representation of Cyperaceae
Poaceae increases to 30% while Cyperaceae shows continued high representation together with
decreases slightly. In the uppermost part of the zone, similar values of Poaceae as in the previous zone.
Poaceae increases to its highest levels in the core, at
the same time as the terrestrial trees and shrubs
Zone 6 (1450–1600 AD)
increases, with values over 5%.
As discussed above, the resolution of the period after
Zone 2 (1000–1050 AD)
1450 is low, most probably due to repeated droughts.
Cyperaceae increases to 60% in this zone while
After 1000 AD the diatom assemblage shows that
Poaceae occurs with stable values. Nymphaea only
lake levels remained relatively low, indicating low
occurs in the uppermost part of the zone with low
rainfall conditions. This corresponds to declining
values of Typha that occur only sporadically in the
zones above. Cyperaceae, in turn, increase to 29%,
i.e. to more than Poaceae in the early part of the zone Zone 7 (1600 AD–present)
while Nymphaea shows increasing values.
The diatom assemblage suggests generally high lake
Zone 3 (1050–1200 AD) levels in the zone, which probably corresponds to the
twentieth century. The high lake levels correspond
The very fast accumulation of organic sediments with an increase in Nymphaea to 25%. Cyperaceae
indicates a high biological productivity from 1,050 to shows fluctuating levels with moderate values in the
1,150 that can be explained by the generally high lake beginning of the zone, and an increase again at the
levels in this period. The high values of Nymphaea sediment surface.
also suggest a high availability of nutrients. Cyper-
aceae increases progressively in these zones from 26 Correlations between the limnic and aquatic
to 51%, while the values of Poaceae remain relatively pollen and the diatom assemblages
stable. The alga Botryococcus shows an increase in
the beginning of Zone 2, while Pediastrum peaks at The pollen assemblage from water margin vegetation
140 cm depth. The diatom assemblage suggests a and aquatics complements the diatom analysis and

1136 J Paleolimnol (2008) 40:1127–1141

inferred lake level changes. It is, however, difficult to Lake Nhaucati water levels and correlations with
discern a general trend in the correlations between regional rainfall variability
inferred lake level changes and the distribution of
limnic and aquatic vegetation. The best available climatological reference to the
The low lake levels in the beginning of the core Lake Nhaucati sequence is the Makapansgat Valley
(Zone 1) correspond to low values of both Cypera- isotopic sequence, as both areas are governed by the
ceae and Poaceae, but Nymphaea seems to be summer rainfall regime emanating from ITCZ-related
favoured by the gradually rising lake levels. The rains (Holmgren et al. 1999; Tyson et al. 2000).
peak of Typha at 200 cm depth, suggests a short However, climate modelling of the late Quaternary
phase of very low lake levels around 800 AD that is rainfall variability indicates that the Makapansgat
also reflected as a root layer in the stratigraphy. area may also be affected by the South Atlantic
During this phase there is a corresponding increase of anticyclone (Bryson and Bryson 1997) while the
Poaceae. This is, most probably, associated with an coastal area where Lake Nhaucati is situated is
expansion of dry grasslands close to the core location. strongly influenced by the Mozambique current. As
The increase of terrestrial trees, shrubs and herbs at shown by Nicholson (2000) interregional anomalies
the same time must similarly be related to an should be expected. Looking at meteorological data
expansion of forest and shrubs near the core location. presented from southern Mozambique, an interre-
In this discussion it is important to take into account gional variability exists between the Limpopo valley,
the morphology of the lake basin. During phases of Inhambane province and the Zambesi valley region
very low lake levels, lake shores were steep and (Nicholson 1994, 2000) in comparison to the rest of
unfavourable for the growth of Phragmites and the summer rainfall region.
sedges, but dry grasslands and gallery forests could The Lake Nhaucati sequence provides a possibil-
expand locally in the surrounding flatlands. ity to test the correlation of the Makapansgat data
The period of high lake levels (Zone 3) corre- with the southern Mozambique region (Fig. 7). The
sponds to progressively increasing values of Makapansgat data shows prevailing dry conditions
Cyperaceae and stable values of Poaceae. Cyperaceae just before 0 BC/AD. After this period, enriched
also continues to increase during the phase of low d18O values suggest wetter and warmer conditions,
lake levels at c. 1100 AD. This phase was relatively interrupted by additional decade-long dry phases at
short which is possibly why it is not reflected in the 400 AD, 600 AD and 800 AD (Fig. 7). Meanwhile,
limnic and aquatic vegetation. The high values of the period between 900 and 1300 AD, is shown to
Cyperaceae can also be explained by the morphology have been generally wetter and warmer. This phase
of the lake basin. During phases of moderate and high correlates to the globally recognised MWP (Medi-
lake levels, the morphology of the lake basin would eval Warming Period). Though the precise dating
have created large areas of waterlogged flatlands and definition of this term in the context of southern
south and east of the lake, allowing for the local and eastern Africa is debated (Bradley et al. 2003;
expansion of wet grasslands and marshy areas with Russel et al. 2007), we will use this term here as it is
sedges, as well as Phragmites in the inundated flatter widely used in the discussions around climatic
areas. variability and socio-cultural change in southern
The period after 1400 AD shows continued high Africa (see Tyson and Lindesay 2001; Huffman
values of Cyperaceae, which again can be related to 1996; Tyson et al. 2002; Holmgren and Öberg
the presence of the marshy areas around the lake 2006). During this period there were short, decade-
basin. The most extreme periods of droughts are not long cold-dry phases starting around 1100 and
reflected in the core, and the response of limnic and 1200 AD. A prolonged period of cold and dry
aquatic vegetation is not shown in the diagram. conditions is suggested from 1300 AD, correlated
The generally higher lake levels in the twentieth with the LIA. Severe cold dry periods prevailed
century corresponding to Zone 7 are reflected by an throughout 1600–1700 AD, with a short intermediate
increase in Nymphaea, while the variability of lake phase of warmer and wetter conditions (Fig. 7).
levels during this period is also shown in the variable After 1800 AD there was a return to warmer and
levels of Cyperaceae and Typha. wetter conditions with a short decadal event of drier

J Paleolimnol (2008) 40:1127–1141 1137

periods in the beginning of the twentieth century Given the shallow character of the lake basin, a more
(Holmgren et al. 1999, 2001). probable explanation is that the drier periods of the
A general correlation between the Lake Nhaucati LIA are not reflected in the Nhaucati record as the lake
sequence and the Makapansgat data is clear until the then became completely dry. Unfortunately, the
beginning of the LIA. The sequence began accumu- resolution of the Nhaucati sequence in this time
lating after 400 AD, following the dry period period is poor due to the slow rate of accumulation
suggested by the Makapansgat data. From this time and the low sampling frequency. The high represen-
lake levels were gradually rising. The dry phase tation of planktonic species may be the result however
displayed in the Makapansgat data at 600 AD is not of intermediate shorter phases of more rainfall during
shown in the Nhaucati sequence. However, the the LIA. While the summer rainfall region is thought
sequence of the nearby Lake Xiroche first began to have experienced generally colder and drier
accumulating after this date. Though not displayed in conditions during the LIA it was also marked by
the diatom assemblage, a dry phase occurred between short events of high rainfall, for example around
800 and 850 AD, as shown in the lithology and the 1450 AD (Holmgren et al. 1999; Tyson et al. 2000).
peak of Typha pollen. This correlates with depleted As discussed earlier, inferred drier conditions
values of d18O in the Makapansgat data. The generally during the LIA are supported by various climate
wetter conditions during the MWP (900–1300 AD), proxies from the summer rainfall region. Tree rings
suggested in the Makapansgat data, are reflected in the of a Podocarpus falsatus from Karkloof Natal
Nhaucati sequence by a high representation of plank- (Fig. 1), dated between 1350 and 1900 AD, also
tonic taxa together with the rapid accumulation of suggest repeated drought during the LIA with the
sediment, due to high organic productivity. The most extreme period in 1700 AD (Tyson and Linde-
Makapansgat record suggests shorter drier phases at say 1992, Holmgren et al. 1999). Similarly, a review
1100 AD, which may be correlated with the dramatic of written sources supports the presence of repeated
increase of Synedra cf. rumpens in the Lake Nhaucati droughts in Mozambique. Though these records are
core in the same period. Low values of planktonic not comprehensive, droughts are reported to have
species suggest a lowstand around 1200 AD, which occurred in 1550 AD, 1590s, 1640s, 1690s, 1740s,
correlates with contemporary dry conditions sug- 1770s and 1790s (Table 1). The droughts in the
gested by the Makapansgat data. eighteenth century appear to have been particularly
The correlation is less clear for the LIA period severe, resulting not only in crop failure, but also
(1300–1800 AD) when the planktonic taxa suggest affecting wildlife and plants (Ekblom 2004). On the
high to moderate lake levels throughout the period. basis of all these indications, we propose that the
This is contradictory with the dry conditions suggested most extreme periods of drought in the seventeenth
by the isotopic data from Makapansgat and elsewhere and eighteenth centuries are not reflected in the lake
in the summer rainfall region. Tyson et al. (2000) Nhaucati sequence and that the area generally
stress that the LIA, which was the most pronounced experienced dry conditions during the LIA. Indeed,
and prolonged climatic disturbance over the last pollen analysis from Lake Nhaucati and more clearly
6,000 years, caused disturbances in the general atmo- from nearby Lake Xiroche, does suggest that this was
spheric forcing. This is shown in the anomalous a period of vegetation transformations with a decline
correlation between low rainfall in the summer rainfall of forest in the area and the disappearance of forest-
region and low rainfall in Madagascar, two areas that, associated taxa between 1400 and 1600 AD. These
during most of the Holocene, have been governed by transformations cannot be linked with human activ-
an anti-phase rainfall regime (Tyson et al. 2001). ities and are more likely a consequence of repeated
Disturbances in the general atmospheric circulation droughts (Ekblom 2004, in press).
during the LIA are also indicated by the anomalously The last two centuries, likewise, are not well
dry conditions suggested in the western part of covered in the Nhaucati record. The diatom assem-
equatorial East Africa (Russel et al. 2007). blage suggests, however, that this period was
The seemingly high-moderate lake levels of Lake generally wetter than previous centuries. This is
Nhaucati during the LIA could be attributed to supported by both meteorological data from the
disturbances in the general atmospheric forcing. summer rainfall region and the Makapansgat data

1138 J Paleolimnol (2008) 40:1127–1141

Table 1 Famines and/or droughts according to written sources from the region betweenZambesi and Maputo bay
Year Effect Reason Region References

1554 Scarce provisions Drought? Maputo bay 1

1560s Drought-locusts Zambesi; Sena (date not certain, see discussion below) 9
1593 Scarce provision Drought? South of Maputo bay 2
1595 Famine Drought-locusts Zambesi valley 3
1642–1647 Famine? Drought-locusts Maputo bay 4
1714, 1717 Famine? Drought Zimbabwe interior 5, 9
1744–1745 Famine? Drought Zumbo 5, 9
1758–1759 Famine? Drought Zambesi area 5, 9
1777 Famine? Drought Maputo bay 5
1790–1791 Famine Drought Maputo bay and Inhambane, north of Inhambane 5
1794–1802 Drought Southern Africa 8
1820s Famine Drought Maputo bay to Northern Mozambique 5, 8
1858–1863 Famine? Drought Sene, Tete, Quelimane, Limopo valley 5
1870s Famine? Drought Sene, Tete, Quelimane, Limpopo valley 5
1875 Famine Drought ‘‘Magadingele’’, Maputo bay 6
1880 Famine Bazaruto Island 10
1896–1897 Drought Mozambique lowlands and Transvaal 5
1903 Famine Maputo bay 6
1908 Maize crop failed Drought Southern Mozambique 7
1912 Famine Drought Southern Mozambique 7
1917 Crop failure Torrential rains Southern Mozambique 7
1922 Famine Drought Southern Mozambique, Vilanculous 7
References used are: 1) Manuel de Mesquita Prestrello (Theal 1964, vol I, p. 271); 2) Joaõ Baptista Lanvanha (Theal 1964, vol II,
p. 327); 3) Dos Santos (Theal 1964, vol VII, p. 369); 4) Bento Teyxeyra Feyo (Theal 1964, vol VIII, p. 352); 5) Liesegang (Nicholson
1994); 6) Shinangana (Junod 1927, vol II, p. 586); 7) Young (1977); 8); Newitt (1995, p. 255); 9) Pikirayi (2003); 10) Ivens Ferraz
(in Rita-Ferreira 1999, p. 15)

(Holmgren et al. 1999; Tyson 1999; Tyson et al. during the MWP and high lake levels in eastern
2000). The droughts in the beginning of the twentieth Africa during the LIA (Fig. 7). As pointed out by
century suggested by the Makapansgat data and Russel et al. (2007), this general model of atmo-
reported in the written sources (Table 1) are not spheric forcing does not explain the presence of dry
reflected in the Nhaucati core, probably because of conditions in the western part of equatorial East
the low sample resolution throughout this period. Africa. It is important to note that this schematic
In summary, the lake Nhaucati sequence shows that model of atmospheric forcing is relevant for the
the Vilankulos region has been governed by similar centennial timescale we are discussing here. The
rainfall regimes as Makapansgat valley during the last complex inter-annual variability governed by oce-
1,600 years. This confirms the general hypothesis of a anic-atmospheric interactions such as the El Niño-
strengthening of the ITCZ during the MWP, causing Southern Oscillation, or the decadal variability
more rainfall in the summer rainfall region. Though reported by Tyson and Preston-Whyte (2000), is not
the presence of a gap in the lake Nhaucati sequence reflected in the sequence, but may obscure the effect
due to dry conditions needs to be confirmed, we can of larger trends, not only in the case of Lake
conclude on the basis of other data that there was a Nhaucati, but also in other lake studies in the region.
contraction of the ITCZ during the LIA resulting in The apparent interregional variability may therefore
less rainfall in the summer rainfall region. reflect a fine-scale temporal variability, an issue that
This general model of atmospheric forcing concurs can only be resolved by looking at more high-
with the presence of low lake levels in eastern Africa resolution sequences across the region.

J Paleolimnol (2008) 40:1127–1141 1139

The sequences from Lakes Malawi, Massoko and reflected in the Makapansgat data (Holmgren et al.
Chilwa are important in this discussion as these lakes, 1999, Tyson et al. 2000).
situated between latitudes 9°S and 15°S, lie close to Unfortunately, the time resolution and frequency
the climatic boundary between the summer rainfall of sampling in the period of most dramatic change,
region and the bimodal rainfall region of eastern the LIA, is very low. We argue that the generally dry
Africa. A contraction of the ITCZ would result in conditions during the LIA suggested by the Maka-
shifts in the seasonal mode of rainfall and, impor- pansgat data and other proxies from the summer
tantly, a decrease in average rainfall in this rainfall region resulted in a very slow rate of
transitional area compared to equatorial Africa. The sediment accumulation in Lake Nhaucati and prob-
resolution of the Lake Massoko sequence (Barker ably a hiatus during the most extreme period of
et al. 2000) is low for the time period discussed, and droughts around 1700 AD. The occurrence of
dry conditions are suggested for the whole period extreme droughts in this period is supported by the
between 800 and 1600 AD, after which a shorter tree ring data from Natal (Tyson and Preston-Whyte
high-stand may be indicated in the diatom assem- 2000) as well as written sources (Ekblom 2004). The
blage. Lake level changes of Lake Chilwa (presently diatom assemblage of the period after the LIA, i.e.
dominated by summer rainfall) have been inferred on post 1850 AD, suggests higher lake levels, and is
the basis of indirect evidence only (Crossley et al. supported by both meteorological data from the
1984). Dating of Adansonia digitata tree-rings and summer rainfall region and the Makapansgat data
correlations with a fossil beach ridge suggests a high (Holmgren et al. 1999; Tyson et al. 2000). Pollen
stand between 1600 and 1700 AD and dry conditions data suggest that the most dramatic climate changes
between 1700 and 1800 AD. These sequences do not, occurred during the LIA with a marked reduction of
therefore, support our hypothesis, though it is possi- semi-deciduous forests and riverine gallery forests
ble that higher-resolution, better-dated sediment from 1400 to 1600 AD (Ekblom 2004, in press).
sequences may change this picture. Meanwhile the The results confirm the presence of an anti-phase
high-resolution sequence from Lake Malawi (John- relationship between the summer rainfall region of
son et al. 2001; Brown and Johnson 2005), does southern Africa and the bimodal region of east
reflect low lake levels during the whole of the LIA, tropical Africa. They also support the general hypoth-
supporting the hypothesis of a contraction of the esis that contractions and expansions of the ITCZ and
ITCZ in the equatorial region during the LIA. the atmospheric forcing related with these movements
is the main agent behind rainfall variability in the two
regions on centennial scales

Conclusion Acknowledgements The research was sponsored by SAREC

(Swedish agency for research cooperation) and carried out in
cooperation with Dept. of Archaeology and Ancient History,
The inferred lake level changes based on diatom Uppsala University and Dept. de Anthropologia e Archeologia,
assemblages from Lake Nhaucati correlate with other Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique under the auspices
palaeoclimate data from the summer rainfall region. of HRAC (Human responses and contributions to environmental
From the diatom and pollen assemblages we conclude change). Comments to an early version of the text have kindly
been given by Prof. Jan Risberg, Dept. of Physical Geography,
that lake levels were low before 500 AD, and Stockholm University. Acknowledgements go also to
gradually increased towards the end of the first Dr. Angelica Feurdean and Elinor Breman, OxLel (Oxford
millennium. This process was interrupted by a period University Long Term Ecology Lab.) for comments on the text
of low lake levels at 800 AD, which resulted in the and content. The comments from the anonymous reviewers also
contributed greatly to the structure of the paper and to the
lake almost drying out. High lake levels and high discussion.
organic productivity between 1000 and 1300 AD,
shown by the dominance of planktonic taxa, corre-
spond to the higher rainfall during the MWP shown in
the Makapansgat sequence (Holmgren et al. 1999,
Tyson et al. 2000). This was interrupted by a short Aaby B, Digerfeldt B (1986) Sampling techniques for lakes
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