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We can 3

Third Term

Name: ……………………………………………………………….
Class: …………………………………………………………………

Prepared by:
Dr. Nadia AlGhamdi
Unit 9

Unit 10

Unit 11

Unit 12

1 | Page
U9: My School is Cool Finding out time Date: / /1445H

A) Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B:

1- What’s the name of your school? About 600 students.

2- How many students are there in your school? Yes, it does. It has 4 big yellow buses.

3- Does your school have a school bus? It starts at 7:00.

4- What time does your school start? We have English Class.

The 6th Elementary School.

B) Write information about your school:

1- School name:

2- Your Grade:

3- Students’ number:

4- Uniform color:

5- Number of buses:

C) Copy the following sentence twice:

Your school sounds cool.

2 | Page
U9: My School is Cool Grammar in Action Date: / /1445H

School Subjects

English Arabic math science

Social Studies PE history art

A) Write the correct past forms:

1- Last year, I like math . ...........................................................................................

2- Yesterday, I am sick. ...........................................................................................

B) Choose the correct answer :

1- Which subject ( do – did ) you like most this year?
2- This year, I ( liked – like ) math.
3- Which subject ( did – do ) you like most last year?
4- Last year, I ( like – liked) PE.
5- ( Who – Which) city do you live in? I live in Makkah.
6- Last year, we ( go - went ) to Riyadh.

C) Copy the following sentence twice:

Last year, I lived in Makkah.

3 | Page
U9: My School is Cool Reading and writing Date: / /1445H

A) Choose the correct answer :

1- Yesterday, he ( has – had ) an exam.
2- Last year, they (are – were) fifth grade.
3- Last week, I ( make – made ) a cake.
4- I usually ( follow- followed) the rules of school.

B) Match sentences with pictures:

1 2 3 4

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Don‘t make too much Listen to the teacher. Ask for help when Don‘t shout; speak
noise when you play you have a problem clearly.

C) Copy the following sentence twice:

Speak English in class.

4 | Page
U9: My School is Cool Phonics Date: / /1445H

1) Fill in the missing letters:

sc / sq / sk

_ _ary _ _arf. _ _uare _ _ate.

_ _ueeze. _ _irt. _ _uid. _ _an.

2) Unscramble the following to make meaningful paragraph:

is/ The name /the 6th elementary school / of my school.

at 6;30 a.m. /start / Our classes
wear / We / a pink uniform
study/ math/ English / and Arabic/ we
my school / like / I.
Our school starts at .









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U10: A Healthy Life Finding out Time Date: / /1445H

A) Choose the correct answer :

1- I ( should – shouldn’t ) get up early.
2- I ( should – shouldn’t ) drink too much soda.
3- I ( should – shouldn’t ) eat three meals a day.
4- I ( should – shouldn’t ) stay up late.
5- I ( should – shouldn’t ) watch too much TV.
6- I ( should – shouldn’t ) drink a lot of water.

B) Match sentences with pictures:

1 2 3 4

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
I should brush my I shouldn‘t skip I should do some I shouldn‘t eat too
teeth well. breakfast exercise. much junk food.

C) Write the correct past forms:

1- usually / I /early / go to bed.

2- play / I / never/ outside.

D) Copy the following sentence twice:

I should drink a lot of water.

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U10: A Healthy Life Grammar in Action Date: / /1445H

A) Choose the correct answer :

1. Did you (get up- got up ) early this morning?

2. No, I ( didn‘t -not did) get up early this morning.

3. Did you (drink – drank) milk this morning?

4. Yes, I (drink – drank) milk this morning.

5. Did you ( eat- ate) breakfast this morning?

6. Yes, I ( brush- brushed ) my teeth this morning.

B) Answer the following questions:

1- Did you do exercise yesterday?


2- Did you win the football match last week?


C) Copy the following sentence twice:

I drank milk this morning.

7 | Page
U10: A Healthy Life Reading and Writing Date: / /1445H

headache stomachache toothache earache

A) Choose the correct answer:

1. What‘s the matter?
a- I have a headache. b- I go shopping. c- I sleep early

2. What should you do to live a healthy life?

a- I should drink a lot of water. b- I do my homework. c- It’s okay.

B) Judge the following habits:

Habit Should Shouldn’t

1. Play too many computer games

2. Brush my teeth every day

3. Have breakfast in the morning

4. Clean my ears

5. Sleep late.

B) Copy the following sentence twice:

Early to bed, makes you healthy, wealthy, and wise.

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U10: A Healthy Life Phonics Date: / /1445H

Clothing store:

belt skirt uniform trousers sweater

A) Fill in the missing letter :

sh _ _ t t_ _ tle b_ _ger g_ _l b_ _d

B) Choose the correct answer:

1. How much is the sweater?
a- It’s scary. b- It’s 60 Riyals. c- I sleep early

C) Unscramble the following to make meaningful paragraph:

1. I / early / always / get up

2. sometimes / have / I / breakfast
3. brush/ my teeth/ I / every day.
4. never/ I / play/ outside.
5. usually / I/ early / go to bed










9 | Page
U11: Hanging Out in Town Finding out time Date: / /1445H

supermarket bus stop Post office convenience train station In front of


go straight turn right turn left opposite next to behind

A) Complete the following sentences :

next to – behind – in front of- opposite

1- The supermarket 2- The supermarket 3-The kids are 4- The girl is

is..................................the is.............................the ................................the ........................the
coffee shop. school school. books .

B) Copy the following sentence twice:

It’s just around the corner.

10 | P a g e
U11: Hanging Out in Town Grammar in Action Date: / /1445H

bookstore bakery coffee shop stationery store flower store

butcher store DVD store stapler newspaper pot

A) Choose the correct answer:

1- I ( am – is – are ) going to the stationery store.
2- You ( am – is – are ) going to the candy store.
3- He ( am – is – are ) going to the DVD store.
4- We ( am – is – are ) going to the bookstore.
5- They ( am – is – are ) going to the supermarket.
6- She ( am – is – are ) going to the flower store.

B) Copy the following sentence twice:

Mom wants some bread and cakes.

11 | P a g e
U11: Hanging Out in Town Reading and writing Date: / /1445H

A) Choose the correct answer:

1- There ( was – were ) a big white house.
2- There ( was – were) two floors.
3- There (was -were) two bedrooms.
4- There (was – were ) one living room .

B) Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B:

1- Where’s the post office? I want some candy.

2- Where are you going? flower store

3- What do you want? coffee shop

4- I can buy flowers from…. Go straight and you’ll find it.

I'm going to the bakery.

C) Copy the following sentence twice:

There was a little green house.

12 | P a g e
U11: Hanging Out in Town Phonics Date: / /1445H

A) Unscramble the letters and write:

1- uecb. 2- stuesi. 3- deTsuya. 4- uqmsoe. 5- eulg. 6- tuec

B) Match sentences with pictures:

1 2 3 4

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Do not litter. No Balls. No parking. No eating or

13 | P a g e
U12: My Dream Vacation Finding out time Date: / /1445H

sightseeing skiing diving

A) Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B:

1- How long does it take to get there? I’d like some juice, please.

2- What are you going to do there? I am going to Makkah.

3- What would you like to eat? It takes about two hours.

4- What would you like to drink? I’m going skiing.

I’d like rice and chicken, please.

B) Copy the following sentence twice:

There is no place like home.

14 | P a g e
U12: My Dream Vacation Grammar in Action Date: / /1445H

ride drive swim climb camp

A) Match pictures with sentences

1 2 3 4

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
We are going to visit They are going to shop You are going to He is going to eat
our grandparents. watch camel races. pizza.

B) Copy the following sentence twice:

We‘re going to go rock climbing.

15 | P a g e
U12: My Dream Vacation Reading and Writing Date: / /1445H

The future will be strong and bright

For all the children of the land,
The vision will come true
And all will be good and right!

globe hungry thirsty sleepy

A) Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B:

1- Why did you eat all the soup? Because it was so cute.

2- Why did you drink all the juice? Because it was big.

3- Why did you sleep in my bed? Because I was hungry.

4- Why did you take my cat? Because I was thirsty.

Because I was very sleepy.

B) Copy the following sentence twice:

The future will be strong and bright.

16 | P a g e
U12: My Dream Vacation Phonics Date: / /1445H

A) Classify the words under the correct column :

Sunday – May – June – Thursday – seas - He – her – FebruaryMine –Saturday

- theirs - Friday – scarf - Monday- March us– barbecue - April - clouds -
July- Tuesday – they

Sounds and Letters Days Months Pronouns

B) Write the missing words:

1- January, ,March, , May, ,July,

_ ,September, ,November, .

2- , Monday, , Wednesday,

,Friday, .

C) Choose the correct word:

1- This shirt is (too- enough) big.

2- This shirt is not big (too- enough)

17 | P a g e
Verb Past form Verb Past form

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