Mock Test 1

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Module: PHYE0A1

Assessment: Mock Test 1

Date: 10 March 2024

Duration: 2 hours

Total Marks: 100

QUESTION 1 [15 Marks]

(a) Derive the FOUR equations of motion for a body moving along a straight line with constant
acceleration. [9 Marks]

(b) A cheetah waits in hiding behind a bush. The cheetah spots a gazelle running past at 10 m/s.
At the instant the gazelle passes the cheetah, the cheetah accelerates from rest at 4 m/s 2 to
catch the gazelle.

(i) How long does it take the cheetah to catch the gazelle? [4]
(ii) What is the displacement of the gazelle and cheetah? [2]

QUESTION 2 [20 Marks]

(a) In an attempt to escape a desert island, a castaway builds a raft and sets out to sea. The
wind shifts a great deal during the day, and she is blown along the following straight lines:
2.50 km and 45.0° north of west, then 4.70 km and 60.0° south of east, then 1.30 km
and 25.0° south of west, then 5.10 km due east, then 1.70 km and 5.00° east of north, then
7.20 km and 55.0° south of west, and finally 2.80 km and 10.0° north of east.

(i) Find the resultant vector of all her displacement vectors. [7]
(ii) What is the magnitude and direction of her resultant displacement vector? [3]

(b) Given the following vectors:

𝐴⃗ = −𝑖̂ + 3𝑗̂ − 2𝑘̂, 𝐵
⃗⃗ = 2𝑖̂ − 5𝑘̂
Find the magnitude and direction of,
(i) 3𝐴⃗ × (−2𝐵 ⃗⃗) [5]
(ii) (𝐴⃗ + 𝐵
⃗⃗) × (−𝑖̂) [5]
QUESTION 3 [20 Marks]

(a) A projectile is launched at an initial speed (magnitude of velocity) v0 at an angle 𝜃 above the

If the horizontal (to the right) is denoted as the x direction and vertical (upward) as the +y
direction, show that
(i) The maximum height reached by the projectile is given by: [3]

𝑣0 2 𝑠𝑖𝑛2 𝜃
(ii) The time of flight of the projectile is given by: [3]

2𝑣0 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃
(iii) The Range of the projectile is given by: [3]

𝑣0 2 𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝜃
(b) A tennis player wins a match at Arthur Ashe stadium and hits a ball into the stands at 30 m/s
and at an angle 45° above the horizontal. On its way down, the ball is caught by a spectator
10 m above the point where the ball was hit.

(i) Calculate the time it takes the tennis ball to reach the spectator. [3]
(ii) What are the magnitude and direction of the ball’s velocity at impact? [4]
(iii) What is are the magnitude and direction of the ball’s displacement? [4]

QUESTION 4 [15 Marks]

(a) For an object undergoing uniform circular motion along a circular path of radius r with a
speed v, show that the acceleration is given by the equation below and is directed towards
the centre of the circular path (centripetal). [6]

(b) A runner taking part in the 200-m dash must run around the end of a track that has a circular
arc with a radius of curvature of 30.0 m. The runner starts the race at a constant speed. If
she completes the 200-m dash in 23.2 s and runs at constant speed throughout the race,
what is her centripetal acceleration as she runs the curved portion of the track? [5]

(c) A fan is rotating at a constant 360.0 rev/min. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of a
point on one of its blades 10.0 cm from the axis of rotation? [4]

QUESTION 5 [ 10 Marks]

(a) Blood is accelerated from rest to 30.0 cm/s in a distance of 1.80 cm by the left ventricle of
the heart. Assuming straight-line motion,
(i) What is its acceleration? [3]
(ii) How much time does it take attain a velocity of 30cm/s? [2]
(b) A woodpecker’s brain is specially protected from large accelerations by tendon-like
attachments inside the skull. While pecking on a tree, the woodpecker’s head comes to a
stop from an initial velocity of 0.600 m/s in a distance of only 2.00 mm.

(i) Find the acceleration in meters per second squared and in multiples of g, where g =
9.80 m/s2. [4]
(ii) Calculate the stopping time. [3]
(iii) The tendons cradling the brain stretch, making its stopping distance 4.50 mm
(greater than the head and, hence, less acceleration of the brain). What is the brain’s
acceleration, expressed in multiples of g? [4]

QUESTION 6 [ 10 Marks]

(a) An airplane flying horizontally with a speed of 500 km/h at a height of 800 m drops a crate of
supplies (see the following figure). If the parachute fails to open,
(i) how far in front of the release point does the crate hit the ground? [3]
(ii) How much time does it take the crate to reach the ground? [3]


5 marks

A physics professor did daredevil stunts in his spare time. His last stunt was an attempt to
jump across a river on a motorcycle. The takeoff ramp was inclined at 53.0°, the river was
40.0 m wide, and the far bank was 15.0 m lower than the top of the ramp. The river itself was
100 m below the ramp. Ignore air resistance.

(a) What should his speed have been at the top of the ramp to have just made it to the edge of
the far bank? [5]
(b) If his speed was only half the value found in part (a), where did he land? [5]

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