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Department of Applied Computational Science and Engineering

Course Code: KCS-602

Course Name: Web Technology
Faculty Name: Sunny Gupta
Department of Applied Computational Science and Engineering


To be an institute of repute, providing globally competent and socially sensitive



M1 : To equip with the latest technologies to be globally competitive professionals.

M2 : To inculcate qualities of leadership, professionalism, corporate understanding
and executive competence.
M3 : To imbibe and enhance human values, ethics and morals in our students.

Subject: Web Technology

Course Outcome


Course Outcome ( CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level (KL)
At the end of course , the student will be able to
CO 1 Explain web development Strategies and Protocols governing Web. K1, K2

CO 2 Develop Java programs for window/web-based applications. K2, K3

CO 3 Design web pages using HTML, XML, CSS and JavaScript. K2, K3

CO 4 Creation of client-server environment using socket programming K1, K2,

CO 5 Building enterprise level applications and manipulate web databases using JDBC K3, K4
CO6 Design interactive web applications using Servlets and JSP K2, K3

Subject: Web Technology
Introduction: Introduction and Web Development Strategies, History of Web and Internet, Protocols Governing Web, Writing Web Projects, Connecting to
Internet, Introduction to Internet services and tools, Introduction to client-server computing. Core Java: Introduction, Operator, Data type, Variable, Arrays,
Methods & Classes, Inheritance, Package and Interface, Exception Handling, Multithread programming, I/O, Java Applet, String handling, Event handling,
Introduction to AWT, AWT controls, Layout managers

Web Page Designing: HTML: List, Table, Images, Frames, forms, CSS, Document type definition, XML: DTD, XML schemes, Object Models, presenting and
using XML, Using XML Processors: DOM and SAX, Dynamic HTML

Scripting: Java script: Introduction, documents, forms, statements, functions, objects; introduction to AJAX, Networking : Internet Addressing, InetAddress,
Factory Methods, Instance Methods, TCP/IP Client Sockets, URL, URL Connection, TCP/IP Server Sockets, Datagram.

Enterprise Java Bean: Preparing a Class to be a JavaBeans, Creating a JavaBeans, JavaBeans Properties, Types of beans, Stateful Session bean, Stateless
Session bean, Entity bean
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC): Merging Data from Multiple Tables: Joining, Manipulating, Databases with JDBC, Prepared Statements,
Transaction Processing, Stored Procedures.

Servlets: Servlet Overview and Architecture, Interface Servlet and the Servlet Life Cycle, Handling HTTP get Requests, Handling HTTP post Requests,
Redirecting Requests to Other Resources, Session Tracking, Cookies, Session Tracking with Http Session
Java Server Pages (JSP): Introduction, Java Server Pages Overview, A First Java Server Page Example, Implicit Objects, Scripting, Standard Actions,
Directives, Custom Tag Libraries..

Subject: Web Technology
Web Development Strategies
Web development strategies refer to the approaches and plans that developers use to design, build, and
maintain websites or web applications. These strategies encompass various aspects of the development
process, including project planning, design, coding, testing, deployment, and ongoing maintenance.

Here are some key strategies commonly employed in web development:

1. Requirement Analysis 9. Performance Optimization
2. Project Planning 10. Version Control
3. Technology Stack Selection 11. Continuous Integration and
4. Responsive Design Deployment (CI/CD)
5. User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Design 12. Documentation:
6. Scalability 13. Feedback and Iteration:
7. Security Measures 14. Regular Maintenance:
8. Testing 15. Community and Collaboration:

Subject: Web Technology

The Internet

• Internet is a network of interconnected computers.

• It is the largest network of networks in the world.
• It uses TCP/IP protocols and packet switching .
• Every computer in internet is identified by a unique IP address.
• IP Address is a unique set of numbers (such as which identifies a
computer location.
• A special computer DNS (Domain Name Server) is used to give name to the IP
Address so that user can locate a computer by a name.
• Internet is accessible to every user all over the world.

Subject: Web Technology

History of the Internet
How did the Internet originate?

Networking project by
Pentagon’s Advanced
Research Projects
Goal: Agency (ARPA) Goal:
To allow scientists at To function if
different locations to part of network
share information were disabled

September 1969

p. 69 Web Technology
History of the Internet

Who controls the Internet?

 No one — it is a public, cooperative, and independent network
c c

 Several organizations set standards

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

 Oversees research, sets standards and guidelines
 Mission is to contribute to the growth of the Web
 Nearly 400 organizations around the world are members of the W3C

Subject: Web Technology

History of web
History of WWW:
Sir Tim Berners Lee is known as father of www. He was physicist at European organization for Nuclear
Research, that is CERN.
• In early 1989, he proposed the web as a way for scientist around the world to collaborate using a global
information system based on hypertext.
• In the fall of 1990,the first text only browsers were setup and CERN scientist could access hypertext files
and other information at CERN.
• HTML was based on a subset of standard generalized mark-up language. To transfer document to remote
sites a new protocol was devised called HTTP.
• In the fall of 1991, conference goes around the world. People outside of the CERN were invited to join
this web community.
• In 1993, there are only about 50 websites world wide. A browser that allowed user to take advantage of
the web’s graphical capabilities was developed at the National center for Super Computing application
(NCSA). NCSA called the browser Mosaic.
• In 1994 Tim Berner Lee moved from CERN to MIT(Massachusetts institute of Technology)

Subject: Web Technology

How the Internet Works

Subject: Web Technology

How the Internet Works
How can you connect to the Internet?

Slow-speed High-speed
technology connection

Dial-up access modem in

your computer uses a DSL, cable modem,
standard telephone line FTTP, fixed wireless, wireless modem,
to connect to the Internet Wi-Fi, and satellite modems

Connection must be established each Connection is always on—

time you log on. whenever the computer is running

p. 70 Web Technology Next
The World Wide Web
What is a Web browser?
 Program that allows you to view Web pages

Internet Firefox Netscape


Opera Safari

Subject: Web Technology

The World Wide Web

Subject: Web Technology


What is a domain name?

 Text version of Internet protocol (IP)
 Number that uniquely identifies each
computer or device connected to Internet

Subject: Web Technology

The World Wide Web
What is a URL?

Unique address for a Web page

A web server delivers the Web page
to your computer

Subject: Web Technology


Established in 1947, the International Standards Organization (ISO) is a multinational

body dedicated to worldwide agreement on international standards.

Almost three-fourths of countries in the world are represented in the ISO.

An ISO standard that covers all aspects of network communications is the Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) model. It was first introduced in the late 1970s.

Subject: Web Technology


Subject: Web Technology

Summary of layers

Subject: Web Technology

TCP/IP & its protocol…

Subject: Web Technology

TCP/IP and OSI model

Subject: Web Technology
Protocol Governing Web
Protocol is a set of rules that used to communicate application to each other. OR a protocol is a interface
required for communicating the different application.
Few protocols are discussed bellow:
d. UDP
e. FTP
 HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol.
 HTTP is the primary protocol used to distribute information on the web. It
is a protocol used to access the data on the World Wide Web (www).
 The HTTP protocol can be used to transfer the data in the form of plain text, hypertext, audio, video, and
so on.
 HTTP functions as a request response protocol in the client server computing model.

Subject: Web Technology

Protocol Governing Web
This protocol is known as Hypertext Transfer Protocol because of its efficiency that allows us to use in a
hypertext environment where there are rapid jumps from one document to another document.

ICMP:(Internet control message protocol)

The internet control message protocol is one of the main protocol of the internet protocol suit.
It is used by networked devices like routers to send an error message the requested service is not available
or the host or router could not be reached.

It is a transport layer protocol.
TCP stands for Transmission control protocol.
It is one of the main protocol in TCP/IP network where IP protocol deals with packet.
TCP enables two hosts to establish a connection and exchange streams of data.
 TCP guarantees delivery of data and also guarantee that packet will be delivered in the same order in
which they were sent.
TCP is connection oriented and reliable transport layer protocol.

Subject: Web Technology

Protocol Governing Web
• UDP(User datagram Protocol) is connectionless and unreliable protocol.
• It is simple unreliable transport layer protocol.
• It perform limited error checking.
• If UDP is so powerless , why would a process want to use it ?
• Answer is that , UDP is simple protocol with minimum overhead, if a process wants to send a small
message and does not much care about reliability, it can use UDP.

• FTP stands for File transfer protocol.
• FTP is a standard internet protocol provided by TCP/IP used for transmitting the files from one host to
• another.
• It is also used for downloading the files to computer from other servers
Objective of FTP
• It provides the sharing of files.
• It is used to encourage the use of remote computers.
• It transfers the data more reliably and efficiently.

Subject: Web Technology

Protocol Governing Web
SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.

SMTP is a set of communication guidelines that allow software to transmit an electronic mail over the
internet is called Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.

It is a program used for sending messages to other computer users based on e-mail addresses

Subject: Web Technology

Internet Services
Internet Services allows us to access huge amount of information such as
text, graphics, sound and software over the internet.

Four different categories of Internet Services-

Subject: Web Technology

Internet Services
Communication Services
There are various Communication Services available that offer exchange of information with individuals or groups.
The following table gives a brief introduction to these services:
S.N. Service Description
1 Electronic Mail: Used to send electronic message over the internet.

2 Telnet : Used to log on to a remote computer that is attached to internet.

3 Newsgroup : Offers a forum for people to discuss topics of common interests.

4 Internet Relay Chat (IRC) : Allows the people from all over the world to communicate in real time.

5 Mailing Lists : Used to organize group of internet users to share common information through e-mail.

6 Internet Telephony (VoIP) : Allows the internet users to talk across internet to any PC equipped to receive the call.

7 Instant Messaging : Offers real time chat between individuals and group of people. Eg. Yahoo messenger, MSN messenger.

Subject: Web Technology

Internet Services
Information Retrieval Services
There exist several Information retrieval services offering easy access to information present on the internet. The
following table gives a brief introduction to these services:

S.N. Service Description

1 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) : Enable the users to transfer files.

2 Archie : It’s updated database of public FTP sites and their content. It helps to search a file by its name.

3 Gopher : Used to search, retrieve, and display documents on remote sites.

Very Easy Rodent Oriented Netwide Index to Computer Achieved (VERONICA) :

VERONICA is gopher based resource. It allows access to the information resource stored on gopher’s servers.

Subject: Web Technology

Internet Services
Web Services
• Web services allow exchange of information between applications on the web. Using web services,
applications can easily interact with each other.
• The web services are offered using concept of Utility Computing.
• A Web Service is, any service that −
 Is available over the Internet or private (intranet) networks
 Uses a standardized XML messaging system
 Is not tied to any one operating system or programming language
 Is self-describing via a common XML grammar
 Is discoverable via a simple find mechanism

World Wide Web (WWW)

• WWW is also known as W3.
• It offers a way to access documents spread over the several servers over the internet. These documents
may contain texts, graphics, audio, video, hyperlinks.
• The hyperlinks allow the users to navigate between the documents.

Subject: Web Technology

Other Internet Services

What is e-mail?
 Short for electronic mail
 The transmission of messages and files via a computer network
 Messages can consist of simple text or can contain attachments, such as documents,
graphics, or audio/video clips
 Internet access providers usually provide an e-mail program
 Some Web sites—such as Google Gmail, Windows Live Hotmail,
and Yahoo! Mail—provide free e-mail services
 One of the original services on the Internet

Subject: Web Technology

Other Internet Services

What is an e-mail address?

 Unique name that consists of a user name and domain name that identifies
the user

p. 94 Fig. 2-27 Web Technology
Other Internet Services
How does an e-mail message travel?
Step 1. Using e-
mail software, you
create and send

Step 2.
Your software contacts
software on your
service provider’s Step 4.
outgoing mail server When recipient uses
e-mail software to check for e-
mail messages, the message
transfers from incoming mail
server to recipient’s computer

Step 3.
Software on outgoing mail server determines best route
for data and sends message, which travels along
Internet routers to recipient’s incoming mail server

Subject: Web Technology

Other Internet Services
What is instant messaging (IM)?
 A real-time Internet communications service that notifies you when one or more people are online
and allows you to exchange messages or files

Subject: Web Technology

Other Internet Services

What is a chat?
 Real-time typed conversation that takes
place on a computer
 Chat room is location on server that
permits users to discuss topics of

Subject: Web Technology

Other Internet Services

What is VoIP (Voice over IP)?

 Enables users to speak to other users over the Internet

Subject: Web Technology

Other Internet Services
What is FTP?
 File Transfer Protocol—Internet standard that allows you to upload and
download files with other computers on the Internet

Subject: Web Technology

Web Development Process

Subject: Web Technology

Client Server Computing
In the client-server architecture, when the client computer sends a request for data to the server through
the internet, the server accepts the requested process and delivers the data packets requested back to the
client. Clients do not share any of their resources.
Examples of Client-Server Model are Email, World Wide Web, etc.

How the Client-Server Model works?

Client: When we talk the word Client, it mean to talk of a person
or an organization using a particular service. Similarly in the
digital world a Client is a computer (Host) i.e. capable of receiving
information or using a particular service from the service
providers (Servers).
Servers: Similarly, when we talk the word Servers, It means a
person or medium that serves something. Similarly in this digital
world a Server is a remote computer which provides information
(data) or access to particular services.
So, it’s basically the Client requesting something and
the Server serving it as long as its present in the database.

Subject: Web Technology

Client Server Computing

Subject: Web Technology

Browser interacts with the servers
When Client sends HTML page request to
Tomcat Apache Server…

Subject: Web Technology

Browser interacts with the servers
When Client sends JSP page request to
Tomcat Apache Server…

Subject: Web Technology

Types of Client Server Computing

Subject: Web Technology

Types of Client Server Computing

Subject: Web Technology

Client Server Computing Vs Peer to Peer Computing

Difference between Client Server Computing and Peer to Peer Computing

• In client server computing, a server is a central node that services many client nodes.
On the other hand, in a peer to peer system, the nodes collectively use their resources
and communicate with each other.
• In client server computing the server is the one that communicates with the other
nodes. In peer to peer to computing, all the nodes are equal and share data with each
other directly.
• Client Server computing is believed to be a subcategory of the peer to peer computing

Subject: Web Technology

Client Server Computing Vs Peer to Peer Computing
Advantages of Client-Server model:
• Centralized system with all data in a single place.
• Cost efficient requires less maintenance cost and Data recovery is possible.
• The capacity of the Client and Servers can be changed separately.
• It is easy to replace, upgrade or relocate the nodes in the client server model because all the nodes are independent
and request data only from the server.
• All the nodes i.e clients and server may not be build on similar platforms yet they can easily facilitate the transfer of

Disadvantages of Client-Server model:

• Clients are prone to viruses, Trojans and worms if present in the Server or uploaded into the Server.
• Server is prone to Denial of Service (DOS) attacks.
• If all the clients simultaneously request data from the server, it may get overloaded. This may lead to congestion in
the network.
• Data packets may be spoofed or modified during transmission.
• Phishing or capturing login credentials or other useful information of the user are common and MITM (Man in the
Middle) attacks are common.

Subject: Web Technology

Writing Web Projects
Writing Web Projects:
Developing web project is a crucial activity and web project development differs from traditional web
Phases of writing the web projects are
A. Write a project mission statement
The mission statement desribes the solution to the problem that your project is going to solve.
• What are you going to do?
• To whom we are doing it?
• How do we go about it?
B. Identify Objectives
i. Specific
ii. Measurable
iii. Attainable
iv. Realistic
v. Time limited

Subject: Web Technology

Writing Web Projects
C. Identify Target User:
The matter of a website will be determined by theusers whom you want to visit the site.
This is totally depend upon
i. Market research
ii. Focus group
iii. Understanding the audiences
D. Determine the scope: The scope of the project can change quickly.
E. Budget:
i. Assumption for budgets.
ii. Budget categories.
iii. Determine hidden costs and tools.
F. Planning issues:
Discuss client’s existing information system.
i. Project team and developing infrastructure.
ii. Where the website will place.

Subject: Web Technology

Writing Web Projects
Web Project Traditional Project
Web projects consists of an attractive Graphical User Graphical User Interface of traditional project is not good-
Interface. looking as compared to web project.
While functionality of traditional project is defined to an
Functionality of web project is public oriented.
New technologies such as beta technologies are used for
It is not applicable in traditional projects, mature technologies
providing new and cool features that client and web
are used in developing traditional projects.
developers wants to use.
There is no predefined standards available for web projects. Standards do exist for traditional projects that ensure quality.
Web projects are globally usable hence less secured as
Traditional projects are more secure than web projects.
compared to traditional projects.
After finalization of the web project, websites are alive, can After completion, changes are not frequent in traditional
be changed and grow. project.
Cost incurred in the web project during the development of Clients takes all the expenses related to project such as cost
web project is not given by the clients. involved in designing, testing, prototyping, etc.
Project manager in web project has the full responsibility of In traditional projects, various managers at different levels have
project. the responsibility of project development.

Subject: Web Technology

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