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Short questions and answers

1-Plato is an ----------------------- philosopher.

(a) Imaginative (b) pragmatic (c) conservative (d) none of these .

2-Virtue is knowledge and knowledge is -----------------------.

3-Republic is a book written by ---------------------------------.

4-Platonic communism is called as -----------------------------communism .

(a) Half (b) Full (c) practical (d) none of these .

5-What is difference between Platonic communism and Karl Marx communism .

6-The Greek society was divided among -----------------classes .

7- The slave class consists of ------------------- of the population .

(a) 1/4 (b) 1/3 (c) 1/2 (d) none of these .

8-The Platonic communism is applied on two upper classes


9-Which Muslim philosopher has received the influence of Plato,s philosophy .

(a) Al-farabi (b) Al- Mawardi (c) Allama iqbal (d) Ibn-e-khaldun .

10-Write down any three (3) qualities of philosopher king .

11-What was the relationship between Plato ,Aristotle and Socrates .

12-What was the relationship between Alexander the great and Aristotle?
13-What is difference between philosopher king and philosopher queen ?

14- Define Platonic communism ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------


15- What was the mission of Socrates ?

16-Why Socrates drank Hemlock poison ?

17-What is difference between Plato and Aristotle?

18- Why Aristotle was declared as a father of Political Science ?

19-What was the name of academy of Plato ?

20-How philosopher king is selected ?

21- Why Plato is called as first modern feminist philosopher ?

22-If knowledge is root of the tree, then virtue is ------------------------------- of the tree .

23-What do you understand by the statement that virtue is knowledge, and knowledge is virtue
24- The Athens was citadel of --------------------- in Greece .

25- The Sparta was citadel of ----------------------------in Greece .

26-What was social status of women in Plato,s period ?

27-Write down any name of the book of Socrates.

28-What do you understand by the state that philosopher king is communist ?

29-Why Plato said that the institution of family should be abolished for upper two classes ?

30-What was mission of both Socrates and Plato ?

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