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Trace elements concentration and distributions in coal and coal mining

wastes and their environmental and health impacts in Shaanxi, China

Article in Environmental Science and Pollution Research · July 2018

DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-2148-2


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4 authors, including:

Rahib Hussain Kunli Luo

Chinese Academy of Sciences Chinese Academy of Sciences


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Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Trace elements concentration and distributions in coal and coal mining

wastes and their environmental and health impacts in Shaanxi, China
Rahib Hussain 1,2 & Kunli Luo 1,2 & Zhao Chao 1,2 & Zhao Xiaofeng 1,2

Received: 11 September 2017 / Accepted: 26 April 2018

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

This study probe the probable impacts of coal mining pollution and its impacts on human’s health and environment. A total of
144 samples including coal and coal wastes, soil, plants, foods, and water were collected from the Hancheng county and
countryside of Shaanxi, China. All the samples were analyzed for trace elements using ICP-MS, OES, and AFS. Results showed
that the concentration of Se, As, Cr, Cu, Pb, Cd, Co, Ni, Mo, U, Th (mgKg−1), Fe, Mn, Al, Ti (%) etc., in coal and coal wastes
were 7.5, 12.1, 275, 55, 54.2, 0.8, 14.8, 94.5, 8.9, 4.9, 17.2, 3.5, 0.02, 19, 0.7, respectively. While in soil 0.6, 12, 194, 27.5, 7.4,
0.6, 11.3, 83.4, 0.7, 1.7, 9.9, 3.1, 0.04, 10.5, and 0.4 for the above elements, respectively. In Hancheng foods, the average
concentration of Se-0.09, As-0.15, Cr-1.8, Cu-3.2, Pb-0.4, Cd-0.02, Co-0.09, Ni-0.4, Mo-0.64, U-0.01, Th-0.03, Fe-129, Mn-
15.6, Al-234, and Ti-5.2 in mgKg−1, respectively, which are comparably higher than the countryside. The elemental concentra-
tion in groundwater of both areas was below the WHO-2004 standard. In Hancheng, the average daily intake (mgKg−1bw/d) of
Se 0.004–0.0038, As 0.004–0.13, Cr 0.055–0.06, Cd 0.001–0.004, Ni 0.018–13.91, Pb 0.05–0.001 adult-children, respectively.
The toxic trace elements such as Cr, Cu, Mn, Pb, Ti, Cd, Co, Th, Fe, Al, and Mo caused non-carcinogenic risk with high
morbidity in children than adults. By assessing environmental risks, coal and coal wastes caused high risk, food and plants faced
moderate to high risk, while mountain and agriculture soil are prone to low to considerable risk. The pollution in Hancheng
County is extreme as compared to the countryside. The study concluded that the contamination is geogenic in both the areas but
coal mining enhance the metals contamination and has extensive impacts on the living community and environment of Hancheng

Keywords Coal . Coal mining wastes . Environmental risk . Geochemical characters . Health risk assessment . Pollution

Introduction 2007). According to World Energy Council (WEC 2013),

China counted for 114.5 Bt (Billion tons) of recoverable re-
China is the second major coal producer and consumer coun- serve coal equivalent to 14% of the world total coal reserves,
try counted about 75% of all energy resources. Among them, and 3.4 Bt of coal production counted for 35% recoverable
70% is directly used as a fuel and the remaining 5% is used for ratio. Besides the energy uses, almost 60% of chemical ele-
household and other purposes (Luo et al. 2004; Wei et al. ments are derived from coal in China. However, some of the
portions are reluctantly released to the environment (Dai et al.
Responsible editor: Philippe Garrigues The geospatial distribution of coal resource in China is
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article uneven coal started in the western provinces are counted about
( contains supplementary 5115 Bt (91.83%) of the total Chinese coal resources. Among
material, which is available to authorized users. them, abundant resources are located in Shanxi, Shaanxi,
Inner Mongolia, Sinkiang, Gansu, Guizhou and Ningxia prov-
* Kunli Luo
inces (Luo et al. 2004; Zeng 2001). On the basis of regional
distribution, Shaanxi province is on the top to produce 505
Mt. (million ton) of coal in 2004 and accounted for more than
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resource Research, 1/4 of total Chinese coal (Wang 2006; Zhao et al. 2008). The
Beijing 100101, China
extensive growth coal mining plays a significant role in
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 10080, China
Environ Sci Pollut Res

energy sectors, but it also contributes a huge of wastes to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China for further
environment without utilizing. This activity not only distribute processing.
and occupies much place but also create environmental and
social problems including air pollution, acid mine drainage,
waste gobs, forest and land degradation, land sliding, infra- Materials and methods
structure damages, source of toxic trace elements (TTE), de-
teriorate the physical and chemical property of soil, plants, Geological setting
food and water bodies (Di et al. 2015; Siddiqui and Shah
2007). Besides the wastes, Li (2006) pointed out that the coal Hancheng city is situated at Northeast of Shaanxi province
industry spawned 256 Mt. tailing, 107 Mt. smelting slag, 103 nearby the Yellow River at the southeast of the Ordos basin,
Mt. gangue, which results to degraded 3.2 Mha (million hect- while Liaoyuan coal mining area is located at the eastern edge
ares) land of China. Zhao et al. (2008) reported that almost of the Ordos basin. The study area is located to the northwest
1500 coal waste gobs are active in China. Among them, 40% boundary of Weihe graben system, Lvliang fold belt located to
were found in Shaanxi province (43 coal-waste gobs pile), east connected through NE-NNE (North-northeast) Fenhe riv-
which are actively undergo spontaneous combustion and er graben system, while in the west it is connected with a
emitted SO2 0.84-Kg/ton, H2S 0.61-Kg/ton, NOx 0.03-Kg/ thrust-fold belt located at the west edge of the Ordos basin
ton, COx 99.7-Kg/ton and smoke 0.45-Kg/ton, annually. (Xue et al. 2012).
Contamination in the environment is a seriously con- Liaoyuan coal mining area is situated at a distance of 10 km
cerned because of potential toxicity to living biota and to Northeast of Hancheng city and is an important area of
disturbing the natural ecosystem. Trace elements in the Shaanxi province. The study area is located between longitude
environment interact with each other and sediment 110° 26′ 30″–110° 31′ 30″ E and latitude 35 ° 35′–35° 38′ 30″
through a various natural mechanism including dissolu- N, with an altitude of 650 m from sea level (Fig. 1). The key
tion, complexation, absorption, and desorption, which af- features of the area are the coal bed gas exploration, middle
fect the plant’s growth, disrupt soil quality and contami- and high-grade coal belonging to Late Carboniferous-early
nate the food chain (He et al. 2005a; Sahuquillo et al. Permian. The most visible strata’s in the area are Pleistocene
2003). The higher consumption of the toxic element ele- (Qh), Pliocene (Qp), Early-middle-late Triassic (T1-T2-T3),
ments may cause various health problems (Min et al. Permian, Carboniferous, Late-Middle Ordovician (O),
2015; Rinklebe and Shaheen 2014; Thyssen et al. 2007). Cambrian (Є1) and as well as Sangan System (Ar) of
During spontaneous combustion, coal extraction and Precambrian granite are exposed in this area. The
processing, largest amounts of toxic and radioactive ele- Carboniferous-Permian coal strata are exposed to valley side
ments are released to the environment, which could cause and dumped under the Quaternary strata (Wang et al. 2011).
harmful impacts on the human and surrounding environ- Shaanxi province is located in the middle reaches of Yellow
ment. For this purposes, the study aimed to quantify the River and is plain fertile land spread over 200,000 Km2. The
TTE in coal and coal wastes, rocks, soils, water bodies, average annual temperature is 13.8 °C and average annual
plants and food crops and their comparison with the ele- rainfall is 549.4 mm concentrated in June to September
ment in the upper continental crust according to (Wang et al. 2011).
JeffersonLab (2007); (Kennish 2000) and (McLennan
2001). While soil and food samples will be compared Field visit and sampling
with Chinese standard, and water quality will be com-
pared with WHO standard (WHO 2004). Literature re- The field visit was carried out at Hancheng counties, Liaoyuan
vealed that there is a lack of comprehensive research to coalmines (contaminated area) and countryside (Huanglong
probe the magnitude of contamination and its associated and other connected areas) connected areas under qualified
enviro-health risks in Hancheng. To assess the compara- experts to study coalmines affected and impacted areas either
tive influence, the study chooses to explore Liaoyuan through coal exploration or through the accumulation of
coalmine of Hancheng, Shaanxi province, the typical wastes debris. While the countryside areas were selected to
China coalmine in the north China Plate that comprised compare acute health and ecological impacts of coal explora-
on 4 coal beds of 2#, 3#, 5#, 11# of Pennsylvanian tion in surrounding regions. A number of the miners and local
(Taiyuan Formation C2) and Early Permian (Shaanxi people were also visited to find out the environmental and
Formation P1). For this purpose, the study aimed, to find health-related problems. The sampling plan was designed ac-
out effects and impacts of coal mining pollution on cording to the distribution of coal and coal gangue explored
human’s health and environment. All samples were trans- rocks, affected soil, unaffected soil, and plants in the surround-
ferred to state key laboratory of Institute of Geographic ing areas of Hancheng and countryside of Shaanxi Province.
Sciences and Natural Resource Research, University of While the groundwater and food samples (local grown) were
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 1 Regional geological and location map of Hancheng county and countryside of Shaanxi province representing samples locations

collected from the homes in Hancheng and countryside areas. of HNO 3 , HF and HClO 4 of 5:5:1 (Liu et al. 2014).
In April 2016, a number of representative samples were col- However, for the plants and food digestion, 0.5 g samples
lected including 34 coal and gangue, 35 soil, 34 plants and were treated through a solution of concentrated HNO3 and
food and 18 water samples and noted each sample GPS data. HClO4 of 5:1 with the constant heat of 180–220 °C until all
All the samples were transferred to geochemistry laboratory of the elements comes to ionic form. In order to verify analysis, a
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resource certified reference geological standard of GBW10010,
Research (IGSNRR), University of Chinese Academy of GBW10012 were also treated by the same methods. All the
Sciences (UCAS), China for further processing. trace elements were determined through Inductively Coupled
Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS) (instrument DL = 0.001 μgL−1)
Experimental procedures and Inductive Coupled Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-
OES) (DL = 0.001 mgL−1) (Luo 2011; NSPRC-China 2007)
Before the acid digestion, a dry raw coal, coal gangue, coal at the chemical and physical laboratory of Institute of
slime and soil samples were pulverized through vibrating cup Geographic Science and Natural Resource Research,
mill and passed through a sieve of −200-mesh size. The Chinese Academy of Sciences.
plant’s samples were dried at 60 °C in the oven and grounded For the quality control and assurance, duplicate sam-
to 80-mesh size. The chemical digestion of soil, coal and coal ples, blank reagents and geological grade reference stan-
wastes for As and Se; a portion of 0.05 g were treated with 5:1 dard for coal, soil, rock (GBW07401, GBW07403,
solution of HNO3 and HClO4, while for the plant digestion; GBW07406), plants and food (GBW10010, GBW10012,
0.5 g samples were treated with 9:1 HNO3 and HClO4. In 2nd GBW10016) (followed by National Research Centre for
step, the samples were treated with 3 mL of HCl (1:1 diluted), Standard in China) were used in each samples batch to
and then 1 mL pure HCl in a sequence. The final solution for verify the accuracy and precision of the digestion methods
Se was run through Hydride Generation Atomic Fluorescence and subsequently analysis (Wang et al. 2016). The preci-
Spectrometry (AFS-9780 BJHG and detection limit BDL^ of sion and reproducibility of the instrument were found
the instrument is 0.01 μgL−1). For arsenic determination, the within the confidence limit of 98%.
above final solutions (Se solution) were further treated with
1 mL thiourea-ascorbic acid reagent (2.5:2.5 g per 100 mL Environmental and health risk analysis
Water) and 1 mL HCl (Kunli et al. 2004).
Similarly, for the chemical analysis of trace elements, a Geo-accumulation index
portion of 0.05 g of soil, coal, coal slime, coal ash, coal gangue
as well as certified reference geological standard of Geo-accumulation index (GAI) is a geo-statistical tech-
GBW07403 and GBW07406 were treated through a series nique use to quantify the degree of elemental
Environ Sci Pollut Res

contamination and was determined by equation 1 (Eq. 1) Health risk assessment

(Shen et al. 2017).
  To assess the average daily intake of TTE through food and
GAI ¼ Log2 ð1Þ water by adult and children and their relation to non-cancer
Bn  1:5 (HQ) and cancer risk were determined through Eqs. 4, 5 and 6
(Pepper et al. 2006; US-EPA 2002).
Where Cn (mgKg−1) is the elemental concentration of
current study and Bn (mgKg−1) are the reference value ½ðCx  FiÞ þ ðCw  WiÞ  EMF
(for soil the reference values (CSS)) (Table 1), for coal ADI ¼ ð4Þ
and coal waste followed China threshold values suggested ADI
by Ren et al. (2006); Tang and Huang (2004), while 1.5 is HQ ¼ ð5Þ
the possible anthropogenic existence in the reference
areas. By evaluating toxicity, a six grades were recog- Cancer Risk ¼ ADI  slope factor ð6Þ
nized as; G-0 (0 < GAI ≤ 1) unpolluted, G-1 (1 < GAI ≤
Where Cx and Cw are the elemental concentration in food
2) slightly polluted, G-2 (2 < GAI ≤ 3) moderate polluted,
and water (mgKg−1), Fi and Wi are the intake of food (Kg/
G-3 (3 < GAI ≤ 4) moderate sever polluted, G-4 (4 <
day) and water (liter/d), respectively. Bw is body weight of
GAI ≤ 5) sever polluted and G-5 (GAI > 5) revealed ex-
receptor (Kg), EMF is exposure modifying factor (default val-
treme polluted (Hussain et al. 2015).
ue is 1.0 unitless), RfD is the corresponding reference dose
values for elemental ingestion (supplementary file (SF)), and
HQ is hazard quotient. If the HQ < 1 indicates no substantial
Contamination factor
risk if HQ > 1 indicate the potential of non-carcinogenic risk
(Miguel et al. 2007; Pepper et al. 2006; Siyue and Zhang
Contamination factor (Cf) is used to quantify the elemental
2010; US-EPA 2002).
risk to the environment and human health and was determined
by Eq. 2.
Cn Carbon sequestration
Cf ¼ ð2Þ
The soil organic carbon (SOC) in agriculture and mountain
Where Cn and Bn are the respective elemental concen- soil were determined through Walkley-Black chromic acid
tration of current study and a reference value, respectively wet oxidation method using Eqs. 7 and 8. Where BBD^ rep-
(See Eq. 1). By evaluating and applying Cf on the current resent the Bulk Density and BCtotal^ represent the total carbon
study, the following classes are considered to assess the potential (mg/cm2) in the soil. Oxidizable matter in the soil
risk level. The class C-1: Cf < 1 low contamination, C-2: was oxidized by the 1 N K2Cr2O7 solution. The heat generated
1 ≤ Cf < 3 moderate contamination, C-3: 3 ≤ Cf < 6 consid- when two volumes of H2SO4 were mixed with one volume of
erable contamination and C-4: Cf ≥ 6 very high contami- the dichromate assists the reaction. The process further
nation (Yang et al. 2011). followed by H3PO4 and NaF, and finally titrated with ferrous
sulfate (Burghardt and Schneider 2018; Oje et al. 2015).

Groundwater risk assessment mass ðKgÞ

BD ¼ ð7Þ
volume ðcm3 Þ
Groundwater risk assessment (GRA) model was used to eval-
Ctotal ¼ BD  Depth of sample ðcmÞ  C ðmg=KgÞ ð8Þ
uate the toxicity in groundwater and its risk to humans and
was calculated through Eq. (3). The contents of SiO2 and loss of ignition (LOI) in the soil,
Cw coal, and coal waste were calculated through Eq. 9 and Eq. 10,
GRA ¼ ð3Þ respectively, as suggested by Kaminskas and Kubiliute (2010).
For calculation of LOI, samples were weighed and kept in the
Where Cw (μgL−1) is the elemental concentration in oven for 1 h at 104 °C to remove the moisture contents and finally
groundwater, while GTV (μgL−1) is the international standard kept in the flame furnace (CTJZH-1200 °C) for 1 h at 900 °C.
groundwater threshold value. By evaluating integrated risk,
SiO2 % ¼ 100%
GRA is categorized as; G1: GRA ≤ 1 revealed low priority
−ðAl2 O3 þ MnO þ P2 O5 þ TiO2 þ K 2 O þ Na2 O þ Fe2 O3 þ MgO þ CaO þ LOI Þ
pollutants, G2: 1 < GRA ≤ 10 medium priority pollutants and
if G3: 10 < GR high-level pollutants (Odukoya and Abimbola ð9Þ
2010). LOI% ¼ ½ðm1 þ m2 Þ–m3 =m2  100 ð10Þ
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 1 Geochemical composition and comparison of trace elements in Hancheng county with countryside and other studies (average mgKg−1)

Elements Coal USA China Soil CSS ECA

Coal gangue Coal slime Raw coal Coal ash Coal Coal Mountain soil Agri. soil

Al2O3% 19.75 20.47 14.83 20.957 2.8 12.26 10.53 6.62 15.55
CaO % 3.477 2.642 4.042 3.160 0.64 11.61 5.713 1.54 5.807
Fe2O3% 3.922 3.059 3.491 3.627 1.9 3.375 3.062 2.94 7.243
K2O % 3.307 2.021 2.769 2.006 0.22 3.205 1.840 1.86 2.518
MgO % 0.753 0.503 0.836 0.538 0.18 1.913 1.317 0.78 3.86
Na2O % 5.474 3.070 5.497 2.250 0.11 6.086 2.538 1.02 31.813
MnO % 0.037 0.011 0.030 0.023 0.006 0.0117 0.046 0.044 0.073 0.1227
P2O5% 0.000 0.000 0.011 0.074 0.098 0.003 0.090 0.241
TiO2% 0.747 0.750 0.544 0.791 0.13 0.469 0.461 0.38 0.9341
SiO2% 36.45 28.73 25.3 41.493 5.8 41.46 59.10 60.32
Moisture % 0.362 3.304 0.586 0.516 1.186 1.311
LOI % 26.17 37.66 43.79 25.284 21.17 15.79
Se 3.539 5.803 10.93 9.558 2.8 2.78 1.014 0.662 0.29 0.05
As 10.31 12.89 10.1 14.601 24 3.8 9.287 12.07 11.2 1.8
Ba 524.7 437.87 371.1 703.31 170 429.6 349.3 469 425
Cr 326.8 244.3 384.3 145.8 15 16.12 216.2 194.8 61 102
Cu 41.78 77.49 49.46 51.44 16 18.39 23.91 27.57 22.6 60
La 46.52 44.25 34.78 48.41 12 26.9 24.88 28.78 39.7 39
Li 143.9 262.5 182.6 260.79 16 36.14 74.93 32.5 20
Mo 3.268 17.99 7.369 7.199 3.3 3.72 0.724 0.696 2.0 1.2
Ni 102.6 96.09 93.89 85.74 14 14.04 92.71 83.42 26.9 84
Pb 60.89 56.80 56.07 42.99 11 15.55 21.71 7.441 26 14
Sc 8.679 11.96 8.786 11.08 4.2 6.813 6.566 11.1 22
Sr 162.37 152.2 147.1 453.57 130 232.03 148.5 167 370
V 96.14 127.05 90.68 122.45 22 35.05 66.84 60.16 82.4 120
Zn 8484.1 5419 7652 3824 53 42.16 6599.3 3056 74.2 70
Cd 1.017 0.841 0.613 0.821 0.47 0.25 0.800 0.634 0.097 0.15
Co 20.04 13.72 11.95 13.33 6.1 6.88 10.81 11.32 12.7 25
Tl 0.828 0.452 0.400 0.919 1.2 0.49 0.507 0.441 0.62 0.850
Cs 8.533 6.284 4.202 6.277 1.1 7.129 5.777 8.24 3
Ga 46.15 44.50 35.86 56.23 5.7 6.52 33.38 32.11 17.5 19
In 0.135 0.566 0.181 0.184 0.3 0.075 0.067 0.068 0.250
Rb 149.9 97.12 57.89 102.01 21 133.5 115.5 111 90
U 3.573 5.477 4.954 5.744 2.1 2.41 1.789 1.659 3.03 2.7
Bi 0.868 0.802 0.730 1.080 1.0 0.350 0.447 0.37 0.0085
Be 3.953 4.394 3.406 5.421 2.2 2.13 1.800 1.988 1.95 2.8
Y 21.56 22.58 18.63 26.73 8.5 15.75 18.08 22.9 33
Ce 79.63 75.92 60.19 81.11 21 50.1 47.63 57.30 68.4 66.5
Pr 9.070 8.560 6.711 9.455 2.4 5.574 6.896 7.17 9.2
Nd 35.12 33.09 26.02 36.97 9.5 26.14 22.135 27.92 26.4 41.5
Sm 6.563 6.339 5.307 7.204 1.7 4.56 4.411 5.480 5.22 7.05
Eu 1.322 1.249 1.006 1.418 0.40 0.73 0.954 1.022 1.03 2
Gd 6.020 5.915 5.161 6.719 1.8 4.160 5.080 4.6 6.2
Tb 0.726 0.755 0.667 0.870 0.30 0.59 0.515 0.608 0.63 1.2
Dy 3.697 3.945 3.434 4.691 1.9 2.661 3.027 4.13 5.2
Ho 0.728 0.775 0.672 0.938 0.35 0.526 0.590 0.87 1.3
Er 2.175 2.256 1.919 2.763 1.0 1.557 1.703 2.54 3.5
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 1 (continued)

Elements Coal USA China Soil CSS ECA

Coal gangue Coal slime Raw coal Coal ash Coal Coal Mountain soil Agri. soil

Tm 0.301 0.310 0.270 0.392 0.15 0.218 0.235 0.37 0.52

Yb 2.016 2.083 1.771 2.569 0.95 1.78 1.469 1.517 2.44 3.2
Lu 0.304 0.300 0.262 0.383 0.14 0.53 0.220 0.230 0.36 0.5
Th 14.60 17.22 17.74 19.28 3.2 5.8 8.109 9.939 13.75 9.6
pH 7.332 7.580
Cond. mS/cm 27.76 14.43
SOC ton/ha 14.99 25.03

USA coal; (Finkelman 1993)

China Coal; (Ren et al. 2006; Tang and Huang 2004)
ECA (earth crust abundance) = (JeffersonLab 2007; Kennish 2000)
CSS (China Soil Standard) = SEPAC 1995

Where m1 is the weight of porcelain crucible, m2 is the below the (WHO 2004) drinking water permissible level
powdered sample (before heating) and m3 is the combined (10 μg/L). The Se distribution in the Hancheng (Weibei coal-
weight of sample + crucible after heating. field) were observed very low in food, plants, and water as
compared to coal. However, the Permo-Carboniferous and
igneous rock of north Shaanxi had an extremely low concen-
Results tration of selenium as also reported by He et al. (2002).
The average arsenic (As) contents in the Liaoyuan
Distribution of trace elements c o a l m i n e c o a l g a n gu e 1 0 . 3 m g K g − 1 , c o a l s l i m e
12.9 mgKg −1 , raw coal 10.1 mgKg −1 , and coal ash
The current study determined major and trace elements in the 14.6 mgKg−1. By comparing with the previous study of
different type of samples collected from Liaoyuan coalmine USA (Finkelman 1993) and China (Ren et al. 2006; Tang
(typical China coal) of Hancheng counties and countryside of and Huang 2004), their average results were 0.024 mgKg−1
Shaanxi province, North China Plate. The elemental concen- and 3.84 mgKg−1, respectively, which is lower than the current
tration (average) in coal gangue, raw coal, coal slime, coal ash, study. Arsenic content in the coal and rocks is mostly associ-
soil, plants, in a different type of foods (mgKg−1) and water ated with sulfide and pyrite rocks (Finkelman et al. 2018).
(μgL−1) were listed in Tables 1 and 2. While the respective Arsenic contents in agriculture mountain soil of the mining
results and distribution of each sample and elements were areas were 9.3 and 12.1 mgKg−1, respectively, which is almost
listed in the supplementary file (SF) and Fig. 2. Among the equivalent to China soil standard (CSS) of 11.2 mgKg−1
trace elements, the average concentration of Se in coal gangue (Table 1). The average As concentration in the grass, orna-
was 3.54 mgKg −1 , coal slime 5.8 mgKg −1 , raw coal mental plants, corn flour, wheat flour and other foodstuff of
10.9 mgKg−1 and in coal ash 9.5 mgKg−1. By compare with the Liaoyuan coal mining areas were 1.3, 0.5, 0.05, 0.093, and
Chinese coal (Ren et al. 2006) and USA coals (Finkelman 0.03 mgKg−1, respectively. While As contents in the grass,
1993), the concentration of Se in the Hancheng counties was wheat flour and corn flour in the countryside were 0.96,
much higher than China and USA (Table 1). The average 0.073, and 0.045 mgKg−1, respectively. It is important to
concentration of Se in the agricultural soil and mountain soil know, that the As concentration in Garlic, Brassica, Pepper,
(collected from Hancheng mining area) were 0.66 mgKg−1 and rice (foodstuff) in mining area were 0.6, 0.2, 0.21, and
and 1.01 mgKg−1. Similarly, the Se concentration in the min- 0.14 mgKg−1, respectively. The As concentration (average) in
ing area grass, ornamental plants, corn flour, wheat flour, and the groundwater of mining and countryside areas were 0.55
foodstuff were 0.8, 2.4, 0.09, 0.10, and 0.087 in mgKg−1 re- and 1.14 μgL−1, which was lowered than the WHO (2004)
spectively. However, the Se contents in the grass of back- permissible standard (10 μgL−1) (Table 2 and SF).
ground area (at a distance of 1 Km from mining) was 0.3 The average concentration of Cr, Cd, Pb, and Ni in coal
mgKg−1, while in countryside wheat and corn flour were gangue were 326, 1.017, 60.8, 102.6, coal slime 244.3, 0.8,
0.11 mgKg−1 and 0.05 mgKg−1. The Se contents in the 56.8, 96.1, raw coal 384, 0.613, 56.1, 93.9, and in coal ash
groundwater of Hancheng mining area was 0.203 and in coun- 145.8, 0.82, 42.9 and 85.7 in mgKg−1, respectively (Table 1
tryside 0.23 in μgL−1, respectively (Table 2), which were and Fig. 2). The average concentrations of Cr, Cd, Pb, and Ni
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 2 Geochemical composition and comparison of trace elements in plants, food, and groundwater of Hancheng county with countryside (average

Liaoyuan mining area Country side Water

Elements (Hancheng) (Hancheng) (μgL−1)

Grass Ornamental Corn flour Wheat flour Other food Grass (1 Km Wheat flour Corn flour
1 plants 3 4 5 Average from mining Hancheng Countryside
2 of area)
3, 4, 5

Se 0.851 2.418 0.105 0.090 0.087 0.094 0.301 0.111 0.055 0.203 0.245
As 1.308 0.450 0.053 0.093 0.301 0.149 0.967 0.073 0.045 0.548 1.141
Ba 41.394 17.51 1.807 2.175 11.41 5.130 35.55 3.951 0.813 106.81 71.329
Cr 19.809 6.274 0.512 1.256 3.767 1.845 12.14 0.974 0.695 9.677 11.646
Cu 18.513 7.510 1.969 3.521 4.251 3.247 6.754 4.385 1.616 0.662 0.530
La 2.377 0.248 0.011 0.022 0.290 0.108 0.582 0.019 0.009 0.0001 0.000
Li 8.727 5.338 0.063 0.069 1.362 0.498 1.854 0.076 0.101 12.568 5.950
Mn 68.359 18.80 6.419 19.215 21.39 15.675 43.45 38.294 4.556 0.677 0.977
Mo 1.286 0.485 0.579 0.807 0.547 0.644 0.615 0.723 0.491 1.503 1.861
Ni 6.638 2.079 0.255 0.332 0.716 0.434 3.558 0.251 0.511 1.771 1.966
P 2023.6 3145.4 2023. 1917.5 3423.8 2454.7 2921.1 3065.4 2080.0 0.000 0.775
Pb 21.448 1.833 0.047 0.057 1.001 0.368 7.807 0.196 0.125 0.109 0.020
Cs 0.476 0.053 0.010 0.010 0.060 0.027 0.556 0.011 0.023 0.016 0.004
Sr 79.070 89.02 0.953 1.508 36.79 13.085 62.375 2.599 0.513 646.85 14,224.
Ti 90.160 10.51 0.869 0.637 14.27 5.260 28.835 1.042 0.629 0.297 1.166
V 4.924 0.123 0.331 0.000 0.286 0.206 1.346 0.000 0.000 1.517 2.129
Zn 86.441 30.52 21.32 23.905 26.68 23.97 43.935 31.56 20.38 28.878 118.6
Cd 0.594 0.045 0.011 0.017 0.036 0.021 0.518 0.028 0.011 0.050 0.134
Co 1.628 0.232 0.021 0.039 0.212 0.090 0.712 0.037 0.019 0.210 0.631
Tl 0.082 0.011 0.001 0.001 0.083 0.028 0.063 0.001 0.000 0.006 0.000
Ga 3.546 1.558 0.931 1.175 1.789 1.298 2.256 1.063 0.628 4.946 3.361
In 0.019 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.006 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001
Rb 8.721 8.230 1.716 3.154 2.819 2.563 35.07 3.058 3.694 0.752 1.383
U 0.161 0.017 0.002 0.003 0.021 0.009 0.083 0.003 0.003 3.543 2.890
Bi 0.585 0.071 0.002 0.003 0.030 0.011 0.155 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.000
Be 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.056 0.078
Y 1.034 0.114 0.006 0.010 0.152 0.056 0.325 0.010 0.004 0.000 0.000
Ce 3.374 0.406 0.021 0.039 0.523 0.194 0.897 0.036 0.021 0.000 0.000
Pr 0.496 0.051 0.002 0.004 0.061 0.023 0.115 0.004 0.002 0.000 0.000
Nd 2.240 0.191 0.009 0.019 0.243 0.090 0.439 0.017 0.007 0.000 0.000
Sm 0.360 0.040 0.002 0.004 0.048 0.018 0.090 0.005 0.002 0.000 0.000
Eu 0.072 0.010 0.001 0.001 0.011 0.004 0.023 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000
Gd 0.320 0.032 0.002 0.003 0.042 0.016 0.080 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.000
Tb 0.039 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.002 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Dy 0.190 0.020 0.001 0.002 0.026 0.010 0.053 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.000
Ho 0.033 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.002 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Er 0.099 0.011 0.001 0.001 0.014 0.005 0.030 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000
Tm 0.012 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.001 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Yb 0.077 0.009 0.001 0.001 0.011 0.004 0.024 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000
Lu 0.014 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.001 0.005 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Th 0.679 0.064 0.003 0.007 0.079 0.030 0.171 0.019 0.004 0.000 0.000
Mg 2637.4 2202.8 768.3 720.6 1508.5 999.11 3355.6 0.000 0.000 20,370. 9775.8
Na 721.31 388.28 74.03 76.24 269.99 140.08 238.7 1234.2 910.70 39,015.0 13,787.1
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 2 (continued)

Liaoyuan mining area Country side Water

Elements (Hancheng) (Hancheng) (μgL−1)

Grass Ornamental Corn flour Wheat flour Other food Grass (1 Km Wheat flour Corn flour
1 plants 3 4 5 Average from mining Hancheng Countryside
2 of area)
3, 4, 5

Fe 2353.4 371.580 40.50 41.49 305.3 129.08 985.6 66.052 88.16 190.74 212.7
K 8948.4 12,524.0 3101. 2518.2 8413.6 4677.7 15,994.4 78.720 29.585 1509.50 894.6
Ca 18,518.0 183.3 266.4 3807.9 1419.2 31,520.0 3634.0 3508.5 57,750.0 56,343.0
Al 4182.4 433.3 40.55 164.5 497.4 234.15 1507.56 402.70 150.4 24.771 1.773
SiO2 215.26 223.1 8855.5 9326.3
Sb 0.071 0.035
B 43.600 13.467
SAL‰ 0.545 0.385
EH mv 0.000 23.600
TDS 550,000. 430,083.3
SO4 100,670. 64,895.8
HcO3 255.37 240.43
Cl 32.66 37.559

‰ = Parts per trillion (ppt)

Other food: Garlic bolt, Brassica campestris seed, Chinese red pepper, rice,
Fruit trees wood, local egg, local pig meat, Hickory (Carya), potatoes, persimmon, millet

in agriculture soil were 194.8, 0.6, 7.4, and 83.4, while in and silicate (Lu et al. 2004), while the mode of occurrence of
mountain soil 216.2, 0.8, 21.7, and 92.7 in mgKg−1, respec- Li mostly occurs with clay minerals, detrital micas and tour-
tively. Similarly, the Cr distribution in the grass, ornamental malines (Finkelman et al. 2018).
plants, corn flour, wheat flour and other foodstuffs of Besides the TTE, major elements composition were also
Liaoyuan mining and Hancheng counties were 19.8, 6.3, abundant in Shaanxi Liaoyuan coal mining areas and country-
0.5, 1.3, and 3.7 mgKg−1, respectively. The respective distri- side. The respective concentration of major elements coal,
bution of Cd in grass 0.5, ornamental plants 0.045, corn flour coal gangue, coal slime and coal ash were given in Table 1,
0.11, wheat flour 0.17 and other foodstuffs 0.036 in mgKg−1, while the concentration in plants and food were given in
respectively. The distribution of Pb, Ni, Cd, Cr, V, Se, As, and Table 2.
U in coal and coal waste and plants-food were given in Fig. 2.
The Pb distribution in the grass, ornamental plants, corn flour, Radioactive elements
wheat flour and other foodstuffs were 21.4, 1.8, 0.05, 0.057,
and 1.0 mgKg−1, respectively. The average distribution of Ni During coal extraction and processing, the natural radio-
in grass 6.6, ornamental plants 2.07, corn flour 0.25, wheat active elements were also contributed to the environment
flour 0.3 and other foodstuffs 0.7 in mgKg−1, respectively. caused many irregularities. The magnitude of Bismuth
However in countryside, the average concentration of Cr in (Bi) in coal gangue, coal slime, raw coal and coal ash
grass, wheat flour and in corn flour were 12.1, 0.9, 0.6, Cd 0.5, were 0.4–2.7, 0.5–1.2, 0.38–1.3, and 0.5–1.87 mgKg−1,
0.28, 0.01, Pb 7.8, 0.19, 0.13, and Ni were 3.5, 0.25, and 0.5 respectively (Table 1 and SF). By comparing with a pre-
mgKg−1, respectively (Tables 1 and 2, SF and Fig. 2). The vious study conducted on coal in the USA (Finkelman
mode of occurrence for Ti are complex but the common 1993) and China (Dai et al. 2005), Bi were 0.001 and
source is clay and titanium oxide (brookite, rutile, anatase 0.0005 mgKg−1, respectively. The mode of occurrence
etc.,) (Ward 2002). The mode of occurrence of Ba is Barite of Bi in the coal is fusinite and semifusinite (Parzentny
(BaSO4), Barytocelestine, witherite (BaCO3), gorceixite and and Róg 2017). The detected contents (mgKg−1) in moun-
some carboxylic group (Bytnar and Makowska 2017). The tain soil were 0.2–0.5 (average 0.35) and in agriculture
mode of occurrence of Pb is Galena (PbS), sulfate, carbonate, soil 0.12–0.7 (average 0.45) at Hancheng counties,
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 2 Geospatial distribution of selected elements of coal and coal wastes and plants & food (mgKg−1) in Hancheng and countryside, Shaanxi

Shaanxi province, which is comparatively higher than the The Bi content (avg.) in groundwater of Hancheng was
SEPAC (1995) (0.37 mgKg−1). The average Bi concentra- 0.001 μgL−1 and countryside 0.0001 μgL−1 (Table 2).
tions in the Hancheng grass 0.5 mgKg −1 , ornamental The average uranium (U) concentration in coal gangue
plants 0.07 mgKg−1, corn flour 0.002 mgKg−1, wheat 3.6 mgKg−1, coal slime 5.4 mgKg−1, raw coal 4.9 mgKg−1
flour 0.003 mgKg−1, and foodstuff 0.03 mgKg−1, respec- and coal ash 5.7 mgKg−1. The average U concentration in
tively. By comparing with Hancheng County, the Bi con- agriculture soil was 1.6 mgKg−1, mountain soil 1.7 mgKg−1,
centration in countryside grass 0.155 mgKg−1, wheat flour while China soil standard is 3.03 mgKg−1 (SEPAC 1995). The
0.003 mgKg−1 and corn flour 0.001 mgKg−1, respectively. mode of occurrence of U is organic matter, pitchblende,
Environ Sci Pollut Res

coffinite, brannerite and lignite coal (Chen et al. 2017). The spontaneous burning ash of the mining counties. Among the
average U contents in the grass, ornamental plants, corn flour, TTE, the average Se concentration in coarse ash, fine ash and
wheat flour, and foodstuff were 0.16, 0.017, 0.002, 0.003 and in spontaneous burning ash were 12.3, 11.9, and 8.6 mgKg−1,
0.021 mgKg−1, respectively in Hancheng area, while in the respectively, While As concentration (average) in coarse ash
countryside, uranium contents in the grass, wheat flour, and 26.2-mgKg−1, fine ash 16.9-mgKg−1 and in spontaneous
corn flour were 0.08, 0.003 and 0.0031 mgKg−1, respectively. burning ash 9.8-mgKg−1. Similarly, in coarse ash, fine ash
Uranium concentration (average) in Hancheng and country- and in spontaneous ash the average concentration of Cr was
side groundwater were 3.54 μgL−1 and 2.89 μgL−1, respec- 145, 96, 159, Pb 66.9, 32.9, 36.4, V 167.9, 145.5, 100.7, and
tively. Thorium (Th) concentration (average) in coal gangue, Zn 800, 1031, 5228 in mgKg−1, respectively (SF). The aver-
coal slime, raw coal, coal ash, agriculture and mountain soil age contents of major oxides in ash (average of all types of
were 14.6, 17.2, 17.7, 19.2, 9.9, and 8.1 mgKg−1, respectively. Ash) were 20.9, 3.1, 3.6, 2.0, 0.5, 2.3, 0.02, 0.07, 0.7 and
The average Th concentration in the Hancheng grass 0.6, or- 41.4% for Al2O3, CaO, Fe2O3, K2O, MgO, Na2O, MnO,
namental plants 0.06, corn flour 0.003, wheat flour 0.007 and P2O5, TiO2, and SiO2, respectively. The abundance of some
foodstuff 0.079 in mgKg−1, respectively, while Th in the coun- precious elements (in Ash) i.e. In 0.2, Ga 56.2, Be 5.4, Bi
tryside grass 0.17, wheat flour 0.019, and corn flour 0.004 in 1.08, and U 5.7 in mgKg−1, respectively (Table 1 and SF).
mgKg−1, respectively. Uranium and Th mostly associated
with uranium-bearing minerals (Hower et al. 2016). While
Groundwater ionic concentration
the anthropogenic source of radioactive elements especially
U, Th, and Bi are mining, milling, nuclear fuels.
The trace elements in groundwater of both areas were under
Additionally the mobility of radioactive elements in an envi-
the standard permissible level of WHO (2004), while cations
ronment mostly associated with organic matter (Bednar et al.
and anions concentration were higher but having no WHO
2007). The high concentration of radioactive elements may
permissible standard value (Table 2). The anions cations dis-
affect the fetal development while also affect soil and ecosys-
tribution pattern showed (Fig. 3), that groundwater has a high
tem (Sztajnkrycer and Otten 2004).
concentration of SO4 almost 95%, while Ca were in between
40 and 96% and Mg was up to 20%. The integrated trilinear
Elemental composition in coal-ash diamond diagram revealed that the groundwater has a some-
what high concentration of Ca, Mg, and SO4 and was detected
Potentially toxic trace elements were also abundant in the fine to cause permanent hardness. The high tendency of permanent
and coarse ash of Tatang Power Plants as well as in hardness in groundwater is due to the anthropogenic or

Fig. 3 Evaluation of anions and

cations significance in
Environ Sci Pollut Res

geogenic inputs, but the geogenic evidence is stronger than harmful impacts in the compound form rather than single el-
anthropogenic because all other elements are under the per- ements (Hussain et al. 2015). The higher concentration of the
missible level of WHO (2004). Yan et al. (2013) reported that major oxide was generally processed through GAI and their
the bedrocks and aquifer materials are the principal and frac- result were: According to GAI, MnO caused no pollution,
tional source of elemental contents in groundwater that is Fe2O3 caused slight pollution, CaO moderate pollution,
mostly associated with parental rocks. Hardness is caused MgO moderate-sever pollution and SiO2 caused severe pollu-
due to the occurrence of anions (Cl−, SO42−, HCO3− and tion, while rest of the elements caused extreme pollution
CO32-) and Cations (Ca2+ and Mg2+), while Na+ causes pseu- (Table 3). By comparing with a previous study of Ren et al.
do hardness (Sadashivaiah et al. 2008). The metallic cations (2006) and Tang and Huang (2004) conducted in China, the
react with anions to damage the kidney filter, teeth, block the current study coal and coal wastes elemental contents were
skin pores and bumpy body, while some evidence also indi- high caused extreme pollution. In mountain soil, Cao, Zn,
cates to activate heart problems. Hard water has a low buffer- and Cd caused extreme pollution, Na2O caused moderate-
ing capacity and high corrosive property resulting damages sever pollution, Se, Cr, and Ni caused moderated pollution,
iron materials (Azevedo et al. 2006). Al2O3, K2O, MgO, and Ga caused slight pollution, while re-
maining elements caused no pollution. Aluminum is mostly
Loss on ignition and organic carbon abundance associated with kaolinite, illite, while some old literature re-
ported zeolites, phosphates, crandallite group, sulfates, oxides,
The optimum percentile of moisture before LOI in coal feldspars, gibbsite, boehmite, diaspore (Finkelman 1981;
gangue, coal slime raw coal and coal ash were 0.36, 3.3, Finkelman et al. 2018). In agriculture soil, Zn caused extreme
0.58, and 0.51%, respectively, while the moisture content in pollution, Cd caused moderate-sever pollution, Cao caused
mountain and agriculture soil were 1.18 and 1.3%, respective- moderate pollution, MgO, Na2O, Se, Cr, Li, Ni, and Ga
ly. The moisture contents in soils represent the suitability and caused slight pollution, while the remaining all elements
possibility of the plantation. The average loss on ignition of caused no pollution or low pollution (Table 3). The geospatial
coal gangue, coal slime, raw coal, coal ash, mountain soil and distribution of Pb, Ni, Cd, Cr, V, Se, As, and U in soil and
agriculture soil were 26.2, 37.6, 43.8, 25.2, 21.2, and 15.8%, water were given in Fig. S1. The tendency of GA and pollu-
respectively (Table 1). The respective concentration of LOI in tion in coal and coal wastes was extremely high followed by
coarse ash was 4.57, fine ash 5.7, spontaneous ash (far from mountain and agriculture soil. The comparative study of GA
coalmine) 17.8, spontaneous ash (from coalmine) 58.2 and exposed, that high accumulation of elements or their com-
spontaneous ash (from gangue place) 27.8% (SF). This un- pounds in surrounding environment is ultimately disrupting
burnt carbon in the ash is due to the improper function of the soil quality, deteriorate food crops and water composition,
powers plants, while in spontaneous burning areas are due to damage air quality and causing various disease in humans (He
decaying of radioactive elements, through which a significant et al. 2005b; Muhammad et al. 2011).
portion of energy is wasted. The abundance of Vanadium (V) in Chinese coal ~9.10 Bt
The post-mining activity is also very important, among (reserves), but its concentration in the coal and coal waste was
them; only soil organic carbon is under consideration for af- ranged 16.8 to 167.9 mgKg−1 in Hancheng area, which is
forestation. The average bulk density (BD) of agriculture soil significantly higher than the earth upper continental crust of
was 1.2007 g/cm3 and mountain soil was 1.68 g/cm3. The 0.097 mgKg−1 (Rudnick and Gao 2004), world coal 0.025
average abundance of soil organic carbon (SOC) in agriculture mgKg−1 (Ketris and Yudovich 2009), USA 0.022 mgKg−1
soil and mountain soil were 25.03 and 14.99 ton/ha. The status and in China coal 35.05 mgKg−1. While V in Liaoyuan
of SOC and BD in agriculture soil is suitable for all type of coalmine was lower than the industrial economic value of
cropping and plantation, while SOC in mountain soil was not 7000 mgKg−1 (China Statistical Bureau 2014; Ren et al.
sufficient to support all type of plants. 2006; Tang and Huang 2004). The abundance of Rare Earth
Elements (REE) such as Sc, Y, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb,
Dy, Ho, Er, Yb, and Lu were lower than the concentration of
Discussions that element in the upper continental crust (JeffersonLab
2007; Kennish 2000; McLennan 2001). However, all the toxic
Pollution prominence and heavy metals were higher in Liaoyuan coalmine than
Earth Crust Abundance value. In major elements, Al2O3,
The study observed great variation in the TTE concentration K2O, Na2O, TiO2, and SiO2 were abundant in Liaoyuan
from region to region and sample to sample. The pollution coalmine, while CaO, Fe2O3, MgO, and MnO were lower
related to TTE in the mining areas were higher than the coun- than the earth crust abundant value (Table 1). It was reported
tryside. The major elements mostly do not count in pollution, that Se and tellurium (Te) has been depleted from the earth
but the extremely high level of major elements may cause crust to form volatile hydride (JeffersonLab 2007; Kennish
Table 3 Environmental and health risk assessment related to trace and toxic elements exist in surrounding environment

Elements Risk to Environment Geo-accumulation of contaminants Risk to water Average daily intake
(GRI) mgKg−1 bw/d

Coal and Agriculture soil Mountain soil Coal and Agriculture soil Mountain soil Hancheng Country side Hancheng Country side
coal wastes coal wastes
Adult Child Adult Child

Al2O3 8.13 1.45 1.85 5.42 0.968 1.235 0.124 0.057 10.546 0.001 1.140 1.216
CaO 3.06 3.407 7.54 2.04 2.272 5.025 0.288 0.315 51.273 13.217 3.727 3.806
Fe2O3 1.91 0.947 1.15 1.27 0.631 0.77 0.038 0.041 5.946 44.291 0.328 0.349
K2O 8.513 0.897 1.72 5.67 0.597 1.149 0.1006 0.089 41.568 52.619 18.91 20.16
MgO 5.53 1.534 2.45 3.7 1.022 1.635 0.2037 0.199 10.700 3.103 6.446 6.823
Na2O 25.16 2.27 5.97 16.8 1.513 3.978 0.1950 0.150 3.603 7.666 1.440 1.455
MnO 1.252 0.547 0.631 0.83 0.364 0.421 0.00068 0.0021 0.200 0.005 0.125 0.134
P2O5 0 0.005 13.04 0.056 14.02 14.95
TiO2 2283.3 1.109 1.23 1522.2 0.739 0.823 0.0029 0.0043 0.229 0.013 0.005 0.005
SiO2 6.37 4.25 0.305 0.302 0.455 0.450
Se 3656.9 2.106 3.49 2437.9 1.404 2.33 0.020 0.0225 0.0044 0.0038 0.0005 0.0005
As 2742.1 0.934 0.83 1828.1 0.623 0.55 0.027 0.030 0.004 0.128 0.0004 0.0004
Ba 4199.5 0.677 0.92 2799.7 0.451 0.611 0.153 0.164 0.123 0.062 0.018 0.019
Cr 8295.9 2.902 3.54 5530.7 1.935 2.363 0.194 0.233 0.055 0.059 0.005 0.005
Cu 780.8 1.107 1.058 520.6 0.738 0.705 0.0033 0.0025 0.055 0.006 0.017 0.018
La 1334.5 0.664 0.627 889.7 0.443 0.418 0.006 0.026 0.0002 0.0001
Li 3611.9 2.121 1.112 2407.9 1.414 0.741 0.025 0.214 0.001 0.001
Mo 780.3 0.321 0.362 520.2 0.214 0.241 0.0751 0.0545 0.005 0.019 0.003 0.004
Ni 2466.2 2.795 3.447 1644.2 1.86 2.298 0.088 0.097 0.018 13.91 0.002 0.0023
Pb 3340.7 0.264 0.84 2227.1 0.18 0.557 0.0011 0.00067 0.053 0.001 0.001 0.0014
Sc 1360.9 0.527 0.614 907.3 0.351 0.409 0.001 0.299 0.000 0.000
Sr 1661.8 0.807 1.389 1107.9 0.538 0.926 0.303 0.266 0.030 0.030
V 811.1 0.661 0.81 540.76 0.44 0.541 0.03033 0.034 0.012 0.288 0.000 0.000
Zn 112,866 37.65 88.9 752.44 25.1 59.29 0.0288 0.0916 0.271 0.003 0.144 0.154
Cd 2075.8 5.930 8.243 1383.9 3.95 5.49 0.01 0.01602 0.001 0.004 0.00012 0.00012
Co 1104.8 0.811 0.85 736.6 0.541 0.567 0.00105 0.00154 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.000
Tl 6870.9 0.647 0.82 4580.7 0.431 0.546 0.00027 0.00014 0.000 0.013 0.000 0.000
Cs 8210.4 0.638 0.86 5473.6 0.425 0.58 0.012 0.000 0.005 0.005
Ga 3396.9 1.67 1.907 2264.6 1.116 1.273
In 0.89 1.102 0.59 0.735 0.000 0.034 0.000 0.000
Environ Sci Pollut Res
Table 3 (continued)

Elements Risk to Environment Geo-accumulation of contaminants Risk to water Average daily intake
(GRI) mgKg−1 bw/d

Coal and Agriculture soil Mountain soil Coal and Agriculture soil Mountain soil Hancheng Country side Hancheng Country side
Environ Sci Pollut Res

coal wastes coal wastes

Adult Child Adult Child

Rb 8403.7 0.948 1.202 5602.1 0.632 0.802 0.031 0.000 0.018 0.019
U 313.6 0.498 0.591 209.1 0.33 0.394 0.1181 0.1006 0.001 0.002 0.000 0.000
Bi 1668.1 1.089 0.947 1112.1 0.727 0.63 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000
Be 1863.9 0.928 0.923 1242.7 0.619 0.63 0.00056 0.00059 0.000 0.003 0.000 0.000
Y 893.6 0.723 0.69 595.7 0.482 0.458 0.003 0.009 0.000 0.000
Ce 1213.8 0.767 0.69 809.3 0.511 0.465 0.009 0.001 0.000 0.000
Pr 1050.6 0.881 0.78 700.4 0.587 0.518 0.001 0.006 0.000 0.000
Nd 1398.4 0.969 0.84 932.3 0.646 0.559 0.006 0.001 0.000 0.000
Sm 1401.0 0.961 0.845 934.1 0.641 0.56 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000
Eu 1519.7 0.907 0.927 1013.1 0.605 0.618 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000
Gd 1224.9 1.011 0.904 816.6 0.674 0.603 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000
Tb 1202.2 0.884 0.817 801.5 0.589 0.545 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000
Dy 1109.9 0.671 0.644 739.9 0.45 0.423 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Ho 1064.7 0.62 0.605 709.8 0.419 0.403 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Er 1219.2 0.61 0.613 812.8 0.409 0.409 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Tm 1025.1 0.579 0.59 683.4 0.39 0.393 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Yb 1017.7 0.569 0.60 678.5 0.379 0.401 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Lu 1009.0 0.58 0.61 672.7 0.389 0.408 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000
Th 2455.1 0.66 0.59 1636.8 0.442 0.393 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000
Sb 0.0142 0.014 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
B 0.0436 0.036 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001
SO4 0.40268 0.2784 3.471 3.432 2.400 2.373
HCO3 0.00051 0.00057 0.009 0.009 0.010 0.010
Environ Sci Pollut Res

2000), but the Se in Liaoyuan coalmine was higher than the prominence of major oxides and their evolution to the
abundance value as well as another international study environment, it was observed, that the major oxide of the
(Seredin and Finkelman 2008; Taylor and Konhauser 2011). current study was high drastically high as compared to Kunli
The distribution of CaO, K2O, and Na2O in coal gangue, et al. (2005) study conducted on the Permo-Carboniferous
coal slime, raw coal and coal ash were 12.5–65%, MgO and coals of north China plate (Fig. 5).
Fe2O3 were 4–25%, while Al2O was highly abundant in be-
tween 35 and 75%, approximately (Fig. 4a). The mode of Risk to environment
occurrence for Fe is ferroselite and eskebornite (Dai et al.
2015), sulfides, micas, carbonates, silicates, oxides, sulfates, In the recent past, there have been abundantly increasing the
phosphates (messelite) (Finkelman et al. 2018). The distribu- TTE in the soil, plants and water, which came from degraded
tion CaO, K2O, and Na2O in both agriculture and mountain mineralized rocks and anthropogenic activates (Hussain et al.
soil were ranged 30–65% approximately, but the abundance in 2015; Kunli et al. 2005). Risk assessment related to coal and
mountain soil was high as compared to agriculture soil. coal wastes revealed that CaO and MnO caused moderate risk,
However, MgO and Fe2O3 in soil were ranged 8–25%, Fe2O3 and MgO caused considerable risk, while remaining all
Al 2 O 3 were 25–50%, approximately (Fig. 4b). While elements caused very high risk to the environment. Whereas
assessing the distribution and abundance of major oxides in in mountain soil, Al2O3, Fe2O3, K2O, MgO, TiO2, Cu, Li, Sr,
soils and coals, it was found that the cations origin in the Ga, In, and Rb caused moderate risk (1 ≤ Cf < 3). Selenium,
Hancheng counties and countryside were due to geogenic Cr, Ni and Na2O caused considerable risk (3 ≤ Cf < 6), CaO,
because of similar significance. To understand overall Zn, and Cd caused very high risk to the environment, while
remain elements caused low risk to the environment (Cf < 1).
In agriculture soil, Al2O3, MgO, Na2O, TiO2, Se, Cr, Cu, Li,
Ni, Ga, Bi, and Gd were caused moderate risk, CaO and Cd
caused considerable risk, Zn caused very high risk, while the
remaining all the elements caused low risk to environment
(Table 3). The mountain and agriculture soil near the coal
mining area were almost similar in response to environmental
contamination and risk (Fig. 6), while comparably higher than
Banat et al. (2005); Khan et al. (2010).
In the Hancheng areas, Se contamination factor (Cf) in the
grass, ornamental plants, corn flour, wheat flour, and foodstuff
were 4.5, 11.4, 2.9, 2.8 and 2.9, respectively. It is obvious, that
grass and ornamental plants (growing in mining garden) were
at very high risk (Cf ≥ 6), while remaining food samples
batches were in moderate to considerable risk (1 ≤ Cf < 3).
In the countryside, Se contamination caused moderate risk to
grass, wheat and corn flour (Cf = 1.2, 2.01 and 1.4, respective-
ly). Arsenic in coal and coal wastes caused very high risk
(Cf ≥ 6), in soil (both mountain and agriculture soil) caused
low contamination and low risk (Cf < 1), which were below
the carcinogenic risk when compared with Ai et al. (2007) and
Li et al. (2012). Similarly, Bi in coal and coal caused severely-
extreme pollution and risk. In agriculture and mountain soil,
Bi caused moderate risk. In Hancheng County, Bi caused high
risk to grass and other food, while moderate risk to ornamental
plants, corn flour and in wheat flour as compared to the
The U and Th in the coal and coal wastes caused high risk,
while in agriculture and mountain soil caused low risk
(Table 3). In Hancheng mining regions, Th in the grass, wheat
flour and in foodstuff caused considerable to high risk and
contamination, while in the countryside, it caused high risk
to foodstuff and moderate risk to corn flour and grass (Fig. 6).
Fig. 4 Distribution and abundance of anions cation in the environment It was reported that high concentration of radioactive and trace
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 5 Comparison of major

oxides in Permo-Carboniferous
coal with the previous study

elements in surrounding environment is extremely harmful to 2007). The appearance of overall environmental risk charac-
human health, water bodies and food crops (Ghose and Majee terization was, Coal and wastes > Plants > Food > Mountain

Fig. 6 Geochemical composition

and comparison of environmental
and health risk valuation in
surrounding areas
Environ Sci Pollut Res

soil > Agriculture soil. By comparing the risk intensities in The average Se contents in coal gangue, coal slime, raw
between Hancheng and countryside, the Hancheng counties coal and coal ash were considerably higher than the threshold
are prone to high risk as compared to the countryside (Fig. 6). value of China (Ren et al. 2006; Tang and Huang 2004), USA
(Finkelman 1993) as well as from normalized earth crust
abundance (0.05 mg/Kg) (Siyue and Zhang 2010). The ob-
Risk to humans served Se contents in agriculture and mountain soil were 3.5-
fold and 2.3-fold (respectively) higher than the China soil
In Hancheng counties, arsenic concentration was more abun- standard (0.29 mgKg−1) and earth crust abundance value
dant in coal and coal wastes, however, the soil has a similar (GB 2012; JeffersonLab 2007; Kennish 2000). By estimating
significance in both Hancheng and countryside. Similarly, ar- Se intake, ADI in Hancheng counties were 0.0044–0.0038
senic in grass and ornamental plants of mining areas were mgKg−1 bw/d adult-children respectively, while in country-
higher than the Chinese soil standard value, while As contents side 0.00049–0.00053 mgKg−1 bw/d adult-children, respec-
in corn flour, wheat flour and in foodstuff of both Hancheng tively, which considerably lower than the optimum dose of
counties and countryside were lower than the Chinese refer- 0.06–0.075 mgKg−1 bw/d (Hurst et al. 2010; Sun et al.
ence value (As = 0.5 for Cereal products & 0.2 grain and their 2016). The current study claimed the Se risk (due to low
products mg/Kg−1) (GB 2012). By observing the impacts on availability to human) would be higher in the countryside
human beings, a total average daily intake of As by adults was compared to Hancheng (Fig. 7). In the study areas, rock for-
0.004 and children was 0.13 mgKg−1 bw/d in Hancheng, mation belongs to Permo-Carboniferous Permian strata which
while in the countryside it was 0.0001–0.0 mgKg−1 bw/d have low Se contents than the optimum level, which influ-
adult-children, respectively. According to health risk assess- ences asthma and especially Keshan and Kashin-beck disease
ment, the HQ in Hancheng was 0.002–0.085 and in country- (cardiomyopathy) (Cai et al. 2015; Chen 2012; Luo 2011; Zhu
side 0.00023–0.00025 for adult-children, respectively, which et al. 2004).
is considerably lower than the As toxicity level of 0.5 mgKg−1 In Hancheng counties, the ADI of Cr was 0.055–0.059, Cd
bw/d as well as cancer and non-cancer risk level (HQ < 1). 0.001–0.004, Ni 0.018–13.9, Pb 0.05–0.01, Fe 5.9–44, V
Currently, arsenic caused no cancer risk and non-cancer risk 0.012–0.28, Co 0.004–0.0001, Mn 0.200–0.005 etc. adult-
while in future, the risk will be high as shown in Fig. 7 and children, respectively. While in countryside, ADI of Cr was
synergistic impacts (Arsenosis or other related health prob- 0.005–0.005, Cd 0.00, Ni 0.002–0.002, Pb 0.001–0.001, Fe
lems) will be higher in children than adults. In 2005, 0.33–0.35, V 0.00, Co 0.00 and Mn 0.12–0.13 etc. adult-chil-
Chinese government campaigned to ban all those coalmines dren, respectively. Among the radioactive elements, ADI of U
where As concentration is greater than 0.1 mgKg−1 (Chen was 0.001–0.002, Bi 0.0001–0.0 and Th 0.002–0.0 mgKg−1
et al. 2014; Jack et al. 2003; Sun et al. 2014). The policy bw/d by adult-children, respectively, in the Hancheng
was flopped due to energy crises and coalmines still a have a counties, while in the countryside, the ADI of U, Bi and Th
role in endemic arsenicosis, skin cancer, lung cancer, black were negligible (0.0 mgKg−1 bw/d) (Table 3). Among all the
foot disease, liver, and bladder cancer in some of the regions trace elements, the majority were higher than Chinese refer-
in China (Tseng et al. 2002; Yu et al. 2007). ence standard for food (GB 2012) as well as previous studies

Fig. 7 Evaluation of carcinogenic

and Keshan and Kashin-Beck
disease risk
Environ Sci Pollut Res

(Ren et al. 2006, Tang and Huang 2004). By evaluating health elements in coal and coal wastes were; current study > China
risk (at Hancheng regions), Cr, Cu, Mn, Pb, Ti, Cd, Co, Th, (coal and coal waste) > USA (coal and coal waste), while in
Fe, Al and Mo causing non-cancer risk to a human with high soil; mountain soil > Agriculture soil, in food & plants;
morbidity in Children than an adult. However, As, Bi and Hancheng county > countryside, while in water;
other remaining elements causing neither cancer nor non- WHO>Hancheng> countryside.
cancer risk to humans (Fig. 6). In Hancheng County, a series health risk were observed
related to TTE. The ADI (mgKg−1bw/d) of Se, As, Cr, Cd,
Mitigation options Ni, Pb etc., were 0.004–0.0038, 0.004–0.13, 0.055–0.06,
0.001–0.004, 0.018–13.91, 0.05–0.001 adult-children respec-
It is obvious, that coal mining creates a lot of problems includ- tively. While in countryside, ADI of Se 0.0005–0.00053, As
ing soil, water and air pollution, food contamination and land 0.0004–0.0045, Cr 0.005–0.0052, Cd 0.00012–0.00012, Ni
degradation. By removing these problems through natural 0.002–0.0023, and Pb 0.001–0.0014 in mgKg−1 bw/d adult-
ways, the study proposed the afforestation option. For this children, respectively. In both areas, selenium was below the
purposes, the soil organic carbons (SOC) were determined in optimum level of 0.06–0.075 mgKg−1 bw/d. The Se and As
the mountain and agriculture soil of Hancheng counties. The (carcinogenic) risk were higher to children than adults in both
SOC in mountain soil were ranged 7.5–26.1 (average 14.99), Hancheng and countryside. Similarly, Cr, Cu, Mn, Pb, Ti, Cd,
while in agriculture soil were 14–50 (average 25.03) ton/ha, Co, Th, Fe, Al, and Mo caused non-cancer risk, while As, Ba,
respectively. The current stock of SOC in agriculture and Sr, U, Sb, and B causing neither cancer nor non-cancer risk to
mountain soil were 32-fold and 53-fold (respectively) lower humans. In both areas, the health risk was higher, but children
than Cai et al. (2015). The lower SOC in mountain soil is due are more exposed to risk than adults are.
to either degradation of mountain soil or dumping of the Similar, the environmental risks in mining area were high
mountain soil through mining wastes. By growing local tree’s as compared to the countryside. The integrated risk trend at
forest and green grasses in the mining areas will considerably Hancheng was Coal & coal wastes caused high risk, food &
improve the SOC in soil environment and surely minimize the plants faced moderate-high risk, while mountain and agricul-
atmospheric carbon and TTE (Chojnacka et al. 2005). ture soil are prone to low-considerable rick. The pollution in
Besides the afforestation, a sustainable utilization is also the study areas was high which is dangerous to human health
efficient option to maintain the new products and reuse coal and environment. The study suggested that coal wastes utili-
wastes in cement framework, bricks, land reclamation, filling zation, safely dumping and post-mining plantation (local
mine trench, road construction, and economic benefit areas. It plants species) would surely minimize the extent of contami-
was reported, that utilization of wastes from coal mining and nants and environmental risk to greater extent.
washing were 24.7% and 57.4% in 1999 and 2003 respective-
ly, while in the USA and Britain it was more than 90% Acknowledgments The National Basic Research Program of China
(Grant No. 2014CB238906), the National Natural Science Foundation
(CCICED 2009; Zhang et al. 2008). However, in 2009,
of China (Grant Nos. 41172310 and 41472322) and CAS-TWAS Ph.D.
Teifa coalfield utilize 37% of coal wastes to produce 1.6 bil- fellowship, supported this study. We are grateful to Mr. Gao Bolin and the
lion brick account for 49.43 million RMB/year (Fan et al. workers of Liaoyuan Coalmine, Hancheng coal mining Bureau, for their
2013). Utilization not only reduces the coal wastes but also permit and help us to collect the samples in their Coalmine field. The
authors are highly grateful to local guileless residents of Hancheng,
reduced elemental contamination and environmental risk.
Shaanxi, for them allow us to go to their homes and farming fields to
collect samples of food, drinking water and soil.

Conclusions Compliance with ethical standards

The study concluded that coal gangue, coal slime, raw coal Conflict of interest The authors have no conflict of interest.
and coal ash of the current study have a significantly high
level of elemental pollutants than the previous study of
China and USA. However, the elemental pollutants in agricul-
ture and mountain soil have a similar significance, which is References
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