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Complete the crossword puzzle below
1 2

5 6

7 8





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Across Down
1. Identify the economy's performance. 1. The gradual development of something, especially
6. Researching population growth rates, social from a simple to a more complex form.
mobility, and market demographics. 2. Relate to the laws that apply in the state, country,
7. Refer to the government's involvement in the or territory where a business operates
industry and economy 3. The basic systems and services that are needed in
11. Advancements or innovations that can affect a order to support an economy
business. The factors include research and 4. The abuse of entrusted power for private gain.
development, robotics, artificial in 5. The act or process, or a manner of growing;
12. The use of technology to perform tasks with development; gradual increase.
where human input is minimized. 8. The availability of natural resources and climate
13. A detailed examination of anything complex in change, which can affect operation.
order to understand its nature or to determine its 9. Acronym for social, technological, economic,
essential features environmental, political, legal, and ethical threats
10. A general set of moral principles that people of a
particular belief system follow and can include factors
similar to culture

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