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Urban Streetscapes

Research · June 2022

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12934.86085


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1 author:

Anzal Rao
NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi


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Today, several scientific disciplines consider health to be a positive and holistic state
encompassing the individual's entire life situation: biological, cultural, social, and not least
environmental aspects. So, the spaces in which we live in becomes a matter of our concern,
because our health whether physical or mental is deeply linked with the environment in which
we live. The streets in the city are the highest trafficked spaces so as cities are striving to
improve their liveability, it becomes important for architects and planners to understand what
contributes to making a quality streetscape.

Streetscapes are a crucial part of the image of the cities, so they can not be neglected while
designing. The city has these small corridors that reflect the culture and the quality of
interaction that take place there. Since we are living in an era where a concept like New
Urbanism is ongoing, walkability becomes the newly emerging concept, the places where
people interact, relax and socialize. Various streetscapes are documented during the process
of their regeneration and the outcome has a visible impact on the character of the street and
the people using it.

So, the purpose of this report is to highlight the importance of streetscape character and its
development to enhance people's outdoor experiences and give them a sense of ownership

New Urbanism, Streetscapes, Social well-being, Health,

Flexibility, Image of the city.
Streetscapes are part of the context in which we live, they have become an essential part of
Urban design, as a human living in this post-modern world streetscapes are a new norm,
people appreciate spending time outdoors and a good streetscape helps in getting that.
It brings people together and helps them to interact in a better way. A large side of human
health is influenced or affected by the type of streetscape from which they interact. There is a
list of studies that shows the connection between human health and landscapes.
The report includes a detailed review of those researches and explores a connection between
humans and streetscapes and their amplified impact on social cohesion among people. As
urbanization is increasing people around the world have less and less exposure to the green
spaces, r the natural contextual settings, this will keep on increasing due to rapid population
growth also converting the natural landscapes into useable areas.
On the contrary, if the streetscapes are not properly designed then what will be the
consequences that we have to bear, and did it affect the social health of communities, these
will be addressed in this report concerning the case studies and the context of Karachi.

The report elaborates that how the streetscapes are a tool for social cohesion and well-being,
explaining various factors involved in causing hurdles in the process, so the assumption is that
these factors can be resolved to achieve again the lost social cohesion that we once had with
the streets.

Streetscapes are defined as the elements that make up a scene on the street, it includes roads,
vegetation, people, buildings, animals, sidewalks, trees, street lights, etc. The function of the
streetscapes is to project the form of the naturally built environment and it has an experiential
quality attached to it. Streetscapes also project the public life of the residents living in the area.
These are spaces where people are engaged in different activities. Since it reflects the culture
of the people living in a city the streetscape becomes the success criteria for the city.

Streets provide the space for the experience since it is linked with various people from different

age groups to different backgrounds and various jobs it becomes the way to express the society

and also the criterion that how much we own the streetscapes; do we respect it or not. The
reason to study the streetscape is also because it is deeply rooted in the health of the people;
the quality of the streetscape links with the wellbeing of the users.
Good streetscape also has economic sustenance of the area, the good the streetscape the
better the interaction among the elements of the street, which will promote the right kind of
flow which will sustain the socio-economic profile of the area

Several aspects are linked with a well-designed streetscape

It involves economic, social, environmental, health and comfort, social responsiveness,
sustainability factors, etc.

Sustainable materials are manufactured with concern for toxicity, sustainability of sources, and
the amount of energy required for production. Using sustainable materials reduces energy use
and conserves natural resources. Sustainable materials are made from renewable resources.
So, materials that are utilized in the streetscape should be sustainable so that replacement and
excessive maintenance are not required, when utilizing materials that are not durable. Paving
materials may be selected for reflectivity, green manufacturing, local sourcing, and

This category includes desiGn solutions that reduce the consumption of material resources.
Design options that use recycled materials in construction require fewer infrastructures in the
solution, r increase durability.

Streetscape must create a good environment for people to visit and gather. Social and
economic interactions are communal goals of a good streetscape design. So sustainable
streetscape aims to:
•• Improve environmental quality by improving air quality, reducing heat island effects,
improving water quality, and reducing light pollution.
•• Sustain social well-being by making the streets fit enough for public walking and
gathering places where social interaction can occur regularly, and encourage outdoor
•• Sustain economic vitality by reducing the consumption of material resources.
•• Sustain limited natural resources regionally by reducing energy use, water use, and
stormwater runoff by increasing permeable surface area and landscaping.
•• Sustain urban fabric by improving the visual image of any city.
•• Contribute to improved public health by facilitating and encouraging walking and
other recreational activities within the community

Various studies are showing the link between health and natural outdoor environments. The
streetscape also serves as a factor to affect the health of the user, it involves various spaces
like bus stops, and sitting areas, noise from the effects of the road the conduct of people with
each other, and also effects upon their individual physical and mental health status.

“The links between healthy urban areas and the longevity of older people were explored in a
study of the five-year survival
rates of 3,144 people in Japan.
Two environmental factors
increased the probability of
surviving five years: having
walkable green space near
people’s homes and having a
positive attitude to their
community. These factors
increased people’s longevity
independent of other factors such
as age, sex, marital status, and
socio-economic status”1
“While the complexity of the
relationship between people’s
behaviors, socio-economic
backgrounds, health, and green
space makes establishing causal
relationships difficult”2, most
studies support the view that
green spaces have beneficial health Figure 1 Showing the link of health and Environment

So, as we know contemporary city planning is becoming more popular, one of the most famous
popular emerging concepts involves the theory of New Urbanism. New urbanism is an urban
design movement to create pedestrian-oriented settlements that also advance social equity
and mitigate the environmental impacts of development. Proponents of the movement have
suggested it offers a model of sustainable development. New Urbanism involves the planning
of the cities that are closer to human scale it includes the quality experience of a person
moving, New Urbanism includes the concept of walkable blocks and streets, housing and
shopping areas in close proximity, taking the experience outside from the automobile to the

person that ultimately promotes the health of the person.


Takano., et al, Urban residential environments and senior citizens’ longevity in megacity areas: the
importance of walkable green spaces, Journal of Epidemiological Community Health; 56:913–918, 2002.
Lee, A C K., and Maheswaran, R., The health benefits of urban green spaces: a review of the evidence, Journal
of Public Health vol. 33, No. 2, pp 212–222.
So, the streetscape theory takes its origin from the concept of New Urbanism, as a
contemporary concept, it promotes walkability, street character, user-friendly furniture, and
layouts, and proper application of signages, so that well-being can be maintained.

The plan was to introduce placemaking to the street and give the people a sense of ownership
of the street so that it will enhance their attraction to the space and ultimately will increase
social cohesion.

“‘Placemaking’ is both an overarching idea and a hands-on tool for improving a

neighborhood, city, or region. It has the potential to be one of the most transformative ideas
of this century.”
-Metropolitan Planning Council of Chicago

The problem with the street was that it was mostly used for the vast movement of the vehicles
rather than the people due to which it was losing its character, and becoming barren day by
day and the residents were deprived of the lively neighborhood and interactive street culture.
So, it was thought to bring back by giving various design solutions:

Placemaking can address the planning issues that are present on Robinson Street. The first is
to reconcile the transportation conflicts present on Robinson Street due to the narrow right-
of-way. Second, as identified by the Historical Monument Avenue and Fan District Foundation
(HMAFDF), are the streetscape issues including clutter, lack of appeal, and degradation. Also,
the planning issue is the large vacant parcel located at the southern edge of Robinson Street. 8
The design proposal includes the
following design theories
• Figure-ground theory
• Linkage theory
• Place theory

• Removal of movement of
• Making wider sidewalks Figure 2 Existing Robinson Street

• Giving more space for the

• Convert the street to one-way traffic
• Opening it for the pedestrian movements

Streetscape is one of the biggest tools to create place-making.

• Creating two gateways so that it will give a sense of arrival.
• Planting trees in the empty tree wells
• Encourage private flower boxes and other planters to enhance “greenery” along the
• Build curb-outs with space to plant trees within existing parking lanes to provide shade
during the summer months
• Bury power lines and remove utility poles to drastically reduce the amount of “clutter”
present on the street.
• Reduce the number of utility poles by combining utility, cable, phone, and other utility lines
onto one pole.
• Where possible, implement interactive street art installations.
• Encourage murals alongside facing buildings to create a dynamic experience down
Robinson Street.
• Implement pedestrian-scaled street lighting that will light the street but not disrupt the
residences along Robinson Street
• Space pedestrian-scaled lighting to create a unified rhythm down the street
• Repair all sidewalks currently in poor condition using existing concrete surfacing
• Triangulate street furniture to maximize space and use. One example is to place a bus
shelter, trash can, a newspaper box adjacent to one another.

In the past few decades’ street are emerging as dense spaces because the flow of vehicles has
increased vividly, so in reaction what is happening is that pedestrian life is constantly suffering
in that case. This report covers how the character of the streets can be revived again so that
the revival of better social interaction and experience can be achieved.

Generally, we see that more and more public concerns are appearing about enhancing the
streetscape also planners around the world are thinking about constructing cities around the
concept of walkability, all these are indicators that how much health and social cohesion are
important in today’s world.

Figure 3 Imperial Custom house street, Source: Google

The origin of an organized Customs Department in the Indo-Pak Sub-Continent can be traced
to 1878 when maritime Customs operations were sought to be institutionalized by Her
Majesty’s Crown under the Sea Customs Act.
In 1901, Karachi was declared the Chief Port of Sindh. In the following year, a plan was
instituted to build permanent offices for the port and Customs officials in Karachi. The task was
entrusted to Mr. G. Willet, the consulting architect to the Government of Bombay, who
designed the new building as a semi-circular structure in the Victorian tradition. The
construction of the building commenced in 1912 and culminated in 1914. The first meeting of
KPT and Customs was held in that building on 12 January 1916.
After independence in 1947, the Sea Customs Act, of 1878 continued to be the legal framework
for Customs operations in Pakistan. 3

Following are the issues that were part of the old custom house street.
• The walkability was an issue, people can not use the old street due to the presence of
pollution and garbage.
• The façade of the Custom-house building was not appealing, because it had patina or dirt
on its façade.
• There was the issue of sewerage lines, drainage was not proper
• The trees or plantations were not there.
• There was very little provision for the lighting on the street.
Due to the above-mentioned issues, the people were not able to use the street and own it.

The design team proposed the following solutions that later on were implemented on
enhancing street character.

• Old sewerage and electrical lines were replaced with new ones so that the street drainage
system should function properly
• The street got its character from the new installation of street furniture including street

lights and benches


Hard and softscapes were introduced to make it aesthetically sound.

• Water bodies were also introduced.
• The façade of the custom house was renovated.

The project includes the involvement of common people too so that they could get some skills,
which shows that this project is also an example of social responsiveness.

Figure 4 Before construction Source: Google

Figure 5 old street image, Source: Google Figure 6 Construction phase, Source: Google
Figure 7 After Construction, Source: Google

Figure 8 Facade Renovation, Source: Google


Figure 9 Laying the sewerage lines, Source: Google

The expected outcome of this report is to understand various factors that are involved in
deteriorating the character of streetscapes, it focuses on how the streetscapes design is
related to the social well-being of the occupants of the area, and also it not only restricts itself
to the people but also it is linked with economic and environmental factors along with the user
comforts and healthy interactions, it also enhances the street character thus it enhances the
image of the city as well.
It is also linked with giving identity to the place and becoming a “genius loci”.
The research topic also helps to discover in multiple directions because streetscape is part of
the theory of New Urbanism, so one can easily explore various aspects of it ranging from
lynching to permeability and so on.
The research also helped me to explore various strategies and techniques involved while
designing or redesigning a streetscape, and what factors are crucial to consider.
So, the intent and concept of changing the streetscape can generate an impact on society and
on the surroundings, its impact is visible from small alterations on streets too big as social well-

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