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UNIT 11 - 12


A. Identify where the article a/an can be used correctly. Cicrle the X if the article is
not necessary. (5 pts. – 1 each)

1. Medellin is a / x beautiful city, but an / x polluted.

2. Singapore has a / an great transportation system.
3. Shakira has a / an fantastic voice.
4. Taking a bus tour is a / an excellent way to see the city.
5. Roman visited Cancun last year. He had a / an incredible time there.

B. Use the correct adverb of degree for the following sentences (somewhat, really,
(5 pts. – 1 each)
1. Switzerland is ____________ cold. you have to wear a sweater in summer
2. The metro is ____________ crowded at noon. Sometimes you can find a seat,
sometimes you can't.
3. The supermarket is_________ far. You can walk easily.
4. Australia’s temperature is __________ hot. You should wear sun protector.
5. That house is __________ big. It’s not the biggest house in the neighborhood but
it’s comfortable enough for a numerous family.

C. Identify the correct modal in its affirmative or negative form (can-can't / should -
(5 pts. – 1 each)

1. I love this city. You _______ find many really great restaurants all around.
2. Buses are ________ crowded this time of the day. You Can't take a taxi.
3. You _______ find a supermarket open after 8 pm in this neighborhood. They are all
4. You look really sick. You ________ call a doctor.
5. He looked for the restaurant everywhere but
he_______ find it.
D. Express suggestions for a headache in 3 different
ways. (5 pts. – 1 each).
1. ________________________
2. ________________________
3. ________________________

E. Ask for suggestions for a flu in five different ways. (5 pts. – 1 each).
1. ______________________
2. ______________________
3. ______________________
4. ______________________
5. ______________________

SPEAKINGIn Session Task – Presentation (PPT):

- Remember to make a PPT only with images and few words (complete sentences are
not accepted).
- The presentation must last from 7 to 10 minutes.
- During the presentation, speak naturally not by memory.
- Be ready to have a short conversation with the teacher in charge after you finish the

SLIDE 1 = Describe el lugar más lejano al que hayas ido de vacaciones.

SLIDE 2 = Elige cuatro enfermedades y describe sus respectivos síntomas. Menciona al menos
dos síntomas por cada enfermedad
SLIDE 3 = Sugiere tres o más posibles soluciones para los
siguientes problemas de la salud: 1) A woman who wants to have a
softer skin. 2) A man who wants to look more attractive. 3) A 55-
year old lady who wants to gain more mobility. 4) A child who suffers
from insomnia

*Las instrucciones están dadas en español para evitar confusiones.

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