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So, let's see what's the thing with you.

I bet you'll let me see each other.

Maybe I will turn because I want to be more in here because I can't see it.
I don't have my glasses.
So, I think my intention is to hear your knowledge about what does it mean to
bring to do
piecework in Israel Palestine, from what you experienced, and from what now you
perceive at this
In my movement, we are working only with aerobic that are inside of it, like not
people who are like Palestinians on the, but a lot of working the inner society.
And actually it's going really good.
Even in this time, there is a lot of cooperation.
Even it intensified, I think, a lot.
Yeah, but, you know.
Yeah, what to say, I said it in the morning, I'm not speaking.
I can't speak out of a point where I feel, well, we have success.
We grow, it will succeed.
But for me, if you ask me about my experience in the Middle East and in the work
between Palestinians and Israelis,
for me, the main thing was always, always, always to find the point of deep
listening and really sharing the narratives with out reaction.
So, give a space where the reaction is not too quick and from there, so much love
And I have to say, the Piddlemitch, what we made in 2005, we made two
Piddlemitches, but the first one was really the one when we met in north of Israel
and we went through the,
so we saw a letter with the theatre, we refused to be enemies and then performed
the same theatre in the West Bank.
And I think this experience was life changing for all the ones who participated
and we faced the fear for the Israeli, for example, to enter the West Bank,
and to feel the hatred which is coming from there and to stay in trust and
readiness to listen, this was amazing.
We were a small group, 50 people, but it's where it is, I think, maybe 10.
Only was one of them and just the noise always is fear and what it does mean to
step out of identification, who am I, or to me, me as a German when we performed
the theatre, we refused to be enemies, it was a big opening happening.
But then also I remember this moment when Palestinian on the stage, first he said,
thank you to the theatre, but then it changed to an anger, and when he said, you
Germans, you are the guilty ones.
And normally I would have react with fear and with the try to defend myself, but
there I was in blessed by something deeper, and I said yes, I know, thank you, I'm
sorry, and also for, it was not me, it was a history of our, we have so big
histories from different lines coming, and how we will become ready to shift them,
towards a core possibility of peace.
And in a short way, again I would say the deep listening, deep listening, and the
readiness of coming in contact.
And we feel it already now again, we have people here who are involved in the
peace movements since so many years, and now with the war situation, again this
identification comes
and the fear and this, oh, please don't hurt me, don't take me here, and there is
it's so challenging to find a real, I would now say, how was statement, the
question, how can we end violence?
And there I cannot say I have the full answer, if I would have the full answer, we
would have already succeed, but I stay with this question, and I stayed even more
right now, because I feel we are moving towards the next world war, and how can we,
in peace movement, really stay ready to say, we are here for the shift, we are here
because we believe,
non-violence is possible.
The identification, I really feel it too, I told Hannah that it's, you know, when
I ring to my right, I can see all the projections, but the last terrorist attacks,
like in the last two years in Israel, was like people driving cars and going to
So, and then I was, and I know, I know either, but I don't almost have a, I didn't
know him.
So, I was going on the road and then he came by really fast with the car, and I
was like running, I was really scared.
And then I could see really clearly that it was a projection, but if I was in
Israel, I couldn't have seen, it wouldn't be clear to me, that it's a project, or
I met him in the bar and a friend, so he, she said, yeah, this is all, and then I,
I was said nice to meet you, but I felt like, he doesn't want to continue the
So, I feel really the identification is really coming up, and also I feel it's a
really big boundary for peace work, because I know for myself, I can be very clear,
when I'm not in identification.
Even in intensity, I can be really clear, and if I'm in identification, I can't.
So, maybe if you can speak more about this.
For me, this is exactly the point.
I don't know what, when you met Mustafa, for example, the tea, why did he drive so
Maybe there was a point of anger, and so there's so many things are going inside,
and they are meeting, and you want to run away,
because of fear, he doesn't want to speak. This is the normal situation where we
are in a humanity, and why you notice this,
and then offer a meeting and a talk, why did you drive so quick? Things can come
to the point, yeah?
And I think we are normally reacting out of fear. This is our normal statement in
the, what statement it's, our normal state,
yes, because we are coming from a history of thousands of years of fear, and my
practice is mainly, I do it maybe, 20 times,
or even more often in the day to look.
What is my point from where am I conducted right now, and in the moment when I
want to run away,
or when I want to defend myself, I notice, oh, this is the, the fear is conducting
me, and there for me,
there is the key point, can I do the shift, and I feel the emergency call that we
find this shift is growing,
and I only have the readiness to really try to figure out if I notice it's a
research, it's something we look to a world,
which will maybe not survive as humanity, if not some people there to really ask
for a shift,
and this gives me the power, even if I'm standing in front of an officer or not to
say you are the guilty one,
we always look for the duty ones in the outer world, and maybe there is guilt,
but first to look how can I find the point to meet the, I believe in every, every
being, human beings, animals,
plants, there is a point of sacredness, and I'm doing the research to find this
place of sacredness and from there act,
and so this is for me freedom, and I don't judge myself if I notice, oh, I'm
reacting, it's happening to all of us,
we are in the matrix where the raw matrix is much more stronger than the piece
but the ones who always notice, okay, now I started again to find, now I started
again to react,
and from there find the shift, and as you know, I would not live in Tamera, if I
would not do so deeply the research is there the possibility
that a small group really figures out what is piece about, and all on all levels,
and in Tamera often I could say, oh no, I can't make it on my own way, but it
meets patients, it meets dedication,
it meets readiness, and this for me it's not, it's not just a game, it's much
and I have to say when we were in East Florida Palestine, the last time when I
remember I was there,
I had a very strong dream, and I had the stream that there was a war ship, a big
and I had to save a little sailing boat into a hayburn where we are safe, and this
was the moment where I felt we don't have the power right now to really build a
piece research with it,
and really it's, it's we are not ready, we need research, and so I'm so thankful
that we have people here from the Middle East,
I'm sad that it's only Mustafa and I'd have from Palestine, and I would love to
have more here, because how they feel in this feeling,
we are alone, this needs support, it needs embracement, and from there, we can
figure out together what is next, what is our next step.
Can you tell more about the experiences of the two pilgrimages, like, how was it,
and what insights, and like, how you reached that we're not ready,
like what happened, that made you feel that the ground is not ready.
We are not ready, we came much later, but the pilgrimages for me were the first
one, it was exactly when it was announced in the Iran that there was start a war
and I was not in PC and Tamarife, now this is not a map what we are doing, this
feeling, what I also have now of, we have to find something much deeper,
and so in those days I decided to do a pilgrimage with the slogan of Peace
Research Village instead of a tank, and I decided to give all my money away,
and the nearest idea was with the Aula, we had not the money and nothing to build
a study place here, and this was so special,
and before I had the decision there was so much fear and you can do it, and people
will be laugh about you, many, many fears came up,
and in the moment when I had the decision I go for this, it was a very day, this
feeling, I am a holistic being,
and every step what I do today has an impact to the whole, and this was really one
of my deepest experiences,
I had as a long frequency of peace, and this was amazing, I had no money, I had
all the money, what I received,
I had sent to Tamarra, but every day I had what is my foot today, what were eat,
when do I sleep, I did not know, without any plans,
and then I arrived in Israel and I was received in October from around 50 people,
and we started in the north, and we had, we were already there,
on the Mount of Amman, and our first meeting place was Hadoof, in the Mekub there,
it was also there, it was so touching to have this,
we were in the forest outside, and we saw how they did build the keyboards, they
had the same ideas in the beginning, like Tamarra,
and then we faced that they had a lot of ideas, how to reach peace, but inside
there were so much pain and trauma triggered, yes,
and but we met a lot of deep friends there, so we, they picked mushrooms for us,
so we did.
I was shocked, and now we took a shower, and I went to the desert, just good,
here, hi, hi, we are in the midst of an interview, but sometimes I don't, wow,
I don't know, I'm ready to find it, but I'm going to swear this next to the road
here, because it was in Israel,
maybe I buried here, it might take the three, yeah, then it's protected, okay,
ciao, ciao, thank you,
and for me it was amazing that we were always on the road with 50 people walking,
the eldest was our early, and these, she was in those times, maybe around 70, my
age, wow, and she walked all this way, yes, and to perform the theatre after a
and then we had so many reactions from in Israel, and many people said, we fear
seen, in the whole story, we made a story out of what we had here in our
reconciliation camp,
and we were as Palestinians and Israelis where they told their stories, and we
made a theatre out of it, I don't know whether you know yet yet, that now he was a
very known musician in Israel, Arabic, Israeli,
and he told about the hope that they had when Paris was doing his work, and this
someone had salam the song, the piece song, and he told how he felt misused,
bringing all the engagement and then seeing that the politicians don't really
listen, it was more, they felt misused, and there we said, let's try again, and
let's meet in Bittleham and bring the song, and I met so many people who want
peace, really on both sides, I was not aware how much peace workers there are, for
example, in Israel, for sure,
but also in Palestine, and so the war itself was touching for us to see all the
stories, and then sitting in front of the wall in Malfaqah,
and the lines of November where the Christianites started, we were sitting there
in front of the wall in silence and in prayer, and then even soldiers have to ask
that we could enter the West Bank, and it was not perfectly allowed that is where
it is, went into it, and this moment when we crossed the border, first it seemed we
cannot enter but then we could,
and then on the other side you see the wall full of paintings and against
occupation and anger and the fear that's yeah, and then not to react with fear but
to say, okay, this is the other side, and here we have to find our way,
and just some days ago, a fire is a farmer in Palestine, he wrote me, and he said,
oh, we need your help, because he was one of the fighters against, and since this
period of time, she changed his whole life towards a peace worker, and he has, in
front of the wall, he has a big area,
he makes a garden meeting with him, and he invited a lot of Arabs to say, we have
to find our mission, we can't find the dance, we have to find what is our mission
to live, and now his daughter,
she wanted to become a suicide bomber, and we had deep talks with her, and she
said, yes, we have no military, the historians have no military, we don't have
this, so what shall we do?
And I noticed I want to protect my parents and everything, and I'm ready to give
my life, and we had so deep talks to say, hey, this is not the way, but let's find
our way, this was very, very touching and deep,
and then the other side when we crossed the West Bank, I wanted to, with the
pilgrims, some settlers, and this one, and I said, I want to know them also, what
is it about?
And then the people were so touched, what they faced in the West Bank, but they
said, no, you cannot go there, so I didn't, and I said, no, my workers in the name
of grace, and that's, you don't need to go with me, but for sure I go,
and I want to share and to listen to the narratives, and then also that was so
touching, also the story, yes, what was the point for, there was this kind of
political creating separation, there wasn't living together, there was a sharing,
and in the settlers, there was one woman, they told why they came to Israel, which
kind of hope and why they are living there, and we shared of our pilgrimage of the
West Bank,
and then one woman said, I have to go to visit my neighbors, I have to come to
know them, it was close to bit them,
and she wrote a slater that she, after all of us, she decided to visit, I forgot
the name, it's close to bit them, a place, and she said, it was like walking
through the wall of China to do this decision, and all of my people said, you are
crazy, you don't do this, it's dangerous, and she walked,
and they became friends, very deep friends, and I had also much later I was in the
reach of close to bit them, and the next war can scar the started, and there were
settlers, there were,
so it is, there were international people, there are people who beyond all our
political statements, there is a new main statement, and I think we have to bring
this to awareness,
and at the moment it's even more challenging to do it.
I spoke with Sami, I went from Holy Land Trust, when I met him the first time, I
was, I felt, wow, a man from Palestine who says, we don't fight the densities where
it is, we have to find our own vision, what is the dream of Palestinians when the
dream is over and so touching,
and now he is really at a point of desperation, many, many are, and how to nourish
it now, how to say we don't leave you alone,
because in my feeling there is happening of a trauma, because how to say it,
people on both sides are looking towards peace, since many, many years,
and there is a capitalist government engagement which enlist into weapons, more
and more and more, and they live from war,
and there is a crime happening, they don't really say the truth, and here not to
fight, not to nourish hatred, but to say no, to find a voice which is powerful,
this is my research, and you asked me when did you stop when you say, we are not
strong enough, this was much later when I came again,
and we noticed, for example, to win East War, Arian peace workers and Palestinians
together, you need such a wisdom in the human core questions,
and as long as we look in this way, you might, this, you might, there is no
solution, and to nourish the vision, it's much more than a question,
the thing is aliens and Palestinians, it's a global question, and then I noticed,
we here have to leave them our work, and we see a well, we are, it's a lot of work,
because it's not coming from a weak point, it needs this deep, deep engagement
towards non-violence, as a power, not as a fear is so strong.
Yeah, and I think what you said about the wisdom, like a voice, I just said, not
everyone can be a fool, like you have to have a lot of wisdom in order to see what
people are identifying with,
and then how to creatively take them out of it without clashing with them, so I
think it's, I don't think there is enough people in Israel, how it's time that are,
like I can say,
for myself, most of the time I'm not in the identity, most of the war in Israel is
a lot between the right wing and the left wing, because what you said,
and people who are suffering from it are the Palestinians, but like the left wing,
like who we hate, are not our settlers,
because they are ruining our dream for Israel that is not occupational, and they
hate us, like, there are demonstrations of like,
left wings, that left wings go, we drown you in the sea, like all this, this, that
I feel it's like, yeah, the government of course is like making this bigger and
but that's one of my questions actually, I'm coming back, that I feel like, bring
the peace knowledge into this, and also there is a situation in Israel that, maybe
it's in all the globe like this,
but the left wing is very rich and educated and class above, like, of most of
right wing Israelis like in marginalized neighborhoods,
making low salary and from Ethiopia or Morocco, like the West and the East, not
the East, but you know, this power structure in Israel,
and the Western countries, which can assume there are like left wing and left
countries and other people who really have a hard chip in life are like,
what are you talking about, and there's really, like one of my deepest experiences
was when the three boys were kidnapped of the settlements, and I was like, I don't
know, 25,
and then I just didn't care, I was like, yeah, they deserve it because they're
living there, they're hurting other people's rights, and yeah,
and like, realizing that in myself there is so much hatred, but it's not even to
other people outside of our nation, it's really, and then I have a really big
question of how to bring peace knowledge and peace work into this climate that it
can polarize like,
I feel like how to bring peace knowledge not in war with other people.
Yeah, this is the key, and for me this is so deeply about this learning to not be
I just when I shared the story when we crossed the war, and we were having a rest
in the circle, and we had a deep listening with the people who walked with us,
and then came the soldiers and interrupted and said, what are you doing here, and
so on, and we said, we are here for sharing these flowers to stay, so they became
and then they said, can we participate, and then the groups had no way, this is
our enemies, and I said, no, please don't project the guns and so on, let's check
and ask them whether they are ready to share, you know, this is always in little
examples, so after a while I could make it happen that the groups said, okay, we
let them in,
and then the sharing happened, and then what I talked about before the farmer
fires, he spoke about his family and his spoke about what your mothers and your
fathers feel, maybe it's the same, what we feel,
and suddenly there was a meeting point, and I only believed in a peaceful movement
where we are able to cross borders and to create meeting points, and as long as
this cannot happen, it's like,
we work like we're used, where we hide behind where you slept or right or
everywhere the wings, but if you look wow, in the left wing there is so much work
you without really contact, and the same on the other side,
The other side doesn't exist, there is life in the core,
and the piecework needs to find the strengths to not be confused by this work
views and to say, here I am standing for life.
I am standing for truth, I am standing for contact.
I advise my voice.
Yeah, I think a lot of pieceworkers in Israel, because
piecework is very superficial, I can judge it, you know, but...
No, it's not, but...
So I think we feel like if we will not be at war with the right wing,
we will be giving up on peace.
Like we can't, if we are friends with them, then we are like betraying the
and if we are friends with that, like this kind of...
But I really take from what you say that it has to start from place that there is
no one is your enemy.
Identification is so deep in the core,
and I hit the mission that we created,
camp, and for my military base camp, when we say we burn our passports,
now I hear Eida and I hear she says, I am Palestinians, not because of a person,
but because I know I have to speak for a whole nation, which is not,
and I can fully accept this, and on the other side, there is something as long as
be live in nationalities, and it's all already conditioning, which is coming out
of war.
And when I look back to, I call it always Karna and when I feel it's so long ago
the patriarchal culture started, and the story was told there was Akraham, and he
had Hagar
pregnant, and then his wife, Reelof, wife Sara, became pregnant too, and he sent
out Hagar in the desert.
What is stopping, what a narrative, and we have to overcome it, yeah, on a
sensitive level,
where we say we are no more in left or right or whatever, we have to figure out
that we are all
all nourishing war systems, as long as we don't understand the matrix of nature,
the matrix of their existent point where war does not exist.
I mean, Mandela is an example, he will have many years, he was in prison, but he
there's something I think he was really fighting with, to find the statement to
you know, and then of course he did not succeed because there were no followers,
but what he enabled is amazing, and also when I hear from some people who are
survived the
concentration camps, I don't know whether you know the stories of Jackress O'Raw
for example,
a blind person, and Reelof Allen, he said, it's so touching to read his voice, how
he was blind,
and how he were able to, he had no enemies, what does it mean? I would choose to
be enemy,
as well to a perpetrator, I stepped out of this, not on a level where I don't,
there to say my truth, no, I mean it on a much higher level where I feel,
you can come to the point where I say goodness is more powerful than all the
And what do you feel like you said? So you think like now what peace of
village cannot come up in Israel? Again, and what you said, you said that you felt
we were not ready or you and other people, so what is, what is to be ready? Maybe
I have my question.
I feel that we need places where we understand more the point of this
identification, identification, so that it needs in a kind leadership, I don't
mean a leadership
out of power, I mean a leadership which is not identified and from this can
that a higher level of community can arise. And this I felt, for example, I'd
end only there, there was so much struggling with this statement and to find now
that it's
much more love and I think they grow in a kind of leadership where they can really
leadership and then we can protect it but I feel that it's important for some
first to step out
of a bit more resistance like you experience it here now and from there do the
work and then
going back to an oasis where we have relaxation and from there finding the right
moments how to act.
And at the moment I have to say I'm nearly every night, I don't sleep because I'm
so close to this
country to the place, I'm still waiting for answers where I feel now maybe now
it's time we connect
there and now we put in white 2,000 people to the former military base camp and
say now we want to
show we find ways in cooperation with nature, with water, with animals, with
plants and we resist
to be enemy. I'm waiting, I'm not at the moment where I say I'm in wisdom how to
act but
I'm maybe innocent and I'm also following a kind of intuition, intuition where I
to become a hero, all the fear is not the answer so I'm the right movement when
I'm going to act and to find non-violence power. When you were working on the
statement what did you feel
because I also met Oian he said it was tough but it was really good. Today in the
day, the statement I liked it, it was work but this is more a political statement
and to be honest
it's good but this is not the point where I feel the wheel shift comes from. I am
now going to
the ancestors night, I'm going again one night with the outer because I feel I
have to listen
to the voice of the earth, I have to listen to the waters to the fires, how can we
figure out
the defense the sacred? What we had here with that the oil ruling doesn't take
it starts, it started from such a weak point and I was mainly sitting every day
with the fire
and then suddenly people appear to be of hell and we did not believe, I tried to
believe but
it was really a work to believe that we can stop the oil ruling, it happened and
there I'm in the
deep listening and the statement is more on a political level and I think it's
important but I
much more looking on a how to call it a spirit of level, like what is in what is
happening between
them, what you learn about this work, not to make it about them but about their
process of
meeting each other and the identification and this kind of thing. What is it that?
Yeah, like what
insights do get from looking at them in this process? I don't know, I don't know.
I don't know.
To hold them, to hold them, I love them both so much and then I feel all that is
the point where they
I last weeks of getting a seat and only few thirds and he is really a piece where
they are so much
and suddenly there's a point where he feels it's not enough what I do, she's
blaming me and that
needs others to hold and to accept it and then he started to read about and he
said okay now I
have to say yes it's in the way it's true it's again it's it's always this
identification even
who he was I when I came to know and he was an artist and he was so much in fight
and to in a positive way I say and now he comes more and more in contact with
spiritual levels
and I think we have to come and contact with this spiritual level. I don't mean
this is a
terroric comforting and not looking to the reality I really mean that it's a
higher power that
we can invite and I feel they both are ready for this. Yeah and also I really
connected to the name of
our course community building as a way of peace knowledge that I had a really
strong experience of
there was a day that there was a god's point and you spoke there about the sacred
matrix and then
we had a kabarakcha bath like a coming up shabarak in our unzombin archibutes and
my friend she
is working in a lot with all the people who were refugees and then she said kind
of like a sentence
that you said another version of it like and then there is dark and when there is
dark you
have to find a light and the light is life so she said and we felt so dark and
then we have to
find a light and we found it and it's life and it's the meetings with the children
of the refugees
that there are like meeting their guide there's 16 year old guide and playing with
them and just acting
like children so I was like looking at my community and saying like what is
happening there and also
they brought a song of Emma of what I speak about when I speak about love the
mothers in azan
the mothers and so I was like yeah I could hardly pick this song for the
kabarakcha bath and I'm here
in the man I'm having so much and they're just there in all the stress and in all
the hate and
there are coming yeah so I really felt like yeah it's the community it makes it it
makes them hold
you know the the sacred which I think this is our power maybe that we have the
community and so it's
very not easy but it's easy to find the sacred but I feel we are really need to
know how to make this
expand to not only in times of war and how to expand from like working with these
and our thek is rallies to the Palestinians which for all of us is like so scary
we haven't
met Palestinians for like point here as I think it's not them maybe even though
scared it's meeting and talking and like having to respond and having to yeah and
how strong
this is coming out of earth you know that this world of civilizations are there
and you know it's
touching what you say sacredness will lead us out of this kind of crazy separation
speaking and
all us creating when you speak I was reminded when you were near the show at the
spring and
there we went there also and I still remember that Israel is said it's impossible
for us to go
there it's no way and you know that the Palestinians always spoke of this they use
the term
corporation I think it was it's a corporation is the dark word you should not
this so anything else yeah and we came with our naivety and said of course it's
possible we go there
it's about a water symposium and we brought back to buses to um yeah and I think
this was the
moment when another came to Tamarashi was there on this and this was amazing 200
no I don't exactly know the numbers of people but Israel and these Palestinians
sitting in the same
room and speaking about how can we solve the water issue and if you look how the
West Bank
how the borders are then it's so much about the water to create separation yeah
this is ours we have
it's coming from a fear of loss we have not enough from their borders and creating
pictures and this spring is so full of water and then you come to all the border
but water
doesn't know borders yeah we have always told mine ourselves where is the higher
and this challenging is the opinions are so strict you are this one you are this
one all
of this is identification question and this is now coming up again very big and I
think it cannot
be solved only between the Israelis and Palestinians it's also belonging to the
whole to us
to the whole world yes also because I feel the world has interest in this war
exactly so it's like I feel kind of like we are puppets
and this is what come on so everyone wanted this war wanted it because of this not
to kill
a thousand three hundred people this is not not matter what they wanted to make a
war that will
make all the countries in the world make their cold war like I'm on this island I
want to like
make a world thing yeah so our escalating and create separation if I look at the
moment or
to Germany I'm so ashamed how I was again in this kind of creating enemies
and I feel reminded what when I listened to the story of my parents how it started
when suddenly
in junstery where the enemies it was brainwashing brainwashing and it was a small
my small government with this fascistic behaviors put in averness and the most
people stay
silent because of fear I still would listen to my mother when she stepped out she
was very young
when the Hitler and junstery had to train and she was very in the beginning
excited with sport
and all those things and then suddenly she recognized oh this happening something
which is not
good and she stepped out but was fear and then she tried to support the bit other
people but she did
not dare to speak and this is the majority and this is known is why I think the
same and to find
the I say I want to support my is where alien friends not to stay silent and this
is my
when I was young I wrote in my diary I want to stay silent if I see injustice
at least the East Royal Dance the Palestinian Dance the Germans this is
and people of power they gain their money they gain their weapons they invest in
the weapons
we invest in the kind of society which is based on war in the Terry-based camp
instead of peace
we search with it just very simple and when you said that you want to deepen the
tomorrow so there will be so what deepening of work do you think I hope that
for example today the Matimi of Maga I loved it it was beautiful and suddenly we
can see
and still I missed to make a stand and there I wish that the girls that the love
is she is
really politically she grows in the consciousness of people I could not say since
what do you mean
like what what was missing for you it was missing the statement where we say we
stand for life yes
but then more concrete what is happening in the world and how can you eyes our
voice I would
have left to hear something on a more concrete level the ida fees okay we are not
bubble who are doing work in love in a small community we dare to eyes our voice
and there I
feel that we have a miss set it is necessary that more and more people find really
their own
voice who are in the whole but then now to find more than common voice there I
feel this is the
challenge in tomorrow right now to say yes we have many many different aspects and
they are
important that me as persons grow for the water for whatever we work for or there
is something
where we have a common statement and this I feel at the moment I hope we come
together on this level
like is it more deepening the comments statement about the world or more deepening
the work between
every world both I feel we often look now too much to the love issue and after 20
years to say yes
it's difficult to find really a friendship to another woman my friend thousand
love I say no hate
enough it's natural we know that we can shift so this is my there I'm not
impatient snag if you
too much talking about personal problems to say hey the world needs us to find the
solidarity and
from there yeah well it told me when I once when I talked to her and we talked
about the change of
generations because also in my movement it is happening we the oldest are 40 and
I'm like in the
founding like but yeah about the younger generations that are counting it and then
we talked that they
have no resilience and like everything makes them fall apart and then she said
yeah you can have
a love issue and continue to like work on the on the world and on your work and
like and it also
gives context to your love issue so you won't be like so sinking in it yeah so if
you are connected
towards seven in the world and you discover now I was again fool again with this
jealousy you say okay that was again I know I can change and if not you see the
world and then
a little bubble to protect myself and to make nice community this is not why I am
and also you have for what to change yeah like my partner here is with another
woman for six years
and I because of a lot of things that happened the agreement is that she doesn't
come to our house
and to our group and then in the war so she she is alone and then he went to her
and he wasn't
with a group and and I said okay she can come to live in the house in the mean in
the mean time
and this is something I haven't said for three years but like to say with what is
going on in the
world I cannot add to the violence and you know I will feel uncomfortable and but
like the world
of you can also give inspiration to I have a reason why to say yeah let her live
in my house
because I can't add to the what is going on in the future I feel we are in my
procosmos in the
microcosmos and the deeper we understand the deeper the outer world can understand
and then we don't
have this two suspicious piece research we know if there is something it's
important to go
through the trauma and to discover the point of weirdly behind and this is a
lifetime work
do you think we should make contact with bias was bias do you like do you think
there is
is there people you say yeah you should like talk to them now when you come back
as well yeah I was Facebook I'm with him in contact but normally you had the idea
station therefore the world was accomplished and we visited them again and again
but of course
I would love to make contact with him and his daughter this culture who said we
was ahead a lot of
talks where she decided okay so we said for him but doesn't really make sense and
now she's
again with this question and this for me is a deep question how to build network
now how to
rice-wise you go back now I like it yes I'm tears there I go back wow and you have
good lines to
say in contact don't really know it's important because you experience a lot now
and not we need to
protect you yeah I feel a lot of love from the people there that they are like
bring everything you like my my friend who I'm growing up with her child so she
said you have to
come back now because her partner was you know was going to the army and she was
left alone
like not alone but with a community but I'm the closest like to shower and then
one hour after she
called me and said don't come back I think God sent you there because we don't
really know what to do here
and so I really feel from them they're wanting to be open for me and yeah
I have to keep the contact and I think the the talk tomorrow with Ida is the first
I think step for me of like not talking about peace in the third person but like
having a talk
that maybe it will be much less like ideologically sharp and but it will shift
and yeah it comes up for me maybe maybe too many people in Israel like that that
you say
if it is good to me you have to give each other hope it's maybe for example you
will be part
in the ring of power and we have all the last week and it's just not the positive
to close
yeah we're being aware people from the world stand come out from the world can
connect that
we have this meditation things which where you feel you are not alone that you
how can we stay connected it's important so I feel very much
so thank you I would the

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