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1992-CE-REL-STUD (A) Marking Scheme page1 of 10


1. (a) Why are the four Gospels 'good news'? (3 marks)
(b) Using Matthew and Luke, give ONE example in EACH case from
(i) the birth narratives,
(ii) the teaching of Jesus, and
(iii) the passion narratives
to show how they each portray Jesus. (15 marks)
(c) Do you think that the Gospels are valuable for our society today? Explain
your answer. (2 marks)


(a) The four Gospels are 'good news' because:

 they tell of the coming of the Kingdom of God
 the good news the authors tell is that God has brought salvation to all
through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus
 God loved us so much he sent his only Son
 they were written to encourage faith in God and bring hope to all people
 they tell us Jesus can put us right with God and bring healing
 the meaning of 'Gospel' in Greek is good news
 any other reasonable answer (any 3 x 1 mark)

(b) Examples of how Matthew and Luke portray Jesus

(i) the Birth narratives
Matthew - Luke-
- Quotes OT and how Jesus came to fulfil - Inclusion of story of shepherds in this
it. Jesus from a Jewish background. account shows that Jesus came to reach
Descended from David. the outcasts. Also, an emphasis on the fact
that God was bringing a Saviour to his
- Inclusion of magi and emphasis on baby - Emphasis on Mary and her role as a
born to be King. Jesus is the King and his woman honoured and favoured introduced
kingdom is near. a new attitude toward women, heralding
the new era of the Kingdom of God.

Note: Answers must include an explanation of how each of the authors used this
material to describe Jesus and his ministry.
(For each Gospel, 1 mark for the fact or teaching, 1 mark for the explanation, 1 mark
for explanation of the reason for choosing this material to compare) (Total 5 marks)

(ii) the teaching of Jesus

Matthew - Luke-
- Sermon on the Mount Jesus the great - Chapters 10 and 15 record parables of
teacher with authority to interpret the Jesus which speak of outcasts like the
Law and teach about God's kingdom. Samaritans and the lost. They portray
Jesus as one who meets the need of such
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2 marks per Gospel plus 1mark for good explanation overall (Total 5 marks)

(iii) the Passion Narratives

Matthew- Luke-
- Mention of those coming out of the Compassion of Jesus on the cross as he
tombs. Foretaste of the fact that Jesus relates to the two criminals.
would conquer death. Lord over death -
King Jesus.
Mention of an earthquake when Jesus died When the Centurion saw the death of
and the Centurion acknowledged that Jesus he said "Certainly he was a good
Jesus 'really was the Son of God'. man". Luke's emphasis on the humanity of
Emphasis on Jesus as Messiah. Jesus.

2 marks per Gospel plus 1 mark for good explanation overall (Total 5 marks)

(c) Are the Gospels valuable for our society today?

Yes - because they still are 'good news'. We still need to know about salvation
and God's Kingdom etc.
Any reasonable answer may be accepted. (Up to 2 marks)

Alternative Answer
No - because they are about the coming of a Messiah for the Jews. Not relevant
to people in Hong Kong who are of a different culture/religion.
Any reasonable answer may be accepted. (Up to 2 marks)

2. (a) (i) In Mark's Gospel, we often read that Jesus told people to keep quiet about
who he was and what he had done. Suggest reasons why Jesus did this.
(8 marks)
(ii) Suggest why in Mark 5:19, Jesus told the man he had healed to tell
people what Jesus had done for him. (4 marks)
(b) In Mark 8:29 we read that Peter acknowledged Jesus as the Messiah.
What was the Jewish understanding of this title? (4 marks)
(c) Jesus used the title 'the Son of Man' to speak of himself. Explain what
he meant by this. (4 marks)


2. (a) (i) Possible reasons why Jesus told people to keep quiet about him
 he wanted to establish that his ministry was in contrast to the popular
understanding of the Messiah/that he was a suffering Messiah
 the time for revealing his identity had not yet come
 he did not want his death to come prematurely before his ministry had
been completed
 demons he cast out recognised him but he silenced them as they were
not the best channel for revealing his purpose
 he did not want to be considered a miracle worker and have his
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ministry hindered by too much publicity

 he wanted people to listen to his teaching without the distraction of
 any other reasonable answer (any 4 x 2 marks)

(ii) Possible reasons why Jesus told the man of Mark 5:19 to tell people about
 this was not in Jewish territory but in a Gentile area therefore the
Jewish authorities would not get to hear of the healing
 the Gentiles would not have heard/been interested in rumours that
Jesus was Messiah
 there was no worry about people getting the wrong idea of his purpose
for healing the man
 it would not hinder his ministry and lead to an earlier death to make the
good news of Jesus known in an area Jesus was not immediately going
to visit
 the salvation of God is for all nations
 Jesus wanted the man to let people know about God's merciful
or any other reasonable answer (any 2 x 2 marks)

(b) The Jewish understanding of 'Messiah' -

 'Messiah' was the title used for a person mentioned in prophecy who
would come and save God's people from foreign tyranny
 Jews expected Messiah to be a king like David whose role would be
political liberation and conquest
 'Messiah' would be King of Israel and son of David because it was
prophesied he would be a descendant of David
 'Messiah' meant 'God's anointed' i.e. chosen, as Kings were anointed
and chosen by God
 Messiah was God's chosen who was appointed to fulfil the purpose of
salvation for God's people (any 4 x 1 marks)

(c) Jesus spoke of himself as the 'Son of Man'

 he came as a man to be the servant of mankind, his role was
accomplished through obedience and suffering
 a reference in the Old Testament, Daniel 7:13, speaks of the Son of
Man as one who would come and rule the earth - Jesus is the
fulfillment of this
 Jesus emphasizes the fact that he must suffer and this would eventually
lead to glory, authority and sovereign power
 his use of the title looks forward to the time when after suffering he
will come again to the earth as prophesied
 using this title gave his own unique understanding to the role of the
 to avoid being thought of as a political Messiah/to avoid unnecessary
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confrontation with the authorities (any 2 x 2 marks)

3. (a) Jesus faced conflict throughout his ministry from the Pharisees and the
teachers of the Law. Using the examples in Mark 2:1-12, 7:1-23 and
11:27-33, in EACH case explain
(i) the reason for their opposition to Jesus, and (6 marks)
(ii) the meaning of Jesus' answer. (6 marks)
(b) (i) Some people became disciples of Jesus. Using Mark 8:34-38, explain the
meaning of the word 'disciple'. (4 marks)
(ii) When Jesus called the first disciples he said, "I will make you fishers of
men." What did he mean? (2 marks)
(c) Jesus told his disciples to go throughout the whole world and preach the
gospel. In your opinion, does that command still apply to disciples of Jesus
today? (2 marks)


3. (a) Mark 2:1-12

(i) Opposition from teachers of the Law:
 they accused Jesus of blasphemy because he claimed to forgive
sins - only God could do that. In their view he claimed to be God,
so he was using an authority they did not believe could be his
(up to 2 marks)
(ii) Jesus' answer:
 he emphasised that he was able to forgive sins. It was possible for
him because of his deity. He wanted to show his authority (up to
2 marks)
Mark 7:1-23
(i) Opposition from the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law:
 they accused Jesus' disciples of eating with unclean hands, of
disregarding the traditions of ceremonial washing/of their religion
(up to 2 marks)
(ii) Jesus' answer-
 he pointed out their hypocrisy, because they put traditions of men
before the commandments of God
 he pointed out the stupidity of thinking that outside rules make
you clean inside. Sin comes from within. (up to 2 marks)
Mark 11:27-33
(i) Opposition from the chief priests and teachers of the Law and the elders
 Jesus had earlier cleansed the Temple and they questioned his
right to do such things (up to 2 marks)
(ii) Jesus' answer -
 was a question about John's right to baptize, John was respected
as a prophet and he had pointed to Jesus as Messiah. If they
accepted John's authority, they ought to believe in Jesus (up to 2

(b) (i) Explanation of 'disciple' using Mark 8:34-38

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 one who follows Jesus

 one who denies self - self is no longer the most important object
of life
 one who takes up the cross and shows a willingness to suffer and
even to die as Jesus did
 a disciple knows it is of no value to hold onto his/her own life
because (s)he will only save his/her life if (s)he allows Jesus to
take control
 someone who is more concerned about God's values and obeying
God than the world's values
 someone who is proud to be a follower of Jesus and not ashamed
(any 4 x 1 mark)
(ii) Fishers of Men -
 Jesus meant that he would change their life work from fishermen
to God's servants
 Jesus meant that they would bring people/to God/into the
Kingdom/to the church/to faith in Jesus
 their commission would be to tell others about the kingdom and
the good news about Jesus (any 2 x 1 mark)

(c) Does the command to preach the gospel throughout the world still apply to
disciples of Jesus today?
Alternative answers are possible
e.g. Yes : because there still are people who call themselves disciples and
there are still many parts of the world needing to hear the good
No : Jesus was speaking to particular people of a particular time. There
is no reason to think he intended his words to apply to others.
Any reasonable answer (up to 2 marks)

4. (a) (i) Explain the important to Jesus’ life and ministry of the world by God at
Jesus’ baptism AND transfiguration. (6 marks)
(ii) Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus at his transfiguration. Explain
why this happened. (3 marks)
(b) (i) Give THREE examples from the Gospels of Jesus’ power. In EACH
case explain what kind of power he used. (9 marks)
(ii) Do you think that the followers of Jesus can have similar authority
today? Explain your answer. (2 marks)


4. (a) (i) Importance of the words spoken by God at Jesus' baptism and
Baptism: 'You are my son, whom I love, with you I am well pleased".
 God speaks directly affirming that Jesus is His son
 from the beginning of Jesus' ministry God shows his favour rests on
his son
 Jesus was about to face the temptation of the devil - he would be
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encouraged to remember what God had said of him if tempted to

doubt who he was
 when faced with conflict and opposition he could speak with
confidence and authority
 he could heal and speak with authority because God had empowered
Transfiguration: "This is my son, whom I love, listen to him"
 God once more affirms Jesus as his son before the disciples
 this affirmation would again give Jesus confidence and courage as
he faced arrest and death
 it would reassure the disciples when they next met opposition
 the disciples were told the importance of listening to Jesus, which
can also be understood as obeying him. This would be important in
the light of all that was yet to happen.
Note: Both baptism and transfiguration must be mentioned for full marks
to be awarded. (any 3 x 2 marks)

(ii) Moses and Elijah appeared because -

 Moses represents the Law and Elijah represents the prophets (do not
credit this point if it is developed more fully as below)
 Moses represented the old covenant but Jesus was going to institute a
new covenant
 Moses liberated the people from Egypt and Jesus liberated the people
from sin
 Elijah brought about a turning back/restoration of Israel to God and
Jesus would do an even greater work
 it was to show that Jesus represents both of them in the new covenant
 it was to show that Jesus is more important than Moses and Elijah
 Jesus would bring fulfilment to both the work of Moses, Elijah and the
 their appearance confirmed the ministry and identity of Jesus
(any 3 x 1 mark)
(b) (i) Examples from the Gospels of Jesus' authority and power
 Jesus forgave the paralytic's sin and told him to take up his bed
and walk His power was the power to heal and the power to
forgive sins
 Jesus stilled a storm on the Sea of Galilee His power was
supernatural/divine/miraculous because he commanded the wind
and waves and they obeyed him
 Jesus used 5 leaves and 2 fishes to feed five thousand people His
power was supernatural because he blessed the food and then
divided it amongst everyone and they all had enough to eat. It was
power to provide food for many out of a little
 Jesus drove an evil spirit out of a boy who had been troubled
since a child. His disciples had not been able to do it.
 Jesus commanded the spirit and he left the boy. Jesus' power was
greater than Satan's because he could drive out evil spirits
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or any other valid example

e.g. cleansing the Temple, Jesus' teaching etc
Up to 3 marks for each example which must contain an
explanation/description of the power used by Jesus. (any 3 x 3 marks)
(ii) Do the followers of Jesus have similar authority today?
Alternative answers are possible
Yes: because when Jesus told his disciples to go into all the world and
preach the gospel he also gave them authority to preach and heal the
sick and drive out demons etc. The same authority is given to his
followers/to the church today
No : Jesus' authority was unique because he was the Messiah/the Son
of God. His followers today are in a completely different situations
often living amongst people who do not even worship the same God
(up to 2 marks)
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5. (a) Give THREE examples to show how Jesus lived out his own teaching in
Matthew 5:3-10. (9 marks)
(b) (i) What did Jesus mean by 'the kingdom of heaven'? (4 marks)
(ii) Explain what you think Jesus meant by 'happy' or 'blessed'.
(3 marks)
(c) Choose TWO sayings from Matthew 5:3-10 which you think could most
improve personal relationships in your school. Explain your choice.
(4 marks)


5. (a) To some extent this answer depends on the examples the candidate chooses
from the life of Jesus. They are being asked to draw out incidents from his life
that exemplify his teaching in Matthew 5:3-10. Here are some examples of the
way they could answer the question.
Note: Catholics and Protestant interpretations of the Beatitudes may differ
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Blessed/Happy are:
The poor in spirit / the spiritually poor Jesus always showed complete
dependence upon God in prayer and trust.
He had no trust in himself
e.g. Mark 1:35

(interpretation may be:)

denial of riches for the sake of God e.g. To Jesus riches were not important
to live a simple and humble life based on e.g. Jesus was born in a manger/poor
God's will family etc.
Those who mourn Jesus himself mourned the rich young man
who put his money before God.
or he mourned the hardness of heart/the
pride/the lack of faith of many people
The meek/the humble
(interpretation may be:)
in the face of hardship, submissive to God Jesus humbled himself on the cross. His
whole attitude in the account of his arrest,
trial and death was one of meekness or
kind as Jesus is kind/gentle Jesus was kind to the outcasts/Jesus
blessed the children
Those who hunger and - thirst for Jesus whole life and ministry was geared
righteousness/those whose greatest desire towards doing the will of his father and to
is to do what God requires be blameless before him. e.g. Gethsemane.
The merciful Jesus showed acts of mercy constantly in
his ministry through his healing acts, his
compassion and his understanding of
outcasts and sinners.
The pure in heart we know that Jesus stood before his
accusers blameless - See Luke 23:14 -
Pilate saw no basis for the charges against
him. or Jesus did not surrender to the
temptation to use his powers for his own
The peacemakers/ those who work for Jesus is the supreme peacemaker between
peace God and men, bringing peace by his death
on the cross.
Those who are persecuted because they do Jesus faced opposition and persecution,
what God requires and ultimately death, and is the example
for all his followers showing that it is
normal for believers to be persecuted.

Up to 3 marks for each example: 2 marks for each example, 1 for the
explanation (any 3 x 3 marks)

(b) (i) Kingdom of Heaven

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 it is the rule of God both now and in the future

 it is any place or situation where God's will is done
 in the present the kingdom of heaven is shown in the life and
ministry of Jesus. He is the King
 one day Jesus will be seen to be king over all
 it is God's rule/love/justice in the lives of his
or any other reasonable answer (any 2 x 2 marks)
(ii) True Happiness
 is not based on the emotion or feeling of happiness; he means
something much more lasting
 it is the true joy of being one of Jesus' followers/being God's child
 it is based on certainty of having salvation from God
 it comes out of being obedient to God
 it is not dependent on circumstances
 it is the peace and joy which Jesus gives
or any other valid answer (any 3 x 1 mark)

(c) Sayings from Matthew 5:3-10 which could improve personal relationships
at school
e.g. 'Happy are those who work for peace': because in my class there are
always people fighting and quarrelling. It would be much happier if we all
tried to work together to understand one another (Up to 2 marks)
Note: If saying quoted with no explanation, do not award marks.
(any 2 x 2 marks)

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