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1994 CE RS Marking Scheme (Section B) Page 1 of 7

1994 CE RS

1. (i) The following names or titles were among those given to Jesus at his birth. Choose FOUR and explain
what they mean.
- Jesus (Matt 1:21)
- Immanuel (Matt 1:23)
- ‘the king of the Jews’ (Matt 2:2)
- ‘my Son’ (Matt 2:15)
- The Lord (Luke 2:1 1)
- ‘a light to the Gentiles’ (Luke 2:32) (8 marks)
(ii) Show how EACH one you have chosen was fulfilled in Jesus’ life. (12 marks)

1. (i) Name/Title and Meaning (ii) Fulfilment in Jesus' life
'Jesus' (Matt 1:21) - by his teaching, leading people to
- comes from the Hebrew 'Joshua' changed lives
which means saviour - by setting people free from demons
or the angel explained that it meant - by healing and acts of mercy revealing
'Saviour' the one who will save God's love
people from their sins/from distress - by forgiving people's sins
(up to 2 marks) - by his death on the cross to save
people from sin
- by his resurrection he saved people
from the fear of death
or any other relevant answer
(any 3 x 1 mark)

'Immanuel' (Matt 1:23) - through the birth of Jesus, God came

- God is with us to us.
i.e. Jesus brought the presence or God came in Jesus and shared our life
and power of God to us Jesus brought the power and presence of God to
(up to 2 marks) people
- by casting out demons
- by feeding the crowds of people
- by his power over nature e.g. the storm
- by acts of mercy e.g. healing
- by forgiving sin
- by raising the dead
- by teaching God’s acceptance of all who repent
- by sending the Holy Spirit after His
or any other relevant answer
(any 3 x 1 mark)
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'the king of the Jews'' (Matt 2:2) - Jesus was descended from King
- the one God promised to David as the Messiah was to be
send to be the Messiah - he preached that the kingdom of God was
(up to 2 marks)
- he did the things which prophets said the
Messiah would do
e.g. he restored sight to the blind
he made lame people walk etc.
- Peter acknowledged that lens was the Messiah
- when Jesus rode into Jerusalem the people
greeted him as the son of David / the Messiah
- the Council asked Jesus if he was
the Messiah and he agreed
- when Jesus was crucified a sign was put up
over his head 'the King of the Jews'
or any other relevant answer
(any 3 x 1 mark)

‘my Son’ (Matt 2:15) that Jesus was the Son of God was shown by
- the only Son of God - his words as a young boy 'I had to be in my
- Jesus had a very special Father's house' (Lk 2:49)
unique relationship with God - at his baptism God said, 'You are my own dear
(Up to 2 marks) Son.'
- the recognition of him as Son of God by evil
spirits (Mk 5:7)
- God's words at the transfiguration (Mk 9:7)
- Jesus' prayer in Gethsemane (Mk. 14:36)
- the words of the army officer at the crucifixion
(Mk 15:39)
or any other relevant answer
(any 3 x 1 mark)

‘The Lord’ (Lk 2: 11) Jesus' authority was seen when

- the one with sovereignty or - he overcame Satan's temptations
authority - he called people to be his disciples and they
- the Lord of life followed him
(up to 2 marks) - he commanded evil spirits and they obeyed
- he commanded the wind and the waves
- he healed the sick
- he raised the dead
- he forgave sin
- he taught with authority and not as the scribes
- he said he was Lord even of the Sabbath
(Mark 2:27)
- his sovereignty was most clearly demonstrated
in his resurrection
or any other relevant answer
(any 3 x 1 mark)
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‘A light to the Gentiles’ (Lk 2:32) - visitors from the East came looking for the child
- the one who would bring God's Jesus (Matt 2:2)
love, mercy and salvation to the - Jesus went to Gentile territory and
Gentiles cast out demons (Mk 5: 11)
(up to 2 marks) - Jesus sent the man he had freed to tell people
(in Gentile territory) what God had done for
him (Mk 5:19-20)
- Jesus free the daughter of a Gentile woman
from a demon (Mk 7:26-29)
- the Roman army officer recognized Jesus as the
Son of God/was impressed by the way Jesus
died (Mk 15:38)
- after his resurrection, Jesus told his disciples to
preach the gospel throughout the whole world
or any other relevant answer
(any 3 x 1 mark)
(4 x 5 marks)
Total 20 marks

2. (a) In the Sermon on the Mount, what did Jesus teach about how we should respond to people who wrong us
and hurt us? (8 marks)
(b) (i) Show how Jesus followed this teaching in his own life. (8 marks)
(ii) Why is it so important for us to follow these teachings? (4 marks)

2. (a) From the Sermon on the Mount, what Jesus taught about how we should respond to people who wrong us
and hurt us:
- we should not stay angry but should make peace/we should forgive (Matt 5:23-26)
- we should not fight back (Matt 5:38)
- we should give people more than they ask for (give coat, go extra mile), give freely (Matt 5:40-42)
- in place of revenge, there should be love/forgiveness for enemies (Matt 5:44)
- we should pray for those who persecute us (Matt 5:44)
- we should be tolerant because we all have faults, do wrong, are 'sinners' (Matt 6:12)
- we should not judge others, should improve ourselves first (Matt 7:5) (any 4 x 2 marks)

(b) (i) How Jesus followed this teaching in his own life:
- Jesus was born (became man) in order to reach people who had rejected God and killed his
- he had compassion on, kept on trying to reach those who rejected him
- he allowed himself to be arrested, did not fight back
- he prayed forgiveness for those crucifying him
- he did not make any attempt to save himself, to come down off the cross
- he gave his life for those who persecuted him
- his crucifixion and resurrection made forgiveness possible for all people
or any other relevant answer (any 4 x 2 marks)
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(b) (ii) It is important for us to follow this teaching because:

- Jesus promises blessings (happiness) from God for the merciful (Matt5:7)/the peacemakers
(Matt 5:9)/and the persecuted (Matt 5:1 1) so we should forgive others
- God cares about our relationships with others, it is important to make peace and to forgive
- God shows his favour to all, is not selective, neither should we be (Matt 5:45)
- we all do wrong, all have a ‘log’ in our eye, we all need to be forgiven (Matt 7:3)
- must be like God in being loving and merciful to people (Matt 5:45)
- we cannot be forgiven by God unless we forgive those who wrong us (Matt 5:15)
or we can only truly experience God's love and peace when we are forgiven (Matt 6:14-15)
- we will be judged in the same way we judge others (Matt 7:1-2)
- if we are merciful, then God will be merciful to us (Matt 6:14)
- we will become 'sons of our Father in heaven' (like God) if we are merciful and forgive others
(Matt 5:45)
or any other relevant answer (any 2 x 2 marks)

3. (a) In Mark 1:21-28, Jesus encounters a man with an evil spirit. Explain:
(i) the evil spirit's reaction to meeting Jesus; (4 marks)
(ii) Jesus' response to the evil spirit. (8 marks)
(b) Explain Jesus' answer to the accusation that he had an evil spirit (Mk3:22-30) (6 marks)
(c) Why should Christians today expect to have authority over evil? (2 marks)

3. (a) (i) The evil spirit's reaction to meeting Jesus:
- the spirit caused the man to scream out and interrupt Jesus’ teaching because he recognized who
Jesus was
- the spirit wanted to know what Jesus would do because it was afraid of God's punishment
- he called Jesus by name and showed he knew a lot about Jesus
- he recognized Jesus as God’s holy messenger and knew that Jesus had power over evil (spirit)
or any other valid answer (any 2 x 2 marks)

(ii) Jesus’ response to the evil

- he ordered the spirit to be quiet and to come out of the man (2 marks)
- be ordered the spirit to be quiet because he wanted his identity to remain hidden
- he ordered the spirit to leave the man because he had come to deliver people from the power of evil
- he did not want people to follow him because of the words of an evil spirit/ be did not want the help
of evil spirits
- he was not yet ready to let people know that he was the Messiah /he wanted to keep the fact that he
was the Messiah secret at this stage
- Jesus told the spirit to be quiet because it hindered his teaching
- Jesus did not want to enter into dialogue with evil /to co-operate with Satan
- Jesus acted to show God’s compassion on people bound by evil
- Jesus wanted to demonstrate the arrival of the kingdom of God (any 3 x 2 marks)
Total 8 marks

(b) Jesus’ answer to the accusation that he had an evil spirit (Mark 3:22-30):
- Satan would not be fighting against himself and his own forces; his rule/country/ family/kingdom
would collapse if he did that
- the demons serve Satan's purposes; Satan would not drive out his own servants
- if Satan were driving out demons, he would be undermining his own aims to hurt and destroy
- Satan is like a 'strong man' who must be tied up. Jesus can do that.
- Satan is not helping Jesus rather Jesus is taking Satan's power away from him
- Satan enslaves people by 'plundering his house' Jesus is freeing them
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- Jesus' power is in fact from God; the teachers of the Law are sinning against God (the Holy Spirit)
when they say Jesus' power is from the devil (any 3 x 2 marks)

(c) Why Christians today should expect to have authority over evil:
- because they have been baptized and are risen with Christ
- Jesus gave his disciples authority to drive out demons (Mk 3:15, 6:7, 13) and he gave the same
authority to the church
- Jesus overcame Satan through his death on the cross and by his resurrection so Christian are able to
live victoriously
- Christians have access to the power of God through Jesus and share in his authority
(Matt 29:16-20)
- After his resurrection Jesus said that his disciples would have the power to drive out demons
(Mk 16:17)
- because God is with them through the Incarnation /Holy Spirit
- through the Holy Spirit Christians are able to overcome human weaknesses and sins
(any 1 x 2 marks)

4. (a) (i) In Mk 8 , Jesus asked his disciples, 'Who do people say I am?' Explain their answer. (6 marks)
(ii) Give FOUR reasons why Peter was able to recognize that Jesus was the Messiah. (8 marks)
(b) Why did Jesus refuse to perform a miracle for the Pharisees? (Mk 8:11) (3 marks)
(c) Do you think that Christian today should ask Jesus for miracles? (3 marks)

4. (a) (i) Explanation of the disciples' answer:
- earlier, after Jesus sent out the Twelve Disciples, the people had begun speculation about Jesus’
identity (Mark 6:14-16)
- people thought he was a great man/someone sent by God but they did not recognize his true
- some thought he was John the Baptist came back to life (Mark 8:28, 6:14) because the people
believed John was sent by God and this explained Jesus’ power to do miracles.
- even King Herod thought he was John the Baptist come back to life (Mk 6:16) because he knew
John had been sent by God and yet he had John's head cut off.
- John had explained he was to prepare the way for the Messiah, so it seems they thought Jesus'
ministry was also preparing the way
- some thought he was Elijah because they knew there was a prophecy that Elijah would return
before the Messiah came (Mk 8:28)
- others thought that Jesus was a prophet, a messenger sent by God but they did not recognize him as
- because the people expected a prophet/or prophets to prepare the way for the Messiah, they
recognized Jesus’ work as the work of a prophet, but they did not recognize him as Messiah
- they failed to recognized him as Messiah because they were expecting a powerful political leader/a
kingly leader (any 3 x 2 marks)

(ii) Reasons why Peter recognized Jesus as Messiah:

Many expect of Jesus’ ministry fulfilled prophecies concerning the work of the Messiah, e.g. (2 marks)
- he taught with authority (Mk 1:27)
- he gave new interpretation / meaning to the Law (Mk2:27)
- he brought in the kingdom of God by acts of mercy and deliverance
- he set prisoners free e.g. he cast out demons (e.g. Mk 5:1-13)
- he gave sight to the blind/ healed the lame
- he demonstrated the authority to forgive sins (Mk 2:1-12)
- he raised Jairus’ daughter from death
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- he had authority over nature e.g. the storm

- he fed crowds of people
- because he had been with Jesus he had more understanding / more faith
- God revealed it to him (Mt 16:17) (any 3 x 2 marks)

(b) Jesus refused to perform a miracle for the Pharisees because:

- he had already done many miracles and they had not believed
- they only wanted to trap him /to test him
- they did not really want proof
- they wanted to argue and to find reasons not to believe
- they had no faith in him
- at his temptation Jesus had refused to perform miracles to prove who he was (any 3 x 1 mark)

(c) Do you think that Christians today should ask Jesus for miracles:
Alternative answers may be accepted
e.g. YES Because Jesus taught us to have faith in God. God is our Father who loves and cares for us.
Jesus responded to people’s faith and had compassion on them. If he is alive today we can expect
him to use his power to help those who trust in him.
e.g. NO Because we should have humble faith in God and trust him to do what is right / good for us. It
is not necessary to ask for miracles. He has already given us the most important thing --- eternal life
(up to 3 marks)

5. (a) Name THREE groups who wanted to put Jesus to death and give reasons for their opposition to Jesus.
(6 marks)
(b) (i) In what ways was Jesus’ trial before the council not fair? (4 marks)
(ii) What accusation was eventually made against Jesus? (2 marks)
(c) (i) Explain why Jesus had to be tried again in front of Pilate. (2 marks)
(ii) Why was the accusation against Jesus changed in this trial? (4 marks)
(d) In your opinion, was Jesus the king of the Jews? Explain your answer. (2 marks)

(a) Teachers of the Law/ scribes opposed Jesus because:
- the people compared them unfavourably with Jesus because, unlike them, he “taught with
authority” (Mk 1:22)
- they thought Jesus committed blasphemy when he told the paralyzed man his sins were forgiven
- they saw him mixing with/ eating with tax-collectors and outcasts (Mk2:16)
- saw his power to drive out demons and were unwilling to believe it came from God (Mk 3:22)
(any 1 x 2 marks)
Pharisees opposed Jesus because:
- they saw him mixing with / eating with tax-collectors and outcasts (Mk2:16)
- Jesus and his disciples did not fast as much as they did/ disregarded the rules of fasting (Mk2:21)
- Jesus allowed his disciples to pick ears of corn on the Sabbath and the Pharisees considered this
was breaking the Sabbath law (Mk 2:23)
- Jesus healed a man with a paralyzed hand on the Sabbath day (Mk 3:1-6)
- Jesus’ teaching about the Law was different from theirs (any 1 x 2 marks)

The chief Priests / Sadducees opposed Jesus because:

- Jesus’ act of cleansing the Temple was a criticism of their management of it (Mk 11:15-19)
- Jesus’ action in the Temple was a threat to their position (Mk 11:15-19)
- they did not want people to accept him as Messiah (any 1 x 2 marks)
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The Jewish leaders (chief priests/ scribes) opposed because:

- he told the Parable of the Tenants in the Vineyard against them (Mk 12:1-12)
or any other valid answer (any 1 x 2 marks)

Members of Herod’s Party opposed Jesus because:

- they could see Jesus’ popularity growing and they saw it as a threat to King Herod
- Herod’s party was allied with the Romans; they saw Jesus’ popularity as a danger to public order
(any 1 x 2 marks)
(Any 3 groups x 2 marks)
(Total 6 marks)
(b) (i) Jesus’ trial before the Council was unfair because :
- they had already decided the verdict and the sentence (Mk 14:55)
- they could not find evidence against Jesus (Mk 14:55)
- they brought in false witnesses (Mk 14:56)
- the false witnesses misused Jesus’ teaching to accuse him (Mk 14:57)
- the witnesses’ evidence did not agree (Mk 14:59)
- it was held at night
- Jesus had no chance to call defence witnesses (any 2 x 2 marks)

(ii) The accusation made against Jesus:

- blasphemy; after the High Priest asked Jesus if he was the Messiah and he replied, “I am”
(up to 2 marks)

(c) (i) Jesus had to be tried again in front of Pilate because:

- the country was ruled by Rome at that time
- only the Roman government had the power to execute someone
- Pontius Pilate was the Roman governor (procurator) over Israel
- the Council (Jewish officials) had authority only over religious matters (any 2 x 1 mark)

(ii) Reasons why the accusations against Jesus were changed in this trial:
- the charge was changed from blasphemy (religious) to “king of the Jews” (political) so that they
could accuse Jesus to the Roman governor
- Pilate was not interested in Jewish religious affairs / Pilate would not consider blasphemy a capital
crime/ a crime deserving execution
- the chief priests wanted Jesus to be killed and they knew that Pilate would have to treat the case
seriously if they said Jesus called himself “king of the Jews”
- Pilate was concerned about civil and political order, therefore a political charge was made against
Jesus (any 2 x 2 marks)

(d) Was Jesus the king of the Jews?

- Alternative answers may be accepted
YES / NO plus reasonable explanation (up to 2 marks)


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