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The graph illustrates visitors of a specific Caribbean Island from 2010 to 2017.

Overall, the total number of tourists increased sharply. While the number of visitors that stay on the
island increased steadily, the number of tourists that prefer cruise ships to stay increased more

At the beginning, more people prefer to stay on the island rather than the cruise ships. In 2010, more
than two times of people stays on the island. One year later the number of individuals who prefer the
island for hosting remained steady at about 0.75 million, and then until 2013 it increased sharply to
around 1.25 million. In the period 2010-2013, the number of tourists showed an unstable attitude by
increasing and decreasing afterward. Between 2013 and 2015, visitors that stays on island remain
steady at 1.5 million, while cruise ships became preferable by reaching at 1. 5 million. After 2015,
cruise ships become more popular and unlike the beginning more people prefer cruise ships instead
of staying on the island.

Total number of guests increased between 2010 and 2015, at the beginning, it was 1 million and in
2015, more than 2.5 million people visits the island. Between 2015 and 2016, number of tourists
stayed constant and it increased up to 3.5 million by the end of 2017.

(216 words)


At the future newspapers and books will become less popular, with the developing technology that
provides free content to all people, is becoming a very common belief that people foresee about the
future. I also strongly believe that idea since it may provide live news and perspectives of different

First of all, the printed press provides previous days’ news since it is not possible to serve the
hardcopy at the moment that the live action happens. By using online channels, people may receive
news instantly. Also, sometimes the original books and the translated versions are not published at
the same time, so people had to wait for it, by using online, human can reach any book at any time.
Instead of using printed newspapers and books, by using the online sources individuals can brought
up to date.

Secondly, online press would serve different writings of writers, so it would be chance to see other
visions, without paying extra. People generally prefer one brand of newspaper or one publisher to
buy a book, since they trust on them. But it is always good to see other perspectives to gain
knowledge about the world. Online provides all other alternatives freely, as much as an individual has
time, can read numbers of newspapers or books.

To conclude, online alternatives of newspapers and books will become popular day by day. People
would prefer to reach more sources and keep up to date, and this desire of humankind would make
printed sources less popular than today.

(252 words)

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