Ielts Writing Guide 2

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The graph indicates the average monthly temperatures in London, New York, and Sydney for a period
of one year by supporting with the total annual hours of sunshine at these cities.

Overall, at summer London and New York hits to the top, while Sydney reaches to bottom for the
average temperatures. Another point is the sunshine hours for these cities, in a year Sydney has the
most sunny days, on the other hand London is lack of sun when compared with Sydney and New

At winter London is almost 10 degrees while New York is around 5. At spring degrees are highly
increasing at New York, while the increase is a bit slower in London. While London is heater than New
York at winter, at spring New York becomes hotter. Both cities are getting hotter at summer, New York
reaches to the top at almost 30 degrees at the middle of the summer and London has the hottest
days at the end of the summer by having around 23 degrees. Then the temperature of both cities
decrease dramatically until winter. London has 1180 sunny hours in a year while New York has nearly
two and a half times sunny hours.

Sydney has the hottest days, more than 25 degrees, at winter. The temperature decreases until about
16 degrees as the summer comes. The city becomes less cold until the end of next spring and
increase again to 25 degrees. The sunny hours in Sydney are nearly same as New York, 2473 hours.

(253 word)


It is often argued that, as the limits of medical care passed by the today’s technology, human life is
become no longer, while the expectance of deaths decrease. There are both advantages and
disadvantages of long life for human and the society, but I strongly believe that this situation is

First of all, death is mostly unexpected, so most of the people do not want to die while having things
to do in world. Long lifetime would give people more time in the world and these times goes through
with memories. Death is also unexpected for relatives. People generally do not want to lose their
relatives and prefer to have more times with them. Long life would be beneficial for both human and
their relatives.

Secondly, although it is individually beneficial for human, it might have some negatives for the
society. As the lifetime increase, the number of people on earth will also increase and this might
cause chaos. The health services in the city become inadequate as the number of sick people
increase, so this situation might cause other problems in the medical care. For example, in today’s
world, hospitals mostly care over aged people, if people live longer huger age groups will be served as
over aged people in the hospitals. Another disadvantage is more person-based. As the lifetime
increase, people would have longer lives but it is not guaranteed to be healthier lives. So having a
longer life would not be always preferred by people. Living while having a suffer, would not make
someone happy.

To conclude, having longer lives and less expected deaths as the medical care develops would be
advantageous while making individuals and their relatives happy. Sometimes it may be unwanted by
people who have suffers. Another disadvantage is related on society, instead of individuals. Increasing
number of people on earth would increase with lifetime, but this might cause chaos in society. After
considering all these advantages and disadvantages, I totally disagree with the long living and
increasing life expectancy.

(337 words)

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