1995 聖經 A 英文版 MS

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1995 CE RS Marking Scheme Page 1 of 7

1995 CE RS

1. (a) (i) What was the meaning of baptism by John the Baptist? (4 marks)
(ii) Suggest why Jesus chose to be baptized by John. (6 marks)
(iii) Why were the events described in Mark 1:10-11 important to Jesus at this point in His life?
(2 marks)
(b) What enabled Jesus to resist the Devil's temptations in the desert? (8 marks)

1. (a) (i) The meaning of baptism by John the Baptist:
- it signified repentance, turning away from sins (Mk 1:4)
- the use of water showed washing, cleansing from sin, leading to God's forgiveness (Mk 1:4,5)
- it also showed a desire for righteousness
- it was preparation of people's hearts for the Messiah/Jesus (the Lord, Mk 1:2,3)
- it was preparation for a greater baptism with the Holy Spirit by Jesus (Mk 1:8) (2 x 2 marks)

(ii) Why Jesus chose to be baptized by John:

- to show his approval of John and his baptism of repentance/ he recognized that John was the
forerunner spoken of in the OT
- to identify John's call to repentance with his own mission of proclaiming the good news and
bringing in the Kingdom of God (Mk 1:14,15)
- to identify himself with sinful people though he himself was sinless
- to show his obedience and submission to God/to dedicate himself to God
- to prepare for his public ministry (3 x 2 marks)

(iii) The events in Mark 1:10-11 were important to Jesus at this point in his life because:
- it showed the divine nature of Jesus' ministry and calling and was a sign of Jesus' Messiahship
- the Spirit was given to empower Jesus for ministry
- was a seal of God's approval
- demonstrated Jesus' unique relationship (sonship) to God/ assured Jesus of his calling
- the opening of the heaven symbolized the reconciliation of man and God (2 x 1 mark)

(b) What enabled Jesus to resist the Devil's temptations in the desert:
- he went in the power of the Spirit (Mk 1 :12)/He was full of the Holy Spirit (Lk 4: 1)
- he went in obedience and submission to God's will (the Spirit made him go, Mk 1:12; Lk 4:1)
- fasting strengthened him spiritually, although weakened him physically
- he had the help of angels
- his assurance of Sonship at his baptism helped him to resist lures of power from the Devil
- his knowledge and use of Scripture
- his focus on God's will/on proper worship/his right ordering of priorities
- his deep relationship with God in prayer/faith in God
- Jesus clearly understood that it was God who was sovereign and not the Devil
- Jesus clearly understood what his mission was to be
or any other valid answer
Note: If candidates merely copy out Jesus' answers it should be treated as "his knowledge and use of
Scripture" and awarded only 2 marks. (4 x 2 marks)
Maximum 8 marks
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2. (a) From Mark's Gospel, what did Jesus say about preparing for the coming of the Kingdom of God?
(10 marks)
(b) With reference to the parable of the sower in Mark 4, explain what prevents people from receiving the
Kingdom of God. (6 marks)
(c) Jesus said, ‘Whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.’ (Mark 10:15)
What did he mean? (4 marks)

2. (a) What Jesus said about preparing for the coming of the Kingdom of God?
- Jesus told people to prepare because the Kingdom of God was near/ the right time for the
Kingdom had come
- preparing for the Kingdom involves choices e.g. The Rich Young Ruler (Mark 10: 17-27)
- our response involves first, repentance/or turning away from sins/a change of heart, turning away
from selfishness/turning away from the standards of the kingdom of the world
- the second part of the response is faith/or believing the good news of Jesus
- in turning to Jesus, we allow God's rule (Kingdom of God) into our lives
- Jesus says it is worth making great sacrifices/suffering pain for the Kingdom of God (e.g. Mark
- we must receive the Kingdom of God like a child
- a good way to prepare is to keep the Great Commandment/love God and love our neighbour
- we must make every effort to avoid missing the Kingdom of God otherwise there will be terrible
- we must preach the good news of the Kingdom f God
- we must be prepared to serve as Jesus served (Mark 10:46-52)
- we should not hinder others from entering the Kingdom but be good examples (Mark 9:42)
- we should live at peace with others (Mark 9:50)
- not to be a slave of worldly possessions (5 x 2 marks)

(b) What prevents people from receiving the Kingdom of God (Mark 4)
- poor, untilled, unprepared soil (hearts) prevent people from receiving the Kingdom
- hardness of heart: the "path" is hard ground where seed cannot take root; such people have hearts
hardened to God's message; they don't even begin to see the need to repent or change
- although they may hear the gospel, the message lies on the surface and doesn't penetrate into their
hearts at all
- Satan, who opposes God's message, can easily take the seed away
- shallowness of faith: the "rocky ground" receives the seed, but it can't take root deeply/there is a
superficial, perhaps emotional, response to God's message, but any sort of difficulty causes them
to give up
- trouble or persecution causes them to give up and wither away
- worries and wrong desires: the "seeds sown among thorn bushes" are people who do not focus
sufficiently on the good news
- people do not turn away from the kingdom of the world to God's kingdom, so worries and greed
overcome them
- lack of commitment, lack of a true desire to change, and lack of faith prevent people from
receiving the Kingdom and growing (bearing fruit) in the Kingdom (3 x 2 marks)
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(c) Jesus said we must receive the Kingdom of God like a child (Mark 10:15). What did he mean:
- children are trusting and open. We can believe and have faith in God only if we are open to his
message and willing to put our trust in Him
- children are dependent and helpless. God wants us to recognize our total dependence on Him. We
cannot fix or save ourselves
- young children follow and stay close to their parents. Jesus wants that kind of close relationship
with us
- children are humble and willing to be taught
or any other valid answer (4 x l mark if brief answers)
or (2 x 2 marks two statements plus explanation) Maximum 4 marks

3. (a) Describe the Pharisees. (4 marks)

(b) (i) Suggest why Jesus did not choose Pharisees to be his disciples. (6 marks)
(ii) What was Levi's social status? Why would Jesus choose someone like him to be a disciple?
(4 marks)
(c) What do you think Jesus would say to the following people if they said they want to be his disciples?
(i) a banker (3 marks)
(ii) a triad member (3 marks)

(a) The Pharisees:
- the Pharisees were a Jewish sect
- the word 'Pharisee' means 'the separated ones'
- they were religious leaders of the Jews
- they wanted to live in strict accordance with the Law/they were strict and legalistic about
observing the Law
- they wanted to keep separate from sinners and non-Jews
- they wanted to be righteous, godly, pious
- they taught rules of their own (oral traditions) which were not in the Law, making it hard for
people to follow (Mk 7:7)
- they opposed anything that they felt threatened the Jewish religion, hence their opposition to
Jesus/the Hellenizers/the Sadducees
- they were in conflict with the Sadducees over the question of the resurrection
or they believed in the resurrection of the dead
- Jesus called them hypocrites
or any other valid answer (4 x 1 mark)

(b) (i) Suggest why Jesus did not choose Pharisees to be his disciples:
- they were not open to different interpretation/not willing to listen to other teaching
- they did not recognize that Jesus had a unique authority from God [e.g. to forgive sins (Mk 2:6)]
- they were too self-righteous, considered themselves to be 'well' and 'respectable', therefore did not
see that they needed help or could be helped by Jesus (Mk 2:17)
- they missed the point of God's laws, not seeing that they were established for the good of man (Mk
- they were 'stubborn and wrong' (Mk 3:5), more interested in keeping laws than helping or healing
- they were blind to Jesus' divine nature, seeing instead the devil (Beelzebul) in him (Mk 3:22)
- they were hypocrites (7:6), and did not really honour God/they lacked a real faith in God
- they did not follow the 'spirit' of the Law, which is to love; instead they used the Law for their own
selfish purposes (Mk 7:9-13, 12:40)
- they were not interested in Jesus' message but repeatedly tried to trap him rather than learn from
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him (Mk 8:11, 10:1)

- they were proud and liked to show off (Mk 12:38-39)
- they were not willing to recognize that the Kingdom of God was for all people
or any other reasonable answer
Note: Do not credit the same point. e.g. point given in (a) also in (b)(i) (6 x 1 mark)

(ii) What was Levi's social status? Why would Jesus choose someone like him to be a disciple?
- Levi was a tax collector, a Jew who worked for the Romans. As such, the other Jews would look
down on him and despise him; he is associated with ‘outcasts’ (Mk 2:15)
Note: 0 mark for tax-collector only: because occupation is not social status (1 mark)
- Levi was ready to respond to Jesus' call. In Mk 2:14, Levi was at work in his office; Jesus said
"Follow me," and Levi did
- Levi sought out and desired Jesus' company, as shown by his having Jesus to his house for a meal
(Mk 2:15)
- Levi and others like him knew that they were not 'righteous' or 'respectable' but 'sick' and therefore
they were open to receiving help from Jesus (the doctor) (Mk 2:17)
- Jesus had come expressly to seek out the 'lost sheep', the 'lost coin', the 'lost son' such as the tax
collectors and outcasts (Lk 15)
- Levi and the others were prepared to repent of their sins
- Levi and the other outcasts knew they were 'spiritually poor' and therefore were ready to be
disciples and belong to the Kingdom of Heaven (Mt 5: 3)
or any other reasonable answer (any 3 x 1 mark)
Maximum 4 marks

(c) What Jesus would say to the following people if they want to be his disciples?
(i) a banker
(ii) a triad member
- candidates' answers should be based on some aspects of Jesus' teaching about discipleship,
made relevant to the particular situation
e.g(i) Bankers are involved in helping people to make money but Jesus said we ought to lay up treasure
in heaven. He would warn him about the dangers of loving money and that it is not possible to
serve God and money. He must be careful to make sure that God has first place. (up to 3 marks)
e.g.(ii) Triad members may be warned about the danger of trying to keep their bad old friends because
they are afraid of persecution if they leave the gang. But to be a follower of Jesus it is necessary
to take up the cross which means to die to our old life. Jesus called people to repent and change
their ways, so he would expect a triad member to make a break with his past life. (up to 3 marks)
Total 6 marks
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4. (a) Describe the importance of prayer in the life of Jesus. (8 marks)

(b) Explain why prayers need not necessarily be long. (3 marks)
(c) (i) What does the Lord's Prayer tell us about God? (6 marks)
(ii) Choose one of the points you have mentioned in (i) and explain how it could be important to
Hong Kong Christians. (3 marks)

4. (a) The importance of prayer in Jesus' life:
- prayer was a habit Jesus learned as a child
- he prayed in preparation for his preaching ministry (1:35)
- it was a priority, Jesus gave up valuable sleep time to pray (Mk 1:35)
- he needed time alone with God (Mk 1:35, 6:46)
- he often gave thanks in prayer (6:41, 14:22)/he glorified God in prayer
- it was important in his ministry, it empowered him to deliver and heal (e.g. the deaf-mute Mk
8:34, the boy with an evil spirit Mk 9:28-29)
- it was important during time of struggle or difficulty
- it helped him resist temptation
- it helped him know God's will
- Jesus prayed for guidance before choosing the twelve disciples (Note: this point is not in the
syllabus but may be credited)
Note: Do not credit Jesus' teaching on prayer (any 4 x 2 marks)

(b) Prayers need not necessarily be long because:

- God is not deaf like the pagan gods; his hearing is good and will not be improved by more words
(Mt 6:7)
- God already knows what we need (Mt 6:8)
- he loves us, and wants to bless us/will provide for us (Mt 6:30-32)
- God is a good Father who gives good things to us; we do not need to plead with him for what we
need (Mt 7:11)
- people with strong faith do not need to keep asking (any 3 x 1 mark)

(c) (i) What the Lord's Prayer tells us about God:

- he is like a Father; is loving; cares about his children; is not frightening or distant from us
- he is in heaven; he is great, almighty, above human and earthly things
- he is holy, without sin and unrighteousness
- his name is important and should be respected
- he is worthy of honour, worthy to be praised and obeyed
- he has a Kingdom that is different to earthly kingdoms
- at his will is done in heaven, but not on earth; he desires obedience, conformity to his will
- he cares about, is aware of, and meets our basic needs (food, clothing, shelter)
- he requires us to be forgiving; will forgive our great wrongs against him if we forgive the lesser
wrongs others do us
- he can protect us against the Evil One (any 6 x 1 mark)

(ii) Choose one of the points you have mentioned in (i) and explain how it could be important to
Hong Kong Christians:
- any reasonable application of the point chosen (up to 3 marks)
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5. (a) (i) Why did some people criticize the woman who anointed Jesus? (Mark 14) (4 marks)
(ii) Why did Jesus approve her action? (6 marks)
(b) (i) What is the meaning of the bread and wine in the Last Supper? (4 marks)
(ii) What is the covenant which Jesus referred to in Mark 14:24? (4 marks)
(iii) What did Jesus do to help people find out about this covenant after his death? (2 marks)

5. (a) (i) Some people criticized the woman who anointed Jesus because:
- the perfume was expensive
- the perfume was used up all at once/it was 'wasted' (14:4)
- the money used for the perfume could have been given to the poor (14:5)
- they missed the significance of her act
- they did not understand who Jesus was (the Messiah) and that he was worthy of such generosity
- they did not know what was going to happen to Jesus in the following days
- they thought it was wrong for a woman(outcast) to approach Jesus/a teacher like that in public
(any 4 x l mark)
(ii) Jesus approved her action because:
- it was a generous act
- it was an act of worship ('a fine and beautiful thing' 14:6)
- Jesus was practical; the poor can always be helped ('if people want to' 14:7)
- if the cost of the perfume were given to the poor, it would not eradicate poverty
- Jesus knew he would be on earth only a short time so she was right to take the opportunity to
sacrifice for him
- it was traditional to anoint the body for burial, this was preparation for his coming death
- the woman did not hold back, but gave sacrificially to Jesus the most valuable thing she had ('she
did what she could' 14:8)
- true devotion to God is more important even than works of charity
- it was a good example of devotion to the Lord Jesus (14:9)
- he wanted to show that he would accept outcasts (any 3 x 2 marks)

(b) (i) The meaning of the bread and the wine in the Last Supper:
- bread signifies Christ’s body, which would be broken on the cross
- wine signifies Christ’s blood, which would be shed in his passion
- his body and blood replace that of the Passover lamb which was slaughtered in Egypt to protect
the first-born of Israel
- the pouring out of the blood also brings forgiveness of sins/salvation
- Moses used the blood of an animal to seal the old covenant with God (Ex 24:6-8), Jesus’ blood
sealed the new covenant with God (Mk 14:24)
- bread signifies Christ’s body (1 mark only) wine signifies Christ’s blood (1 mark only)
(any 2 x 2 marks)

(ii) The covenant which Jesus referred to in Mark 14:24:

- it promised that God would save his people if they had faith in Christ
- this covenant made forgiveness universally available
- this covenant released people from the power of sin through Jesus' blood and gave them freedom
and power to obey God
- it showed God's love through the sacrifice of the body and blood of Jesus and brought people into
a loving relationship with God and one another
The following points are not in the syllabus but may be accepted:
- it was the new covenant which was promised in Jeremiah 31:31
- it was a new covenant whereby people were brought into an intimate relationship with God,
superseding the old whose laws no one could keep (fulfilling Jer 31:31 -33)
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(any 2 x 2 marks)

(iii) To help people find out about this covenant after his death, Jesus:
- sent disciples into the world to preach the gospel (Mk 16:15; Lk 24:47)
- expected the truth and power of the gospel to be demonstrated through miracles (Mk 16:17-18, 20)
- would send the Holy Spirit to empower the disciples to do this task (Lk 24:49)
- would use the church in mission to the world
- established the holy communion / eucharist / the mass / the Lord's supper
- the Risen Lord appeared to some people e.g. Lk 24:30-31
or any other valid answer (2 x 1 mark)


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