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As he gets ołder, he seems to become more sensib|e.

the The older he becomes,.,.the more ganaible... he seems.

The students would rathrr start early than finish late.
than The students wou|d prefer . łinish |ate.
Wouldn't you rather have juice than water?
to Wouldn't you ............ water?
Ispent half as rnuch money as my brother.
twice My brother spent .........
Hiding a bike is easier than riding a horse.
as Riding a horse is ................ ...... a bike.
Wouldn't you preferto coms out instead of staying at home alone?
rather Wouldn't you ............ . at home alone?
I didn't think it would bs so difficult.
more |t was ..'..:......'....... ...łlł.|......l.l.t. lthought.

iiiOing is older than

the church'

fut om." was.neirer than we hought' we {rought.

i The post office ,.....j''..r"or"r
hard' the exam wi|| bć easy.
The harder you work, włł|bo.

ffi I leel haPPier than aYer.

blue one.
iłress is a third of the cost of tha
fi The blue dress costs
ffinnOs Maths easier
than Physics. for Chris.
Ł. Physics is '......'........
but this is the faste*t I can Ss' than thi
s Kate is morę intel|igent than RHth' Can't you find a faster sar than thfs?
Huth isn't as intel|igent as Katę {is}. ls this thę fast*st car y*u can tind?
Huth is less intelligent than KatB. l prefer {eatin$} olives tł {eati*g} pickles'
# |'vs fi€vgr se*n su*h a cute baby. ł |ike olives rnore than pick|esi
It's thg cutest baby I'vB sver seen. |'d prefer t* eat o|iveę ratlręr than {eat} picktes.

As hg gets richęr, he b*corns$ rnors se|fish. f 'd rather eat slives th*n pickles,

Thę richer he get*, the rnor* selfish he bec*mę$. 6 Hs'* a ssod baskętbał| p|ay*r.
# Hę'$ the bost dancer of ill. Hg płays basketball wę|l.
Nc one *lsg danc*s as weł| as h* dceg. # Ann is very motherly to her chi{d. *i
He dance$ b*ttsr than any other danc$r. Ann b*haves in * rnotherly way towards her chiln
He'$ a bętter dancgr than anysns gl$s. & That shirt is simil*r to this ons.
He's bgtter than any oth*r dancęr. That shirt and this one are afike.

complete the sentences using the words in bold, use two to five words.

1 $amantha i* pr*tti*r than Julia"

as samantha.
Ju|ia...łe not a9 pretty aa.,,
2 He's the most amusing person I've 6ver met.

than ..........

l-le is I've ever md

3 John can be avery good cook when he is in the right mood.
well John .......... when he is in the right moodj
4 Ąs get o|der' become happier.
I I ł
the The ........... ...... f becom$
Why didn't you find a cheaper restaurant?
cheapest ls tfris.'.'......

...'......;..'.. you could findł

Laura has been a professional dancer for fivę years. s
protessionally Laura ......... ................;... for five ved . ':'ł.

Caro|ine is the meanest woman |'ve ever met. ś

never I'Vg .........,... ......... woman as CarOlinei
We have got the same nurnber of brothers. ,.i
many I have got.............
Char|otte and Elizabeth |ook very much alike.
sim||ar Char|otte .....:...'..''...... !ł
.....'... Ęlizabetlli

3 can spend sightseeing.

4 go to the cinema.

11 love going to footbail matches but my sister prefers going to
tennis tournaments.
whereas I love going to football matches
12 Helen had twice as much work as Janet.
half Janet had ..... Helen.
13 I like being self-employed. lt's better than working for someone
| Prefer
My grandfather is getting
for someone else.
ress and ress patient as he gets orJer.
impatient My grandfather is getting .. as he gets older.
15 Laura is a less sensitive girl than her sister.
such isn't
her sister.
16 Airships are not as dangerous as they used to be.

ll"T .. AirshiPs they used to be.

17 My fatheris spending less time at the office now that he's nearing retirement.
as My father is """""""' at the office now that he's nearing retirement.
18 Martha and Julie have the same views.
as. Martha's views ......,,,. j.....!....!.....!......... j..............,..
... Julie,s.
19 I think I would prefer to reave rather than wait untir he comes.
sooner lthinkl ........;.......
' until he comes'
20 lf we climb higher, ihe view will be better.
the Th." ........... ........ the view will be.
ffi,n Other Words
Jane is more beautiful than Mary. f've never seen such a tail man.
It4ary isn't as beautiful as Jane (is).
He's the tallest man t've ever seen.
l/ary is less beautiful than Jane. ffi He's a good tennis player.
can't you buy a cheaper coat than that? He plays tennis well.
ls that the cheapest coat you can buy?
ffi As he gets older, he becomes more sensible.
Joe's got the same number of suits as Ted. The older he gets, the more sensible he
Ted has got as many suits as Joe.
He's the fastest driver of all.
ffi That dress is simitar to this one.
No one etse drives as fast as he does. That dress and this one are alike.
He's faster than any other driver. Tom is very fatherly to his children.
He is a faster driver than anyone else. Tom behaves in a fatherly way to his chitdren.
He drives faster than anyone else.

Cornplete the sentences using the words in bold. Use

tvro to five words.
1 Unfortunately we couldn't find a better solution
in the time avairable.
best Unfortunately it ...wao tha beat aolution... we could find
2 Spanish and portuguese are said to be alike. in the time available.
similar Spanish is ..................
3 I've never eaten such a hot curry. Portuguese'
the lt's .............
4 She is extremely disrespectful to her colleagues. ......... l,ve ever eaten.
way She behaves ...............
s snelta is not as talented as her sister. to her colleagues.
less Sheila is ...............
6 She was the best prepared of all the candidates. ...... her sister.
than She was
7 As prices increase, the cost of living becomes higher. allthe other candidates.
g she writes veryThe ...........
creatively. ........ the cost of living becomes.

creative She ...........

9 George made the same number of mistakes as peter. """;' writer'
as George made ........
10 lt's more expensive to live in London than in Llverpoot- ' ........... peter.
not lt's to live in Liverpool
11 MacMahon is the most skilful player in the team. as in London.
as No one else in the team
12 The seller wouldn't accept a lower offer. MacMahon.
f It was
13 She's the most eccentric person I've ever ... the seller would accept.






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